By Paul Manning
First edition
Copyright © 1981 by Paul Manning
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form except by a newspaper
or magazine reviewer who wishes to quote
brief passages in connection with a review.
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Published by Lyle Stuart Inc.
Published simultaneously in Canada by
Musson Book Company, a division of
General Publishing Co. Limited, Don Mills, Ont.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Manning, Paul.
Martin Bormann, Nazi in exile.
Includes index.
1. Bormann, Martin, 1900-1943[?]. 2. National
socialism — Biography. 3. War criminals — Germany —
Biography. I. Title.
DD247.B65M36 943.086'092'4 [B] 81-5696
ISBN 0-8184-0309-8 AACR2
To my wife, Peg, and to our four sons,
Peter, Paul, Gerald and John, whose
collective encouragement and belief in
this book as a work of historic impor-
tance gave me the necessary persistence
and determination to keep going
To Allen W. Dulles, for his encouragement and assurance
that I was "on the right track, and should keep going," after
reading my German research notes in preparation for this book,
during the afternoons we talked in his house on Q__Street in
Washington, D.C.
To Robert W. Wolfe, director of the Modern Military
Branch of the National Archives in Washington, his associate
John E. Taylor, and George Chalou, supervisor of archivists in
the Suitland, Maryland, branch of the National Archives, whose
collective assistance in my search for telling documents from
both sides of World War II contributed substantially to the his-
torical merits of this book
To those retired agents of the U.S. Treasury Department
whose reports and files brought into focus the magnitude of
Martin Bormann's campaign to shift the liquid assets of
Germany to neutral nations during the last months of the war.
To those German nationals who, for the sake of history and
to set the record straight about the leader they believe was the
mainspring of West Germany's postwar recovery, contributed to
my knowledge and insights into the remarkable Bormann
Following page 96:
Bormann and Hitler at Berchtesgaden.
Eva Braun when she was secretary to Hitler's personal photog-
A party celebrating Hitler's birthday, April 20, 1938.
Four photographs of the firebombing of London taken by the
Nazi Reich State Security Bureau (Gestapo) SS General Hein-
rich Mueller.
Purported grave of General Mueller in Berlin.
Fritz Thyssen, the Ruhr industrialist and early Hitler support-
Following page 192:
Hans Bernd Gisevius, a German underground leader, giving
testimony at Nuremberg.
Allen Welsh Dulles when he was Roosevelt's personal emissary
to Switzerland.
Hermann Schmitz, chief executive officer of I.G. Farben.
Bormann's capitulation message to Grand Admiral Doenitz.
Travel permit of Hans (Juan) Baumann, friend of Martin
Bormann, from the files of the FBI.
A confidential memo from J. Edgar Hoover regarding
A joint bank account shared by Bormann and Juan Peron.
Bormann's eldest son, Adolph.
Hermann Schmitz being sentenced at Nuremberg.
The author with Dr. Hermann J. Abs, Honorary President of
Deutsche Bank A.G.
Paul Manning as a CBS news correspondent during World
War II.
Bormann? A man of indescribably vast power and the sole
trustee of Hitler's secrets after May 1, 1945, in the Berlin
bunker, Bormann continues to be the most controversial, per-
plexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead
and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would
embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the
industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen
and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing
days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents
who profited from the 750 corporations he established through-
out the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds,
and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and
There are also those who know he is not dead, and I am
among those who hold this belief. When I penetrated the
silence cloaking this story, after countless interviews and labori-
ous research in German and American archives for revealing
documents of World War II, I knew that the Bormann saga of
flight capital and his escape to South America was really true.
It had been covered up by an unparalleled manipulation of pub-
lic opinion and the media. The closer I got to the truth, the
more quiet attention I received from the forces surrounding and
protecting Martin Bormann, and also from those who had a
direct interest in halting my investigation. Over the period of
years it took to research this book, I was the object of diligent
observation by squads of Gestapo agents dispatched from South
America by General "Gestapo" Mueller, who directs all securi-
ty matters for Martin Bormann, Nazi in exile, and his organi-
zation, the most remarkable business group anywhere in the
secret world of today. Mueller's interest in me, an American
journalist, confirmed the truth of my many interviews and my
ongoing investigation: Bormann is alive, they don't want waves,
so they have been willing to expend immense time and money
in tracking me and my progress.
There are also those in international government and business
who have attempted to stop my forward movement on this inves-
tigation. In Germany, France, England, and the United States,
too many leaders in government and finance still adhere to
Winston Churchill's statement to his Cabinet in 1943: "In
wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended
by a bodyguard of lies." For these leaders act as if the war is still
on, especially when they are trying to protect their flanks, their
wealth, and their influential peers in government, business, and
banking. The West German government fears this story will
emerge and will do harm to its growing prestige, which is really
the one resounding victory the German nation can point to with
pride. Yet because they are unsure how it will be received by their
allies of today, and because many in the Federal Republic of
Germany bear the burdens of war guilt, the prudent course, they
believe, is silence, and, when necessary, the implied intimidation
of publishers and literary agents who might be tempted to run
with this story. But Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile, is a great
slice of true history whose time has come for publication.
Oddly, I encountered less resistance from Martin Bormann
and his aging peers than I did from the cover-up groups in West
Germany, Paris, London, Washington, and Wall Street. Bor-
mann knows he is mortal, as are his cronies who have turned
over the day-to-day direction of the Bormann organization to a
younger leadership. The old guard want the story told, and the
only point of friction is whether it should be before or after
Fuehrer Bormann's demise.
The investigation into this historical account begins at the
Nuremberg trials, when the Tribunal appointed H. Trevor
Roper, the Oxford don and author of The Last Days of Hitler,
to investigate the alleged death of Martin Bormann. Roper was
to comment that giving in to death was not part of the
Reichsleiter's game plan: "There was at least one man in the
bunker who thought only of living — Martin Bormann."
In La Fin de Hitler, Gerhard Bolat, a French historian, de-
scribed Bormann in those last days of downfall as "immune from
the general hysteria; calm and undismayed in the midst of mad-
men, as though this 'Twilight of the Gods' was no affair of
his, as though the sun would always rise for him, and intriguing
up to the last."
Martin Bormann was last seen for sure in a tank crossing the
Weidendamm Bridge in Berlin, on the night of May 1, 1945.
Then, for most of the world, he vanished.
Nor are the Russians convinced that Bormann died in Berlin.
The Soviet KGB assigned a Major L. Besymenski in the late
1960s to probe the "death or escape" of Bormann. After two
years of painstaking investigation, his report On the Trail of
Martin Bormann concluded that there was a successful escape to
South America.
The U.S. CIA, on the other hand, theorized that the Reichs-
leiter had succumbed to shellfire as he fled the bunker.
Staunchly insisting this was so, the CIA, for some unexplained
policy reason, advanced, promoted, and encouraged this belief.
They intervened, for instance, when General Reinhard Gehlen
was arranging to publish his memoirs. Gehlen had run the
German espionage network in Russia during World War II, and
later, under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer during the cold war
years, had served as chief of the German Federal Intelligence
Service. The CIA obliged him to include a statement that
Martin Bormann had been a Kremlin spy, and had died in
Russia in 1969! I am told that the general complied with reluc-
tance, but was indebted to the CIA; during the cold war they
had funded his Eastern Europe/Soviet spy operation of 4,000
men at an annual cost to the U.S. taxpayers of around $6 mil-
lion. Back in 1953, his Bureau Gehlen had turned heaven and
earth upside down for clues to Bormann's whereabouts in the
East, reporting officially: "Bormann is not in East Germany or
the Soviet Union. The Bureau has been unable to discover what
happened to him after he left the Reich Chancellery." Gehlen's
credibility in knowledgeable West German political and espi-
onage circles was damaged by this circumlocution. Called to
Bonn to explain, he in essence retracted his statement.
My own West German sources have told me: "The CIA was
behind the General Gehlen statement. It was a manipulation of
public opinion by the CIA, immediately obvious to anyone who
knows anything about this subject. Bormann and his links to
Germany today are a hidden but a very real political issue." H.
Trevor Roper commented about the Gehlen af fair: "For this
story there is neither evidence nor probability. Had it been true,
it was Gehlen's duty to report it long ago; and his belated 'rev-
elation' has only damaged his own credibility."
In U.S. academe, Professor Male Fainsode, Harvard histori-
an and author of How Russia Is Ruled, commented on the
Gehlen statement: "There is no information available among
Russian scholars, so far as I know, to support or deny the pres-
ence of Bormann in the Soviet Union."
Grand Admiral Doenitz, at home in Kiel, was among those
who doubted that Bormann had either considered being a Soviet
agent or was making his way to Russia. Simon Wiesenthal,
director of the Jewish Documentation Center in Vienna, like-
wise considers Gehlen's statement "nonsense." Wiesenthal has
stated that his "last credible information confirms Bormann's
presence near the village of Ibiruba, near the Paraguayan border
in the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul." Adolf
Eichmann, captured by Israeli agents in Argentina in 1960,
confirmed that Bormann is alive and dwelling in South America.
In the New York Times in March 1973, 1 wrote, in part:
Martin Bormann is the Reichsleiter in exile, a legally appointed head
of state who does not consider himself a war criminal, according to
spokesmen for him. Much has been written about Bormann in recent
times; all of it incorrect except for the single fact he is alive and in
South America. . . . When the true story of Martin Bormann is writ-
ten it will reveal him to be the man largely responsible for West
Germany's postwar recovery. . . . If he is ever to come out into the
open and live the life of a free man once again, he must refute the
charges of Nuremberg, where he was tried in absentia in 1945-46 and
found not guilty on the charge of crimes against peace, but guilty of
war crimes and crimes against humanity. In its decision, the
International Military Tribunal left a loophole for Martin Bormann if
he ever wishes to reopen the case. . . . "If Bormann is not dead," the
Tribunal stated, "and is later apprehended, the Control Council for
Germany may, under Article 29 of the Charter, consider any facts in
mitigation, and alter or reduce his sentence, if deemed proper."
I concluded my article:
Will Martin Bormann, an unquestioned genius of finance and admin-
istration, take the gamble, or continue to be the most hunted man in
At the Nuremberg Trials, Dr. Friedrich Bergold, the wily
counsel for this defendant, thought to cut through all attempts
to try the absent Reichsleiter with this statement:
Your Lordship, your Honors, the case of the defendant Martin
Bormann, whose defense the Tribunal has commissioned me to
undertake, is an unusual one. When the sun of the National Socialist
Reich was still at its zenith, the defendant lived in the shade. Also
during this Trial he has been a shadowy figure, and in all probability,
he has gone down to the shades — that abode of departed spirits,
according to the belief of the ancients. He alone of the defendants is
not present, and Article 12 of the Charter applies only to him. It
seems as though history wanted to preserve the continuity of the
genius loci and have chosen the town of Nuremberg to be the scene of
a discussion as to whether the fact that a defendant is allegedly no
longer alive can obstruct his being tried in absentia. In Nuremberg, we
have an adage which has come down to us from the Middle Ages, and
which says: "The Nurembergers would never hang a man they did not
hold." Thus, even in former times they had an excellent way in
Nuremberg of dealing with the question as to how proceedings can be
taken against a person in his absence.
In 1972 the eighty- five-year-old bishop of Munich, Johannes
Neuhausler, made public a document of the Roman Catholic
Church, which stated that Bormann had escaped to Spain. The
document said, in part: "Albert Bormann had awaited the re-
turn of his brother Martin to Munich, and they fled from
Salzburg airport. The airport had not been destroyed and there
were also at least ten flights from there of the Fuehrer's mes-
sengers with of ficial documents. All aircraft were suitable for
night and long distance flights." The bishop made the foregoing
statement to prove that "Bormann had enough ways and means
to flee Germany, and that the Vatican had not done anything
special to help him."
In 1973 the West German government of Willy Brandt, in
collusion with the CIA, acted to end for all time the speculation
that Bormann is still alive. It held a press conference in
Frankfurt to declare that Martin Bormann had died in Berlin on
the night of May 1-2, 1945. It displayed a skull alleged to be
that of Bormann. On December 8, 1972, a crew of ditchdiggers
had unearthed two skeletons near the ruins of Berlin's Lehrter
railway station. Investigators had tried to locate these remains
seven years earlier, but now quite by accident, it seemed, they
were found just 20 yards from the previous ef fort. A faded mil-
itary pass on the second body identified it as that of Dr. Ludwig
Stumpfegger, Hitler's physician, who had left the
Fuehrerbunker with Bormann in 1945.
Bormann's dental record, prepared from memory in 1945 by
Dr. Hugo Blaschke on order of a U.S. Army investigation team,
was produced at the Frankfurt press conference, along with a
skull. Dr. Blaschke had been personal dentist to Hitler, Eva
Braun, and Martin Bormann. Prudently, before the Russians
took Berlin, he had moved to Munich. He had died in 1957.
Chief testimony was by Fritz Echtmann, a dental technician
who had made fittings for these three; he testified that the den-
tal work in the skull was that of the missing Reichsleiter. So we
have two items of proof: first, dental data prepared from mem-
ory by Bormann's dentist who had been loyal for many years to
Hitler and Bormann; and, second, the statement of a dental
technician, who had suffered imprisonment in Russia because of
his knowledge of dental work on Hitler and Bormann.
H. Trevor Roper, Regius Professor of Modern History at
Oxford University, commented as recently as January 14, 1973,
in the New York Times: "I have my own reasons for thinking
that Bormann may well have escaped to Italy and thence to
South America. On the present balance of evidence it is quite pos-
sible that Bormann is still alive." B ut he seemed to alter his opinion
somewhat in 1974 after viewing the dental evidence presented to him
by Dr. Reidar F. Sognnaes, the American forensic dental specialist.
Dr. Roper stated to Dr. Sognnaes that, on the basis of the Berlin skull
discovery, said to be that of Bormann: " In consequence of that dis-
covery, and the identification which I presume to be bona fide [italics
mine], that the balance of probability has shifted; and that so far
I have seen no evidence that can shift it back." Yet Simon
Wiesenthal was also present at the Frankfurt press display and
expressed doubt that the skull he saw was that of Bormann.
"There seemed to be a slight dif ference in the skull structure
from that of Bormann," he mused.
Mr. Wiesenthal had gone to the heart of the matter, perhaps
unknowingly. For the alleged Bormann skull is that of a grisly
stand-in, a substitute whose teeth and entire dental structure
had been carefully prepared over a period of time on an inmate
of Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen who looked almost like
the Reichsleiter — a resemblance that Wiesenthal perceived as
not quite 100 percent.
Substituting one body for another has been a ploy much used
by General Heinrich Mueller of the Gestapo. It was he who
coordinated the details of Bormann's disappearance. This is
according to statements made to me by separate individuals
working for three different intelligence services: the Berlin skull
is from a body placed in the location of the freight yards on
April 30, 1945, by an SS Gestapo team commanded by General
Mueller of the Waffen SS. Their account is retold in Chapter 6.
Furthermore, another authority on Bormann has since told me
(in 1977): "Bormann planned this flight with extreme care, and
part of the grand design was a scheme to lead future forensic
and dental specialists astray."
The London Daily Express termed the Frankfurt press con-
ference by the Brandt government a whitewash, and said it was
Bormann's passport to freedom in perpetuity, forever freeing
him from harassment or capture. The European press held that
a deal was made between representatives of the Bormann
NSDAP* in exile in South America and the government of the
Federal Republic of Germany. Their speculation was that by so
doing the government sought to free itself from the unending
nagging pressure of continuing to search for Bormann. As a
result of the Frankfurt press conference, Bormann was, with
worldwide trumpeting, declared dead. Dr. Horst Gauf f, state
prosecutor for Hesse, removed the West German warrant for
Bormann's arrest and the reward of $36,000 for Bormann's cap-
ture. Abroad, West German embassies and consulates were
directed to ignore any future reports:
*NSDAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei National Socialist
German Workers' Party — the Nazi Party).
"If anyone is arrested on suspicion that he is Bormann we will
be dealing with an innocent man."
Has tranquility come to this man of the shadows? It is un-
likely, for there are too many glory days to remember, along with
the certainty that he dare not go home to Germany, despite the
economic victory he achieved for the Fatherland.
His wife, Gerda, whom he married in 1929, opened a nursery
home for Jewish orphans in Bavaria in 1945. U.S. Army intelli-
gence officers who discovered this wanted to throw her in prison;
she was spared this because she was terminally ill, and died in
March 1946 in the infirmary of an Italian monastery at Merano.
General Patton vetoed jailing her: "Let her be. She will meet her
maker soon enough." She appointed a Roman Catholic priest as
executor of her will and as guardian of her ten children. The eld-
est, Adolf Martin, named for his godfather, Adolf Hitler,
became a Jesuit priest, serving the order for years in the Congo.
He asked for reassignment to South America, and the request
went to the Vatican because of his father's prominence in histo-
ry; the request was denied, for Vatican officials felt that it was no
coincidence. It was assumed that Martin Bormann in exile
missed his children and had requested his eldest son to join him
in South America. Approval would have cast a spotlight of dis-
affection on the Vatican. Denied, Adolf Bormann resigned from
the priesthood, subsequently married a former nun, Cordula, and
today they are working together as missionaries to the Indians of
Brazil and Bolivia. Can it not be thought that he visits Bormann,
Senior, in his last years?
The flame flickers low, but "Whatever became of Martin
Bormann?" is unceasingly engrossing. My wartime CBS col-
league, the late Edward R. Murrow, had talked at length with
me about developing the Bormann saga as a solid and histori-
cally enlightening, valuable postwar story.
When Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, through an emissary,
informed a gathering of Nazi industrialists in Strasbourg on
August 10, 1944, "The war cannot be won by us; we must take
steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign," he
made just that possible by putting into action his new German
state policy: the flight of capital — that is to say, money, patents,
scientists, administrators — to neutral nations where this wealth
would develop free of seizure by the Allies. This Bormann pro-
gram of flight capital to safe havens, together with the endeavors
of the German people, the grants of Marshall Plan money for
reconstruction of factories, and the investment money that even-
tually found its way back home, moved the new West German
Federal Republic forward to its present prosperity.
I was impelled to write this book to present to thinking peo-
ple the verity of modern history's most all-encompassing con-
spiracy of silence, and to straighten out some of the lingering
distortions that have developed from the massive outpouring of
slanted communiques and press releases from governments and
private interests over the past three decades, until caring people
everywhere are hard put to tell truth from fiction, with too much
fiction passing for history.
New York
the broad Alsatian plain was lifting to reveal glistening mountain-
side acres of wine grapes and the string of fortresses that
dominate the hillsides and vineyard villages on the road from
Colmar — fortresses old when Joan of Arc was young. A Mercedes-
Benz, flying Nazi swastika and SS flags from the front bump-
ers, was moving at high speed through columns of German
infantry marching toward Colmar from where the command car
had come. A mountainous region, some of World War II's
bitterest fighting was to take place there as winter approached,
once American divisions had bypassed Paris and moved through
Metz into the Colmar Gap.
The staff car had left Colmar at first light for Strasbourg,
carrying SS Obergruppenfuehrer Scheid, who held the rank of
lieutenant general in the Waf fen SS, as well as the title of Dr.
Scheid, director of the industrial firm of Hermadorf f & Schen-
burg Company. While the beauty of the rolling countryside was
not lost on Dr. Scheid, his thoughts were on the meeting of
important German businessmen to take place on his arrival at
the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg. Reichsleiter Martin
Bormann himself had ordered the conference, and although he
would not physically be present he had confided to Dr. Scheid,
who was to preside, "The steps to be taken as a result of this
meeting will determine the postwar future of Germany." The
Reichsleiter had added, "German industry must realize that the
war cannot now be won, and must take steps to prepare for a
postwar commercial campaign which will in time insure the
economic resurgence of Germany." It was August 10, 1944.
The Mercedes-Benz bearing SS Obergruppenfuehrer Scheid
moved slowly now through the narrow streets of Strasbourg. Dr.
Scheid noticed that this was a most agreeable city, one to return
to after the war. It was the city where in 1792 the stirring Mar-
sellaise was composed by Rouget de Lisle, ostensibly for the
mayor's banquet. The street signs all in French, the names of
the shops all in German, were characteristic of bilingual Alsace,
a land that has been disputed throughout known history, par-
ticularly since the formation of the two nations, Germany and
France. After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles restored
Alsace-Lorraine to France, but after the fall of France in World
War II the Germans reannexed these 5,600 square miles o f
territory, and life went on as usual, except for the 18,000 Alsa-
tians who had volunteered to fight for the Third Reich on the
Eastern Front.
The staff car drew up before the Hotel Maison Rouge on the
rue des France-Bourgeois. Dr. Scheid, briefcase in hand, entered
the lobby and ascended in the elevator to the conference suite
reserved for his meeting. Methodically he circled the room,
greeting each of the twelve present, then took his place at the
head of the conference table. Even the pads and pencils before
each man had been checked; Waf fen SS technicians had swept
the entire room, inspecting for hidden microphones and mini-
ature transmitters. As an additional precaution, all suites flank-
ing the conference suite had been held unfilled, as had the floors
above and below, out of bounds for the day. Lunch was to be
served in the conference suite by trusted Waf fen SS stewards.
Those present, all thirteen of them, could be assured that the
thorough precautions would safeguard them all, even the secre-
tary who was to take the minutes, later to be typed with a copy
sent by SS courier to Bormann.
A transcript of that meeting is in my possession. It is a cap-
tured German document from the files of the U.S. Treasury
Department, and states who was present and what was said, as
the economy of the Third Reich was projected onto a postwar
profit-seeking track.
Present were Dr. Kaspar representing Krupp, Dr. Tolle repre-
senting Rochling, Dr. Sinceren representing Messerschmitt, Drs.
Kopp, Vier, and Beerwanger representing Rheinmetall, Captain
Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe representing Bussing, Drs. Ellenmayer
and Kardos representing Volkswagenwerk, engineers Drose,
Yanchew, and Koppshem representing various factories in Posen,
Poland (Drose, Yanchew, &Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke,
Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke); Dr. Meyer, an of ficial of the
German Naval Ministry in Paris; and Dr. Strossner of the Min-
istry of Armament, Paris.
Dr. Scheid, papers from his briefcase arranged neatly on the
table before him, stated that all industrial materiel in France
was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. "The battle of
France is lost to Germany," he admitted, quoting Reichsleiter
Bormann as his authority, "and now the defense of the Siegfried
Line (and Germany itself) is the main problem. . . . From now
on, German industry must take steps in preparation for a post-
war commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making
new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done
individually and without attracting any suspicion. However, the
party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with
permissive and financial support." He assured those present that
the frightening law of 1933 known as Treason Against the
Nation, which mandated the death penalty for violation of for-
eign exchange regulations or concealing of foreign currency, was
now null and void, on direct order of Reichsleiter Bormann.
Dr. Scheid also af firmed, "The ground must now be laid on
the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign
countries after the war." As an example of the kind of support
that had been most useful to Germany in the past, Dr. Scheid
cited the fact that "patents for stainless steel belonged to the
Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp Com-
pany of Germany, jointly, and that of the United States Steel
Corporation, Carnegie, Illinois, American Steel & Wire, Na-
tional Tube, etc., were thereby under an obligation to work
with the Krupp concern." He also cited the Zeiss Company, the
Leica Company, and the Hamburg- Amerika Line as typical
firms that had been especially ef fective in protecting German
interests abroad. He gave New York addresses to the twelve
men. Glancing at his watch, Dr. Scheid asked for comments
from each of the twelve around the table. Then he adjourned the
morning session for lunch.
At his signal, soldier stewards brought in a real Strasbourg
lunch. On a long side table they placed plates of pate de foie
gras, matelote, noodles, sauerkraut, knuckles of ham, sausages,
and onion tarts, along with bottles of Coq au Riesling from
nearby wineries. Brandy and cigars were also set out and the
stewards left the room, closing the doors quietly as guards stood
at attention.
Following lunch, several, including Dr. Scheid, left for the
Rhine and Germany, where they would spread the word among
their peers in industry about the new industrial goals for the
postwar years.
A smaller conference in the afternoon was presided over by
Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry. It was attended
only by representatives of Hecko, Krupp, and Rochling. Dr.
Bosse restated Bormann's belief that the war was all but lost,
but that it would be continued by Germany until certain goals
to insure the economic resurgence of Germany after the war
had been achieved. He added that German industrialists must
be prepared to finance the continuation of the Nazi Party,
which would be forced to go underground, just as had the
Maquis in France.
"From now on, the government in Berlin will allocate large
sums to industrialists so that each can establish a secure post-
war foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves
in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the party
in order that a strong German empire can be created after
defeat. It is almost immediately required," he continued, "that
the large factories in Germany establish small technical of fices
or research bureaus which will be absolutely independent and
have no connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive
plans and drawings of new weapons, as well as documents which
they will need to continue their research. These special of flees
are to be established in large cities where security is better,
although some might be formed in small villages near sources
of hydroelectric power, where these party members can pretend
to be studying the development of water resources for benefit
of any Allied investigators."
Dr. Bosse stressed that knowledge of these technical bureaus
would be held only by a very few persons in each industry and
by chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each of flee would have a liaison
agent representing the party and its leader, Reichsleiter Bor-
mann. "As soon as the party becomes strong enough to reestab-
lish its control over Germany, the industrialists will be paid
for their effort and cooperation by concessions and orders."
At both morning and afternoon conferences, it was empha-
sized that the existing prohibition against the export of capital
"is now completely withdrawn and replaced by a new Nazi pol-
icy, in which industrialists with government assistance (Bor-
mann to be the guiding leader) will export as much of their
capital as possible, capital meaning money, bonds, patents, sci-
entists, and administrators."
Bosse urged the industrialists to proceed immediately to get
their capital outside Germany. "The freedom thus given to
German industrialists further cements their relations with the
party by giving them a measure of protection in future ef forts at
home and overseas."
From this day, German industrial firms of all rank were to
begin placing their funds — and, wherever possible, key man-
power — abroad, especially in neutral countries. Dr. Bosse
advised that "two main banks can be used for the export of funds
for firms who have made no prior arrangements: the Basler
Handelsbank and the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich."
He also stated, "There are a number of agencies in Switzerland
which for a five percent commission will buy property in
Switzerland for German firms, using Swiss cloaks."
Dr. Bosse closed the meeting, observing that "after the defeat
of Germany, the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best
known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in
cooperation with the industrialists, it is arranging to place its less
conspicuous but most important members with various German
factories as technical experts or members of its research and
designing offices."
The meeting adjourned late. As the participants left, Dr.
Bosse placed a call to Martin Bormann in Berlin over SS lines.
The conversation was cryptic, merely a report that all industri-
alists at the one-day Strasbourg conference had agreed to the new
policy of "flight capital" as initiated by the Reichsleiter. With
the report completed, Bormann then placed a call, to Dr.
Georg von Schnitzler, member of the central committee of the
I.G. Farben board of directors.
I.G. Farben had been the largest single earner of foreign ex-
change for Germany during the years of the Third Reich. Its
operations in Germany included control of 380 companies with
factories, power installations, and mines, as well as vast chemical
establishments. It operated in 93 countries and the sun never set
on I.G. Farben, which had a participation, both acknowledged
and concealed, in over 500 firms outside Germany. They grew
as the Third Reich did, and as German armies occupied each
country in Europe they were followed by Farben technicians
who built further factories and expanded the I.G. investment
to RM (Reichsmarks) 7 billion. The Farben cartel agreements
involving trade and the related use of its chemical patents also
numbered over 2,000, including such major industrial concerns
as Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon), the Aluminum
Company of America, E.I. du Font de Nemours, Ethyl Export
Corporation, Imperial Chemical Industries (Great Britain),
Dow Chemical Company, Rohm &Haas, Etablissments Kuhl-
man (France), and the Mitsui interests of Japan.
I.G. Farben was a formidable ally for Reichsleiter Bormann
in his plans for the postwar economic rebirth of Germany. In a
telephone conversation with Dr. von Schnitzler, Bormann asked
what would the loss of factories in France and the other occu-
pied countries mean to German industry in general and to I.G.
in particular. Dr. von Schnitzler said he believed the technical
dependence of these countries on I.G. would be so great that
despite German defeat I.G., in one way or another, could regain
its position of control of the European chemical business.
"They will need the constant technical help of I.G. 's scien-
tific laboratories as they do not own appropriate installations
within themselves," he further told Bormann, adding that he
and other industrialists such as Hermann Rochling "do not
think much of Hitler's recent declaration of a scorched-earth
policy for Germany. Destruction of our factories will surely
inhibit Germany's recovery in the postwar world," he af firmed.
Bormann pondered this exchange with von Schnitzler. It was
then that he determined to countermand Hitler's order for the
ruthless destruction of German industry. He was aware also that
the Gauleiters, the regional political supervisors and area com-
manders of the party, who reported to him as party chief, shared
the same view as expressed by Dr. von Schnitzler.
However, Bormann waited nearly four weeks until the right
moment came to go against Hitler's directive. It came when
Albert Speer, minister for armaments and war production, sent
a teletype on September 5, 1944, to headquarters for Hitler's
attention. In this message, Speer outlined the realistic reasons
why industrial plants should not be destroyed; Bormann lost no
time sending this on to all the Gauleiters of Germany with his
own imperative: "On behalf of the Fuehrer I herewith transmit
to you a communication from Reichsminister Speer. Its provis os
are to be observed strictly and unconditionally."
Speer had commented, "Even Bormann had played along
with me. He seemed to be more aware than Hitler of the fearf ul
consequences of total devastation." Speer also noted, in this
month of September 1944, that "Hitler's authority in the party
was no longer what it had been."
Such authority had long since passed quietly to Reichsleiter
Bormann, who had succeeded in outmaneuvering all the old
gang: Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, the various generals, and
Speer, who was told in 1944 by Hitler always to deal directly
with Bormann on all matters. As Speer put it, "I had lost for
good." He was embittered and envious, and his feelings were
to color every utterance he made about the Reichsleiter.
Martin Bormann was now the leader in fact of Germany.
Hitler, exhausted, drained of the charisma of the glory days of
the thirties and the conquest years of the early forties, was going
through the gestures of military leadership mechanically as his
troops fell back on all fronts. Martin Bormann, forty-one at the
fall of Berlin, and strong as a bull, was at all times at Hitler's
side, impassive and cool. His be-all and end-all was to guide
Hitler, and now to make the decisions that would lead to the
eventual rebirth of his country. Hitler, his intuitions at peak
level despite his crumbling physical and mental health in the 1st
year of the Third Reich, realized this and approved of it. "Bury
your treasure," he advised Bormann, "for you will need it to
begin a Fourth Reich." That is precisely what Bormann was
about when he set in motion the "flight capital" scheme August
10, 1944, in Strasbourg. The treasure, the golden ring, he envi-
sioned for the new Germany was the sophisticated distribution
of national and corporate assets to safe havens throughout the
neutral nations of the rest of the world.
Martin Bormann knew in his heart that the war in Europe
was over when Normandy was lost. The day Hitler's troops were
defeated at the Falaise Gap was the day he ordered swing indus-
trialists of Germany to Strasbourg to hear his plans for
Germany's future.
Society's natural survivors, French version, who had served the
Third Reich as an extension of German industry, would con-
tinue to do so in the period of postwar trials, just as they had
survived the war, occupation, and liberation. These were many
of the French elite, the well-born, the propertied, the titled, the
experts, industrialists, businessmen, bureaucrats, bankers. On
the other hand, the intellectuals, the writers, the propagandists
for the Germans, and the deputies of the Third Republic were
among those purged with a heavy hand. The number of French-
men who were part of the resistance during World War II was
never large, about 2 percent of the adult population. With the
liberation of France, old scores were settled: 124,750 persons
were tried, 767 being executed for treason or contact with the
enemy in time of war. Sentenced to prison terms were 38,000,
who also endured "loss of national dignity" — disenfranchisement
and ineligibility to hold public of fice. Even before any arrests
and trials could take place, another 4,500 were shot out of
Still, economic collaboration in France with the Germans
had been so widespread (on all levels of society) that there had
to be a realization that an entire nation could not be brought to
trial. Only a few years before, there had been many a sincere
and well-meaning Frenchman — as in Belgium, England, and
throughout Europe — who believed National Socialism to be the
wave of the future, indeed, the only hope for curing the many
desperate social, political, and economic ills of the time. France,
along with other occupied countries, did contribute volunteers
for the fight against Russia. Then there were many other
Frenchmen, the majority, who resignedly felt there was no way
the Germans could be pushed back across the Rhine.
Meanwhile, individuals had to survive. After 1940 France was
neatly tucked into the German economic scheme; occupied
countries would be supply areas for the benefit of the Third
Reich. As an example of the cooperating industrialist, there was
Marcel Boussac, the richest man in France at the time. This
aging cotton textile magnate, now deceased, prospered under
German occupation, like his peers. He had done well in World
War I, and he did well during World War II. In the former he
made his first millions, by supplying uniforms and airplane fab-
ric to the French army. Between wars he expanded, acquiring
textile factories by the dozens. When the Germans swept across
France in 1940 he promptly turned to them as new customers,
and began making the cloth for German army uniforms, para-
chute materials, and linen for fire-hose lining (a big-ticket item
as British and American bombers set fire to German cities).
Other textile manufacturers, particularly those at Calais and
Caudry, made the camouflage for such German defense installa-
tions at the West Wall, and mosquito netting for Rommel's
Afrika Korps.
Boussac and his kind produced a trickle of fabrics for French
clothing, but, on German orders, there was almost no limit to
the quantity and quality of goods they turned out for the
French fashion industry. German policy was to nurture the
haute couture houses of Paris. It brought in foreign exchange,
and it was good propaganda to have the world note luxury
continuing to flourish as ever in the French capital.
In 1943, when the needs of the civilian population were to
be met with an annual allowance of one kilo of cloth per per-
son, the haute couture received 80 metric tons, enough to fill
the regular clothing rations from 80,000 French civilians. Lucien
LeLong, under German guidance, was the director in charge
of policy for the French fashion industry. His collection and
those of 60 other maisons de couture participating in the sea-
sonal fashion shows in Paris for buyers from Germany, the
other occupied countries of Europe, and the neutral nations,
maintained prewar Parisian fashion standards. French fashions
continued to be sold in markets of the Western Hemisphere
throughout the war. One device often used as part of such a
marketing scheme was to have fashionable women "expelled"
from France for anti-German and pro-Allied sentiments. The
women would then make their way to Lisbon and sail for N ew
York or Buenos Aires on a neutral steamer with their trunks
containing the latest creations of LeLong and his group of
collaborating maisons de couture. Orders were taken, paid for,
This was collaboration, but few in this industry were to go
on trial, any more than were the industrialists who owned the
textile companies, chemical plants, and heavy industry. How-
ever, the rayon industry was more than a collaboration between
French and German interests. The Gillet-Carnot organization
of the French rayon interests had close prewar relationships in
price controls and markets to the German Kunstseide and
Zellwolle Ring, and this laid the foundation for fuller collabo-
ration after the collapse of France. By December 1940, most of
the rayon-producing facilities in France were united under a new
holding company, France-Rayonne, to which the German
Ring group contributed 33 percent of the capital in the form of
patent rights and technical advice.
The capital of those French companies that became subsidi-
aries of France-Rayonne totaled over 800 million francs. Three
quarters of this sum was represented by National Viscose and
Givet-Izieux, in which the Gillet and related families, such as
Balay, Bizot, and Motte, were the largest shareholders.
The large French chemical interests of Kuhlmann also had
their agreements with I.G Farbenindustrie long before the war.
Then, when France fell, this relationship ripened, expanding
into full German majority control and stock ownership. The
I.G. board of directors formed a new French holding company,
capitalized at 800 million francs, and named it Francolor; it held
the stock of Kuhlmann and other French dye and chemical
interests. Fifty-one percent of Francolor' s stock was acquired by
I.G. Farbenindustrie, without whose basic patents no chemical
company in Europe could operate.
The Germans were also diligent in acquiring stock control in
other prime industries, and when their troops were forced from
France in 1944, their economic imprint would remain.
When Reichsleiter Bormann accepted the fact that the war
was lost, he gave himself nine months to place into operation
his flight capital program of safe haven for the liquid assets of
Germany. Little Alsace-Lorraine was a microcosm of Nazi take-
overs in the rest of occupied Europe as regards commerce, in-
dustry, and banking. They had fitted the iron and steel industry
of Lorraine into their vast International Steel Cartel and had
"Aryanized" Jewish concerns, which meant outright appropria-
tion. I.G. Farben assumed control of the potassium mines of
Alsace. The insurance business, which had been largely under-
written by French and British companies, was transferred to
German companies. The big German banks, such as Deutsche
Bank, Commerzbank, and Dresdnerbank, purchased majority
shares of the Alsace-Lorraine banks, the institutions that under
occupation controlled the very life and economy of the people.
With the disastrous conflict-to-come looming after August 10,
1944, the realists — that is to say, Bormann, the Ruhr industri-
alists, and the German bankers — knew it was time for new and
secretive directions, were Germany to survive and emerge from
defeat to once more become a world leader.
planned shrewdly for the future, keeping six secretaries busy.
During the final six months of World War II he sorted his
records, shipping them with other historical documents to
South America: by truck to Munich, by air to Spain in special
Luftwaffe courier planes, then on freighters chartered for the
transport of German SS men from their gathering place at the
terminal of two principal escape routes, the Spanish port of
Vigo. This small city, in the northeastern province of Galicia,
was dictator Generalissimo Franco's home region.
One of Bormann's office ladies in Berlin described him as a
"fiend for organization and paperwork," which was indeed his
forte while he was rising through the ranks to become Hitler's
right-hand man. A master of intrigue, and therefore generally
disdained by many in the inner circle around the Fuehrer,
Bormann always had the unquestioning confidence of the Nazi
leader; this was his wellspring of unlimited power.
In dismissing criticisms of Bormann, Hitler once explained:
"I know that he is brutal. But there is a sense in everything he
does, and I can absolutely rely on my orders being carried out
by Bormann immediately and in spite of all obstacles. Bor-
mann's proposals are so precisely worked out that I have only to
say yes or no. With him I deal in ten minutes with a pile of
documents for which with another man I should need hours.
If I say to him, remind me about such-and-such a matter in half
a year's time, I can be sure he will really do so."
Albert Speer, an architect who began his professional life
designing buildings for the Nazis, rose to become the highly
competent minister of armaments and war production. In his
book, Inside the Third Reich, he described how Bormann solidi-
fied his position as number one man to Hitler:
He alone, with Hitler's compliance, drew up the appointments calen-
dar, which meant that he decided which civilian members of the gov-
ernment or Party could see, or more important, could not see, the
Fuehrer. Hardly any of the ministers, Reichsleiters, or Gauleiters
could penetrate to Hitler. All had to ask Bormann or present their
programs to him. Bormann was very efficient. Usually the official in
question received an answer in writing within a few days, whereas in
the past he would have had to wait for months. I was one of the
exceptions to this rule. Since my sphere was military in nature, I had
access to Hitler whenever I wished. Hitler's military adjutants were
the ones who set up my appointments.
After my conference with Hitler, it sometimes happened that the
adjutant would announce Bormann, who would then come into the
room carrying his files. In a few sentences, he would report on the
memoranda sent to him. He spoke monotonously and with seeming
objectivity and would then advance his own solution. Usually Hitler
merely nodded and spoke his terse, "Agreed." On the basis of this one
word, or even a comment by Hitler, which was hardly meant as a direc-
tive, Bormann would often draft lengthy instructions. In this way ten or
more important decisions were sometimes made within half an hour.
De facto, Bormann was conducting the internal affairs of the Reich.
H. Trevor Roper has observed: "Bormann was a man of enor-
mous power, for he controlled the whole party machine through
which Germany was governed. . . . The more adventurous figures
around Hitler despised Bormann as a plodding bureaucrat, an
uncultured lout. The more colorful, more intellectual figures
around Lenin despised Stalin on precisely the same grounds. But
we know who won."
Bormann was a classic embodiment of the dictator in the
antechamber, a type now usual in governments around the
world and in the multinational corporations, which usually tell
governments what to do. Those who scorned him were typical
stalwarts of every revolutionary movement, the old guard of faith-
ful fighters, the populists, who assume their early success will
endure unchangingly. Great individuals build up great corpora-
tions; but it is the second generation of professional managers to
whom shareholders look to carry on the tradition of expansion
and profits. Martin Bormann was a second-generation profes-
sional who consolidated for Hitler the power he had accumulat-
ed. He was at ease in the bureaucratic apparatus and mastered the
mechanisms of government with the greatest skill. Behind his
back he was referred to as "Hitler's evil spirit." One of the inner
circle was said to burst out, "I am claiming for myself the privi-
lege of personally killing the Fuehrer's Mephistopheles."
There he was, Martin Bormann, at Hitler's side from daybreak
until midnight, his stocky figure in Nazi uniform, his briefcase
always at hand, listening, weighing situations, diligent, calculat-
ing, ever supportive of the Fuehrer, ever indispensable. Walter
Schellenberg, chief of the SS Foreign Intelligence Service,
described Bormann as "a thickset man, with square shoulders and
a bull neck. His eyes were like those of a boxer advancing on his
opponent. His appearance was conventional and unassuming.
Those who were rivals and even enemies always underestimated
his abilities."
While the more conspicuous leaders of the Third Reich were
strutting before the people of Germany and parading for the news
media of the world, Bormann was unobtrusively gaining control
of those points of power that count. He earned and kept to the
last the total trust of Hitler.
Martin Bormann was born on June 17, 1900, in Halberstadt.
He had a younger brother, Albert, born on September, 2; 1902.
Their father had served in the German army in World War I as
a senior sergeant, and afterward became a civil servant in the
German postal system. Both sons were baptized and raised as
evangelical Lutherans. Martin attended the Science High School
of Halberstadt, where his capabilities in mathematics were
noted. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, he was called into the
army during the tag end days of World War I and found him-
self a cannoneer in the 55th Field Artillery Regiment.
Discharged the following year, he attended agricultural college.
Then appeared evidence of his interest in German nationalism;
he joined a Freikorps, a paramilitary group of right-wing acti-
vists. These had been formed in a loosely knit manner through-
out Germany to counter communists and foreign interests.
The Freikorps that Bormann joined was directed by a Lieu-
tenant Gerhard Rossbach. One of the lasting friendships Bor-
mann made through this association was with Hermann von
Treuenfels, scion of an important landowning family of Meck-
lenburg. In 1920 Bormann became goods inspector on the von
Treuenfels estate near Parchin. It was a time of raging inflation.
Before 1912 a billion marks would have been a Krupp-type
fortune, but in 1921-22 it had the purchasing power of one
cigarette or a small candy bar. The Freikorps dedicated itself to
halting this destructive condition and the inroads of com-
munists in government. By day Bormann worked on the estate;
by night he carried out sabotage operations against the French
occupation troops. The following year, 1923, during a skirmish
in Mecklenburg, Bormann, as leader of the district unit of the
Rossbach organization, was arrested for complicity in the mur-
der of a communist said to have infiltrated the Freikorps. He
was tried for what was termed a "political assassination of a
traitor," found guilty, and sent to Leipzig prison for one year.
Released in 1925, he returned to Mecklenburg, and on July 4,
1926, joined the National Socialist German Workers Party,
earlier formed by Adolf Hitler. Bormann's party number, an
early one, was 60,508.
Martin Bormann's organizational abilities and financial acu-
men were soon recognized. In 1928 he was made district leader,
business manager, and spokesman for the NSDAP's district of
Thuringia in Jena. Then, from 1928 until 1950 he was assigned
to the headquarters staff of the Supreme Command of the SA,
the "oberste SA," which controlled the activities of the Storm
Troopers, or Brown Shirts. On September 2, 1929, he married
Gerda Buch, the daughter of Major Walter Buch, chairman of
the party's court for the determination of NSDAP legal matters
and internal discipline.
These were heady days for Bormann. The communists, who
threatened to seize control of Germany and indeed nearly did
so, were being battled in the streets of German cities by the SA,
and Bormann was part of the action. Most thoughtful, solid
Germans had become frightened and were disenchanted with
the vacillating government of the Weimar Republic, virtually
powerless to stanch inflation and to stabilize the mark. Abert
Speer, in his book Inside the Third Reich, describes how he
was drawn to Hitler's National Socialist German Workers
It must have been during these months that my mother saw an SA
parade in the streets of Heidelberg. The sight of discipline in a time of
chaos, the impression of energy in an atmosphere of universal hope-
lessness, seems to have won her over also. She joined the Party. Both
of us seem to have felt this decision to be a breach with a liberal fam-
ily tradition. In any case, we concealed it from one another and from
my father.
The crucial fact appeared to me to be that I personally had to
choose between a future communist Germany or a future National
Socialist Germany since the political center between these two
antipodes had melted away.
Moreover, in 1931, 1 had some reason to feel that Hitler was mov-
ing in a moderate direction. The party at that time was confining
itself to denouncing what it called the excessive influence of the Jews
upon various spheres of cultural and economic life. It was demanding
that Jewish participation in these various areas be reduced to a level
consonant with their percentage of the population.
Funding was the overriding problem of the new political
party. Bormann, working in the high echelons of the NSDAP,
knew it would never become a dominant part of German
political life until it had the support of German industry. Other
parties were being funded with millions of marks annually, par-
ticularly "Deutsche Volkpartei," "Deutschnationalen," and
"Dermokraten." The Social Democrats were largely supported
by the banks and breweries. So it was that Bormann considered
it a major breakthrough when, in 1931, Dr. Emil Kirdorf, a
leading Ruhr coal producer, and Fritz Thyssen, a steel magnate,
introduced Hitler into the influential Rheinisch-Westfalian
industrial circles. The NSDAP benefited with nearly a million
marks, enough to whet the appetite but not quite enough for
political success.
Turning points were at hand for Hitler and his group. In
January Count Hans Rodo von Alvensleben, a Junker nobleman
and landowner in Prussia, an important Ruhr industrialist a nd
board member of Deutsche Bank, attended a meeting at Hitler's
house in company with such as Baron Kurt von Schroeder,
partner of the Cologne banking firm of J.H. Stein Bankhaus.
At this gathering, Count von Alvensleben spoke glowingly of
Hitler to the other industrialists present, as he did to Paul von
Hindenburg, the Reich president, and Franz von Papen, who
were both there. The presence of these two revered figures was a
tremendous coup for Hitler. When the evening ended, there were
commitments all around to aid Hitler in his ambitions.
In the following month, February, twenty industrialists met
in the home of the president of the Reichstag, Hermann Goer-
ing. Among those present were such luminaries as Dr. Georg
von Schnitzler of I.G. Farben, representing the board of direc-
tors, and I.G.'s president, Hermann Schmitz. Hitler spoke about
a new alliance he had made for his party to join forces with the
Deutsche-Nationale Volkspartei, led by Franz von Papen, who
was later to become vice chancellor of the Third Reich. Hitler
stressed how important it was for the joined parties to gain a
majority in the forthcoming Reichstag elections. Finishing
speaking, he withdrew, and grandfather Krupp von Bohlen and
others voted to contribute 3 million Reichsmarks to the two
party alliance.
With this encouragement, funds now poured in from indus-
try in general. The elections in March were a breeze. Hitler went
over the top, with the backing of industrialists, bankers, the
middle class, the small tradesmen and craftsmen, and the World
War I veterans, especially the former officers. All were con-
vinced that Hitler must be voted into power if communism
and civil war were to be avoided.
As chancellor, Hitler moved Germany forward. From a nation
with the most jobless it became the nation with the fewest.
This was achieved by permitting industry to have its head in free
enterprise and open competition. H e harnessed the people, not
industry. He told the workers of Germany that full employ-
ment and prosperity depended on greater production and work
at all levels. German mass production became the envy of
Europe, not only in its volume but also in its quality. Trade
generated with Western Europe and the Balkan countries dou-
bled and tripled. Through this and a refreshed diplomacy, much
of Europe was being drawn into the German orbit and away
from France and Great Britain, a matter of increasing concern
in Paris and London.
But as a political leader as well as head of government, Hitler
was aware that his domestic machinery, the basis of his power,
must run smoothly everywhere and at all times. On April 25,
1930, he had appointed Martin Bormann director of the NSDAP
fund. Then, in July 1933, Hitler moved Bormann into a signifi-
cant power control position — chief of staff to his deputy Rudolf
Hess, a dedicated Nazi, but one who lacked the drive and orga-
nizational abilities necessary for continued control of an always
expanding political apparatus. Bormann soon had things run-
ning smoothly — his way. Citing unity and efficiency, he reduced
the influence of the old guard by rearranging areas of jurisdic-
tion. He turned the N SDAP treasurer, Franz Schwarz, into a
mere bookkeeper, and assumed the powers of the office for him-
self. Bormann had a natural money mind. He was precise i n
fiscal matters, exact in administrative procedures, cold, delibe ir-
ate, Machiavellian, and would have made a fine banker had he
not gotten into politics. In a manner of speaking, as the years
went by, he came to be a banker, eventually controlling all the
banks of Germany, and through them the banks of all occupied
In this era of the early thirties and the new prosperity of
German industry and commerce, it followed naturally as day
into night that Martin Bormann would devise a conduit to
sluice funds on a regular basis to the NSDAP and Hitler. The
Adolf Hitler Endowment Fund of German Industry was set up.
All German industry was to subscribe to this; 60 million marks
were collected annually to strengthen the party. Businesses didn't
mind, for they were getting major government contracts as well
as increasing commercial trade from abroad. Such a fund also
did away with some of the incessant requests for money by
offshoots of the party organization. Himmler, for example, had
been tapping leading bankers and business leaders for contribu-
tions to his SS welfare fund, from which he did not personally
benefit, oddly enough. The companies contributing comprised a
list of important banks and industries: Deutsche Bank, Dresd-
ner Bank, Commerzbank, the Reichstag Bank, the J.H. Stein
Bankhaus, Norddeutscher Lloyd and Hamburg- Amerika shipping
companies, the Dr. August Oetker Food Production Company,
and such giant firms as I.G. Farben, Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke,
Siemens-Schuckert-Werke A.G., Portland Cement Rheinmetall-
Borsig, and the Reichswerke Hermann Goering. The money
designated to Himmler's fund was deposited into General Ac-
count S in the J.H. Stein Bankhaus of Cologne. Baron Kurt
Freiherr von Schroeder was a board member and a partner in
this bank, and Karl Wolff, Himmler's senior aide, was author-
ized to draw checks for SS welfare purposes on this account.
But the Himmler fund had shrunk below 1 million marks a
year when Reichsleiter Bormann established his Adolf Hitler
Endowment Fund of German Industry. Up he came with another
inspiration: the Fuehrer's Winterhilfe, a fund to which all Ger-
mans, within the Third Reich and abroad, could contribute for
the welfare of all troops and civilians impoverished by war. As
a further source, industrialists and their wives were invited to the
Reichschancellery in Berlin, where in the ballroom a concert was
performed by noted German musicians. Walther Funk, minister
of economics, commented: "It was there where the 'kick-in-
some-dough' arias were sung. Every guest was compelled to sub-
scribe to a contribution. Individual contributions ran as high
as 100,000 marks. This 'winterfund' alone accumulated almost
3 billion marks, which drew handsome interest in the Reichs-
Bormann also collected royalty payments, on behalf of the
Fuehrer, for all postage stamps sold that bore Hitler's picture.
With such monies under his control, Bormann now held
power-of-the-purse over all the other Nazi leaders, including
even the Gauleiters who ran the party machinery across Ger-
many. All looked to Bormann for their annual funding. He set
the housekeeping budgets for Hitler himself and his girlfriend
Eva Braun, as well as for Goering, Goebbels, and Himmler. Eva
Braun received her monthly checks in Munich, where she
worked as a secretary for Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler's official
photographer; Bormann also collected fees for the worldwide
sales of Hoffmann's pictures of the Fuehrer.
It riled the top Nazis to have to ask Martin Bormann for
money. It was like going to a banker, with reasons laid out for
intended use of the funds, papers to be signed if the sum ex-
ceeded the individual's budget allowance, etc., etc. Even Hein-
rich Himmler, Reichsfuehrer of the SS and chief of the German
police, had to petition Bormann for a personal loan from the
party chancellery fund; he had a wife and was keeping a mis-
tress, and was financially in over his head. Bormann granted him
the loan from the fund, and later used the information against
him with Hitler, who was prudish in such matters. Hitler, of
course, kept his own mistress, but insisted that married Nazi
leaders should maintain high moral standards.
Members of the Nazi inner circle referred to Martin Bormann
with derision, calling him behind his back "the bookkeeper," or
"the banker." But he knew what he was doing, and always
landed on his feet. When he married, it was a wedding wit-
nessed by the top-flight leaders of National Socialism. The wed-
ding portrait shows the new Herr and Frau Bormann seated, and
standing behind them six who attended, including Adolf Hitler
and Rudolf Hess. Mrs. Bormann's father, Walter Buch, w ho
was the high judge of National Socialism's legal tribunal, is also
in the picture. As time went by he, too, developed a hearty dis-
like for Bormann; when he died in 1947, almost in his last
breath, he declared to his family, "That damn Martin made it
safely out of Germany."
Another photograph demonstrating Bormann's ascendancy is
the group picture taken at Hitler's birthday party, on April 20,
1938, at Berchtesgaden. Next to the Fuehrer and Eva Braun are
Reichsleiter Bormann and Mrs. Bormann; he in white tie and
tails reminds one of a young Rod Steiger. Albert Speer appears
in the second row, obviously positioned there by Bormann,
whom he referred to later that evening as "the man with the
hedge clippers," because Bormann devoted himself to prevent-
ing anyone else from rising above a certain level. Speer- was to
complain later, "Things became so difficult for me that I often
wanted to give up and resign my post." Noticeably not in this
picture was Rudolf Hess, deputy to the Fuehrer and deputy of
the party, an indication of his declining influence. Even in 1938
Bormann was the man to watch.
By this time, Martin Bormann had taken into his own hands
all of Hitler's financial affairs, and the Fuehrer had no further
personal concerns in this area. Bormann had also brought up
tracts of land at Obersalzberg, built roads, barracks, concrete air
raid shelters, and an official Bavarian residence for Hitler at
Berchtesgaden. On nearby hilltops he constructed modest
chateaux for Goering, Goebbels, and himself. By building resi-
dences for these two he had kept them from being overnight
guests of the Fuehrer. He also constructed the Eagle's Nest, a
conference area atop a granite mountain, accessible only by
elevator, and with a breathtaking view of Bavaria. Reichsmar-
shal Goering, of course, had his own tremendous holding,
Karinhall, in eastern Germany, and Goebbels, minister of pro-
paganda, maintained a home and his large family in the Berlin
suburb near the Wansee. Bormann went on, and purchased the
house in Branau, Austria, where Hitler was born, and the house
of Hitler's parents in Leonding, for the Fuehrer. Deeds for all
this property in Obersalzberg were entered in the land register
in Martin Bormann's name.
Bormann's growing scope of influence was out of the reach of
other leading Nazis. He avoided publicity carefully, like many a
financial mover and shaker of our day. In Bormann's world here
were two kinds of people: those he could win over and s ubordi-
nate to his purposes and those he had to fear. Basically h e dis-
trusted everyone, and collected information constantly f or his
personal index-card files. Even Reinhard Heydrich, a chief plot-
ter of the SS, was awed by Reichsleiter Bormann's ingenuity.
"There is a real master of intrigue and deceit," he remarked at a
dinner party in Berlin.
Joseph C. Fest, the German author, has described Bor-
mann as
Germany's secret ruler. . . . Apart from his indirect influence on
Hitler's person, he came increasingly to dominate the whole Party
apparatus. He deprived Rosenberg of part of his ideological authority
and Ley of his jurisdiction over political personnel, and Reich
Minister Lammers, head of the Reich Chancellery, found himself
relieved of important responsibilities. Bormann dismissed and ap-
pointed Party officials (Gauleiters were subordinate to him per-
sonally), made massive use of his rights to a voice in appointments
and promotions in all state and even military departments, gave or
withdrew his favor, praised, bullied, eliminated, but stayed in the
background, and at all times kept up his sleeve one more suspicion,
one more piece of flattery, than his opponent. His nebulous position
has been fairly compared to Stalin's power during Lenin's last days.
Bormann's closeness to the military leadership is shown in
another photograph, taken on January 27, 1938. It was just after
Hider had shaken up the War Ministry and General Staff, and
had assumed personal control of the High Command of the
armed forces, the O.K.W. Standing between Hitler and Bor-
mann is Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief of staff of the
armed forces. Behind, in three neat rows, are those who survived
the political struggles. Hitler had said he was frustrated by the
negative attitude of his generals; he retired sixteen of them and
posted forty-four others to field positions. Traditionally, strong
national leaders have objected to the undue caution of generals.
President Lincoln fired his share before he got Ulysses S. Grant;
it was the procedure followed by Winston Churchill when he
took power the night of May 10, 1940. After assuming the
duties of both chief of state and minister of defense, he shook
up his military command in no uncertain manner.
May 10, 1941, was a date to remember in Martin Bormann's
life. That night Rudolf Hess, deputy Fuehrer, had removed
himself from all competition for Hitler's favor by flying to Scot-
land and parachuting to the Duke of Hamilton's estate, as an
unofficial emissary to Hamilton, to arrange peace with Britain
so that his Fuehrer would have freedom of action to invade
Russia. It was a mission undertaken presumably without Hitler's
knowledge, and it was an embarrassment to the German leader.
Commenting on the astonishing development at the time, Prime
Minister Churchill had said, "It was as if my trusted colleague,
Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary, who was only a little
younger than Hess, had parachuted from a stolen Spitfire into
the grounds of Berchtesgaden."
Hitler was puzzled and enraged over Hess's deed; Martin
Bormann was not — at least he sensed the motivation behind it.
Hess had found himself in political eclipse, superseded by Bor-
mann, now merely a party functionary to be used for speeches
and other public appearances. Even when it came to jobs, the
party rank and file went no more to Hess, but to Bormann, who
was "the" man to see for patronage. Luncheon or tea with
Hitler was no longer an intimate occasion for Hess; the guest
lists had been expanded to include generals and many more.
Bormann controlled this, too, but the incident that put Rudolf
Hess in the social deep freeze occurred the day he arrived at
Berchtesgaden accompanied by his own cook. He didn't care
for the food Hitler served and brought his own chef to prepare
his lunch. It was not until the meal was half over that Hitler
realized Hess was eating food different from the others. He
shouted at Hess that if he did not like the food served at
Berchtesgaden he could eat elsewhere. Hess left and Hitler
cooled off, but their relationship was never the same again.
Hess, however, continued to idolize the Fuehrer. He reasoned
that if he could arrange peace between Britain and Germany,
where so many others had failed, it would provide him with a
special niche in German history and in Hitler's affection.
Hess's flight to Scotland was a remarkable feat. He had
practiced his night flying skills over Munich and Augsburg. On
May 10 he climbed into his personal Messerschmitt-110 fighte r,
took off, and soared toward the British Isles. He had memorized
the correct identification signals which would see him through
the German fighter command defensive network. But once over
the North Sea he was on his own. He headed for west Scotland
and bailed out, descending almost on target. Wearing a Luft-
waffe uniform, he told his farmer captors that his name was
Lieutenant Horn. He asked to be taken to the Duke of Hamil-
ton, commanding a fighter sector in the east of Scotland, who
drove rapidly home. The duke interviewed Hess alone at first,
then had his secretary telephone Winston Churchill, who was
spending the weekend outside London at Ditchley. Churchill
knew the duke, but could think of no reason why he should
receive a call from him. He was watching a Marx Brothers film,
the hour was late, and his confidant, Brendan Bracken, took the
call. Bracken rushed back into the room with the news that
Rudolf Hess was in Scotland, hoping for a peace meeting with
King George VI, to be arranged through the duke.
If Hess's arrival was a surprise, his desire for an audience with
the King of England was pure Marx Brothers. He had met the
Duke of Hamilton in Germany during the peacetime years, and
knew him to be Lord Steward, a personage, he reasoned, who
would probably be dining every night with the King and have
his private ear. Here was his channel of direct access to the top,
and he looked to the duke to provide it. But, of course, the duke
telephoned Churchill at Ditchley outside of London. The prime
minister wandered outside the room where "the merry film
clacked on," to learn the extent of damage being done by Ger-
man bombers on this night. It was bad. He reentered the room
where his hosts were sitting, and had Brendan Bracken ask that
the duke travel to London the following day to tell him all
about it. Hess was placed in the local jail the first of many
stops which were to take him to the Tower of London, and
ultimately to life-long imprisonment in Berlin's Spandau prison.
Churchill later termed Hess's mission a "completely devoted
and frantic deed of lunatic benevolence. He came to us of his
own free will, and, though without authority, had something of
the quality of an envoy. He was a medical and not a criminal
case, and should be so regarded."
On the night Rudolf Hess landed in Scotland, London was
suffering the most deadly firebombing of the war. I was at the
time an American war correspondent, based in London follow-
ing the British Expeditionary Force's retreat from Dunkirk.
Each night, from September 7 to November 3, German aircraft
dropped bombs; in the twelve-month period from June 1940 to
June 1941, civilian casualties in the city were 43,381 killed and
50,856 grievously injured. Sleepless nights were followed by
dreadful mornings, with familiar streets transformed into jagged
ruins. Everywhere was the smell of pulverized brick and mortar,
as rescue squads dug for any who might yet be alive in the
rubble. For me, daily broadcasts had to be made and regular
copy had to be filed.
On this night, the Luftwaffe waited until nearly midnight to
firebomb, the hour of low tide in the Thames, when fire hoses
would suck nothing but mud. The first dreaded planes roared
over the city about ten in the evening, carrying the high ex-
plosives that would rip up even more streets and destroy water
mains; then came the aircraft to firebomb and set afire what
they could. That night 3,000 Londoners died in their air raid
shelters. The City of London was afire. The House of Com-
mons was hit, and the docks along the Thames and three rail-
way stations blazed until dawn.
The evening started languidly. I was at Number 10 Downing
Street, a guest of the Churchill family. Mrs. Churchill, the
three girls, Diana, Sarah, and Mary, and I feasted on a special
treat, caviar sent to the prime minister from Josef Stalin. The
pleasantly furnished drawing room looked out on a garden,
where recently there had dropped a German one-ton land mine,
expedited by parachute so as to ensure maximum surface dam-
age. Almost whimsically, the parachute had caught in a tree.
The mine swung in the breeze until removed by the bomb dis-
posal squad. On an earlier evening, in the winter, during dinner,
Mr. Churchill had suddenly jumped up and shepherded every-
one outside, across the street, to the bomb shelter — a premoni-
tion. Within minutes, a 500-pounder landed in the back garden,
destroying the dining room. Had Winston Churchill been killed
that night, and he certainly could have been, Hitler might well
have won his struggle with Britain-with just one bomb. Chur-
chill was indeed Mr. England; it was his foresight and deter-
mination that was holding the nation together until the United
States could gear up and make up its mind to come to Britain's
On this evening, as I visited with the family, the general tenor
of the conversation was "When will the Yanks come?" It was not
to be until after December 7, when the Japanese made their
attack on Pearl Harbor. Still, the prime minister had talked on
the telephone with President Roosevelt earlier, and the
Churchill ladies reflected the optimism that their father exuded.
I remember one of them remarking, "With the Yanks to back
us up, we will make it all right."
The drawing and dining rooms had been restored by that
night of May 10, and back in its place on the mantelpiece was
the miniature porcelain fish, touched for good luck by everyone
entering the room. After a while the first wave of German planes
approaching London was audible; then the terrifying crescendo
of high explosives, followed by geysers of water shooting up
from wrecked pipes in the streets, then a long silence. Mary and
Sarah Churchill and I decided to leave Downing Street for the
City of London. Both of the young ladies were in military uni-
form. We went to the Savoy Hotel, and while we were there
firebombs came down. We went outside and walked up Fleet
Street to within sight of St. Paul's Cathedral, where we were
stopped by police barricades. I made my own way, taking pic-
tures, and interviewing some of those fighting the biggest fire to
hit London since 1666.
Walking right into St. Paul's, looking for the dean, I found
him below ground in the crypt, reading Greek poetry by lamp-
light, alongside the tomb of Admiral Lord Nelson. This elder-
ly clergyman explained to me that he had descended there at the
insistence of his staff. "It was different in World War I," he
sighed. "I was more agile then, and they had me kicking fire-
bombs from the roof of St. Paul's. They were being dropped
from Zeppelins, don't you know."
When reports of Hess's adventure reached Berlin, there was
not much that Hitler and Bormann could do about it. Goebbels
issued a statement that the deputy Fuehrer had been ill at the
time. Then, days later, from headquarters came the announce-
The former post of Deputy to the Fuehrer will henceforth bear the
title of Party Chancellery. It is directly subordinate to me. It will
be directed as heretofore by Party Comrade Martin Bormann.
(signed) Adolf Hitler
The wording was brief and low key, but it marked a giant leap
forward for Martin Bormann. Henceforth, the entire party
ministry would be under him. Every Nazi within Germany, in
occupied Europe, and overseas was answerable directly to him.
Within the year Hitler added to Bormann's titles those of
Secretary to the Fuehrer and Lieutenant General of the SS.
Bormann's power base was complete.
The Auslands-Organisation (A-O) of the NSDAP was a vast
network of German nationals living in other countries. It was
founded on May 1, 1931, in Hamburg, and according to its char-
ter was to be a means of keeping Germans abroad abreast of the
philosophy and political programs of Hitler's National Socialist
Party. As war drew near, it became an intelligence network for
the Third Reich. Its nominal leader in the late thirties and
throughout the war was Ernst Wilhelm Bohle, state secretary of
the Foreign Office. In reply to a question put to him concern-
ing the identity of his immediate superior, Bohle replied,
"Rudolf Hess, until 1941 when he went to England." And, an-
swering the logical follow-up question as to who had succeeded
Hess, "Martin Bormann. Martin Bormann automatically suc-
ceeded Hess."
Bohle denied that the A-O was ever used for intelligence
gathering, but all evidence was to the contrary. The speed with
which information was obtained and sent back to the Foreign
Office in Berlin exceeded even that of Himmler's overseas SS
operation. In Holland, as one example, the chief A-O represen-
tative shared offices in The Hague with a German military intel-
ligence unit, which consisted of a mere dozen professionals who
knew their trade. When specific information about any town or
hamlet in Holland was required, they asked a man named
Butting, the A-O leader of the German Citizens' Association in
Holland, who got it for them quickly. This association filled two
functions: espionage, along with its primary function of being a
fifth-column agency.
The Auslands-Organisation published the Year Book of the
Foreign Organization. In 1942 it wrote about "the enlargement
and extension of the German Legation in Oslo and of the con-
sulates at Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Ham-
gesund, Narvik and Kirkenes." This also meant "enlargement
of the Reich agencies of the NSDAP in Norway having to in-
crease its field of activity too." This article also stated: "The
success of their work, which was done with all secrecy, was
revealed when, on 9 April 1940, German troops landed in
Norway and forestalled the planned flank attacks of the Allies."
Not all Norwegians were supporters of the resistance. Accord-
ing to John Lukacs, the distinguished historian: "The number
of people in the Norwegian resistance who died in the Second
World War was less than the number of Norwegian pro-Nazis
who died as members of their Free Corps on the Russian
It was much the same story in all countries that fell before
the troops of the Third Reich. The Auslands-Organisation was
a so-called fifth column in advance of German armies, and
served as an auxiliary force when those armies arrived. As the
leader of the A-O in Greece put it, "I organized the employ-
ment of all party members to do auxiliary service for the armed
Nations such as Spain that remained officially neutral during
the war had A-O representatives operating on a large scale with-
in their borders. Linked closely with German consulates and
embassies, they communicated directly with Berlin by wireless.
One telegram, dated 23 October 1939, from Dr. von Stohrer,
German ambassador in Madrid, to the Foreign Office in Berlin,
asked for permission to rent "a suitable isolated house for the
possible installation of a second secret radio transmitter." Added
on was, "Please submit to Gauleiter Bohle." All information
gathered abroad by the Auslands-Organisation went to the SS,
the Gestapo, the Abwehr, and the Foreign Office, for which it
served as branches of the Foreign Intelligence Department in
both hemispheres, including North and South America.
In the United States the German- American Bund received
financial and other support from the Auslands-Organisation.
The bund received instructions from the NSDAP on how to
build their political organizations, how and where to hold mass
meetings, and how to handle their propaganda. In 1938 the
order was issued by Hitler prohibiting members of the German
embassies and consulates from having further relations with the
bund. Hitler felt that overt activities by this German-American
organization would be detrimental to the future interests of the
Third Reich in the United States. Regardless, embassies and
consulates around the United States continued to feed strategic
data back to Berlin in a covert manner. Von Strempel, first s ec-
retary of the German Embassy in the United States from 1938
until Pearl Harbor, served as the clearing agent for special data
from other confidential agents in various cities around the coun-
try. There were also Dr. Draeger, consul in New York, a liaison
with the A-O; Wiedemann, consul general in San Francisco; Dr.
Gissling, consul in Los Angeles; von Spiegel, c onsul in New
Orleans. Their reports went to Berlin and to the deputy Fuehrer,
with distribution copies to all intelligence services of the
German government.
All business organizations abroad had their Auslands-Orga-
nisation men. Outside of Germany, the employees of the three
big banks, Deutsche, Dresdner, and Commerzbank, all had to
be party members and were supervised by the Auslands-
Organisation. Rudolf Tefs was an employee of the Dresdner
Bank in Alexandria, Egypt, from 1934 to 1939. He returned to
Frankfurt at the start of the war, and became a paymaster in the
German army in 1940. Saying that he had been an NSDAP
member since 1938, he added, "All bank employees in Alex-
andria and Cairo were members of the party. . . . Personally and
socially and politically, we were under the A-O." He com-
merited that the relationship between the leading manager of
the bank and the German Embassy and consulates was very
close: "The two leading men of the A-O, Lehman and Sieber,
were also leading individuals in the Dresdner Bank." Hans
Pilder, official of the Dresdner Bank in Turkey during the same
years, commented, "The A-O usually opposed non-Nazi offi-
cials of the Dresdner Bank in foreign countries."
Reichsleiter Martin Bormann inherited this vast intelligence
and fifth-column system upon assuming leadership of the party.
He tightened it up and instilled it with a new purpose; it be-
came an instrument used to implement his flight capital pro-
gram in the last few months of the war. However, in comparison
with another organization within the I.G. Farben structure, the
Auslands-Organisation was second best. This, too, reported to
Martin Bormann.
I.G. Farben's N.W.7 office in Berlin compiled military and
economic data on all countries for the Wehrmacht. This depart-
ment was staffed with men of recognized ability in all branches
of business and science. It was under the direction of Dr. Max
Ilgner, nephew of Hermann Schmitz, I.G.'s president, who
was known throughout the industrial world as "the master of
financial camouflage." Farben had offices and representatives in
93 countries, and no social gathering of businessmen was too
small to be covered by an N.W.7 representative, whose reports
on market conditions, factory installations, raw-material sup-
plies, and research were transmitted immediately to Berlin and
Dr. Ilgner.
In the United States, N.W.7 operated through the firm of
Chemnyco, Inc., an American-formed subsidiary. Chemnyco
sent tremendous amounts of information ranging from photo-
graphs and blueprints to detailed descriptions of entire industrial
complexes and secret processes. From the United States the
new method for production of isooctane, used for motor fuels,
was obtained. A leading I.G. scientist has stated that this im-
portant process had originated "entirely with the Americans
and had become known to us in detail in its separate stages."
The process for producing tetraethyl lead, essential for the
manufacture of aviation gasoline, was obtained by Farben in
the same way. An I.G. official, commenting on the importance
of this acquisition, stated: "Without lead-tetraethyl the present
method of warfare would be unthinkable. The fact that since the
beginning of the war we could produce lead-tetraethyl is entire-
ly due to the circumstances that shortly before, the Americans
had presented us with the production plans complete with
experimental knowledge; thus the difficult work of development
(we need only recall the poisonous property of lead-tetraethyl,
which caused many deaths in the United States) was spared us,
since we could take up the manufacture of this product together
with all the experience that the Americans had gathered over
long years."
To be sure, I.G.'s own research facilities produced many a
scientific breakthrough for the Third Reich. Its experts devel-
oped the noted Buna Process for the manufacture of synthetic
rubber, freeing Germany from dependence on natural rubber.
It developed the hydrogenation process for making motor fuels
and lubricating oils from coal. Germany's shortage of bauxite,
the raw material essential to manufacture aluminum, was sur-
mounted by its developments in utilizing the element mag-
nesium. This was a time of stockpiling. What N.W.7 could
not purloin, I.G.'s board of directors asked for under cartel
arrangements with other international firms. In one instance,
it purchased 500 tons of lead for production of high-grade avi-
ation gasoline, obtained by a Farben Swiss subsidiary from the
Ethyl Export Corporation of America. As it made such pur-
chases on the world market in the late thirties, Farben con-
tinued to produce and stockpile everything useful to the
German armed forces. Of 43 major products by Farben, 28 were
primary needs ofwarmakers. I.G. made all the synthetic rubber
in Germany, all the methanol, the serums, and the lubricating
oils. I.G. provided 95 percent of the poisonous gases as well as
over 90 percent of the nickel and plastics; 88 percent of the
magnesium derivatives used by the Luftwaffe in its aircraft and
incendiary bombs came from Farben, as did most of the nitro-
gen and explosives for the flying bombs and the V-2s. No other
German war industry could have functioned without Farben's
raw materials and technical assistance.
This huge organization functioned as a manufacturing and
research arm of the German government, with the responsibil-
ity of discovering all possible means of increasing the military
power of Germany. More than RM 4.25 billion was invested in
new plants, mines, and power installations, with other millions
going into new research facilities. Albert Speer was to become
minister of armaments and war production in 1942, but it was
the money largely supplied to Farben during these preparatory
years, at Martin Bormann's suggestion to Hitler, that fueled the
German war machine. So close had Farben become to the gov-
ernment that I.G. always knew in advance all invasions planned
by Hitler. It was to supply the materials necessary to each con-
quest, and when a land had been overrun and subjugated, the
Farben experts would handle the consolidation and organization
of the industrial facilities as additional supply sources for the
German armed forces.
As German troops swept across Europe and Hitler proclaimed
his vision of a thousand-year Third Reich, I.G. Farben also
dreamed of world empire. This was outlined with clarity in a
document called Neuordnung, or "New Order," that was ac-
companied by a letter of transmittal to the Ministry of Eco-
nomics. It declared that a new order for the chemical industry
of the world should supplement Hitler's New Order. Therefore,
the document stated, Farben was fitting future industrial plans
into such a framework. It projected that the chemical industries
of Europe, including those of Great Britain, should work for
the Third Reich, and that the United States competition should
be eliminated from world markets. The plan became effective
only in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania — western and
southeastern Europe — where German armies were on hand to
enforce it.
Still, this market was vast for the times. I.G. Farben was the
major chemical firm on the Continent, and as each country fell
to Germany its acquisitions of chemical and dyestuff companies
were enormous. I.G. also increased its investments in these by
RM 7 billion.
The close relationship of Farben to the Third Reich leader-
ship was underscored in other ways. I.G.'s leading officials
assisted in formulation and execution of economic policies of
government; its president was a member of the Reichstag; its
leading scientist was a chief assistant to Hermann Goering
under the Four- Year Plan; its statisticians and economists pre-
pared intelligence for the Nazi High Command; scores of its
technicians were at any given time on loan to the air and war
ministries. The importance placed by the Third Reich govern-
ment on such industrial information is reflected in a letter dated
August 3, 1940, to the German minister of economics from Dr.
Max Ilgner, director of N.W.7, which stated:
Extensive information which we receive continuously from Chemnyco
is indispensable for our observations of American conditions, especial-
ly with a view to the technical development, the possibilities for
export, and the competition of foreign countries and companies, espe-
cially England. Moreover, this material is, since the beginning of the
war, an important source of information for governmental, economic
and military offices.
The contact men of N.W.7 throughout the world were called
the I.G. Verbindungsmanner, the liaison officers between
Farben back in Germany and the branches elsewhere. These
I.G. Verbindungsmanner, as well as all other key Farben repre-
sentatives working beyond the borders of the Third Reich, were
members of the National Socialist German Workers Party.
Their loyalty to Hitler and to the New Order was uncompro-
mising, and on September 10, 1937, the commercial committee
of the board of directors of I.G. Farben passed a resolution
spelling out the importance placed on loyalty to the nation in
selection of employees:
It is hereby understood that in no case will men be sent to our for-
eign companies who do not belong to the German Labor Front and
who do not possess a positive attitude toward the New Order. The
men who are to be sent should make it their special duty to repre-
sent National Socialist Germanhood. Especially are they to be
instructed that upon entering our companies they are to make con-
tact with the Ortsgruppe of the respective Landesgruppen [organi-
zations of the Nazi Party within the various countries] and regular-
ly participate in their meetings as well as in the Labor Front. The
sales departments should also see to it that an appropriate amount
of National Socialistic literature is given to them. The cooperation
with the A-O to work out a uniform plan for the purpose of detect-
ing defects still existing in our foreign companies to the end that
they can be eliminated.
So now Martin Bormann had at his command not only the
Auslands-Organisation but also the I.G. Verbindungsmanner of
Farben, which could be counted on to heed his orders when it
was time to disperse the commercial assets of the Third Reich.
Farben, Krupp, Bayer, and other major German firms outside of
Europe had long been accustomed to complying with orders
from the Fuehrer's headquarters — that is, Bormann — in Berlin.
In Brazil, the agencies of the Bayer division furnished the
equivalent of RM 3,639,343 to the German Embassy and to
representatives of NSDAP traveling from Berlin to Brazil for
espionage and propaganda purposes. In Spain, when the Ger-
man Embassy wanted Spanish pesetas, I.G. Farben supplied
them, being repaid by the home government in Berlin, a book-
keeping transaction. In Mexico City, the relationship between
Farben and the German government was emphasized by a
telegram dated September 2, 1939, to I.G. from the Cia. General
de Anilinas, S.A., Mexico City. It read:
A notation on the bottom of this telegram, once in Germany,
read: "Board agreeable. Dr. Overhoff informed." Such payments
abroad before and during World War II were of importance to
the German government in the acquisition of raw materials and
in the financing of sabotage, espionage, and propaganda.
I.G. Latin American firms all maintained, unrecorded in
their books, secret cash accounts in banks in the names of their
top officials. These were used to receive and to disburse confi-
dential payments; firms dealing with Farben wanted this b usi-
ness but certainly did not wish it known to British and United
States economic authorities. Georg Wilhelm Marty, a German
auditor, traveled with some frequency between Germany and
South America during these war years to audit the books of
the various branches of the Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank.
He was "on loan" from the Dresdner Bank, and explained in a
sworn statement to investigators at the Nuremberg Trials (I
took this from a document on record in the National Archives
in Washington, D.C.) how this and other secret accounts were
The Buenos Aires branch of the Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank
held an account for the German Embassy in that city, and also an
account for the Buenos Aires Ortsgruppe of the NSDAP. Similar
accounts were also held by the Deutsche Uberseeische Bank, the
South American affiliate of the Deutsche Bank. With respect to the
Ortsgruppe account, most South American branches of German firms
made contributions three or four times a year of approximately
100,000 Argentine pesos. These payments involved transfers from the
accounts of the various firms held with the Deutsche
Sudamerikanische Bank to the Ortsgruppe account. The occasions
were such events as the Winterhilfe Drive, Hitler's birthday, etc.
Among the most important clients of the bank were I.G. Farben,
Schering, Vereinigte Stahlwerke, Merck, Siemens, A.E.G., Weiss,
and Freitag. Among the uses made of the Ortsgruppe account were
the transfer of portions of the monies contained therein to Germany
for Winterhilfe and payments to the local NSDAP staff.
Payments into the Embassy account in the Buenos Aires branch
were made from deposits of the Foreign Office in the Berlin office of
the Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank. Money to the Embassy
account were also transferred from Germany to Argentina indirectly
via Mexico or Switzerland.
Between 30 and 40 percent of the German employees of the
Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank branch in Buenos Aires were
members of the NSDAP.
Martin Bormann now had a vast overseas financial and com-
mercial network to do his bidding. It was a sturdy beginning,
and it was to grow in strength and numbers in the next two
years as he organized all German corporations and banks into
his safe haven program of flight capital.
events were the surrender of Stalingrad, the ending of hostilities
in North Africa, the appointment of Heinrich Himmler by
Hitler as minister of the interior, the capitulation of Italy, and
the rescue of Mussolini by SS Brigadefuehrer Otto Skorzeny
from an Italian mountaintop fortress. Historians with a broader
focus on the European war would include: the round-the-clock
bombing by RAF and U.S. Air Force planes of German cities
and other key targets, the Battle for the Atlantic in climax and
conclusion, the massacre of Polish Jews in the Warsaw ghetto
by SS troops (to be repeated with even greater ferocity in 1944
as Russian divisions stood idly outside the Polish capital, on
orders from Stalin), the formation in Algiers of the French
Committee of National Liberation, at first under generals
Giraud and de Gaulle, later under de Gaulle alone, the Allied
landing in Sicily, the casting down from power of Mussolini by
vote of the Fascist Grand Council, the Allied crossing of the
Mediterranean to mainland Italy, the new Italian government
under Marshal Badoglio that shifted its support from Germany
to the Allies, and the meeting of Churchill, Stalin, and Roose-
velt at Teheran to coordinate plans for a final attack on Ger-
But to Bormann the most telling event of 1943 was the
appointment of Himmler Reichsfuehrer of the SS and chief of
police, to the additional position of minister of the interior of
the Third Reich. This was seen by Bormann as a threat to his
control of the 42 Gaue, or districts, whose leaders reported
directly to him. Albert Speer also perceived it as a potential
dissolution of Bormann's domestic power base, so he looked
anew to Himmler as the one who could accomplish what he
had failed to do — win out over Bormann in the political infight-
ing for control of the domestic economy. Himmler attempted
to pull the Gauleiters into line by sending them orders through
district SS commanders. The Gauleiters complained to Bor-
mann, who had Hitler prohibit any more such steps. Himmler
immediately pulled out, and the Himmler-Speer alliance came
to an end.
Martin Bormann was now sole leader on the domestic front,
and he went further to strengthen his hold over the economy.
The aging, old-line Gauleiters were replaced with his new breed
of administrators, typically with legal training, to handle the
complex matters of an economy that, since the fall of Stalingrad
on February 1, was moving rapidly into full war production.
Each district leader had committees constantly surveying the
entire spectrum of his regional economy. There were committees
on insurance, electric power, steel, coal, and industry in general.
Their reports went directly to Bormann, who dictated the direc-
tives that kept the economy in tune with his thinking. When-
ever Albert Speer would try to expand his area of armament
production, he would receive a curt memorandum from Martin
Bormann to desist. Speer attempted to bring into his ministry's
jurisdiction the Peenemiinde rocketry production, and sent Hit-
ler a request to this effect. The reply was negative and bristling,
and came not from Hitler but from Reichsleiter Bormann.
In 1943 Bormann moved to control banking by expanding
regional economic committees into the financial field under his
department III-B, a unit covering finance and special fiscal
projects of a highly confidential nature to which his district
economic advisors belonged.
Reichsleiter Bormann's move to place the banking structure
of the Third Reich in his domain was understandable, for
without the banks he couldn't exercise full control of industry
and the economy. In the last years of the war, big banks had
nearly all German industry under their control. This was done
in several ways: through ownership of stock and the right to
vote stock owned by others; through bank officers and stock-
holders sitting on the boards of the big corporations, and, in
turn, including representatives of the largest corporations on
their boards. Then, when limitations to the size of the boards
were mandated, they continued to extend their sway over
German industry by setting up regional committees, Landes-
ausschuesse to which leading industrialists in the various regions
would be invited to belong. It was considered a great honor to
do so, with the opportunity to attend two or three meetings a
year at large dinners, to which officers of big banks would jour-
ney from Berlin.
Thus, the big Berlin banks maintained their influence over
all parts of German industrial life. When a law was passed
limiting the number of directorships any one man could hold, it
put the small bankers at a disadvantage because the big banks
could divide their directorships among the many members of
their management. Also, by putting officials of leading indus-
tries on the regional committees, which were not limited in
number, and which in the case of the Deutsche Bank listed
several hundred members, they were able to spread their influ-
ence even further.
By inviting the local industrialists to serve on these com-
mittees, they, of course, obtained the business of such com-
panies and would extend credit to the companies, when needed.
They obtained further control over industry through their
ability to call in the money due under the credits they extended
to the local industrialists. By these means, the big banks con-
tinued to an increasing extent to capture the customers of the
small private banks.
For these reasons, the district economic advisors of the party
urged Bormann to assume control of the big banks. The smaller
regional banks and their customers were unhappy over the
domination exercised by the large Berlin banks, and resented
having all their banking decisions now referred by regional pri-
vate banks to head offices in Berlin. Bormann was agreeable to
such a move: it would give him greater influence with all major
banks, and he foresaw needing at a later date their good will and
assistance in moving capital around the world.
The major corporations did not mind Bormann applying addi-
tional checks on the banks, which they thought had become too
domineering and cavalier toward their own needs. They were
aware that German banks administered 70 percent of the capital
of all German stock companies.
At the same time, many large corporations held large blocks
of stock in the very banks that served them. Siemens & Halske
A.G. of Berlin, a giant electronics firm with many subsidiaries
and extended worldwide (the General Electric of Germany),
had bought into Deutsche Bank in 1930 during the economic
crisis. It held 1 million marks of Deutsche Bank stock until
selling it in 1942. It was a quiet deal, Siemens & Halske not
wanting its competitors to know about its insider position. At
annual meetings the firm always had "neutral parties," a notary
public, a lawyer, or some friend of the bank vote its stock.
A like situation prevailed with H.F. &Ph.F. Reemtsma, an
international tobacco firm located in Hamburg. It had acquired
5 million Reichsmarks of Deutsche Bank stock during the same
banking crisis of 1930, but held on to it through the years. In
later days, the bank asked Reemtsma to buy several million
more shares of its stock that was floating in the market, inas-
much as Deutsche Bank was not permitted to buy its own
shares. In appreciation, the bank extended guarantee facilities
to Reemtsma to cover cigarette tax stamps of 25 million marks.
Again, the stock was voted anonymously for Reemtsma by
neutral parties.
I.G. Farben, however, was of such size and generated so much
cash flow of its own that it didn't need to hold bank stock to
extract favorable treatment. It could tell its prime bank what to
do and how to do it at any time. Hermann Schmitz, president
of the management of I.G. Farben during twelve years of the
Third Reich and an early Hitler supporter, once told Nurem-
berg investigators how Deutsche Bank functioned for I.G.
"The banking transactions performed by Deutsche Bank were
mostly in collection of money from customers. They always
led the syndicate of banks when increases of capital and issue of
debentures were necessary. Generally I tried not to arrange loans
with banks. I made one exception when I arranged a revolving
credit of something like RM 170 million in 1942 for General
Motors which could be repaid and taken up again over a period
of time. This credit was intended to be used in the beginning of
1945 but because of the difficulties of that year it could not
be used."
Schmitz said that Deutsche had become their primary bank
because it "was the bank with the old relations with the Bad-
ische Anilin and Soda-Fabrik and Farbwerke vorm. Friedr.
Bayer & Co., and when I.G. Farben was created in 1925 it was
natural that the Deutsche Bank continue relations. It is also the
reason that I.G. Farben always asked one member of the
Deutsche Bank to come on the board of I.G. Farben. First it
was Schlieper, then Schlitter, Mosler, and later on Abs."
All banks, in all countries, work together. Bankers relate to
each other, even if they often to fail to understand what moti-
vates their customers and the public in general. In Germany, the
big banks were the money machines that insured the silent
financing of the war Hitler was planning. In order of fiscal
strength and importance, Deutsche Bank led the Big Three,
followed by Dresdner and Commerzbank (the standing of the
three still today in the Federal Republic of Germany; Fortune
magazine places these among the 50 largest commercial banks
in the world outside the United States).
Here is an explanation of the type of industrial funding by the
big banks to produce the behind-the-scenes financing of the
war, related by a participant of the management of Deutsche
Bank. It is fairly representative of loans continually made to the
munitions industry throughout the war by all big banks:
Loans to the aircraft industry in 1943 amounted to some 150 million
Reichsmarks. Of the long term Government guaranteed loans, some
22 million went to Bavarian Motor Works and about 10 million to
Daimler-Benz. Dornier received six million RM (of a syndicate
credit of 60 million) without Government guarantee, covered by
assignment of Government orders in 1943. A similar loan of 15
million Reichsmarks was given to BMW in 1944. Daimler-Benz also
had a 15 million loan of the latter type, but did not draw on it until
the closing months of the war. There was a large loan to the Frank-
furt affiliate of the Verein Deutscher Metallwerke for aircraft pur-
poses. I do not recall the amount, but it was substantial.
The Martin Bormann Nazi Party Committee on Banking
consisted of ten district industrialists and bankers. The chair-
man of the committee was Hellmut Boernicke, who was
general manager of the Brandenburger Provincial Bank and
on the board of Deutsche Bank. Another member was Hein-
rich Huncke, who was president of the Chamber of Com-
merce in Berlin, on the management committee of Deutsche
Bank, and an economic advisor of the Berlin district of
the National Socialist Party. Another was Wilhelm Avieny
of Frankfurt, where he was also economic advisor to the party
and a management member of the Metallgesellschaft. There was
Walter Jander of Dessau, who was with the Junkers Werke;
he was on the board of Commerzbank and was economic advisor
of Dessau. Walter Rafelsberger of Vienna was party economic
advisor for Vienna. He was an engineer, but had a seat on the
board of Creditanstalt-Bankverein of Vienna (owned by Reichs-
and Deutsche Bank), Wolfgang Richter, an economic advisor
for the Sudetenland and manager of the Braunkohlen Syndicate
of Mitteldeutschland. Julius Maier served as economic advisor
of Hanover. He owned the private bank of Hanover, Julius
Maier & Company. There was Dr. Walter Schieber, economic
advisor for Thuringia. He lived in Weimar and was manager
of an artificial wool company in Schwarza, and a member of
the board of directors of the Dresdner Bank during the final
months of the war. Christian Franke, economic advisor for
Muenster and Westphalia, North, was also president of the
Muenster Chamber of Commerce and head of a large lumber
company. Karl Heinz Heuser served as an alternate to Huncke
on the Bormann Nazi banking committee, and also served as an
alternate economic advisor for Berlin.
This banking committee not only had government access to
all German bank operations and a degree of control, but it also
placed representatives on the boards of each bank. The big
banks did not object, merely insisting that these men not be
party hacks but party professionals who had a feel for and
understanding of finance. The bankers of Germany have always
looked to the seat of their government for guidelines, and if
this was what Bormann wanted they would go along. From the
Fuggers of the sixteenth century or the Rothschilds of the
eighteenth century, bankers in Germany could make or break
governments, and did. But during the era of the Third Reich,
their period of enormous power, they had become virtually a
second government. Bank chairmen were consulted by the Nazi
Party on every economic and financial question that arose.
Baron Kurt von Schroeder, a well-known banker of Cologne
during these years and an economic advisor to Bormann's eco-
nomic committee, commented that Dr. Hermann Josef Abs,
chairman of Deutsche Bank, was particularly important to the
government of the Third Reich.
"His influence was mainly with the Reichsbank and with the
Ministry of Economics. Abs proved very valuable to the party
and to the government by using his bank to assist the govern-
ment in doing business in the occupied countries and in other
foreign countries. Abs enjoyed excellent relations with Walther
Funk, who was both president of the Reichsbank and head of
the Ministry of Economics."
Walther Funk stated that the bankers and banks of greatest
importance in German financial af fairs abroad were "Abs
(Deutsche Bank), Goetz or Rasche (Dresdner Bank), Rode-
wald (Reichskreditgesellschaft), Radort (Aerobank) ." Funk
added that this last-named bank, the Bank der Luftfahrt (Aero-
bank), "confined its activities largely to the monetary af fairs of
France and Norway. But Deutsche Bank and the Dresdner
Bank had few limitations on their activities, due to their world-
wide associations and prestige in finance." Even within their
own organization, much of their personnel reflected the Nazi
Party. Branch managers of Deutsche Bank were to a man mem-
bers of the party; of course, management insisted that all be
first-class bankers, men who had come up through the Deutsche
Bank ranks to positions of authority.
While the Big Three of German banking were vital to the
funding of the German war machine, both before and during
the war, Deutsche Bank was much more so, for it was the lead
bank in establishing economic authority over the banks and
corporations of the occupied countries. When the German
armies were preparing to invade the Lowlands and France,
Deutsche Bank submitted to the Ministry of Economics its plan
for insuring economic control over nations about to be overrun
by the Wehrmacht. Like I.G. Farben and its "New Order" for
the European chemical business, Deutsche Bank's plan was also
named Neuordnung. It was approved by the Ministry of Eco-
nomics and the Reichsbank, and when German armies moved
Deutsche Bank followed.
In Belgium, control was assumed by establishing banking
subsidiaries of the big German ones, which also bought majority
control of existing Belgian banks. The Deutsche Bank already
had its own branch in Brussels and was doing business as usual
on May 19, 1940, when German troops marched into the city
and proceeded to give a band concert in the Grande Place — it
being a sunny afternoon. Dresdner Bank bought majority inter-
est in Banque Continentale of Brussels and Antwerp; the Bank
der Deutschen Arbeit bought into Banque de l'Ouest in Brussels;
Commerzbank moved in on Banque Hanseatique of Brussels.
In Holland, German banking exploitation was achieved simply
by having the Deutsche Bank, which had long been interested in
Handelmaatsschappj, increase its holdings in H. Albert de Bary
&Co., Inc. The Berliner Handelsgesellschaft increased its hold-
ings in the Hollandsche Koopmansbank. The Bank der Deut-
schen Luftfahrt acquired all shares in N.V. Hollandsche
Buitenland Bank, while several other German financial institu-
tions secured majority shares in Rodius Koenigs Handel Maat-
schappin. Three subsidiaries were established by Dresdner Bank.
Deutsche Bank bought majority control of Bohmische Union
Bank of Prague and the Banca Commerciale Romana of Bucha-
rest and 30 percent ownership of the Banque Generale de
Luxembourg. It purchased controlling shares from banks in
Belgium and Paris, which up to that time had owned these
banks of Prague, Bucharest, and Luxembourg. The Societe Gen-
erale de Belgique of Brussels and the Banque de l'Union
Parisien of Paris, which owned these banks, sold their shares to
Deutsche Bank. In much the same way, this German bank
bought majority stock from Belgian and French majority share-
owners of Columbia Oil and Concordia Oil, both Romanian
joint stock companies operating these oil-producing plants of
These economic penetration specialists of the Third Reich
handled France similarly, with but a slight dif ference. In the
years before the war the German businessmen, industrialists,
and bankers had established close ties with their counterparts
in France. After the blitzkrieg and invasion, the same French-
men in many cases went on working with their German peers.
They didn't have much choice, to be sure, and the occupation
being instituted, very few in the high echelons of commerce and
finance failed to collaborate. The Third Republic's business elite
was virtually unchanged after 1940. Jewish businessmen, of
course, were penalized for being just that, along with those who
joined de Gaulle. The Vichy government, and the occupation
government under German domination, was run by "notables,"
people who had already made it in public administration, com-
merce, finance, and the professions. They regarded the war and
Hitler as an unfortunate diversion from their chief mission of
preventing a communist revolution in France. Antibolshevism
was a common denominator linking these Frenchmen to Ger-
mans, and it accounted for a volunteer French division on the
Eastern Front, which in actuality was useful only as propaganda
for the Germans. Hitler never thought much of the volunteer
divisions of occupied Europe, dismissing their existence with,
"We will rise by ourselves."
The upper-class men who had been superbly trained in finance
and administration at one of the two grand corps schools were
referred to as France's permanent "wall of money," and as
professionals they came into their own in 1940. They agreed to
the establishment of German subsidiary firms in France and
permitted a general buy-in to French companies. In 1941,
French banks sold a large part of their holdings in the industrial
and banking enterprises of central and southeastern Europe;
after all, they reasoned, the German armies were already there,
which secured French interests; and half a loaf is better than
In Paris the usual direct penetration took place by shareowner
control of such as Worms et Cie. (now Banque Worms Group),
the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, Banque Nationale pour
le Commerce et l'lndustrie (now Banque Nationale de Paris),
and Banque de l'lndo Chine (now Banque de l'lndo Chine et
de Suez Group).
On May 23, 1940, all French banks operated under the Ger-
man banking administration, and fiscal operations came under
the supervision of Berlin auditors. When the Japanese bombed
Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and President Roosevelt
announced that the United States was at war with Japan and
Germany, the branches of American banks in France came
under German control and were closed, except for two American
banks: Morgan et Cie., and Chase of New York. Both received
this special treatment through the intercession of Dr. Hermann
Josef Abs of Deutsche Bank, financial advisor to the German
government. According to U.S. Treasury agent reports, the favor-
able treatment was due to an "understanding relationship" be-
tween Lord Shawcross and Dr. Abs. Sort of an "old school tie,"
an unspoken understanding among international bankers that
wars may come and may go but the flux of wealth goes on
forever. Lord Shawcross was, and is, a British financial leader in
the City of London, a distinguished barrister, and a board mem-
ber of many international firms; he had also been serving as
special advisor to Morgan Guaranty Trust of New York, and
to their French and Spanish banks. Morgan et Cie. and Morgan
et Cie. Internationale SA. and Chase of New York had their
own ties to Abs. Lord Shawcross was later to become chief
prosecutor for the United Kingdom before the International
Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. He was to have many friendl y
conversations with Dr. Abs, who was under house arrest for a
time in 1945. Both Lord Shawcross and Dr. Abs were to work
together again in the 1950s in jointly sponsoring an interna-
tional organization named "Society for the Protection of For-
eign Investments of World War II," with headquarters in
Cologne, West Germany-all this according to testimony and
documents submitted to the U.S. Justice Department and a
Senate committee in Washington.
Meanwhile, in 1940, Jewish banks in France (such as Banque
Transatlantique, Lazard Freres, and Rothschild Freres) and
many a more modest Jewish firm engaged in the securities busi-
ness and in international operations were seized, but were all
returned to rightful ownership after 1945.
In both Belgium and France control of banks gave the Ger-
mans control of industry because banks could vote the shares
they held in commercial firms, determining management's col-
laboration in manufacturing products for use in Germany. Con-
trol of both banking and industry in occupied countries was
therefore essential to continued effective domination of a nation.
People depended on factories and commercial establishments for
their livelihood; they needed banks to cash paychecks and for
their savings, as well as to lend them money for business expan-
sion and home mortgages. Those eliminated from this economic
circle suffered severely. With no jobs and no savings, they con-
stituted a minority society of social and economic outcasts.
Some turned to the Resistance-not too many until Allied troops
were at the gates. On the other hand, as part of the "carrot,"
compliant workers in factories and employees of banks received
part of an increased salary scale in food bonuses, so that they
and their families survived the occupation in better style.
Hitler could af ford to strip these countries of 153 divisions
and send them to the Eastern Front in 1941. Thirty-eight divi-
sions were enough for the Lowlands, Belgium, and France: bank
control and the police, both German state secret police and the
local police who worked for them, did the rest.
In Holland, because the big local banks did not have stock
ownership of the firms they financed, Deutsche Bank specialists
approached the industrial problem in a dif ferent way. They
bought into the key firms much as they would go about nego-
tiating a takeover in peacetime, except that their hole card was
the German army.
As one example, AKU (Algemcene Kunstsijde Unie N.V.,
of Arnheim, Holland) was a chemical firm, which had been
formed in 1929. It owned outright an important subsidiary,
Vereignigte Glanzstoff, among other properties. In Germany
the Dutch-owned subsidiary was Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken
A.G., of Wuppertal-Elberfeld. The Germans already held a
minority interest in AKU and V.G. But Deutsche Bank and
Reichsbank wanted majority control, not only for the benefits
it would provide to German war production in Holland, but for
the increased profits that would flow to German shareowners.
This is how the transition was accomplished: AKU had com-
mon shares and preferred shares; the latter, which had the bigg er
voting rights, were all in the hands of members of the board of
AKU. The first move was to change the composition of the
board. The German Ministry of Economics, in the person of
Hans Kehrl, asked a Cologne banker, Kurt Freiherr von Schroe-
der, to join the board of AKU and of Vereinigte Glanzstof f.
Upon becoming a board member of AKU, Schroeder received
6,000 florins of shares (6 shares of 1,000 florins each). He re-
ceived these as a trustee and as a member of the board. At the
beginning of the war there were eight members on the board of
AKU: three Germans and five Hollanders. The chairman of
the board was Mr. Fentner van Vlissingen; the vice chairman
was Dr. Abs of Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank controlled many
of the AKU shares and had a leading position in the Vereinigte
Glanzstoff. Liaison between the two companies was carried on
by Vaubel. The eight men holding the priority shares were all
now in a consortium. The Germans dominated this consortium,
although technically the Dutch had a 50 percent interest. Before
each meeting, when the shares had to be voted, it was decided
how they could vote. The shares of the trustees had to be voted
the same way. The German holders were trustees for the Verei-
nigte Glanzstoff. The Germans, such as von Schroeder, who
had received their shares at no cost, were obligated to turn back
their stock when they left the board. They were merely trustees,
and voted on order for V.G., as did the priority shareholders.
Before board meetings, owners of the priority shares received
letters from the Deutsche Bank or V.G. management telling
them how they should vote. The eight priority shareholders
each held six priority shares valued at 48,000 florins. Before each
meeting Dr. Abs and Mr. van Vlissingen held a short con-
ference, at which time the course the voting should take was
outlined. The leading figure was Abs; van Vlissingen would
deliver the instructions as initiated by Abs.
Kurt von Schroeder said the Dutch members did as the Ger-
man government desired. "They never made difficulties. Abs
was the leading man because of the majority of the shares he
controlled in the consortium."
There were three American companies, North American
Rayon Corporation, American Bemberg Corporation, and Amer-
ican Enka, all subsidiaries of Vereinigte Glanzstoff subsidiaries.
American Bemberg was a subsidiary of J.P. Bemberg A.G., itself
a subsidiary of Vereinigte Glanzstof f. After the war began, it
was difficult to manage the three American companies from
Germany. An ef fort was made to have the American subsidi-
aries appear to be under Dutch rather than German control.
The consortium of V.G. and AKU, however, continued receiv-
ing annual reports and the profits from the American firms
placed on deposit to accounts in Switzerland, through Swiss
subsidiaries. (In the 1950s, both AKU and Vereinigte Glanz-
stoff were reshuffled and became part of a Dutch holding com-
pany, AKZO NV. AKU today is AKU-Goodrich, and Vereinigte
Glanzstoff has been absorbed into the American Enka Company
of North Carolina. All continue profitable for AKZO NV and
the Dutch and German shareholders.) The original move for
control in 1941 was prompted by the German need to increase
the production of artificial wool and cellulose. To fulfill this
AKU needed more capital, for the construction of a new plant
for the artificial wool, and it had to found a new company,
SOVE, to produce increased cellulose. Deutsche Bank agreed
to increase the AKU capital by 10 million florins with nonvoting
certificates in Germany, retaining the original shares with its
voting rights. Any who bought the certificates received the
same dividends and had the right for one time only to change
the certificates for original shares. Deutsche Bank, with its 10
million florin shares of capital with voting rights, was in com-
mand, but it was not until it bought additional shares of AKU
in Holland that it held a majority of the total shares. The AKU
shares against which certificates were issued by the Deutsche
Bank were deposited with the Deutsche Bank Filiale Hamburg;
in the amount of 27,762,900 florins with German stamp and
3,444,400 florins without German stamp were the amounts ex-
changed for certificates by the Deutsche Bank at that time,
when AKU was reorganized in 1942.
If all this seems devious in a war of shot and shell, it is. But
such a form of control was necessary to the long haul of occupa-
tion, in which the Third Reich envisioned a peaceful, prosper-
ing community of nations within their Fortress Europe.
Commerce and industry had to go on, and profits had to flow
with benefit to all involved parties and shareholders, if a com-
mon market under German direction were to succeed and com-
munism were to be held back.
Once Martin Bormann had the German banks assume ma-
jority control of the fiscal apparatus of each overrun country
and of the corporations of special worth to them, the German
"Four- Year Plan" was the next step in total administration,
determining precisely which individuals were to direct these
enterprises in the occupied areas; also, into which German
sphere of requirement such should fall.
In Holland, the overall administrator of the financial and
economic plan was Dr. Hans Fischbock. The Luftwaf fe took
charge of the electronics firm of Phillips, which had become
a prime supplier. Phillips of Eindhoven was likewise used for
special wireless projects, thanks to its astounding capabilities in
the manufacture of electronic communications and radar equip-
ment. One such was to engineer equipment that would monitor
the telephone conversations between Prime Minister Churchill
and President Roosevelt.
In 1940 AT&T and their Bell Laboratories had developed a
device for secret telephone transmissions between the president
of the United States and the prime minister of Great Britain.
This so-called X- System was the first speech encoding tech-
nique that could be deciphered only at the point of intended
reception. Churchill, from his command post beneath
Westminster, would speak into a specially contrived handset; his
words were encoded with electronic pulses called "key signals,"
and transmitted by short-wave radio; received at AT&T head-
quarters in New York City, they would then be transmitted to
the White House, where the key signals would be deleted; thus
the listener, the president, would hear only the perfectly clear,
original message. It was a giant leap forward in telephone con-
fidentiality, developed by Robert C. Mathes, Ralph K. Potter,
and P.W. Blye, Bell engineers.
But this unique invention of telephonic radio scrambling was
about to lose its confidentiality. In 1941 a Gestapo agent withi n
the British intelligence structure sent a coded report to General
Mueller in Berlin that top secret information affecting the course
and outcome of the war was being regularly exchanged over the
ether between Churchill and Roosevelt. Although it is true that
British intelligence had penetrated the German General Staf f,
it is equally true that General Mueller had his mole inside
Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, a fact unknown to either
the British or Admiral Canaris of the Abwehr, who was leaking
information secretly to General Sir Stewart Graham Menzies,
head of MI-6.
General Mueller's agent was Charles Howard Ellis, a top-
level British career intelligence officer who also served as a Nazi
double agent throughout World War II. At the time of his
tipoff to General Mueller, Ellis was in New York as second in
command to Sir William Stephenson ("A Man Called In-
trepid"), who was doing his best to move the U.S. into war
against Germany with a combined propaganda and British spy
operation and who later assisted in the formation and training
of the American OSS. Charles Ellis learned of the Roosevelt-
Churchill telephone conversations from Stephenson, who was
a frequent visitor to the White House. Ellis sent his message to
Mueller through Gestapo channels via Mexico City to Buenos
Aires, where it was beamed to Hamburg by one of the clandes-
tine German transmitters in that capital. The Ellis report was
quickly taken by General Mueller to Reichsleiter Bormann,
who promptly told Hitler about it. The Fuehrer ordered Bor-
mann to do whatever was necessary to unscramble these con-
versations and provide him with transcripts within hours of their
Under the direction of Group III of the Berlin cipher section,
Bormann instituted a hurry-up program, and after many months
of intensive work and many millions of Reichsmarks spent by the
research institute of the Deutsche Reichspost, Dr. Ohnsorge,
minister of postal services, informed Bormann that a sophisti-
cated installation would enable them to unscramble undetected
the telephone conversations between the two Allied leaders and
place them in clear, listenable context. The task was described
by German cryptologist Wilhelm F. Flicke: "Just imagine you
are standing on the edge of a seething volcano, with a dozen
yelping dogs just behind you and with a few wolves and lions
howling and roaring at the other side of the crater. Add a gentle
whistle to this sound mixture and you have an idea of what
scrambled speech is like and what German engineers had to
penetrate before they could extract words."
The chief German electronics engineer who developed this
counterachievement of the Deutsch Reichspost was Herr Vet-
terlein. In September 1942, under his direction, the Dutch
engineers of the newly captive firm of Phillips at Eindhoven
constructed the necessary installation in a monitoring station,
on a spit of land close by The Hague.
Hitler was delighted each time Reichsleiter Martin Bormann
placed on his desk a transcript only hours after the American
president and the British prime minister had held one of their
transatlantic conversations. Bucked up by the ingenuity and
patriotism of his German inventors, he expressed thanks to the
Phillips engineers. "Their work alone in this matter made the
taking of Holland worthwhile," he is said to have remarked to
Bormann. Indeed it did, for it gave Hitler a window into the
workings in London and provided him with the certain knowl-
edge that there would be no Second Front in 1943, leaving him
free to shift further divisions from the Westwall to the Eastern
Front. The many hundreds of British and Allied agents sacri-
ficed by the British in France and in the Lowlands to convince
the Germans there would be a Second Front in 1943 makes a
dismaying footnote in the history of World War II. Not until
February 1944, months before D-Day, did British intelligence
discover that its worst security leak was at the top of the pyra-
mid, and order the Royal Air Force to destroy the Nazi moni-
toring station in Holland.
Bormann's Four- Year Plan proceeded like clockwork in West-
ern Europe, and the Germans made a special effort to apply the
same to the countries of southeastern Europe. Before World
War I they had large holdings in public loans, railways, banks,
mining, oil, and other industrial interests in this part of the
world. As a condition of the peace treaties following World
War I, Germany forfeited it all, and furthermore had to pay
retributive reparations to those countries that had taken the side
of the Allies. Part of the Austrian and Hungarian holdings,
especially in the heavy and armaments industries and in b ank-
ing, were taken over lock, stock, and barrel by France and
Great Britain, as well as by Belgium, Switzerland, and other
nations. Thus, up until 1934, what was left to Germany was
minuscule; they held only 1 percent of the total foreign invest-
ment in Yugoslav industry and less than 1 percent of the total
foreign investment in Yugoslav banking.
With the advent of National Socialism, perceived as a saving
grace, and the concomitant era of renewed German production,
trade, and Reichsmark diplomacy, the Fatherland once again
became a force to be reckoned with in southeastern Europe,
drawing it into the Nazi orbit. In 1941, when German armies
slashed through the Balkans to the Aegean in five weeks, the
administrators of the Four- Year Plan moved to exploit this
region in a businesslike manner. They carried out the financing
and development of important raw materials in Yugoslavia,
Romania, and Bulgaria. For this they utilized the skills of
German industrial firms to extract maximum benefits from the
mining, steel, and petroleum industries. Deutsche Bank, D res-
dner Bank, and Commerzbank had already gained majority
control of the principal banks and industrial corporations of
these countries by buying sufficient shares from their principal
shareowners, French and Belgian banks.
A similar pattern was developed for Luxembourg, a country
smaller than Rhode Island, whose principal industry is iron and
steel. The Germans annexed Luxembourg, as they did Alsace-
Lorraine, and it became an administered territory, like Poland,
Belgium, and Holland, where local nationals did not serve as
government. Gustav Koenigs, chairman of Hamburg- Amerika
shipping line and a director of many companies, was appointed
Reich trustee of ARBED, an important Luxembourg steel car-
tel, by the German Ministry of Economics. There were in
ARBED 250,000 shares outstanding, the majority held by Lux-
embourgers, Belgians, and French, in that order. German share-
holders, largely through their banks, accounted for 54,747
shares. Some were held by British and Americans through their
secret accounts in Swiss banks. A shift in control was made
when Gustav Koenigs, as Reich trustee, also became trustee of
the Belgian- and French-held shares. On April 19, 1943, a share-
holders' meeting was held in Luxembourg city, and the capital
of the company was converted from francs into Reichsmarks.
ARBED was recapitalized at 300 million Reichmarks ($120
million), and under German direction the cartel became the
third largest iron and steel company in Europe, ranking behind
only Germany's Vereinigte Stahlwerke and the Goering Steel
Works. A sales company was then formed under the name of
Luxembourg Iron & Steel Company to market all ARBED
products throughout Europe. It was capitalized at RM 1.5
million. To further tighten German control over the iron and
steel output of this small, mountainous country, all of the iron
mines in Luxembourg were combined and amalgamated into
one unified association under German direction. This associa-
tion was named "Luetzellurg," and its advisory board was ap-
pointed by the chief of the German civil administration. Gustav
Koenigs, as Reich trustee of ARBED, served as president of
The two principal German banks, Deutsche Bank and Dresd-
ner Bank, had assumed 73 percent ownership of the Banque
Generate de Luxembourg and the Banque International de
Luxembourg in May 1940. They bought majority shares of the
two Luxembourg banks from the Belgian and French banks,
where they had increased their shareholdings to a controlling
interest. Both Commerzbank and the Deutschen Arbeit banks
established branches in Luxembourg.
In dealing with all other aspects of the economy of occupied
countries, the Germans were just as thorough. In 1939, the
British insurance companies held nearly half of the French port-
folios, amounting to 90 billion francs, or about 11,800 million.
When France fell, all British insurance offices in both occupied
and unoccupied France were closed and by agreement with the
French Insurance Department in Vichy, and the German Cen-
tral Organization of Insurance Carriers, a full concession was
issued by France to German insurance companies. The Munich
Reinsurance Company had already penetrated France before
1939 through the Societe Anonyme de Reassurance of Paris. In
1940 Nordstern of Germany acquired most of the British busi-
ness. The heavy industries of France were put to work for
Germany, as was the iron and steel industry in Alsace-Lorraine.
By 1941 there was great bitterness in France toward the British,
anyway. It appeared to the French now that most Allied mili-
tary successes seemed to involve French losses. First, there was
the British invasion of Syria in June 1941. Then the British
blockade of the Continent began, causing grievous food and fuel
shortages in France, although had the German occupation au-
thorities not drained so much food from the French economy
and diverted it to Germany the shortage would have been
manageable. On March 3, 1942, the British bombed the Renault
works in the Paris suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt, which caused
great damage and civilian casualties. Also, the Vichy French
were still smarting from the seizure of two battleships, four light
cruisers, two submarines, and about two hundred small craft at
anchor in Portsmouth and Plymouth. But the shelling and
bombing of the battleships Bretagne, Dunkerque, and Provence
at Oran, and the Richelieu at Dakar, along with lesser vessels,
turned Britain into an enemy of Vichy France, although Chur-
chill was wise to order the attacks to keep this naval force from
falling into German hands. If they had — and German plans
were being made to seize the ships and man them with German
and Italian crews — the battle for the Mediterranean and the
Atlantic would have swung in Germany's favor.
Against this background, and with the schism between France
and Britain, France looked to Germany rather than to Britain.
The economic penetration of the neutral nations was handled
differently by German corporations and banks. They continued
to move in tandem, I.G. Farben and Friedrich Krupp, A.G, to
name only two major ones with worldwide interests, and manu-
factured and sold their products while participating banks han-
dled the funding and the collection of money, according to
terms of contracts between manufacturer and principal.
Hermann Brombacher, manager of the War Material Export
Branch of Friedrich Krupp A.G. in these war years, stated that
all contracts for export had to be passed on by two government
agencies, A.G.K. (Ausfuhr Gemeinschaft Kriegsgerat) and
O.I.W. (High Command of the armed forces). Brombacher
said that foreign business was handled in the following manner:
"All companies competing for a f oreign contract would notify
A.G.K. of the facts of their bid. A.G.K. had the power to deter-
mine if a particular company's prices were right. One company
could not offer a price lower than that of another German firm,
on the same product. The contract would usually go to the
company having the best name or the one preferred by the
foreign government. The companies who were then unsuccess-
ful in the bidding would often be licensed by the company
securing the contract to fill part of the order. T he company
receiving the order would be called the leader of the syndicate
or 'consortium,' and would often license the other companies
to aid them."
Brombacher gave as one example a 1937 Krupp contract with
Brazil for the delivery of certain types of war materials. "To
secure this contract and to introduce its products there, Krupp
had several representatives in Brazil (namely, Bromberg &Co.).
Rheinmetall-Borsig, Krupp's main competitor for the business,
also had representatives in Brazil. When Krupp secured the
contract, Rheinmetall was then ordered by A.G.K. not to com-
pete with Krupp in Brazil. The expenses of Rheinmetall's repre-
sentatives were ordered paid by A.G.K. out of the expense clause
of the new contract."
As an insight into how Krupp operated its vast armaments
business during World War II (in contrast to World War I,
when it had to import precision instruments from Switzerland),
Brombacher stated, "In the Second World War we had our own
German sources for the photoelectric and radar fire controls
used for our guns. We were supplied by the German firms of
Siemens &Halske A.G. and Siemens-Schuchert-Werke A.G. All
optical devices were built by Carl Zeiss."
He added that Krupp had also shifted from being mass sup-
plier of the German war machine to being primarily a develop-
ment and invention agency for weapons that were then mass
fabricated by other manufacturers.
While supplying weaponry to other countries on the O.K.W.
approved list, Brombacher said they didn't let the war interfere
with profits. He explained one gun contract Krupp had with
Holland. Krupp had not finished building the border defense
guns Holland wanted under terms of their contract, "so Krupp
loaned Holland some big defense guns on a cash rental basis."
When the German army rolled over Holland in May 1940,
although it wasn't much of a roll-over because the borders were
thinly patrolled and the way had been smoothed by the German
Citizens' Association (the A-O), "the rented guns were re-
possessed by Krupp and later sold to the Italians."
The expansion of the German economy despite war produced
a new Reichsmark diplomacy that made a profit for everyone
involved: the corporations, the banks, their shareholders, the
Reichsbank, the government of the Third Reich; and in coun-
tries where sales were made the business elite prospered, as did
the middlemen who handled the goods and the tradesmen who
sold to consumers. It was a golden circle of Reichsmark diplo-
macy, which had its ef feet on foreign policy and the conduct
of the war.
Consider Turkey, and the reasons that it remained outside
the Allied fold until the waning days of the war. The Big Three,
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, all agreed it would be desirable
to have Turkey in the war in 1943. But they didn't have Reichs-
mark power; they didn't have the guns and aircraft and diverse
consumer products Turkey craved. In short supply themselves,
they were carefully stockpiling any excess war equipment for
1944 and Operation Overlord. So they attempted rhetorical
Winston Churchill had Anthony Eden meet with a Turkish
delegation on November 23, 1943, the time of the Churchill-
Roosevelt Cairo Conference, which took place on the eve of
their meeting in Teheran with Josef Stalin. Foreign Secretary
Eden had persuaded a Turkish delegation to come to Cairo. At
the meeting he pointed out the urgent Allied need for Turkish
airbases, and the advantages that would accrue to both sides if
Turkey entered the war on the side of the Allies. The Turkish
delegation sat through this discourse unmoved. They said that
granting of airbases to the Allies would be an act of intervention,
and that nothing could prevent German air strikes on Constanti-
nople, Ankara, and Smyrna.
Later, Eden privately remarked to Churchill, "Considering
what has been happening to us under their eyes in the Aegean,
the Turks can hardly be blamed for their caution."
What Eden did not know is that the Turkish delegation had
better reasons for being negative to his proposals. They were
locked up in Reichsmark diplomacy, and members of the dele-
gation did not want this golden thread broken.
Germany was having a field day in Turkey. German assets
totaled about S30 million and the Turkish-German clearing
account was $15.7 million, yet neither figure tells the true story
of German assets in Turkey at that time. Two German bank
branches, the Deutsche Bank in Istanbul and the Deutsche
Orient Bank (a Dresdner bank), were depositories for a steady
flow of bonds, cash, gold, bank deposits, and foreign exchange
belonging to German firms and individuals. Six German insur-
ance companies with branches in Turkey followed a standard
policy of linking Turkish insurance companies into their own
operation with grants of German investment capital, which
automatically forced these firms to bow to German policy. But
it also generated large fluid assets, which were invested in local
real estate and other properties and business ventures. More than
sixty German-controlled firms in Turkey were engaged in build-
ing and public works contracting; building materials and to-
bacco merchandising; importing and exporting; chemicals and
pharmaceuticals; shipping, forwarding, and transportation; ma-
chinery and electrical equipment; and as commission agents.
I.G. Farben, Krupp, and Bayer were each represented.
Then there was a 100-million Reichsmark order for German
war materials to Turkey. While the Eden conference was taking
place in Cairo, Turkish and German businessmen and govern-
ment leaders were discussing this contract by a consortium of
German firms. By terms of this sale, bonds of the Turkish
Treasury to the amount of RM 100 million were deposited with
the Deutsche Bank, to be redeemed in half-yearly installments
from 1944 to 1949 in return for Deutsche Bank credits.
Deutsche Bank was handling all the financial aspects of the
Turkish order. This bank computed the sums each German firm
was to receive in cash, and then formed a syndicate of several
banks for the funding, with the German firms receiving their
money immediately. To the German O.K.W., an important
element of this transaction was the resumption of chromium
ore shipments from Turkey to Germany. The Turks received
their war materiel from Germany with promptness, but were
able to pay only two installments on their war bonds, those due
May 15 and November 15, 1945. In August 1944 Turkey had
reluctantly cut its diplomatic and economic relations with Ger-
many. On February 23, 1945, four months before the German
surrender at Rheims, France (on May 7 ) , Turkey declared war
on the Axis.
In another neutral nation, Spain, Reichsmark diplomacy
worked equally well. Although Franco sympathized with Hitler
and his war against communist Russia, even to the extent of
sending a volunteer division to the Eastern Front, he became
more neutral as the war went on. In 1943 he had been told
during a personal meeting with his old friend, Admiral Canaris,
that Spain should stay out of the war; that Hitler could not win.
From this moment on he became more even-handed in his
treatment of German and British diplomatic representatives
who were quietly fighting for his attention and for the other
perks that go with a most-favored-nation relationship.
On the industrial front, however, Germany was winning hands
down. Almost all sections of the Spanish chemical and pharm-
aceutical industry came under the control of I.G. Farbenindus-
trie. It controlled many Spanish firms directly or through
Unicolor SA. I.G. Farben owned 51 percent of the stock in
Sociedad Electro-Quimica de Flix, whose manufacturing proc-
esses were under license from I.G. Quimica Commercial y
Farmaceutica SA. was a subsidiary of I.G. Farben and dis-
tributed the Bayer line of medical products in Spain. Farben
Unicolor SA. represented 16 German firms having interlocking
directorates with several large Spanish chemical companies.
There were Lipperheide and Guzman SA. (later to be re-
named Industrias Reunida Minero Metalurgicas S.A.), whose
holdings included smelters and transportation facilities. There
were also in Spain two prominent German-owned banks.
The Spanish Civil War had given Germany a strong foothold
in Spain. Hitler had sent technical aid, a Condor division, and
dive bombers to Franco. The war also enabled his new genera-
tion of army strategists to test new field and air tactics and
weapons. In return, General Franco later sent his Blue Division
to Russia, but by German accounts this did not square the
Spanish debt.
In November 1943, an agreement was reached in which Spain
acknowledged a $1 billion debt to Germany. Several payments
were made, in free credits. One payment was of $60 million to
be used by the Germans to buy Spanish property, finance goods,
and sustain the German diplomatic staff in Spain. In July 1944
the balance due had been brought down to S40 million by
Spain. By April 1945 Spain's debt was only $22 million, and it
was being negotiated by German interests.
German economic penetration of Portugal was limited. In
1944 prewar investments in mining gave way to the purchase
of properties in the cities of Portugal. I.G. Farben did not man-
ufacture in Portugal, merely marketing pharmaceutical special-
ties through their Bayer Ltda., in Lisbon and Oporto. The most
important German manufacturer in Portugal was the electrical
firm of Siemens Companhia de Electricidad S.A.R.L., a division
of the Siemens group of Germany. No German banks were
established in Portugal.
In their efforts to harness the economies of Europe, admin-
istrators of the Four- Year Plan encountered resistance "to the
proposed takeover of certain companies, such as the German
branch of the Ford Motor Company. The management of
"Ford-Werke A.G." wanted to hold this company together as a
profit-making entity ("The war won't last forever and we have
a good thing in Ford"). They believed that once government
bureaucracy laid its hand on their corporation it would never
be the same. Therefore, Dr. H.T. Albert, chairman of the board,
sent a memorandum to the Four- Year Plan administrators from
R.H. Schmidt, president of the board of Ford-Werke A.G.
They mustered the arguments on whether a complete German-
ization of Ford would be necessary or advisable. In part, Schmidt
All vehicles and parts are being produced in Germany by German
workers using German materials; export into the European and
overseas sales territory of the United States and Great Britain has
amounted to many millions in the last year of peace.
Foreign raw materials were obtained through the American com-
pany (rubber, nonferrous metals) to cover production needs of the
German plant and in part for the whole industry.
As soon as the American stock majority in Ford-Werke A.G. is
eliminated each Ford company in every country will fight for its
individual existence. Amsterdam, Antwerp, Paris, Budapest, Bu-
charest, Copenhagen, etc. are concerned (about a collapse of the
general Ford organization in Europe).
A majority, even if it is only a small one, of the Americans is
essential for the actually free-transmittal of the newest American
models as well as for the insight into the American production and
sales methods. Since Americans are without a doubt particularly
progressive in this field, the maintenance of this connection is in
the German interest. Through license fees or contractual stipulations
this advantage, as well as the importance of the company for the
obtaining of raw materials and exports, would be lost. The plant
would practically only be worth its own machine capacity.
The memorandum was dated November 25, 1941, and the
United States went to war two weeks later. While Mr. Schmidt's
and Dr. Albert's argument became moot, the German govern-
ment did not break up the Ford operation of Europe. They
admired its efficiency, placing the various motor companies in
different countries into their armament production scheme.
At the apex of this vast financial and economic administra-
tive structure was positioned Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. He
had retained his grip on the pulse of German finance ever since
the day he took charge of the finances of the Fuehrer, and the
vast funds of the Reich chancellery. His friendship and association
with Dr. Herman Josef Abs predated Abs's move into the man-
agement of Deutsche Bank. Dr. Abs had been a partner in the
prestigious private bank of Delbruck Schickler & Co. in Berlin.
Recalling those days, Abs has written:
The Reich Chancellery in Berlin was its largest account, and it was
through this account that Adolf Hitler received his salary as Chan-
cellor of the Reich.
Martin Bormann, whose control of the Reich chancellery was
absolute the moment he succeeded Rudolf Hess, maintained a
cordial relationship with the Berlin banker. Dr. Abs moved to
the Deutsche Bank on December 30, 1937, where he became
first a member of the board of management, later the chairman
of the most powerful bank in Germany, which was to tug the
German financial apparatus ever forward into new areas of
financial expansion and power throughout the world.
Reichsleiter Bormann knew that his relationship with Abs
would tighten as his own power grew. Remaining on friendly
terms with the Third Reich's leading banker was a contentment.
He knew in 1943 that with his Nazi banking committee well
established, he had the means to ultimately take the reins of
finance unto himself. Through this committee and through the
power that flowed from Hitler to himself, he could set a new
Nazi state policy, when the time was ripe for the general trans-
fer of capital, gold, stocks, and bearer bonds to safety in neutral
Bormann, like Hitler, had no illusions that victory would be
theirs on the field of battle. Hitler had settled in his own mind
that a sort of victory might accrue to Germany only with a
compromise peace with the adversaries. To Martin Bormann,
he had commented at Obersalzberg in 1943, "No one will make
peace with us now." Yet he went on nurturing the hope of
establishing a holding line near Kursk in the Ukraine, then
fighting the British and the Americans to a standstill in the
In the summer of 1943 Hitler requested Bormann to call a
meeting of his SS security chiefs. Present were Hitler, Bormann,
Himmler, Heinrich Mueller of the Gestapo, and Schellenberg,
head of SS foreign intelligence. Foreign Minister Ribbentrop
also sat in on the conference because his ministry was to supply
essential data in the game plan now being devised. It was a
new, cagy diplomacy, in which negotiations were to be opened
with the West, while simultaneously establishing contact with
It was decided at the conference that Himmler should make
the approach to the West, while Mueller would begin a "Funk-
spiel," a radio game using captured communist wireless opera-
tors to send messages to the intelligence gathering center in
Moscow. This center, so-called, controlled all Soviet agent ac-
tivities outside Russia. It was the net that pulled in all com-
munications, which were then distributed to the various
intelligence chiefs in Moscow, according to priority and need.
Anything dealing with shifting strategy in Berlin, London, and
Washington went directly to Stalin. Mueller was very good at
forcing captured "enemy" wireless operators to work for the
Germans, using their transmitters, codes, and personnel to cause
London or Moscow to believe it was their own agent on the air
still transmitting valid information.
At the time of this 1943 conference with the Fuehrer, the
Abwehr had control of Leopold Trepper, a Polish Jew who had
run a brilliant network for the communists. It had earned the
nickname "Red Orchestra," because its wireless operators in
Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris appeared to transmit
like an orchestra as they followed one after the other each night
with their messages to the center in Moscow. It took the Abwehr
and the Gestapo two years to demolish the Red Orchestra.
Then they learned that all participants were militant Jews dedi-
cated alike to communism and the concomitant defeat of
Nazism; thus, to the Nazis it was yet another threat to contend
with. By the end of 1943 the Gestapo had entrapped more than
130 communist agents, most of them workers for the Red
The Abwehr arrested Leopold Trepper, the leader, in Paris.
Shortly thereafter he was placed under the control of the G es-
tapo, and rather than die he agreed to cooperate by transmitting
coded messages to the center in Moscow, material that had been
prepared by the Bormann-Mueller team in Berlin. This latter
was about to launch "Operation Bear," under Hitler's direction,
a campaign of sly and false information they believed just might
split the Allies and lead into a separate peace with Russia.
Trepper was transported from prison to a large and com-
fortable house in Neuilly, at the corner of the Boulevard Victor
Hugo and the rue de Rouvray. Well guarded, from this location
Trepper sent messages to Moscow, the Red Orchestra had be-
come the Brown Orchestra. But Trepper's hope was that some
way along the line he could inform Moscow that he had been
captured, that his network had been rolled up, and that he was
transmitting under duress. Such an opportunity did come after
some months when he smuggled out a coded account of his
situation, which reached the Soviet Embassy in London and was
passed along to Moscow. Until that time, however, the center
was receiving streams of misinformation, from six transmitters,
in five countries, all run by Mueller's Gestapo, in addition to the
Trepper one in Paris. One of the more accomplished Red
Orchestra members, who had succumbed to working for Mueller
under dire threats to his person, was Johann Wenzel, an expert
the center had shifted from Holland to Brussels to coordinate
air traffic of the Belgian network. Wenzel stayed on the air for
six months, only to be betrayed under duress by Sophie Paz-
nanska, a cipher expert promoted to station chief in Brussels
who had been seized by the Germans. Wenzel, who knew the
new codes in use by the center, returned to the air waves, now
for the Germans, unsuspected by the staf f of the center. In
January 1943 Wenzel, while transmitting, leaped up suddenly,
knocked his guard unconscious, and fled. Reaching the Nether-
lands, and using a transmitter the Gestapo had not found, he
sent a full disclosure of Mueller's radio game. It was evidently
neither grasped nor comprehended in Moscow, for in his mem-
oirs of 1977 Leopold Trepper stated: "Judging by his answers
the Director suspected nothing.',
By this time, Heinrich Mueller had dispatched an assistant
to Paris to handle Trepper and, in general, the transmission of
information to the Russian leadership. Heinz Pannwitz was the
individual, a Hauptsturmfuehrer SS, who had served as aide to
Heydrich in Prague when the German SS leader was gunned
down by Czech agents from London. In angry retaliation for
this, Pannwitz had ordered the execution of thousands of
Czechs and the burning of Lidice, becoming known to history
as the "butcher of Prague." In Paris he was determined to make
a name for himself, and he did so in a predictable, unsavory
way. But during a full-scale propaganda of fensive by means of
the Paris Red Orchestra unit, Leopold Trepper had escaped
and remained underground until the liberation of the French
capital in August 1944. He was to return to Moscow the fol-
lowing year, but his misfortunes there are another story —
he was incarcerated ten years in Lubyanka prison waiting for
his loyalty to the Soviet Union to be investigated. Following
the death of Stalin, he was cleared and returned with his famil y
to Warsaw. Captain Heinz Pannwitz had made his way to
Moscow believing he could get better treatment from the Rus-
sians than from the English. He was also imprisoned for ten
years, then released. In 1977 he was managing director of a bank
in Ludwigsburg, in West Germany.
Back in 1943 at the start of Operation Bear, with a peace
approach to both sides agreed upon at the above-mentioned
conference, Himmler and Mueller locked horns. Himmler was
SS chief and minister of the interior, Mueller was SS Oberst-
gruppenfuehrer and Generaloberst der Waf fen SS — that is, SS
chief group leader and highest general of the SS force. They
disliked each other intensely. Himmler had been in chicken
farming before the war, Mueller had been inspector of detectives
on the Munich police force and had been taken into the Ges-
tapo by Heydrich, who needed a core of professionals to make
the German Secret State Police more efficient. Their open
hostility to each other made Hitler angry too, and he had
ordered Bormann to be not only an arbitrator between Him-
mler and Mueller but to be personally in charge of the wireless
game deceiving Moscow. This was fine with Mueller, who had
cultivated Bormann ever since the day the Reichsleiter had
succeeded Rudolf Hess. He perceived that this was a leader who
knew what he was doing, and who would go far.
Things developed, two against one. Bormann didn't like
Himmler either, and together they ultimately cut Himmler
down to size. Bormann and Mueller began transmitting high-
level information to the center in Moscow through their
"turned" wireless operators. Mixed in with the valid data was
information on Churchill and Roosevelt picked up from their
transatlantic conversations, purportedly stolen by communist
agents from German government files. Out of context, as they
were, some of the remarks could be, and were, misinterpreted
by Stalin.
Himmler made his peace approaches to the West through
emissaries he sent to Stockholm and Berne, confirmed by Soviet
agents in these cities. Himmler's men carried documents, falsely
drawn to show Stalin's eagerness for a separate peace pact with
Hitler. Himmler had a long talk with one German resistance
leader about the desirability of peace with the West, and dis-
cussed how this could be accomplished. He knew the news
would travel swiftly to London because, if nothing else, German
resistance leaders were a talkative, hopeful lot. But the fellow
sent to Berne almost brought about Himmler's undoing. He
carried a suitcase filled with undeniably authentic documents
provided by Ribbentrop's Foreign Ministry. The man, Herr
Langbehn, went first to the British Legation in Berne and asked
to see the British military attache. He explained he was an
official of the German Foreign Ministry and had brought with
him from Berlin a suitcase of Foreign Ministry documents. On
hearing this claim, the attache presumed it false, and told him
he was not interested. The German then tried to see the head
of the chancellery in the British Embassy, but was rebuf fed
there. So he went to the American Legation and repeated his
story. A Legation secretary, deciding this was cloak-and-dagger
material, sent him on to Allen Dulles, head of the OSS in
Switzerland. He heard out the German's story, viewed the
documents, realized they were genuine, and reported them to
Washington immediately. "If only," his message went, "you
could see these documents in all their pristine freshness."
The documents were duly copied and sent to Washington
with Dulles's opinion appended that all evidence pointed to
their being a genuine approach by the Germans for a peace
with the United States and Britain. Copies were also sent to the
OSS in London, which made them available to British intelli-
gence. At this point Kim Philby, the British traitor who later
fled to Russia after serving it for thirty years, took charge of the
documents and of the Dulles memorandum, and reported their
contents and the German peace feeler to his control in Moscow.
Moscow received an additional confirming report from their
man in William Donovan's OSS headquarters. This communist
agent was a chief of the desk staf f in the Washington office,
and his position gave him access to all incoming reports of OSS
station chiefs around the world, including those of Colonel
David Bruce in London, chief of the OSS in Europe. It also
explained why many of Allen Dulles's most secret memoranda
were blocked on receipt in Washington, never to reach the
commander in chief, the president. After the war, I visited
Donovan in his Wall Street law office; he confirmed the story
and remarked sadly, "It was all too true."
Himmler, however, made a couple of mistakes. One was his
rendezvous with a German resistance leader, which was ob-
served by two of Mueller's men. Another was sending an emis-
sary to Switzerland, whose information was too good and too
secret — and the man had opened up too much with Allen Dulles.
Later, a message from a British agent in Switzerland to London
carried by a man who had talked to Dulles, was intercepted by
Mueller, who showed it to Bormann, who in turn passed it on
to Hitler, who hit the ceiling over such detailed revelations.
Himmler survived this only by arresting his own emissary to
Berne, and cutting off all further overtures to the West. Every-
thing was now in Bormann's hands, and he preferred dealing
with Stalin at this point in history. He thought that with Ger-
man armies pressing hard a better peace accommodation could
be made with Russia than with Britain or the United States.
Peace was not to come to Europe through these initiatives
in the summer and fall of 1945. Many strategies of deception of
both Churchill and Hitler failed, but the suspicions fostered by
Martin Bormann lingered. At the Teheran Conference, Stalin
was plainly distrustful of the British prime minister. Two years
had passed since Rudolf Hess's adventure to Scotland to arrange
a cessation of hostilities between Britain and Germany, and this
episode rankled the Russian leader, whose suspicion and anger
were reinforced now by this other information from the center
in Moscow. He questioned and needled Churchill repeatedly
about the purpose of Hess's flight. Finally, Churchill replied
heatedly that he was not accustomed to having his word chal-
lenged. "When I make a statement I expect it to be accepted
as fact," he retorted to Stalin. The Soviet deflected this with a
sly response: "But even my intelligence services don't tell me
At Teheran, President Roosevelt tried for Stalin's approval
of his statement made at the Casablanca Conference with
Churchill, in which he called for the unconditional surrender
of the German nation. At the time, this took Churchill by sur-
prise, as it did the president's generals. The president told his
aide, Harry Hopkins, "Of course, it's just the thing for the
Russians. They couldn't want anything better. Unconditional
surrender. Uncle Joe might have made it up himself." These
remarks, seemingly of fhand, had been decided upon earlier in
Washington, following a meeting with one of the president's
closest advisors, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, of
whom it was written by Jay Pierrepont Mof fet of the State D e-
partment, "The power behind the throne was Felix Frank-
furter." He wanted the German nation punished absolutely and
totally, and told the president he should insist on "unconditional
surrender." Henry Morgenthau, another advisor, had urged the
president to "turn Germany in a howling wilderness." President
Roosevelt accepted Frankfurter's proposal, but rejected that of
But at Teheran, Stalin disapproved of Roosevelt's uncondi-
tional surrender position. He was not impressed with such super-
fluity; it would only prolong the war, and Russia had suf fered
in actuality more than the other nations. He commented, "This
war is being fought with British brains, American brawn, and
Russian blood."
After the Teheran Conference, early in 1944, Hitler termi-
nated his wireless game with the Moscow center, and Operation
Bear was shut down. An official in the Foreign Ministry in
Berlin, who had been involved in the operation, said: "Either
Hitler did not want to turn the radio game into a diplomatic
reality, or he was not capable of doing so. And there was no
Talleyrand in Berlin to take the matter in hand," he added
However, Hitler considered substantial the gains from Opera-
tion Bear. He had, thanks to it, planted divisive distrust among
the Big Three. Because of it, too, he hoped they would go ahead
with an invasion of Normandy, which Hitler was confident
would be disastrous for the Allies in general and the political
ruin of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill. Then
he would make peace with Stalin, whose nation had been bled
white; with 20 million dead, and a failed invasion of France by
the United States and Britain, the upshot would be a peace
conference between Hitler and Stalin.
Later, in Washington, President Roosevelt recalled that the
sole agreement at Teheran was that each principal would move
forward as quickly as possible. FDR had informed Stalin that he
could not at the time make long-range agreements for his
country because he faced an election. "Overlord," the code
name for the invasion of Normandy, was to be made operational
in May or June of 1944, and the Big Three prepared to return
to their respective capitals. Sir Alec Cadogan, Britain's Perma-
nent Under Secretary for Foreign Af fairs, noted in his diary:
"The Great Men don't know what they are talking about ..."
Still, they all knew June of 1944 would determine the future of
the war, not to mention the future of each leader. FDR yearned
for Overlord. Failure to launch a Second Front could mean
defeat for him in the November national elections, at least
Hitler thus wryly observed to Martin Bormann. Ninety percent
of America's war ef fort was going to Europe, but there was
widespread and influential sentiment for a shift in emphasis
toward winning the struggle in the Pacific. After all, the Japa-
nese had actually and without provocation attacked the United
States at Pearl Harbor, said these advocates, and this made it
more America's war, rather than the situation in Europe.
Roosevelt was fighting a rearguard action against this move-
ment. A Second Front was vital to his plans of first defeating
Germany before taking on Japan with full-scale intensity. He
was also increasingly handicapped by a whispered belief that he
had failed to alert the personnel at Pearl Harbor in time to pre-
vent the catastrophe. After all, U.S. Army Signal Corps cipher
experts had broken the Japanese diplomatic and military codes;
the imminence of the attack was known in the White House a
full two weeks before it happened. Roosevelt's detractors ac-
cused him of deliberately sidetracking this information until it
was too late for the defense command in Hawaii to take protec-
tive action. If indeed true, and all evidence now available indi-
cates it is, it was the same High Command philosophy that
propelled Prime Minister Churchill into approving the British
raid on Dieppe, in August 1942, a disaster that served to show
the American General Staf f that it was not quite time for an
invasion of France. At the time, Churchill explained, "My gen-
eral impression is that the results fully justified the heavy cost."
(Of the Canadian 2nd division which took part in the Dieppe
raid, 18 percent of five thousand men lost their lives and nearly
two thousand more men were taken prisoner.) Sir Alan Brooke,
chief of the Imperial General Staff, added: "It is a lesson to the
people who are clamouring for the invasion of France."
So it was that in June 1944, as an outcome of the Teheran
Conference, there was set up one of the awesome military
gambles of history. On its outcome rested, among other things,
the personal future of the leaders who had guided the war but
who now regarded each other's motives with intractable sus-
picion. Operation Bear had worked.
The people in the occupied nations had meanwhile settled
into the mold imposed on them by the German army and the
economic experts of the Third Reich. Their banks and industries
and agriculture had been brought into Bormann's Four- Year
Plan, for greater efficiency and prosperity. All nations on the
Continent, whether occupied or neutral, now looked to Ger-
many for economic leadership, as they were to resume doing in
the years following World War II, when the Common Market
was formed by consenting nations acknowledging that unity of
purpose is the key to coprosperity and that somehow the Ger-
mans had the answer originally in 1942 when they were melding
the economic institutions of the Continent into their own
Bormann and Hitler at Hitler's mountaintop country house near Berchtesgaden.
Eva Braun when she was secretary to
Heinrich Hoffman, Hitler's personal
A party celebrating Hitler's birthday on April 20, 1938, at
Berchtesgaden. In the front row to the right of Hitler and
Eva Braun are Herr and Frau Martin Bormann. Third
from the left in the second row of the picture is Albert
Speer, later ot become Minister for Armaments and War
Production. (Rudolf Hess, nominally Bormann's chief at
the time the picture was taken, is not even in the group,
an indication of his declining fortunes even in 1938.)
taken by the author
the night Rudolf Hess parachuted into Scotland, May 10, 1941.
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Nazi Reich State Security Bureau (Gestapo) SS General
Heinrich Mueller, wearing SS uniform and decorated
with the highest civil medal for war service.
Purported grave of General Heinrich Mueller in Berlin.
The headstone reads "Our Dear Daddy," Mueller's
name, and his dates from birth to alleged death in 1945.
When exhumed by court order in 1963, the grave held
three skeletons, none with Mueller's short stature and
high forehead.
Fritz Thyssen, the Ruhr industrialist and early financial supporter of Hitler.
The picture was taken in Germany by Thyssen's young grandson, Federico,
prior to the flight of the Thyssens to Switzerland in 1939. The grandson is
now Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen of Buenos Aires, who controls the
Thyssen Steel Group of Dusseldorf from the Argentinian capital.
tional plateau for the people of London. The war was going
better in the Mediterranean, and the reassuring buildup of forces
in England could be seen on every side. But after three years
of putting out, a lassitude set in. Food and liquor were in short
supply. In neither Britain nor Germany was there a black mar-
ket of any consequence; the inborn rectitude of both peoples
made for compliance with rationing regulations — that is, until
the war ended, when, in Germany for a time, the black market
was for survival. But in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland,
even in Warsaw, the black market flourished under the direction
of the cynical and self-serving, catering to those to whom luxur y
in general and good food in particular became the touchstone
to bearing the whole thing. This spirit was reflected by Paul
Reynaud, premier of the French government that presided at
the fall of France to the Nazis. He had fled in 1940 to Bordeaux
with his cabinet, which was in fact dominated by his mistress,
Helen de Portes. Winston Churchill asked Reynaud to proceed
to Algiers to set up a new resistance government; he refused to
do it. During this period, Reynaud's physician asked the premier
for help in getting passage to England. Reynaud brushed him
off with: "Why bother? In two weeks England will have given
up. Stay and have lunch — Helen's marvelous — despite everything
she's managed to persuade the chef to make a chocolate souf fie
for you."
In England there were inequities. Some of the rich, but not
in general the old families, the aristocracy, had skipped out of
London and were living in fine style at Torquay, on the south-
east coast, where elegant hotels overlooked the very beautiful
yacht basin. Along the upper Thames, it was not uncommon to
see women in satin and chif fon and men in black tie stepping
from limousines into hotels for a weekend of luxurious living,
with money no object.
From Brussels and Paris, those who could still af ford it went
for summer vacations to the mountains or seashore. If you
knew the angles and had the wherewithal, food always was
available in wartime Europe. At the infamous market Sennaya
in Leningrad, fresh chopped human flesh was sold in the terrible
winter months of the siege during 1941-42. The Germans, due
to the efficiency of their own rationing system, had sufficient and
well-distributed supplies until the end of the war, at which point
everything broke down, understandably. This factor, more than
the importation of food from occupied countries, accounted for
the higher nutritional level of the Germans. In Paris the Ger-
mans let five de luxe restaurants continue serving meat through-
out the occupation.
John Lukacs, in The Last European War, writes a melancholy
description of the Warsaw ghetto and the luxuries obtainable
there, if one had the price. "Restaurants, cafes, nightclubs (and,
what is less surprising, brothels) existed, taking in fantastic
How can this be explained, interpreted, rationalized? Such
behavior took place wherever wealthy refugees, of any national-
ity or race, congregated-in Cannes or Lisbon, for example. It
was this writer's observation that such folk lived simply for the
moment, and that in Warsaw especially life held little future.
The curfew kept the general population in their dwellings at
night. Birthrates went up. Under the strictures of limited gaso-
line, thus much walking and limited food, the average European
lost fifteen to twenty pounds. Parisians became accustomed to
bicycles and pedicabs; a pleasant benefit was that air pollution
was so reduced that the trees along the Champs-Elysees greened
once again. The typical Londoner had a face pale and drawn,
not only from the limited nutrition of rationed food but even
more from the long, unending fact of coping, coping, coping.
At the Savoy Hotel food went on being served with the usual
elegance and flair, but the impeccably polished silver salvers
bore roast pigeon rather than grouse from Scotland as in the
past. Still, each night the Carroll Gibbons orchestra played, and
the bar was crowded with Fleet Street journalists and American
war correspondents; among the habitues, along with myself,
were such notables as Scotty Reston, Drew Middleton, Ernie
Pyle, and Ray Daniels. Walter Cronkite was reporting for
United Press at that time. All of us moved between Fleet Street
offices where we wrote our stories, the Ministry of Information
where we received copy clearance, and the American bar of the
Savoy where we exchanged gossip. I had joined CBS News in
London, having served as European bureau chief for an Ameri-
can news service in the British capital, but was then hired by
Edward R. Murrow to help cover the war in Europe. Piccadilly
Circus and Leicester Square were close by, and they were the
route of many service men and women on leave, making their
way through the dimly lit, usually foggy, streets to their destina-
tion of the evening.
Survival this long was a hard run for the British. There had
been Coventry, Edinburgh (where fires destroying a distillery
one night gave the firemen a memorable binge on Scotch whis-
key), Glasgow, the Midlands, Liverpool, Bristol, Plymouth, and
the largest and most vulnerable target of them all, London. By
I their resolute determination not to cave in, Londoners were an
example of glowing courage to cities elsewhere in Britain, whose
inhabitants, by extension, felt akin in worth to Londoners, so
they too held out under extreme battering from the air. By 1943
the atmosphere of urgency had backed away. Some reminders
were seen in small towns and villages where RAF fighter pilots
of the Battle of Britain, and later ex-bomber crews of the air
counterattack over Germany, underwent plastic surgery. One
could readily spot these young men; they were shaken and with-
drawn as they hobbled through old streets or sat in the sun on
village greens, their characteristic skin grafts as much a badge of
merit and bravery as their uniforms and Distinguished Flying
Writing of these scenes of long ago reminds me of one CBS
Radio broadcast that Ed Murrow, Alexander Woollcott, and I
did one evening from around Britain. I, in Scotland, described
the fright of the bombing of Glasgow and the contrasting tran-
quility of nearby Loch Lomond, where I talked with a gentle-
man who had lost his home entirely to the bombing that very
day, and had thereupon gone fishing in the beautiful Loch.
Philosophical about the ruinous blitz, he declared to me: "Ma
family and ma fishing tackle were all safe in the wee Anderson
shelter." In Plymouth, Alexander Woollcott spoke to wives of
the seamen who traditionally make up the crews of destroyers
and escorts and battleships of the British navy. He began his
broadcast with this: "The loss of a destroyer in the Atlantic is
only a stick of type in your newspaper tonight. But here in
Plymouth it means a street of widows." In London, Ed Murrow
described the condition of the city and the strain of three years
of war on a courageous people, and postulated what the imme-
diate future held for him: "Unfortunately, more of the same,
for war is a process of waiting until it is time to cross the Chan-
nel into battle." For the British, that eventuality had not ar-
rived, except for the waters of the North Atlantic and the skies
over Germany.
Among the German people, there was lassitude. However,
Hamburg had been nearly destroyed in the initial massive Brit-
ish raid of the war, in this year of 1943. Four hundred aircraft
had dumped high explosives on the city, but the most awful
devastation took place when oil and gasoline storage tanks went
up in flames. Fanned by strong winds, it became truly a holo-
caust. Thousands of human beings attempted to flee to the
river, but there, too, fire was engulfing the very water from the
spillover from the oil barges, which, of course, were aflame too.
Those who managed to hurl themselves into the water perished
anyway. It has been estimated that the heat reached 1,000
degrees Fahrenheit that night. In other areas of Germany, even
in cities not especially hard hit, war strain was on all faces, just
as in London. Stalingrad fell on February 1, and with it 350,000
German soldiers either died, were grievously wounded, or were
taken prisoners of war by Stalin's soldiers, many never to be
seen or heard from again. Through necessity, Germany was now
moving into full mobilization. Adolf Hitler himself was af fected
by the continuous tension. On his doctor's advice, he left his
field headquarters at Rastenburg on the Eastern Front, on
March 20, 1943, and returned to his Bavarian chalet at Obersalz-
berg for three months' vacation, leaving his military to hold the
Russians at bay until spring. It was from there, Obersalzberg,
that Reichsleiter Martin Bormann dispatched the workings of
government. In May, the Fuehrer returned to Rastenburg to
direct the battles of spring and summer.
Back at Number 10 Downing Street, Winston Churchill also
had to have his respite. It was spent at Chequers, the traditional
country house of the British prime minister, given to the Crown
back in 1912 by a very rich merchant, and along with it a trust
fund for its maintenance. Not so with Downing Street itself, the
upkeep of which was paid for from Churchill's £10,000 annual
salary as prime minister, which placed him in a high tax bracket
that left him very little to live on. In fact, it was not until there
was later published Churchill's monumental six-volume series
on World War II ("to get my story on the record first," he
said), that he acquired the means to live out his life in serenity.
Lord Beaverbrook, the late newspaper tycoon, handled world-
wide sales of the books, which amounted to millions, but, alas,
that too fell in the high brackets. But Beaverbrook had the wis-
dom to establish the Churchill Foundation, which helped out
with taxes. Churchill told me once that in the 1930s, when he
was politically in the wilderness, it had been touch and go finan-
cially He depended on his income as a professional writer, he
did a weekly series on general European affairs, with this byline:
"By the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill." "It was a hand-to-
mouth existence, and not pleasurable," he remarked. But in his
own modest country house in Westerham, Kent, where he him-
self laid the bricks around the boundaries of his land, the Sun-
day dinner table was always graced with a roast of beef. His dear
wife Clementine said of those days, "It was his pride and
wish to have a nice table at least once a week for the family."
Pride of the same sort motivated Charles de Gaulle, in the
years after his retirement from leadership of France, to go on
setting a bountiful table, despite the cost. He had refused a
grant of money from the French government, and lived on his
soldier's pension in his unassuming country home. The day came
when Mme. de Gaulle had to sell a valuable table centerpiece to
pay for the dinner that her husband insisted on the following
Sunday. Considering the reality of his financial situation, he
applied for a loan from the Rothschild bank in Paris. The bank
manager then was Georges Pompidou, and he gladly granted the
loan to de Gaulle. Only in Germany was the national leader
spared personal financial worries; there Adolf Hitler had in
Martin Bormann a man who could anticipate and take charge
of all fiscal affairs for both the party and the Fuehrer.
Churchill's schedule seldom varied in this wartime year of
1943. The vulnerability of Number 10 Downing Street to enemy
bomb hits prevented him from sleeping there. He went there in
the early morning, and in a ground-floor bedroom got into a
pair of pajamas and climbed into a large, old-fashioned ma-
hogany bed facing a window from which he viewed a grassy
area back of the house. Then he read. First were the of ficial
overnight papers, then general mail, reports from the Mediter-
ranean, the Balkans, the Atlantic. At 8:30 he would ring for his
breakfast. Then one of his six secretaries would enter to take
dictation on a noiseless portable typewriter. In this manner all
his books were written, both before and after the war. Around
10:00 A.M., the secretary elsewhere processing the work, Chur-
chill would bathe, dress, and proceed to the large, log-heated
conference room in the adjoining wing, for a cabinet meeting.
He would listen as each minister in turn reported and answered
the many questions Churchill posed. A round-table discussion
would follow, and the conference would be over. Lunch would
likely be in the company of key men of the Admiralty and the
War Office, who had merely to cross the street to enter Number
10. An hour nap after lunch, the prime minister would then
walk to 2 Great George Street near Storey's Gate, passing a
sandbagged guardpost at the entrance, and descending to be-
neath the pavements of Westminster to his command post.
While there was a certain quietude on the London streets in
1943, there was nothing of the sort in the command post. The
Battle of the Atlantic was in its most critical phase, and at this
location the British naval of ficers would discuss with Churchill
the moves that would counter those being made by Grand
Admiral Doenitz at his U-boat Command Headquarters in
Admiral Doenitz began 1943 with the greatest number of
submarines he had ever had at his disposal, 400; it was a formi-
dable increase over the 57 he had started with in 1939. January
was a month of severe storms in the Atlantic. This weather
factor worked against the submarines, but still they managed to
account for 37 ships totaling 203,000 tons. In February they in-
creased British sinking to 63 ships, 360,000 tons. In March the
number of sinkings rose even higher, and the prime minister
was gravely worried. How, he queried, could U-boats with a
below-surface speed slower than that of any convoy manage to
intercept so many convoys? For a submerged U-boat to attack
a merchant ship it needed a good sighting position, preferably
on the bow, and a fast convoy zigzagging didn't provide that
much of a target. "Yet the Germans are getting through and
doing severe damage to our supply ships from America . . . the
answer is either luck or good intelligence," Churchill remarked.
It turned out to be good intelligence. Doenitz had his sub-
marines attacking as wolf packs, no longer singly, and Allied
merchant convoys were harried from all sides. The German
admiral went on record: "The German B-service, our crypto-
graphic section, time and again succeeded in breaking enemy
ciphers. As a result, U-boat Command received not only the
British signals and routing instructions sent to convoys, but also
in January and February, 1943, the British U-boat Situation
Report, which was transmitted to Commanders of convoys at
sea and which gave the known and presumed distribution of
U-boats in different areas."
With this information the submarines could change their
positions quickly and then regroup to meet a convoy head on.
The British and American naval commands, unbeknownst to
Doenitz, could also intercept these German cipher signals with
their highly secret "Ultra" code breaker system.
The edge held by the German side was demonstrated in
March 1943, when two great convoys left Halifax for England.
Their identities were HX229 and SC122. The B-Dienst crypto-
grapher unit in Berlin intercepted the sailing message, giving time
of departure of HX229, a convoy of 40 ships, on March 8. It
was to anchor in the Mersey, near Liverpool. Doenitz ordered
a wolf pack to intercept it. Then he learned that another con-
voy, SC122, of 60 ships, would be departing, and another wolf
pack was dispatched from its patrol area to an interception point
off the English coast. British naval intelligence in Whitehall
picked up these instructions on their Ultra devices, and ordered
both convoys to change course. But as both neared the western
approaches to England the vessels had to close ranks. When
they came into view of the U-boats at night, they presented a
broad front totaling 106 ships and strung out for miles. Destroy-
ers and escort vessels tried frantically to cover the vast area from
attack. The U-boats approached silently underwater, then sur-
faced amid the convoys. The Germans had 40 U-boats in their
force, and started their attack on March 16. It was a running
battle for days, and when it was over one in five of the convoy
ships, carrying every imaginable item of war from tanks to Spam,
was sunk.
"It was as close as we came to total defeat in the Battle of the
Atlantic," one British naval intelligence of ficer was to observe.
However, April was to be even worse, with more submarines
streaming into the North Atlantic and claiming 56 ships of
330,000 tons before the month was over.
Prodded by Churchill and by U.S. naval authorities, British
naval intelligence, which knew now that the enemy was reading
their naval codes, changed to a fresh and more complicated
cipher, and started to use newly invented decoding machines
provided by the U.S. Navy. These changes defied all ef forts of
the B-Dienst, and for the first time Admiral Doenitz had to
operate without the information he needed to direct his wolf
packs. British and American naval escorts grew larger in num-
ber. Surveillance aircraft, now flying in increased numbers over
the western approaches to England, were also equipped with
improved radar for detecting submarines. Combined, these
benefits contributed to the sinking of 41 U-boats in May, and
Allied shipping losses were fewer by 200,000 tons. On May 24,
1943, Admiral Doenitz instructed his U-boats to withdraw for
a time from the struggle. "I ordered them to proceed, using the
utmost caution, to the area southwest of the Azores," he later
recalled. His monthly rate of losses had become untenable; in
June, July, and August, 72 of his submarines were sunk. He
attempted an investigation into his cipher system but reached
the wrong conclusion; headstrong, he was determined it was all
the fault of traitors. Instead, it was rather the Allied capacity
to tap his codes, along with the influx of new naval and air
equipment, that had turned the Battle of the Atlantic against
Germany. Doenitz knew the only solution for the Nazis now
was faster submarines, snorkel-equipped, electrically propelled,
using torpedoes, which could travel without detection by exist-
ing sonar devices. It was this new generation of U-boat that
Hitler ordered into full production in 1944.
The biggest out-in- the- open news story of 1943 in Europe was
the night-and-day bombing of Germany by the Royal Air Force
and the United States Eighth Air Force. The Battle of the
Atlantic could not be told in full, nor could the war of decep-
tions that had failed for Churchill and Hitler. But commencing
at almost base zero in the summer of 1942 (when the best the
U.S. Air Force could do was to launch a symbolic raid on
France on the Fourth of July with six fighter bombers, three of
which failed to return), the buildup of American air strength was
steady. Graceful B-17 Flying Fortresses, suited to the war
in Europe, along with lumbering Liberators, strategically pref-
erable for the Mediterranean and the Pacific, were arriving con-
tinuously and in great numbers. Existing runways were being
lengthened everywhere to accommodate these aircraft, and
centuries-old farmland and meadows were being bulldozed into
new American airfields. England was being transformed into
one vast aircraft carrier.
The Casablanca Conference of January 1943 had closed with
the startling "Unconditional Surrender" utterance by President
Roosevelt, which ultimately prolonged the war with Germany.
It also brought to an end the bitter disputations between British
and American air strategists over the coming use of American
bombers in England. The British wanted the Americans to
bomb along with them at night. They had tried daylight bomb-
ing and their losses had been extreme. But General Hap Arnold
and General Ira Eaker, commander of the U.S. Eighth Air
Force, held out for daylight bombing. Faker's memorandum,
which turned the trick, stated that "around the clock" bombing
of Germany would destroy German capability to wage war. It
was a foolish and naive statement, but Arnold and Eaker and
their commanding general Spaatz got their way.
American air generals had nurtured a belief that they had in
use the best bombsight in the world, Norden, which the Ger-
mans didn't have, and aircraft that, when flying in tight forma-
tion at high altitude, could hold of f German fighters while
hitting a pickle barrel from 15,000 feet. It didn't work out like
that. The Norden sight was good, perhaps the best in the
European Theatre of Operations at that time. Bombardiers were
instructed to destroy the Norden bombsights if forced to land
in enemy territory. But the Germans knew all about the Norden
sight, and had adapted some of its principles to their own use.
A Sperry engineer who was also a German agent had sent copies
of the Norden blueprints in 1940 to his control in Germany.
He was rewarded with a vacation trip that year to Germany, and
the first thing that greeted his eyes when he entered his splendid
hotel suite was an exact replica of the Norden sight, built by
German engineers from his blueprints.
As for holding of f the Luftwaf fe over Germany, this didn't
fare at all well until American bomber strength was so great that
they were sending aircraft in division strength with long-range
fighter squadrons for protection. Even then, with close-forma-
tion flying and Browning machine guns from several hundred
B-17s laying a wall of shells all over the skies to keep of f the
attacking Messerschmitts, the losses were enormous. In the three
months before D-Day in June 1944, when American air strength
was at its peak and the Luftwaf fe at its weakest, according to
official communiques, the U.S. Eighth Air Force lost nearly
10,000 airmen, 800 heavy bombers, and over 500 long-range
In 1943 losses were proportionately greater, and they were felt
more deeply by those who survived the great air battles of that
year and by those who planned them.
The Royal Air Force had its disasters too. British raids on
Hamburg, Cologne, and Berlin did great damage to civilians,
but at a high cost in planes and young men. Anthony Cave
Brown in his book Bodyguard of Lies writes of one raid on
March 30, 1944, which took a greater toll of the RAF than the
entire Battle of Britain. The raid itself, according to him, was
strange; it was designed to get the Luftwaf fe to come up and
fight, so that in the process their number would be whittled
down for the D-Day period of attack. He also indicated that it
was a deception raid. -Brown quotes General Sir Francis de
Guingand, Montgomery's chief of staff and the 21st Army group
officer, who ensured that deception conformed to strategy and
tactics. "On at least one occasion," de Guingand recalled, "the
deception people were authorized to reveal the target of a major
air attack on a German city to the Germans beforehand in order
to reinforce the credibility of an [XX-Committee] agent who
was to be used to mislead the German high command during
'Neptune,' which was the code word for the impending invasion
of France." Brown's supposition is that Nuremberg was such a
raid. It was a straight in-and-out raid made without deception
on a clear night, and every German fighter in the defensive zone
was in the air waiting. In this one night, the RAF lost 108
aircraft over Germany, 745 crewmen killed or wounded, and 159
prisoners of war taken; while on the return to airbases in Eng-
land 53 bombers crashed. It was a one-night disaster, and the
airmen who clambered exhausted from their aircraft were under-
standably bitter and suspicious over the planning of the mission.
It didn't take long for the U.S. Eighth Air Force to get
bloodied, as some hard-nosed amateurs observed in 1943. There
was not an American airbase in England that did not have its
losses following an air raid. The concrete U-boat pens at Saint-
Nazaire and other French coastal targets were the milk runs.
But Germany was the hornets' nest, and each bombing venture
was one of brave men on both sides doing deadly battle, the
Eighth Air Force versus the Luftwaf fe. The deeper the pene-
tration and the more strategic the target, the higher the losses —
an automatic equation. Ira Eaker was pushing his men and
bombers with the faith that it was the decisive effort that would
shorten the war. He can hardly be faulted for this viewpoint,
when both Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill held the
same. Churchill in July 1941 had told Roosevelt about his in-
tention of pounding Germany and Italy ceaselessly. "These
measures may themselves produce an internal convulsion or
collapse." To be sure, this statement may have merely been his
way of encouraging the president to believe a full-scale invasion
of the Continent with Allied armies would not be necessary to
defeat Hitler. In months past his battle cry to ensure Lend-
Lease aid had been, "Give us the arms and we will do the rest."
The only convulsion the bombing was to produce was on
British and American bomber bases in England. In 1943 joint
air losses had almost reached the unacceptable point. The Ger-
mans had regeared their defenses against night-and-day air
attacks. A large proportion of their armament production had
been shifted to antiaircraft guns of all caliber, their fighters
were excellent, new radar was in use, and the entire northwest
region had been formed into box defense zones in which their
fighter planes moved by zone according to the attack; if the
Allied raid was a deep penetration inland, the invading air
fleet would be passed from zone to zone by fighters that would
always have suf ficient gasoline to remain in the air until the
bombers passed through their zone to the next German fighter
squadrons. The bombers ran a gauntlet of fire from the ground
and attack from the air, continuous and unrelenting, both to
and from a target. So severe was the strain on the crews that
an airman who survived 25 missions in 1943 was free to return
to the United States.
Early in 1943 a small group of American war correspondents
volunteered to be trained for flying with the B-17s in their mis-
sions over Germany. This was intended by the U.S. Eighth Air
Force to communicate to Americans back in the States the
eyewitness story of these air battles and the bravery of their
sons. I was one of these trainees, representing CBS News. There
were also Walter Cronkite, then of United Press, Gladwin Hill
of Associated Press and later of the New York Times, Robert
Post of the New York Times, Homer Bigart of the New York
Herald Tribune, William Wade of International News Service,
Sergeant Scott Denton of Yank, and Sergeant Andy Rooney of
Stars and Stripes. As a jocular takeoff of World War Fs "Fight-
ing 69th," we were referred to as "the Writing 69th" by Colonel
Jock Whitney, a peacetime publisher and financier, and Colonel
Mac Kriendler of 21 Club fame, who were among those of the
Eighth Air Force who had sold the concept to General Ira
Eaker. We were sent to gunnery school in England, where we
learned to identify all German fighter planes and to strip down
and reassemble within 40 seconds the Browning machine guns
used in the B-17s and Liberators. This was essential knowledge,
for seconds saved in fixing the stoppage in a malfunctioning
machine gun could be the dif ference between life and death.
We were not flying as excess baggage but as gunners first, war
reporters second. Over Wilhelmshaven, on our first mission, I
shot down a Messerschmitt fighter that had come right at us
from the front where I was acting nose-gunner. On the same
mission, Bob Post's Liberator came apart in midair from the
combined flak from the ground and cannon fire from attacking
German fighters. In his plane, none survived.
There was a year of such missions. I didn't fly them all, just
those that had special news interest. I would remain in London
between missions, interviewing people and gathering news for
my CBS broadcasts on "The World Today" each morning. But
I still recall vividly today the bombing run that I made in the
company of a crew on their 25th mission; come hell or high
water, they were determined to make it home, back to the
We lifted up, of f the airfields of East Anglia, in the early
morning, 200 B-17s climbing and gathering into close formation
over the North Sea. At 12,000 feet the crew clipped on oxygen
masks, fired test bursts from their Brownings, and then headed
for Germany and the target, which on that day was the harbor
of Gdynia, Poland. Here the Gneisenau and the Stuttgart, two
German battleships, 17 U-boats, destroyers, and several smaller
vessels were at anchor. It was to be a 2,000-mile round-trip flight,
right across Germany, and as we crossed the coastline at day-
break the German fighters began picking us up. It was a running
battle all the way to Gdynia, then "Bombs away," and the
swing around for a return. Some of the B-17s limped on to
Switzerland with engine malfunctions; others crossed the Baltic
for safe haven in Sweden. At 20,000 feet over Poland the sea
seemed a toy pond, and Sweden beckoned invitingly. Leningrad
was but 400 miles to the east, but the pilot had home on his
mind- The formation closed for the self-protection of crossfire
and we headed for England. Here is a quote from the story I
wrote on my return, which I broadcast over CBS:
Across western Germany you could feel the big ship wobbling badly.
It had taken too much flak, too much cannon fire. The holes in the
fuselage ripped larger. We couldn't keep up with the other planes
and our pilot dropped lower with each mile until we were hedge-
hopping 30 feet off the ground, which kept the fighters from coming
up from underneath. We passed so low over a German gun emplace-
ment in Holland I could see the sweat on the backs of the German
gunners on this sunny day, trying to bring us down. Bill laid one
burst right down the middle of a pathway leading to a pillbox. His
shells tore a gunner apart.
We prayed that the gas would hold out. Suddenly it became
necessary to lighten the load as we began crossing the North Sea.
The fighters had turned away and then we were skimming low over
the water. Everything moveable went overboard: machine guns,
radio, empty shell cases, oxygen tanks. We made it. The captain
pulled the shattered craft up over English clif fland and skidded the
length of an RAF runway to a halt. All of us were still for maybe
four minutes, exhausted and drained. Bill the bombardier sank down
to the floor of the plane with his head between his arms. The navi-
gator fumbled abstractedly with his maps, folding and refolding
them. I just sat, thinking, I'm alive. Five of the crewmen would
never again have that or any other feeling. They had died on the
way back, one with his head shot of f. Fourteen hours of hell in
the air.
There were to be other missions in which bravery and heroism
and fear all seemed to blend into a pattern. Lieutenant General
Carl A. Spaatz, who succeeded Ira Eaker as commander of the
Eighth Air Force, was prompted to say after the raid on the
ballbearing factory at Schweinfurt, in which 60 U.S. bombers
were shot down and another 17 seriously damaged, "We don't
deserve such men. They know how bad it is but, aside from a
few, they're ready to go again. We just don't deserve them."
Perhaps these air contests over Germany in 1943 and 1944
were worth the expenditure in men and machines. But the
conclusion of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey after the war,
when they assessed the bomb damage done to Germany, was
that "prior to mid-1943, neither the British nor the U.S. attacks
had a significant effect on military output as a whole; that in the
second half of 1943 and the first half of 1944 they caused losses
of some five and ten per cent respectively."
By June of 1944, the British and American air forces were
dumping 3,000 tons of bombs a day on Germany. Yet German
military production kept pace with army requirements because
the bombs were usually aimed at big cities, rather than at precise
factory targets, which were relatively small and hard to hit. Even
air defense armaments and production (fighter planes, antiair-
craft guns) nearly tripled in the first half of 1944. Winston
Churchill had abandoned the idea of halting German factory
output through bombing; instead, he hoped to break the will
of the people by destruction of their cities. But the German
people, once fully mobilized following shock from the loss of
their army at Stalingrad and the later destruction to Hamburg,
Cologne, and Berlin, were able to maintain production capacity
against air onslaughts for a remarkable length of time. The
nation excelled in improvising, which should set at rest the
British- American myth of World War I that Germans cannot
improvise successfully (like Hollywood's myth of 1940 that
Japanese pilots couldn't fly as well as American pilots because
they had slanty eyes). The Germans extemporized in the face
of enormous dif Acuities; the ability to surmount shortages of
critical war items and the quick repair of bomb damage to
maintain production levels were strong points of German in-
In this same month, German test pilots were flying new jet
fighter prototypes having double the speed of existing fighters
and great maneuverability. In quantity, they would have deci-
mated the slow- flying bombers of the RAF and the U.S. Eighth
Air Force. Their V-2 rockets, weighing 13 metric tons, were
hitting London at 1,500 miles an hour, using only regular bomb
explosives in their nose cones. An atomic warhead was all that
was needed to change the face of war in Europe, and German
scientists were straining to produce just that. Germany pos-
sessed other new weapons, but not in volume production, in the
summer of 1944. Albert Speer, minister of armaments and
war production, told of these:
We possessed a remote-controlled flying bomb, a rocket plane that
was even faster than the jet plane, a rocket missile that homed in
on an enemy plane by tracking the heat rays from its motors, and
a torpedo that reacted to sound and could thus pursue and hit a
ship fleeing in a zigzag course. The designer Lippisch had jet planes
on the drawing board that were far in advance of anything so far
known, based as they were on the all-wing principle. We were liter-
ally suffering from an excess of projects in development.
Hitler strove to buy time on the battlefields so that he could
place at least a few of these new weapons into battle.
Martin Bormann, on a dif ferent tack, was having meetings
with Hermann Schmitz, president of I.G. Farben, regarding the
movement of German capital out of the Third Reich. Schmitz
was just the right man with whom to hold such discussions.
Earlier in the war, he had reported to Bormann: "Our measures
for camouflage have proved to be very good during the war, and
have even surpassed our expectations in numerous cases." He
was talking about the concealment of the true ownership of
Farben assets as a war and postwar device.
Bormann was well versed in the usual fiscal stunts practiced
by banks and big corporations. But his association with Her-
mann Schmitz, the "master of financial camouflage," was tanta-
mount to matriculating in a confidential postgraduate course in
highest level corporate and money manipulation. For this rea-
son, Schmitz was also given the title of "secret councilor"
( Geheimrat) to the NSDAP and Martin Bormann. He sharp-
ened Bormann's already sharp skills, which were soon to be
utilized for the German postwar commercial campaign that the
Reichsleiter visualized.
Bormann was comfortable in his relationship with Schmitz
and I.G. Farben. All Farben company leaders overseas (I.G.
Verbindungsmanner) were NSDAP members. This made Reichs-
leiter Bormann, as head of the party chancellery, their political
chief. In addition, because German economic specialists had
successfully penetrated eleven nations and had the economies
of each under control, Bormann had a further base of business
relationships outside Germany totaling several hundred thou-
sand: businessmen who felt snug working with German eco-
nomic leadership because it was always profitable. Under party
rules, the chain of command ran from Bormann to the minister
of economics to those who administered the Four-Year Plan
of German economic supremacy to those businessmen of oc-
cupied territories and neutral nations who took their directives
and profits from Berlin. This economic web stretched across
France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Yugoslavia, Austria, Poland,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Portugal, Finland, Bul-
garia, and Romania, and reached out to such South American
countries as Argentina, among others, that preferred an associa-
tion with Germany to one with Britain and the United States.
I.G. Farben by itself was represented in 93 countries. This
industrial multinational, added to other German corporations
and the businesses and businessmen of all these countries, gave
Martin Bormann an economic empire of unparalleled magni-
tude in which he could operate when it came time to shift Ger-
man assets elsewhere. The predictable defeat of Germany would
give pause to this international economic relationship, but it
would be quickly renewed during the early cold war years and
their intense friction with Russia. This latter caused General
Patton to say, "America had been fighting the wrong enemy —
Germany instead of Russia." For this intemperance, General
Eisenhower relieved him of command of the U.S. Third Army.
It was not long after that Eisenhower was telling Konrad Ade-
nauer that he didn't object to reappointment of deposed Nazis
if they were the best men for positions in the new German gov-
ernment. Likewise, another American general (Lieutenant
General Lucian K. Truscott, Jr.) commented that he would
like to see soldiers in a new German army like those who had
fought him at Anzio.
But Swiss banks and the use of Swiss fiscal agents were spe-
cifically on the agenda of the June 1944 meeting. Schmitz laid
it all out for Bormann when he explained how he had disbursed
I.G. Farben.
There was an age discrepancy between the two men. In 1914,
when Bormann was entering Science High School in Halber-
stadt, Schmitz was an executive of Metallgesellschaft A.G. in
Frankfurt, at the beginning of an amazing career. A fellow
executive was a Swiss, Eduard Greutert of Basel. Six years later
Greutert returned to Basel to open a private bank, Greutert &
Cie. The funding capital was provided entirely by Metallgesell-
schaft A.G., and it was Schmitz's idea. It was the start of a great
flow of German assets to Switzerland in 1920-21 by industrial
leaders who distrusted their government, which could contain
neither inflation nor communists. Hermann Schmitz also had
the idea that a corporate base in Switzerland would be desirable
to offset the bad German image after World War I. Germany
went on suf fering in a prolonged way from deprecating half
truths and outright falsehoods spread throughout the world by
Lord Beaverbrook, British minister of propaganda. It was not
until World War I's end that America awakened to the fact,
for example, that photographs of Belgian nuns "being butch-
ered by Huns" were in fact still photos prepared by British
propaganda experts. The sinking of the Lusitania by the German
submarine U-20, a major factor in bringing America into World
War I, had been but another British ploy. Winston Churchill,
then first lord of the Admiralty, stated that the great Cunard
liner had been a regular passenger vessel carrying an innocuous
cargo, and that the German attack on her amounted to an un-
provoked act of war against citizens of a neutral nation, the
United States. Along with 1,198 others, 124 Americans perished
in this sinking. But Churchill's statement and the of ficial version
of the disaster were later disproved. The ship had traveled un-
escorted, when British Admiralty advisors to Churchill urged
destroyer escorts. There remains the strong suspicion that the
ship was deliberately sacrificed by British government leadership
as a means of drawing the United States into the war on the
side of England, bled white on the battlefields of Flanders, and
quite understandably taking any measures to survive and be
In 1972 Colin Simpson, the British author, in his book Lusi-
tania, provided fresh evidence that the suspicions going back
to World War I were valid; that the Lusitunia, with fore-
knowledge by the Admiralty of U-20's position, had been
allowed to steam alone into the path of the submarine of f the
Irish coast; and rather than carrying a harmless cargo the
passenger liner was in fact heavily armed, with her manifests
falsified to hide the large load of munitions, which would make
her a legitimate target of war. Winston Churchill expounded
his philosophy of how to win a war in his autobiographical
account of World War I, The World Crisis: "At the summit
true politics and strategy are one. The maneuver which brings
an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a
great battle."
But the image of German ferocity lingered in peacetime,
contributing to the savage terms of the Treaty of Versailles,
signed by Germany under duress, which paved the way for the
rise of Adolf Hitler. For these and other reasons, Hermann
Schmitz and Ruhr industrialists generally agreed that in the
best interests of German economic revival a corporate move
into Switzerland would be good business. Schmitz also held
to the old German proverb: "Money won't bring happiness
unless you have it in a Swiss bank."
As Schmitz explained to Bormann, he used Eduard Greutert
and his bank to set up a dozen corporations and 65 accounts, all
interrelated. The accounts were in many dif ferent names; some
were paper corporations, some corporate groups or syndicates
or subsidiaries. The directors of all were Farben of ficers and
Greutert bank officers. In the early 1920s Schmitz bought out
Metallgesellschaft A.G.'s interest in Greutert & Cie., and it
became his own bank. Schmitz was now head of the large German
dyestuff firm of Badische Anilin, and he began moving his new
firm's excess capital into his Swiss bank. In 1925 Herman
Schmitz assembled a merger of the six largest German chemical
and dye companies: Bayer, Griesheim-Elektron, Weiler-ter-Meet,
Agfa, Badische Anilin, and Hoechst. The new conglomerate was
named Internationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie A.G., or,
more conveniently, I.G Farben. It went right on merging with
and buying out other firms. Schmitz was an early supporter of
Adolf Hitler and his NSDAP party, and eventually became a
Reichstag deputy and secret counselor to Bormann and the
Martin Bormann had married and become an indispensable
member of the party leadership. More and more, Hitler turned
to him for assistance and support, and for financial guidance of
his personal af fairs and those of the party. It was natural that
the paths of Schmitz and Bormann would cross, each recog-
nizing in the other similar aptitudes.
In Basel, Schmitz's bank, protected by the Swiss regulations
of privacy, concealed Farben ownership and interests in these
global firms: Parta-Bayer (French chemical sales), Parta-Cheh-
amij-Mapro (Dutch, with interests in England, Belgium, and
Sweden), Romanil and Budanil (Hungarian), Athanil (Greek),
Defa (Dutch), Norsk Hydro (Norwegian), Traf ford Chemical
(English), Union Quimica del Norte de Espana, S.A. (Span-
ish), the Bayer Company, General Aniline Works, Winthrop
Chemical Company, and Agfa-Ansco (all of the United States).
Other concealed firms included many in Latin America. All
these major multinationals owed their existence and ongoing
prosperity to exclusive use of I.G. Farben patents and licenses
in the production of chemical and related goods.
Schmitz organized all these into one giant holding company
by establishing a new Swiss corporation named Internationale
Gesellschaft fur Chemische Unternehmunger A.G. — I.G.
Chemie, for short. Its capital was so structured that voting
power always remained with Farben board members and elected
officers of Greutert & Cie., the name of which was changed upon
the death of Greutert to that of his successor, Hans Sturzeneg-
ger & Cie. Business went on, with Schmitz calling the shots. In
Switzerland, he used this private bank, in Germany the Deutsche
Bank. But he considered it useful to have a special Berlin bank
relationship for I.G. Chemie, and had the firm buy 60 percent
control of Deutsche Laenderbank.
Bormann was fascinated by the complexities of the I.G. Far-
ben strategies. At the June 1944 conference he got a briefing of
the Swiss banking system. Bormann did not confide fully to
Schmitz at this time about his precise intention to shift German
liquid assets to neutral nations, but the canny I.G. president
sensed something was in the wind. After all, the Reichsleiter
was custodian of vast sums, the Reich chancellery fund of the
party and other moveable assets; also, he needed the services
of I.G. Farben as well as the skills of its president. Schmitz
would be informed in full when the time came.
Hermann Schmitz explained to Martin Bormann that Swiss
banking was quite special. Under a Swiss law passed in 1934 to
keep Gestapo agents from locating the savings of German Jews,
it is illegal for a Swiss bank to divulge information about any
numbered account. "This also worked to our advantage,"
Schmitz told Bormann. "It insured our secrecy and kept the
door closed to Allied fiscal investigators about our corporate
holdings, manipulations, and movement of funds." He added
that while there are 500 banks in Switzerland there are only
eight basic categories of banks. The Big Three consists of the
Credit Suisse Bank, the Union Bank of Switzerland, and the
Swiss Bank Corporation; while the small big two are the Peo-
ple's Bank of Switzerland (Swiss Volksbank) and the Bank Leu
& Co., Ltd. But for the international requirements of such a one
as Hermann Schmitz, the private bank, in the seventh cate-
gory, is the bank of greatest usefulness. It issues no balance
sheets and plays but a minor role in Swiss finance, but it is im-
portant to world finance and has stature and power way beyond
its size. H. Sturzenegger & Cie., the renamed Greutert & Cie.,
was such an institution.
Like its peers, it had an unrestrained freedom to invest as it
saw fit. Once its fiscal volume reached a good level because of
its association with I.G. Farben and I.G. Chemie, the entire
bank turned into a money-making machine. This gave it an un-
limited power to reach out into other multinationals and even
into governments. It performed the functions that Schmitz re-
quired of it: operated cash arbitrage, safeguarded secret slush-
fund accounts, handled payof fs to generals and admirals and
politicians of occupied countries and neutral nations, paid some
of the salaries of overseas spies of the Third Reich, supervised
I.G.'s corporate marketing cartels, underwrote speculative securi-
ties, administered issues, sequestered gold reserves, managed
patents and franchises placed in their safekeeping by Schmitz,
provided Swiss-franc accounts for multicurrency payrolls, hoarded
the personal holdings of key executives, transferred and hid
certain deposits, expedited currency exchange at the most favor-
able rate of the hour or day, and executed forward contracts in
cash and commodities-all for a profit. With Schmitz and his
corporations in its corner. H. Sturzenegger & Cie. was also able
to enter the realm of biggest profit potential: it placed five bank
officers on the board of I.G. Chemie. To know the plans of such
a corporate apparatus is to gain superprofits, the dream of bank-
ers everywhere, whether in Basel, Zurich, London, or New York.
Swiss banking is like banking anywhere, although carried out
with greater confidentiality. Money has neither nationality nor
morality. As one Swiss banker remarked, "I am not a priest or
my brother's keeper; I accept deposits and I lend and handle
money for a fee. World politics plays no part in who shall be
granted deposit privileges in Swiss banks," he continued. "Pol-
itics change like governments but our banking strength lies in
secrecy which must be absolute." The importance of money to
the Swiss is reflected in aristocracy and leadership. Family aris-
tocracy is based only on wealth. Lose your wealth, and you are
no longer aristocracy.
Switzerland developed as a great banking and money power
over the last hundred years. By 1939 and the outbreak of war
elsewhere in Europe the country had become one vast super-
cartel, the registered home of 2,278 international corporations.
There was a total of 214 banks with strictly international busi-
ness, 38 insurance firms controlled from outside the country,
and 2,026 holding companies, trusts, and personal corporations
whose majority stockholders were not Swiss. The locals were
the professional day-by-day managers, whose guiding principle
was to return a profit to shareholders in Britain, France, Ger-
many, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the United States,
among other countries. Insurance companies registered in Switz-
erland were generally British capitalized, but the shareholders
were a spectrum of belligerent nationalities involved in World
War II.
By 1981 almost every major American corporation was to have
a Swiss operation; 4,000 U.S. business organizations would fol-
low the lead of Hermann Schmitz of the twenties, thirties, and
forties, and become solid customers of Swiss banks in the sixties,
seventies, and eighties. Such accounts, however, should not be
lumped in with the Meyer Lansky type of operation, in which
a crime syndicate would deposit gangster-gained money into the
bank he had organized, along with John Pullman, his former
bag man in the United States, as president of the International
Credit Bank of Switzerland. This enterprise fell into the Swiss
banking category "Other," meaning that it was actually owned
by foreigners, and that unscrupulously earned money, Las Vegas
and syndicate, would be laundered and returned via Nassau, for
example, to the United States. The major U.S. corporations
were drawn to Switzerland because they were increasingly
involved in commercial ventures in every corner of the world,
and Switzerland was a money center of the utmost convenience
and dependability. They could also make even more money by
engaging in currency speculation, besides having freedom of in-
vestment. It was nineteenth-century capitalism in the twentieth
century. The comparatively heavily regulated New York money-
center banks were able to obtain their footholds in Swiss bank-
ing in one way or another, and by 1980 they were earning over 70
percent of their profits from overseas deals.
So in June 1944, Martin Bormann was taken to the mountain-
top by Hermann Schmitz, the master. Bormann, a quick study
and with a steel-trap mind, was preoccupied in the ensuing days.
Hermann Schmitz, who had eleven I.G. Farben companies
in Japan, as well as the intelligence organization of Max Ilgner's
N.W.7, the I.G. Verbindungsmanner who were the liaison of fl-
eers between Farben in Japan and the home of fice in Germany,
let him in on some of the fiscal secrets of Emperor Hirohito,
who used Swiss banks to place his enormous liquid fortune
beyond the reach of the Allies. So did the industrial and finan-
cial leaders of Japan, who also knew how to move their wealth
around the world.
The Japanese imperial household was no small bureaucracy.
It represented 3,000 civil servants who ministered to the needs
of the imperial family and handled the complexities of the many
companies of the imperial family-zaibatsu holding corporations
that it controlled. With his immense land holdings and the
profits from his many investments, Emperor Hirohito was by
far the wealthiest individual in Japan. Within the structure was
the lord keeper of the privy seal, the emperor's most important
advisor, the only one who could of fer unsolicited comments.
From 1940 to the end of the war the lord keeper of the privy
seal was Marquis Koichi Kido, who performed just as ably for
Hirohito as Martin Bormann did for Hitler.
Kido learned, in 1944, through the Japanese ambassador in
Berlin, General Hiroshi Baron Oshima, that Reichsleiter Martin
Bormann had given orders to German industry to begin trans-
ferring moveable wealth from the Third Reich to neutral nations
of the world. Bormann, so Oshima said, was also moving party
funds to Switzerland and Buenos Aires. It was a signal loud and
clear that Germany had lost the war and was making prepara-
tions for a future point in time when liquid assets and economic
power bastions outside the Third Reich would come to the
assistance of a new Germany. And when Emperor Hirohito
received his two requested reports on the future of the war in
the Pacific from his army and navy chiefs of staf f, he, too, con-
curred that their war could not be won. He asked Kido to pre-
pare a peace plan for the Japanese nation; and Kido began work
on it in January 1944. The lord privy seal envisioned the first
step in any peace plan as one that would preserve the imperial
throne and its imperial wealth.
Kido held meetings with key bankers and the transfers of
imperial money to Swiss accounts was ef fected smoothly via
bank telegraph credit, inasmuch as major Japanese banks had
their own correspondent banking relationships with the impor-
tant fiscal institutions of Switzerland. Emperor Hirohito and
his imperial household zaibatsu had stock ownership and de-
posits in fourteen of the major Japanese banks, all of which
cherished the honor of acting as an imperial depository. The
fourteen banks gave all assistance necessary, of course, to the
Kido transfer plan.
However, as Hermann Schmitz pointed out to Reichsleiter
Bormann during their 1944 meeting on Third Reich fiscal
strategy, the most important bank to the imperial family was
the Yokohama Specie Bank. The family owned a 25 percent
controlling interest, and therefore it was the major instrument
used in the movement of large currency credits and other liquid
assets to Switzerland, where Yokohama Specie Bank had a branch
and correspondent relations with Swiss and German banks. The
importance of Yokohama Specie to the German Central Bank
and the economic conduct of the war, which also generated
further income from the bank's major shareholder, was con-
tained in a code intercept by "Magic," the U.S. code breaker
structure, in a message from the Japanese ambassador in Berlin
to Tokyo on March 19, 1942:
Pending consummation of the German-Japanese economic talks in
Tokyo and their satisfactory conclusion by March 31, Germany will
place 10,000,000 marks to Japan's credit in payment for war materials
delivered to that date. The technical details concerning use of the
fund and repayment will be handled by the German Reichsbank
and the Yokohama Specie Bank.
In his transfer plan of 1944, Lord Privy Seal Kido was con-
fronted with the problem of physically moving the emperor's
gold kilo bars from the Imperial Palace to some safe haven
where their value would be credited to the imperial account in
Switzerland. In 1944, when Japanese fighter planes still con-
trolled the air space of northern Asia, this proved a soluble
problem. The major Swiss banks, such as Swiss Bank Corpora-
tion, have five key areas throughout the world where gold and
silver bars can be deposited in Swiss controlled vaults, with a
credit then telegraphed to the relevant bank in Switzerland.
These key localities are known in the Swiss banking business
as "Loco," so once Kido had dispatched a Japanese imperial
courier plane with fighter escort to Hong Kong and Macao and
other sites with imperial kilo bars they quickly became a deposit
credit in the Swiss receiver bank. By the end of the war the
deposits on hand were astronomical, and during the postwar
rehabilitation of Japan, the imperial fortune kept increasing
from the interest charges for loans to various zaibatsu companies
who were struggling-as were German firms — for a comeback in
world markets.
As a result of these tranfers, American SCAP * fiscal investi-
gators found the imperial vaults pretty nearly bare when they
went poking through the recorded assets in the imperial palace
following Japanese surrender aboard the U.S. S. Missouri on
September 2, 1945. They found jewelry, gold, silver, coins
totaling 3,010,066 yen, and as the yen at that time was worth
about 360 to the U.S. dollar, it was a token 12 million.
While the emperor was having his liquid assets banked out
of Japan, the other zaibatsu leadership groups placed on deposit
these sums in the following countries: Switzerland, $19 million;
Sweden, $1.6 million; Portugal, $999,000; Spain, $22,000; Af-
ghanistan, $118,000; Turkey, $107,500. But these sums were
currencies and trifling alongside the billions in gold that flowed
from Japan in the last year of the war. The Joint Chiefs of
Staff in Washington and Ambassador Edwin W. Pauley, who
reported to President Truman on reparations, recommended
that the bulk of Japan's gold be deposited in the U.S. Mint in
San Francisco. Pauley said the value would not exceed $200
million. But his advisors were basing this estimate on Japanese
smelter records and gold production figures from 1940 to 1945
at the Kamioka mine and other smaller mines on the west coast
of Honshu, which showed a declining gold production of only
1,173 fine ounces; and inasmuch as many banking records in
Tokyo covering gold deposits had been previously removed
from the files or burned, most often blamed on the firebombing
of Tokyo, no true figure could be arrived at by SCAP.
However, what SCAP and Ambassador Pauley did not take
into consideration was the loot of Asia, and by 1944 Japan had
taken 25 tons of gold from the vaults and mines of various
Asiatic countries it had overrun. Like the Third Reich, the
Japanese pattern of conquest and pillage prevailed. As armies
^Supreme Commander, Allied Powers.
marched, fought, and conquered, they were followed by the
ubiquitous bankers and business specialists who assumed eco-
nomic control of the lands and people and assets they coveted.
They seized gold and formed companies to mine for minerals,
oil, coal, and all other substances necessary to a resource-poor
country like Japan. As it established companies in Manchuria,
China, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines,
French Indo-China, Burma, and the Dutch East Indies it did
so beneath the imperial banner and patriotic slogans: "The
Emperor is divine, and the Japanese people are superior to other
races and are fated to rule the world." But behind the slogans
was a hard-headed commercialism dedicated to profits for the
zaibatsus, which included the imperial household zaibatsu, tun-
neled through stock ownership in the scores of corporations
established in banking and industry of each conquered country.
Like so many other moveable assets, the 25 tons of gold
bullion disappeared in 1944, and this is a secret known only to
a cadre of top leadership among the zaibatsu. Still, when Gen-
eral MacArthur finally implanted a new constitution on Japan
and approved a new government in 1947, this leadership in-
formed the supreme commander that $2 billion in gold had
been flown back from bank vaults in Korea in August 1945, and
sunk in sealed containers in Tokyo harbor. It requested in 1947
that this treasure be retrieved and placed in the national treasury
to secure the new currency. General MacArthur readily agreed,
but it was the first 25 tons of gold that formed an economic
bedrock which helped Japan rise from the ashes. Toil and sacri-
fice and American aid were all part of the contributing picture,
but as Martin Bormann remarked about the advisability of
placing German assets beyond the reach of the Allies, "the
Fatherland will need this to rise again."
In 1944 while the lord privy seal was making his peace plans,
Emperor Hirohito waited for the ultimate excuse for withdrawal
from the war. Kido had recommended the removal of Prime
Minister Tojo from of fice in 1944. Tojo had originally been
placed in office on the recommendation of Kido, but now he was
to take the blame for the defeat and for the atrocities that
Japanese forces had committed when it was foreseen that the
war was lost. Actually, the war had been planned in the War
Room of the Imperial Palace, from the attack and rape of
Nanking to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, with the emperor an
interested participant in all major strategic decisions. From
February 1944 to the fall of the Tojo cabinet, all cabinet meet-
ings were held in the Imperial Palace to impress the public with
the seriousness of the situation as well as to give imperial sanc-
tion to emergency measures. At one cabinet meeting, Kido had
remarked, "If the Tojo cabinet continues in power it will surely
mean revolution within the country, and domestic disruption
will destroy Japan." To the lord privy seal it also meant that
the imperial household and the emperor would be destroyed.
Kido moved to cosmeticize the role of the emperor in the war,
stressing always that he had only been a benevolent figurehead.
Kido knew the people would have to be prepared for sur-
render. The fighting men had staked their honor on victory or
suicide, and vast numbers had died in the emperor's name. If
peace was premature, many would say that Hirohito lacked the
courage to fight the war through to the end. Widows and or-
phans would blame the emperor for causing their fathers and
husbands to die in vain. The emperor and Kido knew that the
people had reached the point where they were eager to see an
end to war. When the time arrived that they thought it was
they who had fought poorly and let the emperor down, then and
only then, if Hirohito declared for peace, would the people feel
obligated to him.
As the lord privy seal focused on his imperial peace plans, the
emperor studied the charts in his War Room. It is a myth that
the emperor stood above shot and shell; from 1937 to the war's
end, he had been closely involved in the conduct of Japanese
expansion into China and to the south and west. He had ap-
pointed Tojo as prime minister for his warlike qualities, and
when he spoke with Admiral Yamamoto before the attack on
the United States he had asked the admiral's opinion as to how
the war would go. Admiral Yamamoto had said, "I will run
wild for the first eighteen months of the war and after that it
will be all downhill. But I will do my duty for the emperor."
Hirohito had nodded, replying, "By then Hitler will have won
his war in Europe and the United States will make an accom-
modation with Japan which will give us much of the territory
we have gained." The emperor must have recalled this conver-
sation when he was informed of Admiral Yamamoto's death at
Bougainville in 1943. The admiral was on an inspection trip,
and his plane was shot down after his flight schedule in code
had been intercepted by the code breakers of "Magic."
The research and analysis branch of the OSS had prepared a
secret report in September 1944 for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of
Staff. It told in some detail of the involvement of the Japanese
emperor with the war:
At the inception of the present war, the Emperor issued the con-
ventional Imperial Rescript declaring war in his name, and continued
to follow his usual pattern of keeping out of politics. However, as it
became evident that victory would not be easily won, the ruling
group found it necessary to use the Emperor's name as an incentive
to greater effort.
With the Allied advance in the Pacific, the Emperor was called
on to furnish even stronger incentives to the Japanese people, and
he thus became more entangled in the activities of the dominant
military group. In November and December, 1943, the Emperor
issued two Imperial Rescripts honoring the Navy for completely
fictitious "victories" of f the Solomon and Gilbert Islands — an
unprecedented mortgaging of the Imperial dignity for the purpose
of restoring faith in the naval conduct of the war.
While the emperor waited for an excuse for withdrawal from
the war, he approved the many defensive measures being under-
taken to repel the invaders. Like Hitler, he toyed with the
thought of leaving the nation's capital. So some 75,000 men
toiled beneath the peaks and valleys of the Nagano Alps build-
ing tunnels in which Hirohito could preside over the final de-
fense of Japan. But, like Adolf Hitler, the emperor had no
intention of leaving Tokyo. His propaganda minister, like Dr.
Goebbels in Berlin, fostered the notion of battle to the last, but
it was smoke of sorts, contrived to make more steadfast the
flagging will of the people.
On August 7, 1945, the emperor was presented with his rea-
son to initiate peace. He received the Japanese army report of
the atomic destruction of Hiroshima. Two days later, on August
9, a second A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
Although the emperor and Lord Privy Seal Kido had been
thinking about surrender for nineteen months before the two
atomic bombs fell, it took only days for Emperor Hirohito to
agree to surrender terms on the Potsdam Declaration.
At this point in time, as in Berlin, the preparations for post-
war commercial survival for two defeated nations had been
completed, and now only the final scenario had to be played
out. For Bormann, the blueprint was clear and he was to follow
it with precision. For the emperor and Kido, General MacArthur
was to be a worthy protagonist. In the end, the emperor and the
supreme commander came to admire each other, and it was
MacArthur who in the end dissuaded the War Crimes Com-
mission in London from trying Emperor Hirohito as a war
criminal. He said:
"His indictment will unquestionably cause a tremendous con-
vulsion among the Japanese people, the repercussions of which
cannot be overestimated. He is a symbol which unites all Japa-
nese. Destroy him and the nation will disintegrate. They will
regard Allied action as a betrayal in their history and the hatreds
and resentments engendered by this thought will unquestionably
last for all measurable time. A vendetta for revenge will thereby
be initiated whose cycle may well not be complete for centuries,
if ever.
"I believe all hope of introducing modem democratic methods
would disappear. It is quite possible that a minimum of a
million troops would be required which would have to be
maintained for an indefinite number of years."
There was more to the MacArthur opinion, but the thought
of a million Allied troops with a vast bureaucratic force chilled
the War Crimes Commission. As a consequence, it was decided
to settle for a war crimes trial at a lesser level. Lord Privy Seal
Kido was tried as a war criminal, along with 36 others, and
sentenced to life imprisonment.
At the time of this trial, Kido's counterpart in Germany,
Martin Bormann, was to make his plans for personal survival,
and they did not include prison and death at Nuremberg.
The zaibatsu was to be outlawed during the occupation of
Japan by General MacArthur as a way of breaking the strangle-
hold held by the few on the economy of this nation. But once
the occupation ended and Japan again became master of her
own destiny, the family-controlled holding companies were to
make their comeback bigger and stronger than ever before, un-
der the name "Keirestsu," which also means "group." Today
the six big Keirestsus control the economy; in fact, they are the
economy. The six largest groups control 40 percent of the
nation's corporate capital, and 30 percent of its corporate assets.
The trading companies of these six Keirestsu hold stock in more
than 5,400 companies in Japan, and the Keirestsu banks own
even more. The Mitsubishi and Mitsui families were zaibatsu
before their holding companies were broken up by MacArthur,
but today they are comfortable Keirestsu. It was never General
MacArthur's purpose to strip clean the imperial family, but to
breathe some fresh, contemporary air into an archaic economy
by removing strictures that had generated a war machine based
on absolute strength, the basis of Japan's military might before
and during World War II.
Hirohito was to turn over to the people of Japan his forest-
lands, museums, artistic treasures, and heirlooms. However, the
wealth that had been transferred on his behalf as well as on
behalf of the other zaibatsu families was never touched and
represented bastions of economic strength, as did the wealth
that was established by Martin Bormann on behalf of the Third
As was proven in time, the wealth and the corporations con-
trolled by the Bormann organization, on the one hand (in the
Federal Republic of Germany, 1 percent of the corporate lead-
ership controls 40 percent of the industry and finance), and by
the zaibatsu/Keirestsu, along with the holdings of the imperial
family, were the basic instruments that guided both defeated
nations back to economic power.
December of 1944, Hitler's headquarters on the Western Front
was hidden underground in a woods one mile northwest of
Ziegenberg. It was realized there that the failure of this offensive
meant the war was ended. All to follow was charade, merely a
resistance that would continue to take Allied and German lives
until May 1945. At the height of the Battle of the Bulge, cham-
pagne was served in the Western Headquarters bunker
on Christmas day, and a euphoric Hitler spoke optimistically of
One man not at all euphoric was Martin Bormann, deep in
his circumspect designs to enable Germany to emerge from
certain military defeat to commercial victory in the postwar
world. On this Christmas day, the Reichsleiter sipped cham-
pagne with the others of the headquarters staff and agreed with
Hitler that 1945 would be a very interesting year indeed. He
then stepped back into his office, to the papers spread out on
his desk, some of which were reports received as to the progress
of his flight capital program, which had been launched immedi-
ately following the meeting of German industrialists in Stras-
bourg on August 10.
On one report he noted that the plan to increase the registra-
tion of German patents in neutral nations had proceeded
satisfactorily. In Sweden, for instance, patent registration in
1938 had been 1,618, but after the Strasbourg meeting in 1944
the patent registration had risen to 3,377. The ownership of
patents represents a blockhouse of power in any commercial
contest, and the most important German industrial corporations
were doing their best to maintain their ownership of vital proc-
esses. The firms represented on the memorandum were I.G.
Farben, Zeiss-Ikon, Bosch, Daimler-Benz, A. E.G., and Siemens.
There was a similar increase in patents by these and other Ger-
man firms in Switzerland and Portugal.
Bormann had another report, on the continuing creation of
assets in the neutral nations. German trade with and payments
to these were carried on mainly through clearing agreements. In
Spain, Sweden, and Turkey a two-price system was now being
used for German goods. The lower price was paid through the
clearings (the total of banking claims presented daily in settle-
ment of accounts at a clearing house) while the higher price
was retained on the books of the neutral importer. The differ-
ence accumulated was paid to the account of the German
importer-exporter, becoming flight capital on deposit. To give
some idea of the size of such deposits: within months of the
inauguration of the two-price system, Swedish firms owed about
$18 million in kroner and Turkish firms S12 million in Turkish
lira. As goods shipments increased the sums on deposit in neu-
tral banks accelerated, then the excess capital was invested in
local real estate and industry.
Balance sheets showed Bormann that eleven mines in central
Sweden were now owned by German firms and operated directly
or indirectly through Swedish companies by the large German
steel firms of Roechlingsche Eisen and Stahlwerke G.m.b.H.,
Voeklingen, Saar; Hosche, Dortmund; Friedrich Krupp, Essen;
Gutehoffnungshutte, A.G., Oberhausen; and Vereinigte Stahl-
werke, Diisseldorf. The coal now mined was shipped to Ger-
many, with German firms paid in Sweden under the two-price
system .
Members of the German steel cartel (such as Vereinigte
Stahlwerke, of which Hermann Schmitz was a director, Man-
nesmann, Krupp, Gutehoffnungshutte, and Stahlunion) all
owned related enterprises in Sweden, and the importation, han-
dling, and transportation of coal and coke became almost a
projection of Germany's coal industry. In shipbuilding, the
Swedish companies owned or controlled by German shipping
interests accepted vessels built by the Swedish firms and kept
them in Swedish waters until after the war. A further example
of masked investment was the money paid into the Swedish
shipping firm of Reded A/B Skeppsbron, which received a
German-guaranteed loan of $3 million made from German
supplies of free Swedish kroner in which the vessels were mort-
gaged to the lender. Although the Swedish company remained
officially the owner of the vessels, the German Hamburg-
Amerika line was the real owner.
Martin Bormann also knew that the vast funds sent outside
the Third Reich under his new Nazi state policy were rapidly
concealed in safe havens. In Sweden, the technique was to use
Swedish cloaks or German-controlled local nationals to increase
the recapitalization of Swedish firms. This produced a further
stock buy-in by German interests. A big penetration was made
into commercial and mercantile enterprises, where nearly two
hundred Swedish firms were now operating on capital wholly
or in part supplied by Germans or German firms.
In 1944 there was intense pressure on Sweden by American
and British government representatives to halt the export of
iron ore, special steels, and machine tools to Germany. The
Allies also wanted to deny the Germans Swedish ball bearings,
a prime element in all machinery of war used by the Wehr-
macht and Luftwaffe. They also wanted German military traffic
through Sweden to Norway stopped. An interesting sidelight to
this struggle between the Allies and Germany for influence on
Sweden is the peculiar role played by Marcus and Jacob Wallen-
burg, members of Sweden's most important banking family.
Marcus headed a government commission which negotiated
trade and political agreements with Britain and the United
States throughout the war. At the same time, his brother Jacob
was chief trade and economic negotiator for the Swedish gov-
ernment with Nazi Germany. Thus were both sides covered
for Swedish business, including the family's own very substantial
economic interests. Following World War II, this family empire
was to achieve its most spectacular prosperity, as German in-
vestments under the Martin Bormann program matured in their
Swedish safe-havens. In this way impressive wealth accrued to
the Wallenburgs as well as to other Swedish and German
investment groups controlling large holdings in the many Swe-
dish companies under German dominance in 1944. For a time,
however, in 1944 under the pressure of threatening to place
Sweden on an Allied blacklist, coupled with promises of com-
pensating Allied orders, Sweden agreed to Allied demands in
December 1944, the very week Martin Bormann was reviewing
German investments in Sweden. He shrugged at the news clat-
tering over the teletype from Berlin. The agreement pleased the
Allies but failed to dent the Bormann-sponsored hidden in-
vestment program in Sweden. The war would be over anyway
in a matter of months, and business would pick up again. The
binding ties of marriage, finance, and investment between Swe-
den and Germany were stronger than ever, and with peace
would come a lessening of Allied probing into German financial
and business manipulations, particularly when so many Swedes
had a personal stake in the growth and prosperity of every firm
owned or controlled by German interests. The Allies were
advancing everywhere on the battlefronts and in their diplomatic
arm-twisting of neutral nations. Yet the outlook of Reichsleiter
Bormann differed little from the pragmatic cynicism of Her-
mann Rochling, the Saar steel magnate, who, when told in
December 1944 that the Saarland would be overrun in days by
American forces, replied almost indifferently: "We have lost the
Saar once before and won it back. Old as I am, I shall see it
return to our possession again." And so it did.
The movement of German assets into Switzerland had also
gone well, Bormann noted from his reports. Flight capital in-
vestments had been accomplished principally through the estab-
lishment of subsidiaries of powerful German firms. Over half
the total German capital in Switzerland was used in setting up
holding companies representing I.G. Farben, Merck, Siemens,
Osram, Henkel, and others. A holding company may not trade
in any form. It may only hold stock in other companies, but
through this device the existing German firms, and the 750 new
corporations established under the Bormann program, gave
themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of
viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to
the "neutrals" of Europe and to the countries of South America;
a control that continues today and is easily maintained through
the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak
real ownership. Bearer shares require no registration of identity,
for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the
majority shares controls the company without needing a vestige
of proof as to how he acquired them. Thus the Germans who
participated as a silent force in Bormann's postwar commercial
campaign-which is sometimes referred to by aging Nazis as
"Operation Eagle's Flight" or "Aktion Adlerflug" — insured their
command over the industrial and financial institutions that were
to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the
forefront of world economic leadership.
In Switzerland the most substantial investments were in
chemicals and drugs, and in electric power and equipment. Ger-
man investments totaled $300 million, of which bank deposits
(cash and securities) amounted to about S250 million, with
direct investments about $50 million. In the German-Swiss
clearings, Germany's debt, as the new year of 1945 began, was
1,000 million Swiss francs ($2 32.1 million). Swiss investments
in Germany and prewar loans to Germany were $445 million.
Six Swiss private banks were now used by German firms in the
flight capital program: H. Sturzenegger &Cie., Rochling &Co.,
Johann Wehrli and Company, Bank Wadenswil, Basler Han-
delsbank, and Kreditanstalt. However, all major Swiss banks
were serving the Germans in the massive movement of funds.
The big German banks, Deutsche, Dresdner, and Commerz-
bank, all had their regular Swiss affiliations through which they
worked. Deutsche had as its principal connection Credit Suisse,
and also did business with the Swiss Bank Corporation and the
Banque Federate. Funds transferred from Berlin for a client list
approved by Bormann went into numbered accounts, and were
either held there for local investment or soon shifted to neutral
nations elsewhere in Europe or overseas, to be credited to the
accounts of appropriate German corporate subsidiaries, or else
to entirely new corporations awaiting these start-up monies that
would enable them to go into business using German patents.
As these new corporations prospered, they generated more
money and profits, becoming important elements in the Bor-
mann global economic scheme.
Seven hundred and fifty new corporations were established in
the last months of the war under the direction of Reichsleiter
Bormann, using the technique perfected by Hermann Schmitz.
A national of each country was the nominal head of each cor-
porate structure and the board was a mix of German adminis-
trators and bank officials, while the staffing at senior and middle
management levels was comprised of German scientists and
technicians. In the background were the shadowy owners of the
corporation, those Germans who possessed the bearer bonds as
proof of stock ownership. The establishment of such companies,
usually launched in industries requiring high technical skills,
was welcomed in Spain and Argentina, to give two examples,
because those governments appreciated that German companies
would generate jobs and implement a more favorable balance
of trade. Country by country, a breakdown by U.S. Treasury
investigators of these new 750 German firms was as follows:
Portugal, 58; Spain, 1 12; Sweden, 2 33; Switzerland, 214; Turkey,
35; Argentina, 98.
Gold always held a great attraction for Martin Bormann, as it
did for all German bankers and economic leaders of the Third
Reich. In fiscal conferences during the occupation years, in
Brussels, Paris, and Amsterdam, the German economic special-
ists would always advocate more printing of local currencies by
the state treasury. But when it came to safeguarding their own
means, it was gold, always. Perhaps it was a subconscious hold-
over from the early 1920s7 when the currency of the Weimar
Republic had become virtually worthless. In 1943, when Bor-
mann was sitting tall in the saddle as Hitler's right hand and as
leader of the Nazi Party throughout the world, as well as chair-
man of his own banking committee, which oversaw the banking
practices of every bank in Germany and the greater Third Reich,
the Reichsleiter made sure that gold bullion was drawn into the
vaults of the Reichsbank and of the three big commercial banks
in Berlin. The gold, whatever its origin, would be stamped with
Third Reich seals and periodically sold to leading Swiss banks,
as well as to the Swiss National Bank. These banks purchased
several hundred million dollars of such gold, paying in Swiss
francs, which the Germans preferred at this point. The money
was then left on deposit in various numbered accounts to be
invested in Switzerland and in other neutral countries, and
ultimately to maintain the Bormann party apparatus abroad.
These banking channels aside, Martin Bormann had other
ways to disperse German assets outside of the Third Reich. The
diplomatic pouches of Joachim von Ribbentrop's Foreign Min-
istry were used to transport gold, Amsterdam diamonds, bearer
bonds, and U.S. stocks purchased over the years in large Ameri-
can corporations. A Foreign Ministry special courier went twice
monthly to Stockholm, where the gold and diamonds he carried
were sold for kroner currency and then invested in Swedish
firms. A similar pattern was developed for South America, where
deposits were made in the Buenos Aires branch of Deutsche
Bank. Many individual Nazis, with Bormann's permission, trans-
ferred their own assets. Von Ribbentrop in one shipment banked
SI million, allegedly using an Argentinian intermediary named
Pedro Rodrigues Panchino as his five percenter, according to the
French newspaper, France-Soir, in its edition of February 10,
1945. The hangman claimed von Ribbentrop at Nuremberg. So
the throwaway question is whether the Argentinian kept the
money in his own name or it was turned over to Bormann's
account. I would think the latter, for one doesn't fool with SS
men charged with guarding such sums on behalf of the NSDAP
in exile. Others wanting large deposits in Portugal or Spain
would first ship gold to Switzerland, order it sold, then have a
check or bank draft sent to Madrid or Lisbon in care of their
money agent, where it would be deposited and then claimed at
the end of the war.
Turkey, too, did a brisk business in gold and other assets.
The week when three German armies were attacking in the
Ardennes, German assets in Turkey on the record totaled $30
million, and the Turkish-German clearing account was $1 5.7
million in favor of the German government. Neither figure tells
the whole story of Nazi resources in Turkey. Two branches of
German banks, the Deutsche Istanbul and the Deutsche Orient
(a branch of the Dresdner Bank), were depositories for a steady
flow of bonds, cash, gold, bank deposits, and foreign exchange
belonging to German firms and individuals. In Turkey, as in
other neutrals, the Germans had also been able to achieve a safe
haven for their money, by preventing the normal repatriation of
foreign earnings. For example, both major German banks had a
policy approved by Bormann of accumulating in Turkey all
annual profits of the war years, rather than returning the money
to Berlin. It just piled up as a bookkeeping item ready for trans-
fer to South America or investment in Turkish business and
commerce. Six big German insurance companies with branches
in Turkey followed the same policy. Further, they followed a
policy of linking Turkish insurance companies to their own
operations by granting readily available German capital in re-
turn for stock considerations. Thus, these insurance firms gen-
erated large fluid assets that they invested in real estate and
other properties. More than sixty German-controlled firms were
the linchpin of the Turkish economy, and ran the gamut from
construction to chemicals. In 1944 gold trading grew very active,
with Deutsche Bank selling $5.5 million in gold coins for clients.
When in 1944 Turkey severed diplomatic relations with the
Third Reich, joining the Allies in 1945, just four months before
German surrender, there was no blocking of German assets.
Thus, the two German banks in Turkey were enabled to trans-
fer millions to their branches in Spain and Argentina. The
German firms that had taken on a Turkish coloration of owner-
ship were to be reclaimed by their German owners after the war.
Throughout this period of asset transfer, Reichsleiter Bor-
mann's goal was to have as much foreign exchange as possible
in position in all neutral nations in both hemispheres. Aside
from the Swiss banks, which made all currencies readily avail-
able in exchange for goods, trade, or gold bullion sales, the
export of German products to neutral nations added to the gen-
eral foreign exchange funds. Upon receipt of German goods, an
agency in Spain-for example, the Spanish Foreign Exchange
Institute-would credit pesetas to a German-controlled import-
export company. With such funds accumulating rapidly in
Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Argentina, Bormann
and his group, who were handling the fortunes of 750 new cor-
porations, would use these corporations in neutral countries as
cloaks for investing in American companies. Bormann always
had a high regard for U.S. blue chip stocks as a stable invest-
ment, consistently purchasing a vast number of shares from the
European offices of such New York stock brokerage houses as
Merrill, Lynch on behalf of the Reich chancellery and Hitler,
until war became official between the United States and Ger-
many and the buying stopped, for a time.
In 1941, investments in U.S. corporations by German com-
panies and assorted German individuals held voting ownership
in 170; minority ownership was held in another 108 American
companies. These businesses covered the following fields: manu-
facturing (foodstuffs, chemicals, electrical and automobile
equipment, machinery and machine equipment, other metal
products); petroleum production, refining and distribution;
finance; trade; and miscellaneous.
American industry, of course, had a financial stake in German
industry. In the same year, 1941, 171 U.S. corporations had
major investments in German firms amounting to $420 million.
A listing of these corporations is identical to the general cate-
gories under German ownership in the United States.
When Bormann gave the order for his representatives to re-
sume purchases of American corporate stocks, it was usually
done through the neutral countries of Switzerland and Argen-
tina. From foreign exchange funds on deposit in Swiss banks
and in Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank, the Buenos Aires branch
of Deutsche Bank, large demand deposits were placed in the
principal money-center banks of New York City: National City
(now Citibank), Chase (now Chase Manhattan N.A.), Manu-
facturers and Hanover (now Manufacturers Hanover Trust),
Morgan Guaranty, and Irving Trust. Such deposits are interest-
free and the banks can invest this money as they wish, thus
turning tidy profits for themselves. In return, they provide rea-
sonable services such as the purchase of stocks and transfer or
payment of money on demand by customers of Deutsche Bank,
such as representatives of the Bormann business organizations
and Martin Bormann himself, who has demand accounts in
three New York City banks. They continue to do so. The Ger-
man investment in American corporations from these sources
exceeded $5 billion and made the Bormann economic structure
a web of power and influence. The two German-owned banks
of Spain, Banco Aleman Transatlantico (now named Banco
Comercial Transatlantico), and Banco Germanico de la America
del Sur, S.A., a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank, served to channel
German money from Spain to South America, where further
investments were made.
Argentina was the mecca for such money in the Western
Hemisphere, and when Bormann gave the go-ahead in his over-
all flight capital program after the decisions at Strasbourg, over
$6 billion of this money flowed into Buenos Aires for invest-
ment there and elsewhere in Latin America. The investments
covered factories, hotels, resorts, cattle, banks, land, sugar and
coffee plantations, metallurgy, insurance, electrical products,
construction, and communications. It was much the same
investment spectrum as established in Spain. West German in-
vestments today account for nearly 45 percent of all foreign
investments in Spain.
Before D-Day four Paris banks, Worms et Cie., Banque de
Paris et des Pays-Bas, Banque de l'lndochine (now with "et de
Suez" added to its name), and Banque Nationale pour le Com-
merce et l'lndustrie (now Banque Nationale de Paris), were
used by Bormann to siphon NSDAP and other German money
in France to their bank branches in the colonies, where it was
safeguarded and invested for its German ownership.
In addition to overseeing his 750 new corporations, Martin
Bormann was also kept apprised of I.G. Farben's activities in
neutral countries, as well as the intensified activities of other
major firms that were utilizing the new Bormann policy of
transferring Third Reich money to subsidiaries. Farben had
eight subsidiaries in Argentina, three in Portugal, four in Swe-
den, six in Switzerland, and fourteen in Spain. A.E.G., the giant
electrical equipment manufacturer, had six subsidiaries in Ar-
gentina, three affiliates in Spain, and four in Sweden. In brief,
every major German corporation with an international operation
strengthened its branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates with an
influx of new money and talent that included scientists and
technicians arriving weekly ready to perform laboratory research
in Spain and Buenos Aires.
Early in January 1945 Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann, in
company with the rest of their headquarters staff, left the
Ardennes sector and traveled back to Berlin. On January 12
Stalin launched his Soviet winter offensive. The Fuehrer was in
his main office in the chancellery, Bormann just adjacent. A
briefing on the battle in the East given by General Heinz Gu-
derian had been concluded. It had been a stormy session, in
which Guderian was pessimistic about holding, and strongly
urged that German forces fall back. Hitler resisted this sugges-
tion with anger. Afterward, Reichsleiter Bormann was visited in
his own office by Heinrich Mueller, SS chief group leader and
senior general of the Waffen SS. As Bormann was skillful in
administration and world fiscal affairs, Mueller was equally tops
in his own area of competence, secret state police affairs. He
told Bormann that Ernst Kaltenb runner, chief of the Gestapo
and an SS general, had gathered a small personal treasure and
was sending it by armed SS convoy to a hideaway. Mueller
handed to Bormann the listing, which read as follows: 50 kilo-
grams of gold bars, 50 cases of gold coins and gold watches,
2 million American dollars, 2 million Swiss francs, five cases
filled with diamonds and other precious stones, one stamp col-
lection worth 5 million gold marks.
"Well," Bormann commented, "Ernst is still looking out for
Ernst. It doesn't mean much to the big picture. But find out
where he has it taken. When it's buried, and it will probably be
in an Austrian lake close to his home, we might want one of
our party gauleiters to watch over it. Kaltenbrunner may never
last the war out, and it would be useful to the party later."
Mueller stood at attention, nodded, and left the office.
Kaltenbrunner finished the war out but never made it to his
treasure. He did receive a report from his aide that it was secure,
sunk deep in waterproof containers in Ausee Lake, but he was
one of the ten convicted and executed in the prison gymnasium
at Nuremberg.
Field Marshal Kesselring, during his retreat in Italy, before
surrendering his 1 -million-man force to the Allies, ordered $4.8
million in assorted valuables sunk in the waters around Verona.
He wanted it safely out of the grasp of Italian communist
Corsica was held by German and Italian troops in the summer
of 1943. The coastal areas, that is, and the principal cities — the
capital of the island, Ajaccio, with its 25,000 people living
around the bay, Bastia and its bay likewise ringed with people,
and the coastal regions. But despite the armed might of the
Axis troops, the Corsicans controlled the inland mountainous
region, where hardly a road existed. The rugged dwellers had
footpaths and trails throughout the wild interior, and they had
the patience and wily wisdom of their forebears. They knew that
in time the Germans and Italians would depart, as had the
Romans and the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Saracens, the
Genoese, and the French. Through the centuries, Corsicans had
engaged in trade with their invaders. They did so now with the
Germans and Italians, and would soon be doing likewise with
the Americans and British and Free French who were to come.
The Germans and Italians were making preparations to leave,
and were watched, as always, by members of the Unione Corse,
the ancient secret organization whose tentacles spread to Mar-
seilles and through the underworld of Europe. They watched at
the Bay of Bastia during the month of September as German
E-boats and frogmen searched the bottom of the bay for a
treasure they were unable to locate.
The Germans were searching for a shipment of gold bullion,
diamonds, jewelry, and currencies, which had been sealed in six
lead containers and placed aboard an E-boat at Tripoli earlier
in 1943. It was loot of North Africa, valued at an estimated $150
million, and had been collected by a special unit sent from
Berlin by Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, to add to the Reich
chancellery fund of the NSDAP. As the Afrika Korps retreated
under the ferocious onslaught of the British Eighth Army, the
treasure had been packed up and shipped out of Tripoli. This
port in Libya was especially striking because of the waterfront
facade built by Italian stonemasons. The E-boat, under com-
mand of officer Hauptmann Dahl, moved out of Tripoli harbor
at high speed, then was lost from view in the Mediterranean's
dark blue. On the water to Italy, Hauptmann Dahl was ordered
from Rome to head for Corsica with the sealed treasure; he was
to join a German naval convoy off Bastia, which would then
steam north to German naval headquarters at La Spezia, in
northern Italy. There they were to unload the consignment and
take it by truck to Milano, where it would go by train over the
Alps to Germany and on to Berlin. Dahl had made it to the
coast of Corsica but before he could join the convoy an Allied
air attack dispersed the German and Italian ships, sinking sev-
eral. Steering a course along the shoreline was all that he could
do; Dahl didn't dare to venture ashore because on this night he
could see a firefight in progress between German troops and
guerillas. He had headed for the estuary of Golo and there,
about four kilometers off the port of Bastia, unloaded the six
lead containers, as a safekeeping measure. He ordered his of fl-
eers and crewmen to drop the cargo overboard, which they did
— in about 20 fathoms of water. Marking the spot in triangular
fashion with two land bearings he headed north to Italy. He
had reached La Spezia and reported his action to the German
naval command. Rather than being commended for his fore-
sight, he, along with three officers, was held for court-martial in
the barracks of Massa, below La Spezia. The officers were shot
and the seamen, judged as only carrying out orders, were sent
off to the Russian front.
For the next month, on instructions from La Spezia, the
German naval command on Corsica searched for the heavy
containers in the waters and soft sand off Bastia Bay. But on
October 4, under Allied pressure, the Germans withdrew from
the island, after blowing up the ancient, narrow stone bridges
on the eastern end. Within two days the streets of Ajaccio, with
its statue of Napoleon, were filled with men wearing the uni-
forms of the United States, Britain, and the Free French. The
bays of Ajaccio and Bastia filled with freighters, supply ships,
tenders, gray destroyers, and troop transports. Inland, glades,
meadows, rocks, and trees were bulldozed away to create an
airfield, from which flew American and British fighter planes
and DC-3 transports.
The Unione Corse waited through this desecration with the
traditional patience of a patriarchal crime family. When the
hubbub was over, and all was serene again, the waters would be
theirs and theirs alone to explore. Peace, of course, did come to
Corsica, and divers of the Unione Corse tried and tried but
failed to locate the looted treasure of North Africa. Occasion-
ally, venturesome strangers would arrive to explore, having heard
rumors of Nazi booty. In one way or another, all were discour-
aged. Four disappeared one night. An Andre Mattei was found
dead, riddled with bullets, after he had had too much to say
about the location of the six containers. Then appeared Peter
Fleig, one of the German sailors of the original E-boat, who had
helped shove the containers into the water that night back in
September 1943. He had survived the war in Russia, spent a
year or so in a military hospital recovering from wounds, and
then made it to Corsica. The vision that had sustained him
through Russia and convalescence was that of finding again this
wealth. While diving for it he was warned off by the Unione
Corse, a warning he paid no attention to. He vanished.
This legend of World War II continues to attract the adven-
turous. Even Edwin Link, American businessman and inventor
of the Link Trainer of World War II, who later pioneered
underwater vehicles for oceanographic exploration, mounted an
expedition in the spring of 1963 to search for the treasure that
had been intended for Martin Bormann. Like the others, Link,
too, failed.
In the final days of any war, grabbing and looting are com-
monplace. Martin Bormann, however, was wrapped up in the
dispersal of several billion dollars in assets around the globe.
He dwelled on control of the 750 corporations; he had utilized
every known legal device to disguise their ownership and their
patterns of operation: use of nominees, option agreements, pool
agreements, endorsements in blank, escrow deposits, pledges,
collateral loans, rights of first refusal, management contracts,
service contracts, patent agreements, cartels, and withholding
procedures. Detailed documents and other papers on each com-
pany and on all money transferred from the Third Reich to
outside subsidiaries of the German corporations participating in
the flight capital program, had been maintained. As goals were
achieved, the papers were deposited in Swiss banks. A copy of
everything, including field reports, went to Bormann as part of
the historic file that would be crated and trucked out of Berlin
to Munich, flown to Spain, and then transshipped to the Bor-
mann archives in South America.
Hermann Goering, like Ernst Kaltenbrunner, got caught up
in the looting frenzy of the waning days of the war. Art treasures
were Goering's passion, and he had filled his mansion, Karinhall,
with priceless specimens taken from national collections in al-
most every city of the occupied world. As the Allied forces
closed in on the Nazis, he had most of these stored in cool salt
mines to protect them from bombs and the weather. He was
shrewd enough to realize that such masters could be readily
identified and returned to their rightful owners. He possessed
several of the better paintings from the Rothschild collection in
France. Almost certainly they would find their way back to
Baron Rothschild. Still, he realized that certain art treasures not
so easily identifiable have great economic value; if sold in a
neutral country, they could provide a handsome source of for-
eign exchange, providing one was able to collect it after the war.
Goering instructed a friend in Holland, Alois Miedel, a Ger-
man art dealer who had become owner of the Goudstikker Gal-
leries in Amsterdam after the occupation in 1940, to begin
collecting works of art that could be readily turned into cash
in Spain. Miedel began with excellent Dutch paintings, by
early as well as by later great masters. Usually he paid for them
in German marks that had been pumped into the Dutch, Bel-
gian, and French currency systems-but on occasion with Dutch
"occupation" guilders. He seized outright art belonging to Jew-
ish owners. He took his first big shipment in a Luftwaffe plane
to Bilbao, a free port in Spain. Among the valuable paintings
he offered for sale were works by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Ru-
bens, Jan Steen, and Cranach. The Prado in Madrid offered
2 million pesetas for one of these. They purchased others more
cheaply, at prices ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 pesetas. Brit-
ish and American diplomats in Madrid, who were likewise ama-
teur collectors, identified ten in the Prado looted from Holland
as belonging to the Goudstikker collection, one to the Van
Oalst collection, and one to the Valkenburg collection. Even-
tually, some were returned to their owners. The money paid to
Alois Miedel was banked in an account jointly controlled by
himself and Goering.
Miedel was a very busy man during the last stage of the war,
and for a time was the most important art dealer in Europe.
He brought a shipment of art treasures from France, with
Goering's assistance, and for their sale in Spain published a
catalogue of 200 pictures. Art stolen from Italy was appearing
in Stockholm and in the galleries of Geneva, Basel, and Zurich.
The value of paintings and objects of art looted from Holland,
Belgium, and France totaled over $1.5 billion. Holland alone
accounted for 200 million guilders or $136 million. Aside from
Hermann Goering, Joseph Goebbels and Joachim von Ribben-
trop were recipients of stolen art. While Alois Miedel was
Goering's personal art hunter, Dr. Hans Wendland in France
and Andreas Hofer, a Berlin art dealer, were also extremely
active in the business.
In December 1944 the Spanish government issued an order
for the arrest of Alois Miedel, but he had already been seized
by the Maquis on the French side of the border. Miedel escaped,
made his way back to Spain, then with German assistance d is-
appeared. He showed up later in Buenos Aires, whence his funds
had been transferred, and to demonstrate that all art lovers were
not in Spain, Sweden, or Switzerland, the paintings he had with
foresight shipped to Buenos Aires were soon gracing many fine
homes there.
In London and Washington there was grave concern about
the German flight capital. Officials of both Allied governments
knew in a general way what was going on, but not until they
had laboriously compiled a card index of 500,000 names of
businessmen in both hemispheres, northern and southern, who
were working for the Germans, did they realize the magnitude
of the task ahead. This list showed only the tip of the iceberg;
many, many people were willing to be profitably employed by
the Germans. It was early 1945, and Bormann was moving for-
ward full speed. The various departments of the two Allied
governments — U.S. Department of State and Treasury Depart-
ment, British Ministry of Economic Warfare, together with
General Donovan's OSS and General Menzies' MT6 — realized
only too well that they would have to come up with a substan-
tial counteroffensive to checkmate Martin Bormann's economic
blitzkrieg. Bormann's group was lean and mean, a prototype of
what Admiral Turner in 1977 was to hope aloud that his CIA
might one day become.
Orvis A. Schmidt, director of Foreign Funds Control of the
U.S. Treasury Department, shook his head when he described
the German flight capital operation in 1945:
"The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations
has been streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally
but also by what has been officially described as 'personnel
union.' Legal authority to operate this organizational machinery
has been vested in the concerns that have majority capacity in
the key industries, such as those producing iron and steel, coal,
and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately
welded together by exchanges of stock to the point where a
handful of men can make policy and other decisions that affect
us all."
This highly developed control that blanketed Germany from
top to bottom also functioned outside of the Third Reich and
was a vital key to the success of the Bormann program. The
great civil service bureaucracy within Germany never for a mo-
ment doubted that there would be a German revival, and they
had been trained like those in industry to follow a pattern that
would advance the interests of their country. In the first week
of occupation by the Allies after the surrender, when Allied
military government representatives went to the Ruhr factories,
they were always met by handpicked Germans, frequently engi-
neers, speaking English and prepared with credentials to prove
their acquaintance with reputable citizens and corporations in
the United States. They had already begun to rehabilitate the
bombed factories. The destruction of I.G. Farben plants was
relatively light. As German I.G. technicians streamed from the
battlefronts back to their hometowns and went to work, it was
estimated that production could reach 90 percent of capacity
in three months, given adequate supplies of labor, fuel, power,
and raw materials. War damage to the other industrial firms
had also been greatly exaggerated by Allied wartime air intelli-
gence. The amount of capacity knocked out by bombing and
shelling was less than that which the Germans had built during
the war, so that Germany found herself somewhat ahead of her
prewar capacity. For a time the Allies threatened to dismantle
heavy factories and ship them to neighboring countries. But
they would have been useless additions, and this factor, together
with a growing distrust of Russia by the American and British
governments, produced a change in outlook. Germany, with
SI. 5 billion from the Marshall Plan, would soon find herself
with the same well-rounded industrial structure as before the
But what really hexed officials in London and Washington,
whose job it was to stop the flow of liquid assets out of Ger-
many, was their inability to get a handle on the problem. Every-
thing was moving too fast. At all key points this economic
empire was staffed by reliable party men, who were also expert
businessmen. They in turn guided and worked with the nationals
of each neutral country, who could be counted on to follow the
same pattern of contributing to the best interests of Germany
and German business corporations. In the formerly occupied
countries, when ownership of a corporation was turned over to
an appointee it was a legal fact, but there was simultaneously
the handshake and the oral understanding that within five years
ownership would revert to the German. Bormann believed that
five years was a sensible time limit. He knew from his own
intelligence sources that Russia would take over eleven nations
along the eastern frontier, including the eastern part of Ger-
many, and that this would disenchant the British and the
Americans. This, and the truth that man's memory is short-
lived, guaranteed an altered Allied attitude.
But all this speculation was for the near future; Bormann
dealt with the present from his offices in Hitler's headquarters.
When he gave directions they were followed in Latin America.
At the time Orvis A. Schmidt of the U.S. Treasury Department
declared :
"The great German combines were the spearheads of eco-
nomic penetration in the other American republics. In the field
of drugs and pharmaceuticals the Bayer, Merck, and Schering
companies enjoyed a virtual monopoly. I.G. Farben subsidiaries
had a firm hold on the dye and chemical market. German
enterprises such as Tubos Mannesmann, Ferrostaal, A.E.G., and
Siemens-Schuckert played a dominant role in the construction,
electrical, and engineering fields. Shipping companies and, in
some areas, German airlines, were well entrenched. In addition,
other and newer pro-German firms were engaged in miscellane-
ous types of business, some of which were partly or wholly
owned by Germans and some of which were wholly owned by
persons of German origin, who, without changing their inborn
allegiance, had acquired citizenship in one of the American
The U.S. Treasury Department thought it might be possible
to supersede these German firms with a replacement program
of its own, in which local industry would be fostered, with U.S.
corporations encouraged to expand into these markets. But the
obstacles were too great. In some Latin American countries
German capital represented a large segment of the total business
investment and in some important industries there was nothing
to replace such German corporations, which had been profit-
making concerns for some years; the I.G. Farbens and Siemens.
Part of the new corporate move to Latin America was repre-
sented by Fritz Mandl, the armament manufacturer of the
Ruhr, who invested heavily in an Argentine government pro-
gram to expand its armaments industry. The two largest German
firms, Thyssen Lametal, S.A., Industrial y Mercantil, and La
Sociedad Tubos Mannesmann, received German financing un-
der the capital made available for export by Martin Bormann.
They were also able to employ large numbers of German scien-
tists and technicians who had been moved out of Germany in
1944. There was also the important German insurance firm of
El Fenix Sudamericano Cia. de Reaseguros, S.A., an affiliate of
the Munich Reinsurance Company. All South American big
business came to depend on El Fenix as the principal reinsurers
of commerce and industry in Latin America.
Not so important but curiously interesting was the establish-
ment of the small textile firm of Denubio, with a capitalization
of 2 million pesos in Argentina. In 1944, while serving as Ger-
man army chief of staff in Berlin, General Heinz Guderian
received permission from Reichsleiter Bormann to establish this
firm in association with a partner, Count Galeazzo Ciano, Mus-
solini's son-in-law and Italian foreign minister to the Third
Reich. The granting of such permission also entitled the famed
Panzer general to the use and transfer of Nazi state funds to
Argentina for this corporate purpose. When Orvis A. Schmidt
suggested that some Latin American business enterprises alter
their management to exclude all Germans, the chief executive
officer of such a company would frequently claim non-German
ownership, which made it necessary for a U.S. Treasury team to
trace laboriously the ownership through a maze of dummies and
holding companies. There was also the feeling of the U.S. ad-
ministration that to proceed fully with such an elimination
program in Latin America was to open up the serious question
of whether the United States had the constitutional authority
to take such action.
Recently in Washington, D.C., I spoke with two lawyers,
both of whom had worked with Orvis A. Schmidt, now de-
ceased. As the director of Foreign Funds Control of the U.S.
Treasury Department during the latter part of the war, Schmidt
was the U.S. official directly responsible for stopping the Ger-
man flow of assets to safe havens; he had been in a position to
destroy the Bormann intention of establishing economic strong-
points from which German businessmen could launch their
postwar commercial campaigns after the war.
One of these lawyers was Elting Arnold. He told me that
Foreign Funds Control had been the think tank for Henry
Morgenthau, secretary of the treasury, and that it was composed
of brilliant young men dedicated to high principles and the
freezing of enemy assets in wartime. Arnold described Schmidt
as a "tenacious, observant man, a man of sincerity and great
character. . . . He was large and barrel-chested, quiet-spoken but
possessed of a sense of mission." Following World War II,
Orvis Schmidt went to the International Bank for Reconstruct-
ion, serving there until the time of his death.
From the second attorney, John Pehle, I learned why Schmidt
and Foreign Funds Control had been unable to stop the German
program of flight capital to neutral nations. John Pehle, an
urbane and distinguished looking man who is today counsel to
the law firm of Morgan, Lewis, and Bockies, had been the orig-
inal director of Foreign Funds Control in the U.S. Treasury
Department, with Orvis Schmidt serving as his deputy director.
Pehle said, "The main mission of Foreign Funds Control,
which began on April 8, 1940, after Norway and Denmark were
invaded, was to freeze the assets of these countries in the United
States so they could not be used by the Third Reich. As other
countries were occupied, our activities expanded until we had
all assets of Germany, Japan, and all occupied countries frozen,
which amounted to many billions of dollars. We also attempted
to reach outside the United States to control the assets and
trade of Germany and Japan by establishing, with Britain, a
blacklist of firms and businessmen doing business with Ger-
many. There were no computers in those days and we kept
some 500,000 names on Rolodex files. It was cumbersome and
Mr. Pehle believes his department of several hundred did a
fine job of controlling foreign assets in the United States. Of
course, "there was always political pressure to free some com-
pany or other from our strictures. The infamous IT&T deal in
which they sold their telephone company in Romania to the
Romanian government and were paid the $7 million in the
U.S. which represented Romanian frozen currency, is a testi-
mony to backstairs influence. However, I am glad to say it didn't
happen again."
Pehle described the U.S. Treasury Department as an inter-
esting place to be. "We had bright men. Lend-Lease was con-
ceived in the Treasury."
But perhaps Pehle put his finger on the reason why U.S. For-
eign Funds Control was unable to interdict the German drive
to move assets to neutral nations.
"In 1944 emphasis in Washington shifted from overseas fiscal
controls to assistance to Jewish war refugees. On presidential
order I was made executive director of the War Refugee Board
in January 1944. Orvis Schmidt became director of Foreign
Funds Control. Some of the manpower he had was transferred,
and while the Germans evidently were doing their best to avoid
Allied seizure of assets, we were doing our best to extricate as
many Jews as possible from Europe.',
One project of Mr. Pehle's War Refugee Board was an order
to rescue as many Jews as possible from Budapest. The U.S.
board could not intervene directly and so it asked the Swedish
government if it would send a Swedish representative to Hun-
gary, where 900,000 Jews, the last large remaining Jewish popu-
lation, awaited either extinction or rescue. Sweden agreed and
dispatched Raoul Wallenberg, who traveled to Budapest with
huge sums of U.S. Treasury money and Swedish diplomatic
papers, which were to provide freedom of travel to Sweden for
a subsequent stream of 90,000 Jewish refugees. But when Buda-
pest fell to Soviet troops, Wallenberg became a prisoner of the
Russians and was shipped to Moscow.
Many believe that Wallenberg has spent the last thirty years
in Soviet prisons. Russia has denied the capture and imprison-
ment of Wallenberg. But the case remains open. In May of
1980 the "Free Raoul Wallenberg Committee," largely com-
posed of influential Swedish and American Jews, held an inter-
national hearing in Stockholm to focus new attention on this
case. They wanted to induce the Soviet Union to produce this
man, whom Einstein recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize
in 1949 for efforts in Budapest on behalf of Balkan Jews and the
American War Refugee Board operating under the direction
of John Pehle.
The two objectives were diametrically opposed. Certainly in
his power position Reichsleiter Martin Bormann from 1944 to
the end of the war was moving with all possible speed to shift
all moveable assets out of the greater Third Reich. He was
untroubled by the humanitarian considerations holding Wash-
ington in their sway. For him it was a go-for-broke operation
all the way. Even today, however, there are U.S. Treasury old-
timers of World War II still not aware of the magnitude of the
Bormann operation and of its success. Those who know, in
Washington, in South America, and in the capitals of Europe,
are locked together in a conspiracy of silence that has endured
for thirty-seven years until the publication of this book.
In this silent contest during the winddown years of World
War II, Orvis A. Schmidt was not to emerge victor over Martin
Bormann, although he tried. Tirelessly, he told assorted Senate
committees what was happening, spoke of the extent of the
German plan, and urged a new dedication to stopping the flight
capital blitzkrieg, with the prescient warning, "It is these new
concentrations of economic power which will enable Germany
to rise again."
Orvis A. Schmidt felt that he was a man crying in the wilder-
ness as he gave testimony before Senate committees. The mood
of the country and the marketplace was similar: get our boys
home and get on with the business of making money and build-
ing new homes and stabilizing the economy for the bumper
crop of babies which was sure to come. When Orvis Schmidt
told the Senators the extent of German economic infiltration
into the foreign countries even before VE-day and that the
Germans intended to preserve this vast hidden economic struc-
ture in order to rise again, he knew instinctively that he had
failed to catch the interest of the American lawmakers. Schmidt
The danger does not lie so much in the fact that the German indus-
trial giants have honeycombed the neutrals, Turkey and Argentina,
with branches and affiliates which know how to subvert their com-
mercial interests to the espionage and sabotage demands of their
government. It is important and dangerous, however, that many of
these branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates in the neutrals and much
of the cash, securities, patents, contracts and so forth, are ostensibly
owned through the medium of secret numbered accounts or rubric
accounts, trusts, loans, holding companies, bearer shares, and the
like by dummy persons and companies claiming neutral nationality
and all of the alleged protection and privileges arising from such
identities. The real problem is to break the veil of secrecy and
reach and eliminate the German ability to finance another world
war. We must render useless the devices and cloaks which have
been employed to hide German assets.
Schmidt noted the facts that A.E.G. had six subsidiaries in
Argentina, one in Portugal, two in Spain, three in Sweden;
Siemen-Schuckert-Werke A.G. with seven subsidiaries in Ar-
gentina, two each in Portugal and Sweden, four in Spain, and
five in Switzerland, and that Vereinigte Stahlwerke had seven
subsidiaries in Argentina, three affiliates in Spain, and four in
Sweden — and so on almost ad infinitum. He was to save per-
haps his best shot for I.G. Farben when he testified before a
U.S. Senate committee:
"We have found an I.G. Farben list of its own companies
abroad and at home-a secret list hitherto unknown — which
names over 700 companies in which I.G. Farben has an inter-
est," and this did not include their regular corporate structure
in 93 countries or the 750 companies established under the
Martin Bormann program.
He also recited the discovery of his former chief, John Pehle,
now directing the War Refugee Board at the request of Presi-
dent Roosevelt. I.G. Farben, at the insistence of Himmler and
for related political reasons, had built a vast industrial estab-
lishment at Auschwitz to manufacture synthetic oil and rubber.
Himmler promised Farben officials an unending supply of Jews
in the 300,000 population concentration camp to work I.G.
Farben Auschwitz. But even Friedrich Flick and other Ruhr
industrialists who were themselves utilizing supplies of slave
labor in their factories to the west knew production could only
be maintained with well-fed workers, not emaciated, walking
skeletons as at Auschwitz. It was I.G. Farben's greatest failure.
Despite a plant which used more electricity than the city of
Berlin, an investment of 900 million Reichsmarks, and 25,000
inmates who were worked until they dropped dead, not a single
pound of Buna rubber was ever produced. It was the last time
that political considerations would influence business judgment
in the establishment of a factory, decreed the I.G. Farben board
of directors.
Orvis Schmidt also testified that when they questioned the
top Farben people about their wartime activities,
. . . They were inclined to be very indignant. Their general attitude
and expectations was that the war was over and we ought now to
be assisting them in helping to get I.G. Farben and German industry
back on its feet. Some of them have outwardly said that this ques-
tioning and investigation was, in their estimation, only a phenomenon
of short duration, because as soon as things got a little settled they
would expect their friends in the United States and England to be
coming over. Their friends, so they said, would put a stop to
activities such as these investigations and would see that they got
the treatment which they regarded as proper and that assistance
would be given to them to help reestablish their industry.
As the war came to a close, all major American industries
felt that they would like to see the German money machine
working again. Every U.S. company of consequence had its
representative in uniform, as technical advisor or officer, as did
the British. As Allied armies moved through France, Belgium,
and the Lowlands, corporate executives took time out to check
the status of their branch firms. The changing tone seemed
auspicious to Martin Bormann.
In all lands liberated by American and British armies, there
was a reluctance to disturb the machinery of money and indus-
try that had been shaped by German economic experts into
cartels and interlocking business arrangements with German
firms. The obvious inequities and seizures were adjusted. The
paintings taken from the Rothschilds were returned, as was the
family bank. Firms and newspapers that had been too blatantly
Nazi changed hands or were closed down. The German presence
was reduced, but not eliminated; the device of cloaked owner-
ship insured a continuation of proprietory rights. It all added
up to a new chapter in the adventures of the U.S. Army investi-
gative teams. Grim idealists when they entered the liberated
countries, they soon learned that, once free, each government
haughtily insisted on making its own decisions without advice
from the Americans.
Even Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg had her own
ideas, and they didn't jibe with those of the U.S. investigative
team dispatched to her tiny country to set things right. Upon
her return from exile in London and Montreal, she promptly
dismissed the U.S. investigative mission, which had been at-
tempting to uncover secrets of the German-Luxembourg steel
cartel. Elbert D. Thomas of Utah, when he was chairman of the
U.S. Senate subcommittee on military affairs, commented in
Washington on June 26, 1945:
We had a mission in Luxembourg which was obtaining quite a bit
of information on the steel cartel until the Grand Duchess returned.
Information was then blocked off from us and the mission had to
retire with what information they had already collected. There was
much to learn about the way in which small states like Luxembourg
had been used by the cartels. The episode suggests that some rulers,
whom we have befriended, may be expected to assist the cartelists in
their postwar efforts to regain dominance.
What the grand duchess learned from her finance minister on
her return to Luxembourg was simple: "Don't tamper with the
money machine. We made record profits during the German
era, and there is every indication we will be going into an even
greater period of prosperity, once Germany recovers. They will
then continue to be our biggest customer. All that is required
now is a readjustment in stock ownership to please Belgian,
French, British, and American shareholders, which will be
done." Open German stock ownership was reduced to its former
position of about 20 percent in Luxembourg industry and the
German trustee was eliminated. But at board meetings, Belgian
and French banks voted as blocs on behalf of stockholders in
Germany. The German voice in the wings was still there, and as
time went on in Luxembourg, increasingly the voice could be
heard loud and clear-the customer speaking to the seller, the
equalizer of the marketplace. Grand Duchess Charlotte, who
was to retire during the sixties to be succeeded by her son, Grand
Duke Jean, always believed that the new prosperity of Luxem-
bourg after the war was testimony to her decision in 1945 not to
permit interference with the German financial and industrial ap-
paratus. The German banks, Deutsche and Dresdner, remained
in position and the Luxembourg financial community continued
to look to Frankfurt rather than to Zurich, London, and New
York for financial guidance. ARBED (its sales organization in
New York City is Amerlux Products) continues as a powerful
and prosperous steel cartel closely tied to its German mentors.
By 1980 Luxembourg was to become a new center for gold buy-
ing in Europe, with West German banks selling the equivalent
of $1.4 billion in gold to holders in Luxembourg. The chief
attraction was the lack of a value-added tax, a form of sales
tax. The tiny principality also became the European finance
center for the KGB and its espionage operations on the con-
But on February 25, 1946, Russell A. Nixon, when acting
director, Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets
in the U.S. military government in Germany, was to sum up the
entire problem facing those investigative teams in their efforts
to check and change the economic web woven to confuse the
Allies. He was to tell a Senate subcommittee in Washington:
We have not yet, nine months after the war has ended, developed
an effective drive for these assets. If you will go through the neutral
countries, country by country, you will find that they have not
accepted the sovereignty of the four powers in getting the assets.
They are not turning the assets over. Such progress as we have made
has been very partial and generally ineffective. Generally speaking,
in spite of the efforts that have been made, at the present time
there is a continuation of the dissipation and further concealment
of these assets throughout all the neutral countries.
Powerful friends of the Bormann organization in all Western
countries, including those sprinkled in control points through-
out the administration in Washington and in the financial and
brokerage businesses of Wall Street, the City of London, and
the Paris establishment, did not wish a coordinated drive to get
at these external German assets. They had understandable rea-
sons, if you overlook morality: the financial benefits for coop-
eration (collaboration had become an old-hat term with the war
winding down) were very enticing, depending on one's im-
portance and ability to be of service to the organization and the
750 corporations they were secretly manipulating, to say nothing
of the known multinationals such as I.G. Farben, Thyssen A.G.,
and Siemens; and, as a second reason, the philosophy of free
enterprise and preservation of private property.
This latter reason was expressed best at an appeals board
hearing in the American Zone of Germany. The board was to
vote four-to-one in late 1945 to release from prison Richard
Freudenberg, the largest leather and shoe manufacturer in Ger-
many. In 1944 his personal income for the year was one million
marks. Freudenberg was also a war economy leader and a re-
gional economic advisor to Reichsleiter Bormann. He had been
jailed as an active Nazi under the mandatory arrest category
regulation, and the vote to release him also permitted him to
return to management of his company. The argument for free-
dom, which was to become a landmark for occupation authori-
ties, was expressed by Mr. Reinhard, representing Ambassador
Robert Murphy:
"What-we are doing here through denazification is nothing
less than a social revolution. If the Russians want to Bolshevize
their side of the Elbe that is their business, but it is not in con-
formity with American standards to cut away the basis of private
property. This man is an extremely capable industrialist, a kind
of Henry Ford."
It was fated that Hermann Schmitz and Martin Bormann
should meet again and discuss the progress of the flight capital
program. It took place at the chancellery in Berlin in March
1945. The Wehrmacht was fighting inside Germany, hard
pressed by General Patton's U.S. Third Army. In the east, Ger-
man defenses still held in Upper Silesia, Czechoslovakia, and
Danzig. But Russian pressure was increasing. In the chancellery
it was quiet, with only the noise of typewriters and teletype
machines in outer offices as Schmitz and Bormann talked.
In testimony later given to Nuremberg investigators, Schmitz
praised Bormann for the way he had directed the distribution
of German assets around the world. His own Farben organiza-
tion had, of course, contributed to the success of the operation.
Every regional representative working for Hermann Schmitz was
an exceptional businessman, or he would not have been with
I.G. All had contributed sound advice in their areas of com-
petence, the regions of the world where they represented Farben
while keeping an eye on the subsidiaries of the parent concern
and the 700 hidden corporations they controlled. They had
provided assistance and continuing guidance in establishing the
750 new companies created on order of Bormann, who wanted
more than hidden assets; Bormann wanted the money and
patents and technicians put to work to create even greater assets
that would bolster Germany in the postwar years. In their meet-
ing in the chancellery, both men checked over the figures of
sums disbursed, and they were accurate to the pfennig. The
Reicshsleiter asked Schmitz his views of the future. Schmitz
replied, "The occupation armies will be understanding in the
West, but certainly not in the East. I have instructed all Farben
administrators and technicians to come to the West, where they
can be of use in resuming our operations once the disturbances
of 1945 come to a halt."
Schmitz added that, while general bomb damage to the I.G.
plants was about 25 percent of capacity, some were untouched.
He mentioned speaking with Field Marshal Model, who was
commanding the defenses of the Ruhr. "Model had planned to
turn our Bayer-Leberkusen pharmaceutical factory into an artil-
lery base but he agreed to make it an open, undefended factory.
Hopefully, we will get it back untouched."
What about your board of directors and the essential execu-
tives? If they are held by the occupation authorities can I.G.
continue?" Bormann asked.
We can continue. We have an operational plan for such a
contingency, which everyone understands. However, I don't be-
lieve our board members will be detained too long. Nor will I.
But we must go through a procedure of investigation before
release, so I have been told by our N.W.7 people who have
excellent contacts in Washington."
This was not quite an accurate assessment of the immediate
future that faced Schmitz and I.G. Farben in Germany. Twelve
officers of I.G. were to be tried at Nuremberg, and on July 30,
1948, they were sentenced to various prison terms for plunder
of occupied territories and use of slave labor in their factories.
Schmitz was to receive a four-year prison term, but many of the
lesser officials would be released by the Allied military govern-
ment, which simply didn't know what to do with them. Of those
at the second level of management, there was Paul Denker,
director of Farben's accounting divisions and important in the
various Farben subsidiaries; Carl von Heider, general director
of sales of dyestuffs, who also handled the Czechoslovakia opera-
tion; Helmuth Borgwardt, general director of sales of organic
chemicals; Guenther Frank- Fable, chief of the central finance
office and director of Max Ilgner's espionage group; N.W.7's
Kurt Kruger, another Ilgner lieutenant; Herbert Stein, chief
legal advisor of the chemical and dyestuffs department and
corporate camouflage expert second only to Schmitz himself.
All were returned to their corporate offices.
Schmitz also told Bormann of his visit to Switzerland earlier
in the month. "Germany will have a poor image problem this
time. Much worse than after the First World War. It can all be
placed on the doorsteps of Goering, Himmler, and Heydrich.
Goering and Himmler thought up the Final Solution for the
Jews, and Heydrich made it a fact."
Bormann agreed, asking, "How does that affect I.G.?"
"We produced the poison gas on Himmler's orders," Schmitz
explained, "so I've been making some corporate name changes
in Basel, which may help our overseas situation."
Hermann Schmitz then went on to explain that he had
changed I.G. Chemie to Societe Internationale pour Participa-
tions Industrielles et Commerciales SA. In German-speaking
Basel, the name became International Industrie und Handels-
beteiligungen A.G., or Interhandel. Schmitz said he had stipu-
lated that only Swiss were to be on the board of directors of the
new holding corporation, which could then declare itself a fully
Swiss corporation. The brightest jewel in the Interhandel string
of companies was General Aniline and Film Corporation, a
holding company in the United States for various American
I.G. Farben companies. It had been organized in 1929. There
were ten members of the board: Schmitz, Bosch, and Greif, all
Farben men; Metz, Weiss, and Kitroff, of U.S. companies that
sold Farben manufactured products; and four prominent Amer-
ican industrialists and bankers -Mitchell, Ford, Warburg, and
Teagle of Standard Oil. In one instance Farben gained a large
bloc of Standard Oil stock by selling certain patents to the
Standard Oil Corporation. Some American directors of General
Aniline had large blocs of GAF stocks registered in their name.
The New York bank of record was National City Bank, the
largest in New York, which is now known as Citibank. In 1929
the board voted Hermann Schmitz president, a position in
which he served from 1929 to 1936, while simultaneously serv-
ing as head of I.G. Farben. In March 1945, Hermann Schmitz
was telling Martin Bormann that he hoped this shuffling of
name and board membership would prove helpful after the war
when steps would be taken to return General Aniline and Film
Corporation to his ownership in Switzerland. The valuable
holding company had been seized in 1942 by U.S. authorities
as suspected enemy assets.
In 1948 a suit was to be filed by certain minority stockholders
of Interhandel against the attorney general of the United States,
as successor to the wartime Alien Property Custodian, and the
U.S. Treasury, for the return of 89 percent of GAF, of a value
of $100 million plus SI. 8 million seized in cash in 1942. Inter-
handel, through its American attorneys, first filed an adminis-
trative claim, which was denied. The suit then went to the
District Court for the District of Columbia, then to the Supreme
Court, and back to District Court. The Swiss claim was based
on the argument that Interhandel was a Swiss corporation, that
it was not nor had it ever been an enemy of the United States,
and that it owned the shares in question. The American govern-
ment rebuttal was that Interhandel was the result of a conspir-
acy between the private bank of H. Sturzenegger, formerly E.
Greutert &Cie., and I.G. Farbenindustrie of Germany and
others "to conceal, camouflage, and cloak the ownership, con-
trol, and combination by I.G. Farben of properties and interests
in many countries of the world, including the U.S."
As the case dragged through the U.S. courts, Schmitz would
have Interhandel cosmeticized even more. Charles de Loes, past
president of the Swiss Bankers Association, would be elected
chairman, and the general manager of each of the Big Three
banks would be appointed to the board. They would agree to
this because the honor of Swiss banking and its principle of
banking secrecy would be at stake. In addition, 25 percent of
Interhandel stock would be registered in the name of Union
Bank, whose manager, Dr. Alfred Schaefer, was of known in-
tegrity. The Swiss believed the association of such a man of
high banking repute at Interhandel would impress American
government authorities. But the German connection would still
be there. Not only Hermann Schmitz, but also the banking
connection of Union Bank of Switzerland, Dr. Schaefer's bank,
and Deutsche Bank, which acted in concert on so many deals
involving not only I.G. Farben but also big Ruhr industrialists
such as Thyssen A.G., the largest steelmaker in Germany. In
January 1978 these two lead banks, acting through the UBS-DB
Corporation, an American firm of the Union Bank of Switzer-
land and the Deutsche Bank of Germany, would be the financial
advisors for Thyssen A.G. in its $275 million cash takeover of
the Budd Company of Troy, Michigan, a leading U.S. manu-
facturer of auto components, truck trailers, and rail cars. UBS-
DB Corporation would also say that the West German
companies it represented were showing a "very substantial inter-
est in all sorts of American ventures, including mergers and
Bayer A.G., another of Schmitz's divisions in I.G. Farben,
would continue to grow, in 1977 buying Miles Laboratories, a
U.S. corporation, maker of Alka Seltzer, for $261 million;
Daimler-Benz acquired Euclid, Inc., and Siemens bought 50
percent of Allis-Chalmers electrical equipment operations.
The General Aniline and Film suit would finally be settled
by Attorney General Robert Kennedy in 1965. The company
had been under government ownership and American manage-
ment for twenty-three years and had always turned a handsome
profit. Under private ownership it could do better, and although
an entire generation of lawyers, bankers, and politicians who
had profited from GAF would cease making big money from
their involvement, the attorney general felt it was best for the
government to divest itself. The war was long over, and few
people cared about its Nazi connections.
As a result of this decision, General Aniline and Film would
be sold at public auction. It was to be the biggest competitive
auction in Wall Street history, and an underwriting syndicate
headed by First Boston Corporation and Blyth & Company
would win out over Lehmann Brothers. The total sales price,
$329,141,926.49. The U.S. War Claims Fund would receive
$189.2 million, plus $17.5 million in back taxes. Through its
Swiss bank connections, $120.9 million would be distributed to
Interhandel stockholders.
For the aging Hermann Schmitz it had been a good run. A
gigantic settlement for General Aniline and his coshareholders
would have capped his remarkable career; however, before the
General Aniline suit was settled by Attorney General Kennedy,
Schmitz died.
Back in March 1945 when he was confiding in Martin Bor-
mann, who was also doing some heavy planning, there was
always the unknown — What now? Schmitz foresaw himself
testifying before victorious American occupation authorities,
perhaps, ruefully, spending some time in prison, and then back
to I.G. Farben, to resume his plans to make this vast industrial
apparatus more prosperous than ever.
For Martin Bormann time was of the essence, and he had
planned his escape with great care. He would, loyally, remain
with Adolf Hitler till the end of the war, then he and the
Fuehrer would make their way to South America. But on April
27 Hitler's choice was to expire in the Fuehrerbunker with his
devoted Eva. Bormann finalized his own plans for an escape
design, one worthy of the man who had directed the greatest
financial disappearing act in history. From that time on the
world has speculated, What really became of Martin Bormann"?
tives of the Strasbourg conference were put into operation be-
hind the scenes, and in line with his prophetic foresight,
Germany's Western Front collapsed. The bitterly defended
Rhine had been crossed at Remagen Bridge in early March;
shortly, the main Allied battle force swarmed over a broad
front at Wesel supported by artillery fire from 2,000 guns and
by airborne landings by the American 17th and the British 6th
divisions. I stood in the open bay of a Dakota that was hauling
gliders laden with soldiers; I recorded history for broadcast later
that day from Paris to New York and on to the network. A
friend, Joseph Fountain, heard the broadcast on his car radio
as he drove north on Riverside Drive in New York, and he
wrote me, "It was so clear I could even hear the shrapnel hitting
the side of your airplane."
General Patton's U.S. Third Army entered Frankfurt, racing
eastward until ordered by General Eisenhower to stop at the
Elbe River. Prime Minister Churchill was urging that the push
go on, for he wanted Allied armored divisions in Berlin before
the Russians got there, for compelling political reasons. The
German capital symbolized all of Germany, and in a message
to Eisenhower the British prime minister said, "I deem it highly
important we should shake hands with the Russians as far to
the east as possible." General Patton was likewise pressuring
Eisenhower to let him run again at the Elbe, where his com-
mand caravan was parked with the restless G.I.s of the Third
Army. Patton was confident he could make it to Berlin, Vienna,
or even Prague before the Red Army. Stalin, however, was
demanding as his prize the city of Berlin, and Roosevelt, in
failing health and unable to contend with the driving insistence
of the Soviet leader, again acquiesced, as he had on too many
issues at Yalta, where he gave away more than he should have.
With Berlin assured, Stalin was positioned advantageously, em-
boldened to wage the cold war that was to follow his seizure of
eleven victim countries swept into the Soviet bloc.
For days Prime Minister Churchill had tried to reach Presi-
dent Roosevelt to dissuade him from halting American troops
at the Elbe. The replies to him were all issued by General
Marshall, an indication, Churchill realized, that the president
was dying. Much earlier in London, upon his return from the
Yalta Conference, Mr. Churchill had expressed privately the
opinion that he would never again see the president alive, re-
marking that Roosevelt at Yalta was "sallow, wan, dispirited;
the problems of command and war had taken their toll of his
body." When the news of Roosevelt's death crackled over the
Berlin radio, Josef Goebbels, the wily intellectual of Hitler's
inner circle, had just returned by motor car from the Eastern
Front. The city was suffering bombardment, and the Adlon
Hotel was burning. As he mounted the steps of the Propaganda
Ministry, a German reporter said to him, "Herr Reichsminister,
Roosevelt is dead." Goebbels stood transfixed, then invited the
reporter inside for some champagne. Speaking on his private
line to the Fuehrerbunker beneath the Chancellery building,
Goebbels informed Hitler: "My Fuehrer, I congratulate you!
Roosevelt is dead. It is written in the stars that the second half
of April will be the turning point for us. This is Friday, April
the 13th. It is the turning point!" Hitler made a reply to Goeb-
bels, and when the propaganda minister had replaced the tele-
phone in its cradle, he was ecstatic.
It is not strictly true that Hitler and Goebbels believed in
astrology, but several Nazi leaders such as Himmler did; this was
tolerated and served to amuse the Fuehrer. Goebbels would
employ astrology or any device he could think of to cheer up
his leader. As he remarked after the telephone call, "Crazy times
call for crazy measures."
In the last week before Berlin's fall to Marshal Zhukov's Red
Army, a Wagnerian denouement was taking place fifty feet
below the Chancellery, in the Fuehrerbunker. The notables who
had ridden the crest of National Socialism for twelve years had
deserted Hitler, save for his two trusted aides, Martin Bormann
and Josef Goebbels.
Hermann Goering had fled with his retainers to Obersalzberg,
where in the temporary safety of his chalet he could gaze over
to Berchtesgaden on a nearby mountaintop. Goering, the
Reichsmarshal, had failed the Luftwaffe by indifferent lead-
ership; Goering, originator of the Gestapo and the concentration
camp system, on July 31, 1941, in agreement with Himmler,
had written to Reinhard Heydrich, "I hereby charge you with
making all necessary preparations for bringing about a complete
solution of the Jewish question in the German sphere of influ-
ence in Europe." From that directive grew the chilling specta-
cles of Auschwitz, Dachau, and the other terminal camps. Goer-
ing had taken Hitler at his word in 1941 that the war was
won, and had thereafter lived as a sybarite, with a life style
resembling that of an oriental potentate, complete with flowing
robes, painted toenails, and jewel-encrusted martial batons.
Heinrich Himmler departed the Fuehrerbunker, never to show
up again, following a depressing staff conference and birthday
party for Hitler on April 20. He reached his headquarters at
Ziethen castle the next day and there fantasized about succeed-
ing Hitler following the collapse of the Third Reich. Interwoven
in his thoughts was the idea of a meeting with General Eisen-
hower to plan a new Germany. "Should I bow to him, or
should I shake hands?" was a question he posed to SS General
Schellenberg, who was to flee to Sweden in the last week of the
war. Schellenberg would later turn himself in to SHAEF, where
he would become a prisoner of war, write his memoirs (with the
help of two journalists), which would lack credibility, and then
die in 1952. Himmler, the ogre who dispassionately ordered the
death of entire races, Jews and Slavs, could never endure the
sight of death.
Grand Admiral Doenitz, commander of the U-boat forces,
retired to Flensburg on the German-Danish border, where he
would represent the machinery of Nazi government after Hitler's
suicide, and arrange for the unconditional surrender of all Ger-
man armed forces at Rheims, France, on May 7, 1945. He died
on January 6, 1981, in his home at Kiel, honored by 2,500 vet-
erans, some with Knight's Crosses tied with red and black
ribbons around their necks, but unhonored by officials of the
Federal Republic in Bonn, fearful of any impetus to neo-
Albert Speer, the dedicated technocrat who built highways
and bridges and stately buildings for Hitler, had served as min-
ister of armaments and war production. He disdained others of
the inner circle, and had for years been a foe of Martin
Bormann. When Speer departed the Fuehrerbunker for the
last time on April 24, after confessing to Hitler the steps he had
taken to countermand the Fuehrer's order for a scorched-earth
policy in Germany, and was agreeably surprised at not being
hauled out by guards and shot in the garden, he flew out of
Berlin and went first to Himmler, then proceeded to Schleswig-
Holstein, where he joined Doenitz at Flensburg.
Both Goering and Himmler were stripped of power during
the last week. The former, heir apparent since 1941, had sent
an injudicious telegram to Hitler asking confirmation of his
status as successor, and giving a deadline for the reply. Bormann
observed to Hitler that the Reichsmarshal was usurping the
Fuehrer's power, pointing to the deadline phrase as evidence.
Hitler erupted and ordered Bormann to draft a teletype reply.
It stated that Goering had committed high treason, for which
the penalty was death This would not apply if Goering resigned
from all his offices. Bormann also sent a teletype to the SS in
Obersalzberg, ordering the arrest of Goering for high treason. It
was announced in Berlin that Goering had resigned all his offi-
ces, for reasons of health.
Heinrich Himmler's dream that he would be designated
Fuehrer after Hitler's death was shattered when the news came
that he had been removed as successor via Hitler's last will and
testament. Himmler had been conducting personal peace nego-
tiations with Count Bernadotte of Sweden as intermediary with
the Allies, also promising Hitler's body to the West, and news
of this was reason aplenty for Hitler to eliminate the SS leader
as his intended successor. A conference took place the night of
April 28-29 in the Fuehrerbunker, attended only by Hitler,
Bormann, and Goebbels. The last will and testament was
drafted, and referring to Himmler reads: "Before my death I
expel from the Party and from all his offices the former Reichs-
fuehrer SS and Reich Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Him-
Adolf Hitler's private will was a simple document:
Since I did not think I should take the responsibility of entering
into marriage during the years of combat, I have decided now
before termination of life on this earth, to marry the woman who,
after many years of true friendship, entered voluntarily into this
already almost besieged city, to share my fate. She goes to death
with me as my wife, according to her own desire. Death will replace
for us that of which my work in the service of my people robbed us.
What I own belongs — as far as it is of any value at all — to the
Party. Should the Party no longer exist, it will belong to the state.
Should the state also be destroyed, any further decision from me
is no longer necessary.
The paintings in the collections which I have bought during the
years have never been acquired for private purposes, but always
exclusively for the creation of an art gallery in my native town of
Linz a.d. Donau.
It is my heartfelt desire that this legacy shall be fulfilled.
My most faithful party member, Martin Bormann, shall be the
executor of this testament. He is authorized to make all decisions
to be final and legal. He is permitted to take everything which
either has personal souvenir value or which is necessary for the
maintenance of a small bourgeois household and give it to my
brothers and sisters, and especially to the mother of my wife and
my faithful co-workers who all are well known to him. There are
most of all my old secretaries, Mrs. Winter, etc., who for many
years gave me loyal cooperation.
I and my wife choose death to escape the disgrace of being forced
to resign or to surrender. It is our wish to be cremated immediately
at the place where I have done the greatest part of my work during
the twelve years of service for my people.
The will was signed on April 29, 1945, by Adolf Hitler, wit-
nessed by Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, and Nicolaus von
Below, Hitler's air force adjutant.
His political testament was an expression in greater detail of
work done for Germany and the German people. He lays blame
for the war "on those international statesmen who were either
of Jewish origin or who worked in the Jewish interest." There
exists nowhere in the official records even a scrap of paper attest-
ing to the fact that Hitler caused the creation of death camps
for Jews and others. But one significant speech, made on Janu-
ary 30, 1939, and directed at President Roosevelt, who was giv-
ing every indication of supporting a war against Germany,
outlined the course Hitler planned for the future.
"Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international
Jewish financiers inside and outside Europe should again suc-
ceed in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not
be the bolshevization of the earth and the victory of Jewry,
but the annihilation of the Jewish race throughout Europe."
This, in 1939.
In his political testament, signed in Berlin on April 29, 1945,
Hitler returns again to this same theme, arguing that death camps
for Jews were more humane than death under bombardment.
I left no doubt that it would not be tolerated this time, that
millions of European children of the Aryan people should starve to
death, that millions of grown-up men should suffer death, and that
hundreds of thousands of women and children should be burnt and
bombed to death in the cities, without the real culprit suffering
his due punishment, even though through more humane methods.
Swayed by a philosophy thus expressed and repeated many
times over, Goering, Hitler's decreed successor at that time,
ordered Reinhard Heydrich to "make all necessary preparations
for bringing about a complete solution of the Jewish question
in the German sphere of influence in Europe."
Hitler then completed the second part of his political testa-
ment, which was to expel former Reichsmarshal Hermann Goer-
ing from the party, in his place appointing Grand Admiral
Doenitz as president of the Reich and as supreme commander
of the armed forces. He also expelled Heinrich Himmler and
appointed Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsleiter of the SS and
chief of the German police, and Gauleiter Paul Geisler as
Reichsminister of the interior.
Martin Bormann had finally won out over Goering and Him-
mler; Dr. Goebbels, who was made Reichschancellor, would
also be shortly gone, in a suicide pact with his wife, shot on his
orders by an SS guard, and with their six children quietly put to
death by injections administered by a physician.
The newly created Party Minister Bormann then sent copies
of all these documents by special courier to Doenitz. He com-
posed the covering letter as follows:
Dear Grand Admiral!
Since all our divisions failed to appear our situation seems to be
beyond hope. The Fuehrer dictated last night the attached political
testament. Heil Hitler!
Yours, (signed) Bormann
With the last will and testament drawn up and signed and a
ceremony of marriage between Hitler and Eva Braun performed
before Walter Wagner, city councilor and registrar of Berlin,
Eva Braun from force of habit signed her name Eva B ,
scratched out the "B," and completed the signature as "Eva
Hitler." Those present in the chancellery bunker knew it was
time for the climactic scene, for the death of the Hitlers. There
was, however, first a champagne breakfast for senior officials,
and following that the usual morning staff conference. It was
estimated that the Russians would overrun the bunker by
May 1. A nearby bridge was being defended by youngsters of
the Hitler Youth, and heavy fighting elsewhere was by SS units
largely composed of Ukrainians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Hun-
garians, and Croats, long ago joined with the Nazis, who had
reasoned that it was better to die in battle than in a Russian
slave camp. The last airplane to depart from Berlin had landed
on April 28, flown by a sergeant pilot of the Luftwaffe who
had circled down from 13,000 feet and rolled to a stop on the
east-west axis roadway leading past the Tiergarten and the
chancellery. It was there to fly to safety Ritter von Greim, much
decorated fighter pilot and new field marshal of the Luftwaffe,
who had replaced Goering, and Hanna Reitsch, the lauded
woman test pilot. On Hitler's orders, Greim was to leave this
night and, once secure at Luftwaffe headquarters, was to mount
an attack on Russian positions in Berlin. They took off after
midnight, and as the Arado 96 aircraft climbed it was tossed
about by exploding shells. Leveling out of reach of the fire, they
could see the city being consumed far below, and they headed
for Ploen and German command headquarters, where both
von Greim and Reitsch met with Grand Admiral Doenitz.
On this same night an officer courier also left by ground route
with a special message for Field Marshal Keitel at Combined
General Staff Headquarters at Ploen: he carried Hitler's vale-
dictory to the German armed forces. The remainder of April 29
was taken up with brief farewells to staff members. In the early
morning of the next day, Hitler, on Bormann's arm, left his
office to bid goodbye to twenty women of the staff. Then he
retired to his quarters and at 3:30 A.M. a single shot was heard.
Those who rushed into the suite saw Hitler, dead from a bullet
through his mouth, and Eva Hitler, sitting in a chair, dead
from a poison capsule. It was their choice — capture and degrada-
tion or self-inflicted death. Following instructions of hours be-
fore by Hitler, SS guards bore the bodies up to the garden,
doused them with gasoline, and set them aflame. The tragically
fated pair had learned what furious partisans had done to
Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci: following the retreat
and surrender of German armed forces in northern Italy, the
former dictator and his love were hanged upside down in a
Milano marketplace and pelted with stones.
Bormann dispatched two teletype messages to Flensburg:
A third teletype was received by Doenitz:
It is noted that Bormann's name had been unintentionally
omitted from the message at the receiving end by Doenitz's
cipher clerk.
But one individual in the bunker was determined to live.
Martin Bormann had remained unflaggingly loyal to Hitler to
the end; through hard work and dedication he had gained per-
manent leadership of the National Socialist Party and of its
members and adherents in Germany and elsewhere in the world.
It was his legacy from the Fuehrer. He had known that the
Goebbels family had planned to die, and that Doenitz would
leave office after surrender of the Third Reich. He was certain
too that Seyss-Inquart, the Reich Commissioner for the Nether-
lands who had succeeded von Ribbentrop as foreign minister,
would not last the course; that he and he alone, Party Minister
Bormann, would be left as leader, competent to command the
global network of commerce he had painstakingly fostered.
With this, Germany would move again into the forefront of
world economic leadership.
At this moment Bormann's thoughts must have turned in-
ward. It was a time for introspection. He knew he had bested
his peers in one of the most grueling contests ever waged for
control of the executive suite. Bormann had won out because of
his Machiavellian proclivities, his attention to detail, his bru-
tality to those who opposed him. With Hitler always behind
him and the unlimited power which this represented, it was
wise to step aside when the Reichsleiter made his moves, which
were always well planned and never made on the spur of the
moment. As one example, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Hit-
ler's famed general of the North African and French campaigns,
told of a brush he had with Martin. Bormann during the Polish
campaign of 1939. When Warsaw fell on September 19, Hitler
entered Danzig and broadcast to the Third Reich. Afterwards,
he drove on a sightseeing trip to the port of Gdynia. The entry
was narrow and crowded and as the Hitler motorcade ap-
proached Erwin Rommel, as temporary traffic controller, per-
mitted only Hitler's car and one other to pass through the barri-
cades. The third car carried Reichsleiter Bormann, who was
furious at being denied entry with his Fuehrer. "I am head-
quarters commandant," Rommel told Bormann, "and you will
do what I say."
Bormann waited five years, Rommel was to observe, to take
his revenge. Following the German defeat in Normandy in
1944, those in military command came under critical review
at Hitler's headquarters. When Rommel's record of hostility
to the regime came to Bormann's desk, and he remembered
being snubbed in Gdynia, he scribbled on the margin of the
report which was to go to Hitler: "This confirms other, even
worse facts that have already reached me." It was the coup de
grace for Rommel, who was later to be given his choice of death
by cyanide capsule and a Field Marshal's funeral in Berlin, or
death by hanging and disgrace for his family.
As it became decision time for escape from the bunker, Bor-
mann gathered together the personal papers that remained on
his desk, everything else having long since been shipped in car-
tons via Munich to South America. He could hear a celebration
in the eating halls of the bunker: piano music, dancing, and
laughter as champagne was consumed, for with the death of
Hitler the tension had been broken, and there was the frenzy
of "What next?" for them all. In a way it was like the break-
down of other headquarters, as in Saigon years later, or in the
White House after the formalities of President Nixon's depar-
ture, when the staff felt that the symbolic power generated by
the executive branch had been turned off, disconnected. But in
the Fuehrerbunker, of those who survived and made their
escape, many would later be rounded up by the Russians and
sent to Moscow for imprisonment. The Soviet command didn't
know what to do with the bunker crowd, and prison, they rea-
soned, was as good a place as any until the Hilter-Bormann
situation could be sorted out.
In the Fuehrerbunker, on the night of May 1, 1945, Bormann
assembled the staff: high party officials, soldiers, women workers.
He informed them of the escape plan and the designated order
of exodus. They were to move in compact groups through tun-
nels to the subway station in the Wilhelmsplatz, then to creep
along the tracks to the Friedrichstrasse station and surface to
the street, after which they were to make their way over the
Weidendamm Bridge over the Spree, and to personal safety,
to vanish among the general population. Instructing them all
to be ready by 11:00 P.M., Bormann dismissed them.
In the privacy of his office, Bormann finished his own plans
for evading surrender and trial. He had discussed his intended
total escape in detail on the night of April 28-29 with his close
confidant since 1941, Heinrich Mueller. Mueller was to become
his security chief in South America; he was SS chief group
leader and senior general of the Waffen SS. During the siege of
Berlin, Mueller had not been quartered in the chancellery
bunker. Regularly, he went there to report to Bormann, always
returning to the Kurfuerstenstrasse building that Gestapo head-
quarters had moved to after being bombed out of the Prinz-
Albrecht-Strasse offices. Its underground shelter was as safe as
Hitler's, and it had many advantages: secret rooms accessible
only through ingeniously disguised doors, water and electricity,
stores of food and medical supplies, and a radio transmitting
room whose signal was powerful enough to reach Buenos Aires;
also several tunnels leading to emergency exits. Here Mueller felt
at ease, able to plan with care the flight of Bormann and him-
self out of reach of any Allied or Russian captors, beyond the
borders of Germany, once they had extricated themselves from
metropolitan Berlin.
Mueller's last visit to the Fuehrerbunker had been on the
night of April 28, when he had been summoned to interrogate
SS Gruppenfuehrer Hermann Fegelein, who represented Him-
mler in the bunker, but who, long before had changed personal
allegiance to Hitler. To make the ties even closer, he had
married Eva Braun's sister, thus becoming in a way Hitler's
brother-in-law, if only for a brief time. On April 27 he had left
the bunker for his residence in Charlottenburg, a fashionable
suburb. Suspicions within the bunker were at fever pitch, so
when his absence was noted Hitler took it to mean that he had
been involved in Himmler's personal peace plot, and sent two
of his SS bodyguards to bring Fegelein back. Fegelein had as-
serted that he only wanted to live, not die; for this attitude,
he was stripped of all rank and shot for desertion under fire and
marginal complicity in Himmler's treachery.
As Russian shells could be heard pounding the concrete
structure overhead, Bormann and Mueller continued to plan the
details of their escape strategy. Bormann would move out
with the middle group, and Mueller would go back to his own
headquarters, and from there leave promptly for Schleswig-Hol-
stein, where the two would be reunited. They shook hands, and
Mueller climbed the fifty steps of the emergency exit, then
crossed the chancellery gardens and disappeared into the night.
At about eleven o'clock, on the night of May 1, the first
group moved through the exits and tunnels beneath Berlin. Bor-
mann was in the center cluster. Once above ground, they saw
their city in flames. Making their way to the Weidendamm
Bridge, Bormann's group was hindered by a Soviet antitank bar-
rier on the far side. They waited until German tanks appeared
and destroyed the barrier, moving forward with the tanks. These
few moments were absolutely critical in any historical discussion
of the fate of Martin Bormann; either he perished at this point
in time, or he didn't. This episode was aptly described by H.
Trevor Roper in The Last Days of Hitler.
A miscellaneous group including Bormann, Stumpfegger (Hitler's
surgeon), Kempka (Hitler's driver), Beetz (Hitler's second pilot),
Axmann (Hitler's Youth leader), Naumann (Goebbels' assistant),
Schwaegermann (Goebbels' adjutant), and Rach (Goebbels'
driver). Some of these passed the barrier with the leading tank and
reached the Ziegelstrasse about three hundred yards ahead; but
there was a Panzerfaust (anti-tank bazooka fire) falling upon the
tank, which caused a violent explosion. Beetz and Axmann were
wounded; Kempka was knocked out and temporarily blinded; Bor-
mann and Stumpfegger were thrown to the ground, perhaps uncon-
scious, but escaped injury. The advance was frustrated, and the
parties retreated once more to the bridge.
Professor Roper, as representative of both British and Amer-
ican intelligence services in the investigation surrounding the
last recorded days of Hitler and Bormann, subsequently inter-
viewed all surviving members of this group. His findings were
that Bormann, along with Stumpfegger, made his way east-
ward along the Invalidenstrasse in the direction of Stettiner
station. Here Artur Axmann caught up with them, later to
testify that he found both men outstretched on their backs,
moonlight on their faces (an odd description!), both dead. But
he admitted that he could not look at them closely; Russian fire
had prevented it. He made his own way to safety, ultimately
reaching the Bavarian Alps.
Thus, there is a sole known witness to the alleged deaths, and
it is general belief in West German circles, as in the Israeli
Mossad, that he falsified his testimony not only to protect
Martin Bormann in general, but also in direct obedience to the
orders of SS General Heinrich "Gestapo" Mueller.
Eleven years later Professor Roper again examined the re-
vealed facts of the supposed demise of Martin Bormann, and
stated that the evidence since had not altered his 1945 opinion.
Even in 1945 I had three witnesses who independently claimed to
have accompanied Bormann in his attempted escape. One of these
witnesses, Artur Axmann, claimed afterwards to have seen him dead.
Whether we believe Axmann or not is entirely a matter of choice,
for his work is unsupported by any other testimony. ... If he wished
to protect Bormann against further search, his natural course would
be to give false evidence of his death. This being so, I came, in 1945,
to the only permissible conclusion, viz.: that Bormann had certainly
survived the tank explosion but had possibly, though by no means
certainly, been killed later that night. Such was the balance of
evidence in 1945. How far is it altered by the new evidence of 1956?
The answer is, not at all. On the one hand both Kinge and Baur
state that Bormann was killed in the tank explosion — or at least
they say that they think he was killed, for, once again, they admit
that the scene was confused and that they never saw the body.
On the other hand, Mengershausen (an officer of Hitler's body-
guard), declares firmly that Bormann was not killed in that explosion.
He says that although Bormann was riding in a tank, it was not his
tank which was blown up. And further, another witness has turned
up since 1945 who states that he was with Bormann after the
explosion. This is a former S.S. Major Joachim Tiburtius, who, in
1953, made a statement to a Swiss newspaper ( Der Bund of Berne
on February 17, 1953). In the confusion after the explosion Tibur-
tius says that he lost sight of Bormann, but afterwards he saw him
again at the Hotel Atlas. "He had by then changed into civilian
clothes. We pushed on together towards the Schiffbauerdamm
and the Albrechtstrasse. Then I finally lost sight of him. But he had
as good a chance to escape as I had."
In 1973 Roper wrote again in the New York Times: "I have
my own reasons for thinking that Bormann may well have
escaped to Italy and thence to South America."
One source in West Germany, who has never been wrong in
his disclosures to me about Bormann and his people, then and
now, told me he had met up with Bormann in the early hours
of May 2. Both having superficial wounds, they were being at-
tended to in a German military first aid station at Konigswurst
Erhausen, 20 kilometers southeast of the chancellery. This
Scharfuehrer of the Waffen SS, in his late teens, found himself
seated alongside a familiar-looking, short, heavy-set man in a
leather overcoat stripped of insignia. It was Martin Bormann; a
shell fragment had injured his foot; he was resting after a doctor
had treated it. The young sergeant said to Bormann and
Bormann's companion that he was on his way to the house of
his uncle, a Luftwaffe pilot who had been killed in Russia. They
were joined by another officer who had been listening to their
conversation, and accompanied one another through the dark
streets to the house at Berlin Dahlem, Fontanestre, 9, grateful
for the young man's offer of a temporary refuge. This former
German sergeant made the following statement to me as we sat
on a public bench overlooking the Rhine, on April 18, 1971;
he repeated it to me almost word for word in 1977:
The house was vacant, but I knew where the key was, so we went
inside. Upstairs we changed into suits that were my uncle's. We ate,
then slept. We stayed inside for the next three days. None of us
dared to go outside, because members of the German communist
underground, led by Walter Ulbricht, were walking the streets as
secret police for the Russians. After the third day, Reichsleiter
Bormann, the officer who was his companion, and the third officer
decided to leave. The third officer went one way; Bormann and his
friend headed northwest into Mecklenburg, to a place where they
said other clothing, some gold, and various currencies had been
secreted for this escape. They left at night; I stayed in the house.
Two days later they came back. They had reached Neuruppin, 60
kilometers northwest of Berlin, but had not been able to get through
the Russian lines. They stayed on in the house with me for another
three days, then left, this time headed for the British zone and
The SS sergeant said that much later he had met up with
Bormann's companion of those fateful ten days; he assured him
that the party minister had made it safely through the British
lines by following the Autobahn to the outskirts of Flensburg,
where he was to make contact with Grand Admiral Doenitz.
Martin Bormann, in the interim, had met Heinrich Mueller,
who had slipped out of Berlin earlier and was waiting in a pre-
arranged safe house. Mueller told Bormann it would not be wise
to meet with the new Reich president, who by now had carried
out the unconditional surrender in both Rheims and Berlin. He
predicted a war crimes trial of all German leaders, and said that
Bormann would be inviting serious difficulty if he surfaced at
this particular time. Martin Bormann secluded himself in a pri-
vate German sanitarium in Schleswig-Holstein. The Gestapo
chief, taking on the security of the new party minister and of his
safe transportation to South America by assorted routes, made
the exact plans that he would effect at precisely the right time.
Mueller had already initiated a strategy of deception to ex-
plain his own disappearance from prominent circles in Berlin.
The week he slipped out of the German capital, his grieving
family gathered for his "funeral." A coffin was borne to a ceme-
tery where it was buried with appropriate ceremony. The grave
was marked with a headstone bearing the words "Our Dear
Daddy," Mueller's name, his birthdate, and the date of his
alleged death in Berlin in 1945.
Several years following this incident, an editor of a German
news magazine, acting on an informer's tip generated by the
master deceptionist Mueller himself, from South America, ob-
tained a court order in 1963, and the grave was opened. When
the coffin in question was unearthed and opened, the editor and
the attending officials found three skeletons, none remotely
matching Heinrich Mueller's short and thick-set measurements,
or his markedly prominent forehead.
A deception plan for Bormann had been completed by Muel-
ler in Berlin. Tops in police work and crafty beyond imagining,
he provided for a matching skeleton and skull, complete with
identical dental work, for future forensic experts to ponder
over and to reach conclusions that suited his purpose. Mueller
was a former inspector of detectives in the Munich police de-
partment; he had been brought into the higher echelons of the
Gestapo by Reinhard Heydrich because of his professionalism
and brilliance. He had risen to the rank of SS chief group leader
and senior general of the Waffen SS. The solution was ele-
mentary; his motivation was protection and enhancement of the
highest authority of the state. To this principle, Mueller had
been devoted for a decade as chief of police.
His scheme of substituting a stand-in for Martin. Bormann's
body in the freight yards of Berlin was told to me three different
times by three different individuals. One was an agent whose
career was in the Secret Intelligence Service of the British For-
eign Office, one served the Federal Republic of Germany, and
one was a member of Mossad, the exterior service of Israeli intel-
ligence. The first tip came over dinner in 1947, in the U.S. press
club in Frankfurt. It was the day I returned from Berlin and a
personal meeting with General Lucius D. Clay, military gover-
nor of the U.S. Zone of Occupation. General Clay had offered
me the position of his civilian deputy, but I had turned it down
with some reluctance, preferring to remain a European reporter
for American newspapers. During the press club dinner, the
British agent and I discussed the fascinating and bizarre disap-
pearance of Reichsleiter Bormann; this source said flatly that
Mueller had engineered Bormann's escape, using the device of
a concentration camp look-alike to throw future investigators off
the scent. Many years later, in 1973, on a visit to Bonn, a con-
versation with one of General Gehlen's aides in the Federal Re-
public intelligence service confirmed the 1947 British tip. The
German stated: "The skull represented as Bormann's is a fraud.
Naturally the West German government wishes to bury the past
and establish Bormann's death once and for all. They have been
constantly unsettled by continued revelations and scandals." In
1978, an Israeli Mossad agent with a German specialization
said to me that they had never closed the Bormann file in Tel
Aviv. "We know he is in South America. We are not very com-
pelled to find him because he was never personally involved in
the 'final solution.'" The Israeli added: "Bormann's business
was business, and from what I know personally he did a thor-
ough job of shifting German assets away from the Third R eich."
To piece my information together: General Heinrich Mueller
initiated his Bormann scheme during the waning months of the
war in the time frame when the Reichsleiter was moving to
transfer German assets to safe havens in other places. At Con-
centration Camp Sachsenhausen he examined several inmates
in the special elite group known as Sonderkommando, those who
had been working in the German counterfeit operation of Brit-
ish pound notes and of other currencies. Documents prepared
by them would also be used by SS men in their flight at war's
end (eventually, over 10,000 former German military made it
to South America along escape routes ODESSA and Deutsche
Hilfsverein). The Sonderkommando, placed in a special context
within the camp, were treated as the skilled professionals they
were — engravers, documents specialists, and quality printers —
who had been rounded up from occupied countries and put to
work for the Third Reich.
Peter Edel Hirschweh, who participated in this special work
and survived, described it as follows:
All of the inmates, without any exceptions, were Jews or descendants
of mixed marriages. We were "bearers of secrets." Even if those two
qualifications had not alone been sufficient to classify us as a death
command, we received additional confirmation and proof through
the following events: If some of the prisoners felt slightly ill, re-
ceived an injury on the finger (while engraving) or the like they
were taken to the doctor, heavily guarded, to receive treatment
there; the physician was not allowed to talk to them at all. Persons
who were seriously ill were not allow to go to the infirmary, even if
they could be cured there. They were isolated in the washroom and
if this did not help, they were liquidated, i.e., killed.
When Heinrich Mueller visited Sachsenhausen he walked
through the engraving, printing, and document areas looking for
any inmates who might resemble Bormann. In one he noticed
two individuals who did bear a resemblance in stature and facial
structure to the Reichsleiter. He had them placed in separate
confinement. Thereupon a special dental room was made ready
for "treatment" of the two men. A party dentist was brought
in to work over and over again on the mouth of each man, until
his teeth, real and artificial, matched precisely the Reichsleiter's.
In April 1945, upon completion of these alterations, the two
victimized men were brought to the Kurfuerstenstrasse building
to be held until needed. Dr. Blaschke had advised Mueller to use
live inmates to insure a believable aging process for dentures
and gums; hence the need for several months of preparation.
Exact dental fidelity was to play a major part in the identifi-
cation of Hitler's body by the invading Russians. It was to be of
significance in Frankfurt twenty-eight years later, when the
West German government staged a press conference to declare
that they had "found Bormann's skeleton proving he had died
in Berlin's freight yards May 1-2, 1945."
Dr. Hugo Blaschke was the dentist who had served both Hitler
and Bormann. He had offices in the fashionable professional
area of Uhlanstrasse, but he always went to the chancellery for
his two most important clients. Bormann had established a
well-equipped dental office there, where Dr. Blaschke and his
nurse, Fraulein Kaete Heusemann, would take care of the dental
requirements of the Fuehrer and the Reichsleiter. The dental
records for both were kept in the chancellery. When the Rus-
sians had threatened Berlin, Dr. Blaschke prudently moved his
practice to Munich, but Fraulein Heusemann had stayed on.
Hitler's dental charts were never found, because Bormann had
removed them from the chancellery files. However, the Russians,
who had wanted complete identification of Hitler after the fall
of Berlin, brought Fraulein Heusemann to Soviet headquarters.
She had identified the dental fittings gathered in a cigar box as
belonging to Adolf Hitler. This was confirmed by the dental
technician, Fritz Echtmann, who had made the fittings for
Hitler on order of Dr. Blaschke.
Once they had made the identifications, both were shipped
off to Moscow, remaining there in prison so that they could not
communicate with others for several years. They were classified
by the Russians as among the chancellery group who had sur-
vived the bunker; they would spend years in Russian prisons
and slave camps until the Kremlin leaders decided how to han-
dle their public announcement of Hitler's death — suicide in the
bunker, or escape to Spain and South America, as Stalin first
In Bormann's case, the problem was more complex, more
challenging. Yet under Mueller's skillful guidance, two bodies
were planted; their discovery was made possible when an SS
man, acting on Mueller's orders, leaked the information to a
Stern magazine editor as part of a ploy to "prove" that Bormann
had died in the Berlin freight yard. The stand-ins for Bormann
were two unfortunates from Concentration Camp Sachsenhau-
sen, who had been killed gently in the Gestapo basement secret
chambers with cyanide spray blown from a cigarette lighter (a
killing device used later by the KGB in 1957 and 1959 against
Lev Rebet and Stephen Bandera, two leaders of the Ukrainian
emigres in Munich). At Gestapo headquarters, the night of
April 30, the bodies were taken by a special SS team to the
freight yards near the Weidendamm Bridge and buried not too
deep beneath rubble in two different areas. The Gestapo squad
then made a hurried retreat from Berlin, joining their leader, SS
Senior General Heinrich Mueller, in Flensburg.
The funeral and burial caper was to be a Mueller trademark
throughout the years of searching for Martin Bormann. The
Mossad was to point out that they have been witnesses over the
years to the exhumation of six skeletons, two in Berlin and four
in South America, purported to be that of Martin Bormann. All
turned out to be those of others, although in Frankfurt in 1973
the dental technician, Fritz Echtmann, after years as a Russian
prisoner, was to say that the dental work found in the skull of
the skeleton declared to be the remains of Bormann resembled
those fillings he had worked on in 1944. Simon Wiesenthal,
director of the Jewish Documentation Center in Vienna, had
been invited to Frankfurt by West German authorities who were
presenting the press event, with the CIA in the background. He
said that, while the skull resembled Bormann's, he doubted it
was Bormann. Still, Heinrich Mueller had done his job well, and
from South America he pointed the Bonn government's in-
vestigators through intermediaries toward this second planted
Bormann skeleton. So my sources state; the fabrications of 1945
continue to provide the party minister with his "passport to
The full surrender of all German forces was signed at Rheims,
France, on May 7, 1945, and I was a witness to that historic
event. Reich President Doenitz had sent both Admiral von
Friedeburg and General Alfred Jodl as his representatives to
General Eisenhower's Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expedi-
tionary Force, operating out of a red brick building that in
peacetime was a school for girls. The two German notables ar-
rived on May 6 for preliminary discussions. They played for
time, knowing that each hour gained would enable their coun-
trymen on the Eastern Front to retreat further into Germany
until they could surrender to British or American forces. There
was to be no separate surrender; it was now all or nothing, and
General Eisenhower had imposed a time limit of May 7 on the
Germans for general and total capitulation. General Jodl re-
ported to Doenitz: "General Eisenhower insists that we sign
today. If not, the Allied fronts will be closed to persons seeking
to surrender individually. I see no alternative: chaos or signa-
ture. I ask you, to confirm to me immediately by wireless that
I have full powers to sign capitulation."
This authorization was duly received, and in a small lecture
hall on the second floor of the school building, General Jodl
signed the instrument of unconditional surrender, at 2:41 on the
morning of May 7. Lieutenant General Bedell Smith signed on
behalf of General Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander,
with British, French, and Russian officers as witnesses.
After General Jodl had placed his signature on the docu-
ments, he addressed the senior Allied officers present. He asked
for a show of compassion to the German people, who had suf-
fered so much during this war. No one spoke during his state-
ment, for those listening to the plea were professionals too and
knew the shattering emotions that both former antagonists
were undergoing as they laid down the German sword and au-
thorized the capitulation of their armed forces on land and on
the high seas. Admiral von Friedeburg was later to take his life.
General Jodl then rose and walked from the room, along a
short hallway to General Eisenhower's office. There he encoun-
tered the American general, grim and unsmiling as befitted the
occasion. Behind the Supreme Commander stood the ever-
present Kay Summersby, driver and companion to the general in
England, North Africa, and France. Jodl reported he had signed
the instrument of surrender; Eisenhower asked him, "Do you
understand all that it means and the conditions you must carry
out?" General Jodl nodded briskly, said "Ja," saluted, and left
the office of the Supreme Allied Commander. As he walked
along the hallway he was joined by Admiral von Friedeburg.
At this instant, I intruded in Jodl's tightly controlled self-
possession, asking him, "General, did Martin Bormann make
it safely out of Berlin ?" The Nazi leader, surprised at this query,
replied readily and in a barely audible tone, "Of course. He is
a natural survivor. " Then he was gone, down the staircase, to
the staff car outside that took them back to Grand Admiral
Two days after this event, in the modest house on Fontan-
estre, 9, Party Minister Martin Bormann was calculating how
to slip through the British lines to Flensburg. Peril and uncer-
tainty surely would be ahead before he reached his destination —
Buenos Aires. He remained methodical and matter-of-fact as he
planned his departure from Berlin, although only days before
he had failed to penetrate the Russian lines to Schleswig-Hol-
stein. He believed firmly in his destiny and was convinced that
he would rendezvous with General Mueller in the safe house
they had agreed upon.
"It was early morning when Bormann left the house," related
my Waffen SS source, who, as I said earlier, remained behind,
plotting his own best course. Only nineteen, he yearned to reach
Bonn and look out for his widowed mother. He went on: "Bor-
mann was accompanied by the aide who had escaped with him
from the Fuehrerbunker the night of May 1-2, and both men
set off along the autobahn. Months later I happened to meet
the aide in Frankfurt. He remarked, ~We passed through British
lines without trouble, without even being noticed, just another
two shabbily dressed men. I left the party minister with General
Mueller, and went back to Frankfurt.'"
This SS source, one of so many I have talked with and ques-
tioned, will not speak publicly of these matters even today. He
fears retribution from South America, and the present West
German government, which maintains a tight rein on any telling
of the true Martin Bormann story. The experience of Quick
Magazine, a West German news weekly, testifies to that fact.
The editor of Quick sent a five-man reporting team to South
America to do a Bormann story. When the reporting team re-
turned to West Germany with a magazine series detailing Bor-
mann's presence in Argentina and his continuing links with the
industrial and financial circles of the Ruhr, the series was
squashed by the Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz, the West
German equivalent of the FBI. The reason given: "It was not
in the national interest." If the story were published, Quick
would be put out of business and the five reporters jailed. The
matter had gone to the highest levels of government in Bonn
where the decision had been made. This SS veteran admires
"Fuehrer Bormann" and worked for him for a while in South
America; but even so, were he to be indiscreet and draw atten-
tion to himself, he might be signing his own death warrant.
to ground in Schleswig-Holstein, the international authorities
seeking to try Nazi leaders for war crimes and crimes against
humanity decided (in August 1945) that the site of these mili-
tary and civilian tribunals was to be Nuremberg. It was the first
time in the history of modern warfare that those who gave the
orders and were responsible for the particular aspect of genocide
were to be brought before an international court of justice. Up
until then it had generally been the middle and lower echelon
officers and soldiers who had been made to suffer as retribution
for aggression and atrocities, but now those at or near the top
of the hierarchy stood before the bar. In Germany, by October
1945, 21 defendants bad been brought to Nuremberg prison to
await their trials. The twenty-second individual, Martin Bor-
mann, was to be tried in absentia; the twenty-third, Robert Ley,
Reichsleiter of the labor front which had also operated the
forced-labor camps, a political opponent of Bormann for many
years, committed suicide before the trials began.
The first Nuremberg trial dragged on for ten months before
sentences were handed down. Ten Nazi leaders were sentenced
to death, and went to the gallows in the small gymnasium of the
prison. Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was first to
die; he was followed by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst
Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick,
Julius Streicher, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, and Arthur Seyss-
Inquart. Only two escaped, Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering
and Party Minister Martin Bormann. Goering had gulped down
a cyanide capsule smuggled to him in his cell, leaving a farewell
message that death in this manner was preferable to the indig-
nity of hanging. Certainly there was little dignity in the somber
setting where ten former national leaders were put to death. The
executions were accomplished with precision; the American
sergeant who presided over this macabre event said, "Hot damn,
110 minutes, right on time!"
But if one hardened sergeant was insensitive, there were those
all over the Western world who spoke out against the trials and
continue to do so today. Prominent among the doubters was Tel-
ford Taylor, U.S. chief counsel at Nuremberg. Ten days before
the executions of the German leaders, the late Senator Robert
A. Taft had condemned the trials and sentences. He strongly
suggested that involuntary exile might have been wiser, more in
keeping with professed American values. He had said that the
trials, whose rules of law were formulated and enacted on the
spot and then made retroactive, "violate the fundamental prin-
ciple of American law that a man cannot be tried under ex post
facto statute. . . . Nuremberg was a blot on American Consti-
tutional history, and a serious departure from our Anglo-Saxon
heritage of fair and equal treatment, a heritage which had rightly
made this country respected throughout the world. . . . About
this whole judgment there is a spirit of vengeance, and ven-
geance is seldom justice. The hanging of men convicted will be
a blot on the American record which we shall long regret."
Taft further stated, "In these trials, we have accepted the
Russian idea of the purpose of the trials — government policy and
not justice — with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By
clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit
the whole idea of justice in Europe for years to come."
The Nuremberg Trials were man's first fumbling attempts to
outlaw war, and their legality was obscure, their morality con-
fused. The Allies knew that they too had been guilty of war
crimes. Dresden, for example, was consumed by flames caused
by Allied firebombing, a city open and undefended. Several hun-
dred thousand civilians perished, more than those who died from
the American atomic bombs later to be dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. The attack on Dresden was needless, ordered
personally by Winston Churchill over the objections of his air
marshal, who had demanded a written order from the Prime
Minister before reluctantly giving a directive for the bombing.
Churchill, the object of suspicion and abuse from Stalin
throughout the war, felt that such an act would pay dividends
in his later dealings with the Soviet leader. But when aerial
photographs of Dresden's flaming destruction were sent by
Churchill and reached Moscow, they were merely tossed aside
with a shrug by Stalin. The Russians too had their concentration
camps, Jewish pogroms, and slave labor and pursued wars of
aggression against Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania, not to mention the other countries they had sucked up
into the communist bloc. Inside Mother Russia itself, Stalin
had sent uncounted Bolsheviks to the death cellars of Lubyanka
prison and the concentration camps. Throughout World War
II, the executions quietly went on; after the war they continued
— for instance, the anti-Semitic drive in Leningrad and the ex-
termination of the Jewish antifascist committee.
In all theatres of war unspeakable brutalities had occurred,
from the 300,000 who died at Japanese hands in Nanking in
1937 to the unforgivable treatment of Allied soldiers in Japanese
prison camps. It was Russian troops who massacred 45,000
Polish prisoners of war in Katyn forest, dumping the bodies into
a mass grave. The reason? From these officers and soldiers would
have come the opposition to communist rule in Poland in the
years to come. Also, in the years to come, the United States was
to be diminished with the aggressions in Vietnam and such
atrocities as Son My and My Lai.
The first Nuremberg trial should have been labeled for what
it was: an-eye-for-an-eye vengeance for the crime of racial ex-
termination. If it had been so labeled, the spirit behind Nurem-
berg would have been understandable, not conflicting with the
issues of legality and justice so troubling to many leaders of
jurisprudence in the United States and Europe. The four Nazis
most directly responsible for the decision to invoke racial geno-
cide were Hitler, Goering, Himmler, and Heydrich, and all had
died before the ten other officials took their final walk to the
gallows. During the ten months of trial, the 21 defendants who
sat in the dock at Nuremberg being tried for their part in wars
of aggression were no more unprepossessing than their Allied
counterparts might have been had they lost the war and found
themselves awaiting trial and sentencing. Leadership on both
sides was represented by educated academics, administrators,
and military notables who saw to it that the war kept moving
along. Still, Nuremberg was a landmark, and if it did not halt
the proliferation of wars it reinforced the international principle
that there are standards of human behavior all nations should
adhere to.
As the first trial was concluded, with sentences pronounced
and carried out on the 21 defendants, the twenty-second was
stirring in his bolthole. Martin Bormann had been moved from
Schleswig-Holstein to a safe house in Denmark by his security
chief, Heinrich Mueller. The party minister had been tried in
absentia at Nuremberg; while found not guilty on charges of
crimes against peace, for he had not been one of the early plot-
ters of war, he had been found guilty as charged of war crimes
and crimes against humanity. Bormann believed he was not
guilty on any of the counts; but he also knew that disappearing
was the only course, else he too would have been hanged until
dead in the gymnasium of Nuremberg prison.
Martin Bormann became the object of history's greatest man-
hunt. At least one thousand Allied intelligence officers, repre-
senting Great Britain, the United States, France, and Russia,
were on his trail, together with an uncounted number of in-
formers who coveted the reward offered for information leading
to his capture. But Heinrich Mueller had strung an invisible,
impenetrable defense between Bormann and those who sought
him. Select units of the Gestapo continued to function, unoffi-
cially, and those who now reported directly to Mueller, under
suspicion of surviving Berlin and therefore also a subject of
search, were among the best secret police agents of the SS. Out
of uniform, they continued to draw pay and expenses from their
paymaster, representing Mueller, from SS funds held in a num-
bered account in a Swiss bank. As the search for Bormann went
from hot to cold to hot, Mueller continued to move the Party
Minister around, back and forth between Schleswig-Holstein
and Denmark, but staying clear of major cities such as Hamburg.
Mueller had a network of loyal informers, SS men who had re-
turned to their peacetime positions on German police forces at
Hans Bernd Gisevius giving testimony at the Nuremberg trials. Gisevius,
a leader of the German underground during World War II, was also a
double agent for the OSS. He was Allen Dulles's pipeline to Admiral
Canaris, chief of the German Foreign Intelligence Service (Abwehr) until
1944 who himself served as a high level British informer during most of
the Second World War.
Allen Welsh Dulles as he looked when
serving as President Roosevelt's per-
sonal emissary to Switzerland. He ran
the Office of Strategic Services (fore-
runner of the CIA) into Germany
and on the continent from his head-
quarters in Berne.
Hermann Schmitz, pictured at the
zenith of his career as president and
chief executive officer of I. G, Farben,
which was Germany's greatest source
of foreign income during the Hitler
years. Schmitz was a confidant and
adviser to Martin Bormann. He was
the principal architect of Farben's
program of camouflaging its vast over-
seas holdings under Bormann's direc-
tive to find safe havens for German
capital. During the period when Nazi
excesses against Jews accelerated,
Hermann Schmitz found places for
I. G. Farben Jewish corporate officials
and lesser staff members in Farben's
foreign offices, particularly in South
Bormann's capitulation message to Grand Admiral Doenitz,
sent on April 29, 1945. It reads: "Dear Grand Admiral! Since
all our divisions failed to appear, our situation seems to be
beyond hope. The Fuehrer dictated the attached political
testament last night. Heil Hitler! Bormann."
Ltd. Nr £
QOIIig bis 34, *f. S6.
Name: ^->^4^^>^«^m, *Vf C%&+r>.
geb. am: i£ ^ in: T^W^vt^
Mitglleds-Nummer: ^ <5fZ</2 Elntr.: ^ sTr-^.
Oberwiesen von:
Nach (Land):
Berlin W 33, _
X 193 ^
__ flallonalsozlall8!l3CHe fl-
JJ^Boitscne flrteiteroariel
The Nazi travel permit of Salesian
priest Hans (Juan) Baumann, from the
files of the FBI. Baumann, a friend of
Hitler and Bormann, was described in
1942 by J. Edgar Hoover as a "very
dangerous Nazi."
(Below) A confidential memo dated
April 27, 1942, from J. Edgar Hoover
to Colonel William J. Donovan, then
Coordinator of Information, indicating
that Hans (Juan) Baumann headed a
Nazi espionage ring in Colombia.
SrbrraJ Surran of itrurstitjatiatt BY SPECIAL MESSEN jj .
Lhtttrb &tnle9 Xlruartmrn t of ilustirc
ni:i9i>iiHUun, 3. <£.
DatT: ■* APR 27 IS-/
To: Colonel Vinioa J. Donovan
Coordinator of Information
a#«**tt • ••»*-[
From: J. Edgar Hoovor - Director, Federa l 'Btif oau of Investigation
Subject: Hans (Juan) 3auaann
Aa of possible Interest to you, thore Is being attached hereto a
neaoraadun concerning one Hans (Juan) 3*unann. a Saleslan priest, believed
presently to be located at Call, Colonbla. aad carrying on activities l„
connection with an espionage ring which utilises tee facilities of a
clandestine radio station, PTL, la or near Santiago', Chile. Ia connection
with Baunann there Is being attached also a photostatic copy of the party
W< of Haas 3auaana Indicating menbershlp la the Aual and elevate organisa-
tion. The information concerning Bauaana has been eecurad froa a confi-
dential, reliable source.
C0 ' CC»,&
JUAN 00*1*60 KAON tOSA.hece eMreee el
Viae fw*e*» AMTW cvarta parte #e les elavlentee alanaai
Central de Inteligoncia
C* aercoe ero 1B7.«92.«00.-
In ddlerea 17.57e.3B*,.
tn llbces etterlines 4,632,500,-
Cn francos sulios 24.976. 442, •
In florin., hol.ndf.r. B.379.030,.
f> frencoo bsl;es 17.280.009,-
In francos frmcesee _ S4. 968. 000,.
In plotlno Ko,.
Ca oro «fo. leMleO
tn Sleaantes y Srillontes fcllates 4.63B.-
/flde.redre CCIDlO CSPAftZA
A rare financial document of a joint bank account shared by Bormann and
Peron in the Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires, from the files of Central de
Inteligencia of the Argentina secret police of the Ministerio del Interior.
Martin Bormann had bank accounts in many cities, among them Berlin,
Zurich, Buenos Aires and New York, when he served Hitler and Germany
as Reichsleiter. His present account in the Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires
dates back to 1941 , when he began transferring funds through his personal
account to Juan and Eva Peron. Even then he regarded Argentina as the
most likely sanctuary for himself and Hitler, if Germany collapsed. But
it was necessary to sweeten the growing relationship with the Perons with
a flow of money that reached a total of $100,000,000 by 1955 when Juan
Peron was forced into exile, first in Panama and then Madrid.
Martin Bormann's eldest son. Adolph,
emerging from a Bavarian hospital
after being nearly killed by a six-ton
truck. Adolph resigned from the Jesuit
order after being denied a parish in
South America by the Vatican. He is
married to Cordula, a former nun.
Both now live and work in Bolivia.
(Below) Hermann Schmitz, president
of I.G. Farben, being sentenced to
four years in prison at the Nuremberg
trials for his participation in the plun-
dering of industries in Nazi occupied
territories. The trial of the Farben
officials ran for nearly a year and
ended on July 29, 1948.
The author (left) discussing the West German economy
with Dr. Hermann J. Abs, 83 years old, now Honorary
President of Deutsche Bank A.G., at a luncheon in
New York City.
Paul Manning when he was a CBS News correspondent in Europe during World War I
both local and national levels. The movement of "enemy
forces," as they described Allied agents, served Bormann and
Mueller as an early warning system.
Bormann took all these precautions in stride, comfortable in.
the knowledge that his security was in the hands of top profes-
sionals, and concentrated on his immediate tasks at hand, much
as he had during the final days in the Fuehrerbunker. Wherever
positioned, he turned his hiding place into a party headquarters,
and was in command of everything save security. Telephones
were too dangerous, but he had couriers to bear documents to
Sweden, where a Bormann commercial headquarters was main-
tained in Malmo to handle the affairs of a complex and growing
postwar business empire. From Malmo high-frequency radio
could transmit in 30-second bursts enough coded information
to listening posts in Switzerland, Spain, or Argentina to form a
continuous line of instructions.
Meanwhile, General Mueller was taking steps to establish
escape routes for officers and soldiers of the SS who wanted to
leave Germany to start a new life in South America. Some were
listed by the Nuremberg authorities as war criminals; most were
not. But they had in common the desire to begin again — far
away. Mueller talked over his plans with Bormann. The first
route considered was referred to as Organization der ehemaligen
SS-Angehorigen— Organization of former SS members— and thus
became known as ODESSA. Mueller estimated the annual cost
of this operation, and Bormann, ever the banker, suggested that
ODESSA be set up as a corporation and funded accordingly.
The prime purpose of this corporation was to move SS men out
of Germany to South America, or to the Middle East if they
preferred it that way. To amortize the heavy cost, Bormann
suggested the corporation also assume functions that would
make ODESSA self-liquidating, at a profit.
As ODESSA would not operate as an escape route for much
more than five years, Bormann suggested that the SS adminis-
trators picked to coordinate and supervise the route also keep
their eyes peeled for quick-money opportunities, with a view to
returning the initial investment and having ODESSA operating
in the black. Bormann suggested that surplus arms was a likely
field of opportunity, and as usual he was right. One British scrap
dealer had become a millionaire in one year buying up old tanks,
trucks, and assorted guns; selling some as scrap, reconditioning
others for sale on the arms black market of those days. The
British government began selling its surpluses openly. Other
munitions dealers blossomed into prosperity and respectability
as they bid low for high-cost items.
But none were to achieve the profitability of ODESSA, whose
agents ranged throughout Europe and even behind the Iron
Curtain. They bought and sold surplus American arms to Arab
buyers seeking to strengthen the military capabilities of Egypt
and other Middle Eastern Arab nations. Palestine was to be
partitioned into a Jewish homeland, and they intended to
destroy it at birth. But now Jewish buyers, funded from America
and elsewhere, entered the marketplace. They were barred from
purchasing guns and American surplus P-51 Mustang fighter
planes by President Truman, and their only recourse for survival
was to trade on the European black market, which, unknown to
them, was coming rapidly under the control of ODESSA agents.
However, the Jewish agency's buyers might have purchased from
the devil himself if it meant survival of the small, defenseless
nation, just come into being on May 14, 1947. The first pur-
chase they made was in Czechoslovakia: 4,300 rifles, 200 medium
machine guns with ammunition. Also acquired were ten surplus
Messerschmitt-109 fighter planes for $44,000 each, which in-
cluded some spare parts, cannon, machine guns, bombs, and
assorted ammunition. ODESSA agents handled this transaction
in Prague, with the tacit permission of Moscow, which was to
sponsor Israel as a homeland for Jews in the United Nations.
Russia wanted British influence dissipated in the Middle East,
and one way to do this was to get their foot in the door of the
new Israel. Hence their sub rosa cooperation in Prague. The
German agents wanted only to serve as "honest brokers" in an
international arms deal.
With the German fighter plane deal consummated, it was up
to the Jewish buyers to get the planes to their new homeland.
Messerschmitts have a range of only 400 miles, so flying them
down to Palestine was out of the question. They might have
refueled in Yugoslavia and Greece, but the British were being
sticky about transport of unauthorized arms, and closed down
this possibility. As a result, a former German airbase near the
Sudetenland town of Zatac (formerly Saaz) became for a few
weeks a Jewish airfield. Here two C-54 cargo planes flown by
American contract pilots touched down, and Czech mechanics
dismantled the fighter planes and stowed them into the big
cargo aircraft, which thereupon took off for an airfield close by
Tel Aviv. The operation was repeated many times over, until all
ten fighters had been transported to Israel. The success of the
airlift convinced David Ben-Gurion, who was to become the
first prime minister of Israel, that the option taken on 15 more
planes should be exercised.
But money was short, and the ODESSA representatives had
to be paid immediately, else the delicate negotiations hanging
fire behind this Iron Curtain country would disintegrate. The
Moscow representatives were becoming edgy, the Czechs who
were fronting the negotiations were wondering when Russia
might change its mind and wreak retribution on them, and the
fellows from Germany felt that if there was undue delay the
deal would collapse and they would go down with it. An appeal
for quick money was made by the Jewish buyers to Teddy
Kollek, in New York, the operational chief of the Jewish groups
in the United States. (Kollek, incidentally, was much later to
become mayor of Jerusalem-in 1965.) He went to Manhasset
on Long Island and met with William Levitt, the famed builder
of many suburban Levittowns. 'We need money," Kollek said.
"I can't tell you what it's for because it's top secret. But if you
lend us the money, the Provisional Government of the State of
Israel will give you a note and pay you back in a year."
"So," Levitt recalls, "I said O.K., and I gave him the million
At their hotel in Zatac, renamed the Hotel Stalingrad, the air
crews waited for news. It arrived, and during the ensuing days
of feverish activity on the airstrip, the 15 Messerschmitt-109s
were flown out of Zatac under the code "Operation Balak," or
"Son of Bird," a Hebrew historical reference. Egyptian forces
in brigade strength advanced on Tel Aviv in 1947, but were
halted 25 miles from the new capital by the sudden appearance
of Messerschmitt fighter planes that strafed and bombed their
columns, and by artillery fire from 65-mm mountain guns
bought from Nazi stockpiles and shipped clandestinely from
Marseilles. The danger of a quick Egyptian victory had been
cut short; the new State of Israel would survive.
But would Martin Bormann survive if he left his modest sanc-
tuary in northwest Germany? The administrators of ODESSA,
aside from their role as short-term munitions merchants that
they were later to segue into other commercial activities, were
confident that they could get Party Minister Bormann right
across Germany to Munich and over the Alps to Genoa. They
had already moved several thousand SS men by this under-
ground railroad, and thus far everything had gone according to
schedule. "Safe houses" had been established along the route,
and the travelers always arrived and departed on time. By the
time the first Nuremberg trial had ended in early 1946, Bor-
mann was ready for progress. General Mueller had him con-
veyed to another safe house near Domstedt. Griesheim-
Domstedt was and still is the publishing center for the U.S.
Army's Stars & Stripes newspaper for Europe. The late editions
go to press at midnight, and shortly thereafter trucks, operated
exclusively by the Stars & Stripes command, line up for their
bundles of newspapers that must be distributed by morning to
all U.S. Army bases. In 1946 it was a simple matter for Mueller
to arrange for Bormann to be a casual passenger aboard such a
truck, which halted briefly as it turned out of the publishing
plant and picked him up. Accelerating, it turned onto the Auto-
bahn, then drove straight to Munich. Just before reaching U.S.
Army headquarters, the German driver slowed to a stop and
Bormann jumped out, disappearing into the downtown area of
the city. He reached a safe house, where his brother Albert had
been waiting; they remained there quietly, awaiting further
Bormann left Munich with an SS companion and guide, by
automobile provided by a German mayor who was able to get
rationed gasoline. In the pastoral uplands of Bavaria they parked
the car at a previously agreed-on point, so the mayor could
fetch it and drive it back. Bormann had been advised that it
was best to travel on foot beyond this point in order to avoid
interception and interrogation by U.S. CIC patrols. So the pair
took to the countryside on foot and headed toward the Austrian
Tirol. Their appearance was quite commonplace; few gave them
more than a glance. The spring before millions of refugees and
displaced persons had swarmed across Germany, prisoners of all
nationalities making their way home, more than a million Ger-
man families from the East fleeing before the Red Army into
western Germany. The Wehrmacht had disintegrated into long
columns of prisoners walking toward prisoner-of-war camps.
Mass chaos had characterized 1945, but now in the winter and
spring of 1946 some order appeared; however, plodding men
and women, Red Cross vehicles, and fast-driving U.S. Army
trucks were familiar sights in the area beyond Munich. The two
men made their way up mountain roads and across valleys, and
no attention was paid to them by the civilians trying to farm
their patches or cut firewood in the forests.
Bormann and his companion crossed the Inn River, and were
guided by local SS mountaineers to the Alpine village of Naud-
ers, where the Austrian, Swiss, and Italian frontiers meet. The
two rested in a safe house for several days, then set out on the
next stage of the journey, which took them through Val di
Adige and down to the green forestlands that line Lake Gardia.
Here they halted for rest in the monastery overlooking the lake,
feeling relatively safe. After a time they pushed on to a Fran-
ciscan monastery in Genoa, where arrangements to receive them
had been made by Heinrich Mueller.
New identification papers were handed to Bormann, together
with the welcome news that in a matter of days he would be
sailing to Spain. When he left the Franciscan monastery in
Genoa and boarded a small Mediterranean steamer, his first
stop was the port of Tarragona, to the south of Barcelona. It
was night when the small vessel put into port, debarked the
passenger, and steamed from the harbor. Bormann was met by
two of Mueller's SS men, who promptly drove the party min-
ister along the coast to Vendrell, where they picked up the
auto route and headed inland. It was the purest scenic beauty
that Bormann saw as they drove swiftly, with no stops other
than to refill the gas tank from jerry cans they carried. They
risked no appearance in a public place. Somewhat across the
neck of Spain they turned off at Todela, and continued over
good secondary roads until the mountainous area of Logrono
was reached. They passed Najera, then finally reached their
destination, the Dominican monastery of San Domingo, which
stands in the Province of Galicia, once called home by General
Franco. Preparations had been made for an indefinite stay. Bor-
mann thanked his SS comrades, and they stood erect and
saluted as in the past; then they departed.
The route to freedom taken by Bormann was not exactly that
of other SS escapees. His clandestine departure from Germany
had been calculated according to his special needs by Mueller,
with SS men in civilian clothes positioned all along the way.
They were the advance lookouts, sworn to the protection of
their Party Minister, the duly appointed successor to Adolf
Hitler. At no time in his trek between Munich and Genoa was
Bormann out of sight of the finest riflemen the Waffen SS had
developed in six years of war. They manned the safe houses,
they skied the ridges overlooking the valleys to be traversed by
Bormann, and they were chopping wood or hiking deep in the
pine forests as the two trudged on toward safety. The paths
followed by other SS members on the ODESSA route always
led toward the Austrian Tirol; the precise route into Italy de-
pended on the time of year and the pattern of search being
conducted by Allied patrols at any particular time. Once in
Genoa, the flow of former SS comrades was directed toward the
harbor, where they would board boats of various descriptions.
When a captain had a full consignment, he would lift anchor
on his chartered boat and head for the Straits of Gibraltar.
Once through the British bastion he changed course and
steamed slowly along the Portuguese coast, rounding the north-
west part of the Iberian peninsula at Cape Ortegal, at last
dropping anchor in the beautiful harbor of San Sebastian, where
his cargo of SS emigrants would file ashore. It was a short voy-
age, which was repeated by many vessels many, many times, for
the flow of SS men was seemingly unending.
General Mueller had a second major escape route, which took
some of the pressure off the above described course. ODESSA
had the notoriety and the spotlight of sorts, also the status of a
commercial self-liquidating corporation, but another version of
this underground railway ran across France and over the Pyr-
enees. It was referred to as Deutsche Hilfsverein —German Re-
lief Organization— and, although it had been set up hurriedly in
1945, it performed an enormously valuable service for the SS
men who traversed it. It was not self-liquidating like ODESSA,
and the money to run it came directly from SS funds, a source
separate from that controlled directly by Bormann, although SS
and party money sent to South America had been melded into
one solid treasure and the bank accounts that required Bor-
mann's approval at a later date produced friction between
Bormann and Mueller, for in times to come distribution of
money was a prime matter on the NSDAP agenda in South
With the war in Europe at an end, the struggle for Indochina
flared up, and the French began recruiting unemployed German
soldiers for their armies in the land later to be known as Viet-
nam. In the chaos of 1945 the only negotiable skill many a
German ex-soldier had was training in warfare. The French
were in the market for that, and set up recruiting stations in
Metz for their Foreign Legion. Former German soldiers flocked
to sign up for a stretch of soldiering in French Indochina. The
situation was exactly right for General Mueller and his associ-
ates. They intermingled their SS veterans with the ordinary
Wehrmacht recruits; thus, on every French truck headed south
in convoy were many SS men. All had new papers provided by
the SS documentation section, and now they also carried French
enlistment papers that enabled them to cross France with im-
punity. The truck convoys would go to Bordeaux or Marseilles,
depending on French shipping conditions, the ultimate destina-
tion being North Africa, where training would begin. However,
once in either of the French port cities, the SS men would skip
away from the truck convoys and be guided by French police-
men to a new departure point. These were the police who had
worked during four years of occupation for Mueller and the
Gestapo and they were still loyal, particularly so when the effort
expended was minimal and the under-the-table pay was high.
If a Foreign Legion truck convoy was destined for Bordeaux, the
SS men would be guided over the Pyrenees, and through coastal
towns to San Sebastian. If the destination, on the other hand,
was Marseilles, they would be placed aboard small fishing boats
that would round the Iberian peninsula and land them at San
Sebastian, the terminal point for both ODESSA and Deutsche
Hilfsverein. Here they waited for the next stage of their move-
ment, which was overland to the small port of Vigo on the
northwest coast of Spain, due west of Redondela. It was an
emotional sight for SS men awaiting departure to see on the
horizon the appearance of the chartered transatlantic freighters
that were to bear them to exile in Buenos Aires. Ten thousand
SS officers and soldiers passed along this way. But the number
of Germans who went to South America, both along these two
routes and by less organized means after Martin Bormann had
declared his flight capital program in August 1944, totaled
60,000, including scientists and administrators at all levels, as
well as the former SS soldiers commanded by General Mueller.
The most unsavory SS officer to take advantage of ODESSA
was Adolf Eichmann. It was in 1950 that he made contact with
the organization, which saw that he reached Genoa safely; here
he received a refugee passport in the name of Ricardo Klement
along with a visa for Argentina. The Nuremberg Trials had
thoroughly frightened him. He testified later, "My name was
mentioned several times there, and I was afraid there might be
more thorough investigations which would reveal my identity.
I became particularly alarmed after Dieter Wisliceny's testi-
mony, which leveled all kinds of accusations against me." Eich-
mann had been taken prisoner of war by American soldiers at
the beginning of August 1945, giving his name as Waffen SS
officer Otto Echmann. With his true name receiving such
prominence at Nuremberg, Eichmann spoke with Lieutenant
Colonel Offenbach, senior German officer of the prisoners of
war. Eichmann requested authority to escape, and a meeting
of officers was called to deliberate this; they approved it. They
helped Eichmann by giving him new identification papers in
the name of Otto Heninger, and one of the officers handed him
a note to his brother in Kulmbach, recommending that he find
Eichmann a job in forestry. Eichmann escaped and arrived in
Celle early in March 1946, where he stayed, working as a
forester for four years. But his name was continually mentioned
as the monstrosity of his crimes emerged. An odd sidebar to this
bit of sad history is the fact that Heinrich Mueller, who had
been recruited into the Gestapo by Reinhard Heydrich from his
position as inspector of detectives in Munich, had first been
assigned to the Jewish desk in Berlin. Mueller was a professional
detective and wanted no part of the Jewish problem. He was
working in his modest office in Gestapo headquarters when this
self-effacing lieutenant entered who had recently been assigned
to the Gestapo and was looking around for something to do.
Mueller, on the job only three days, immediately told Lieuten-
ant Eichmann that the Jewish desk was his permanent
assignment, then left for lunch, relieved, and very pleased with
this turn of events.
Adolf Eichmann in 1950 did not use the port of Vigo to
escape. That means had wound down, and he set sail for Argen-
tina on the Italian ship Giovanna C, arriving in Buenos Aires
in the middle of July 1950. Unlike many fleeing Nazis, he
reached Argentina with scant funds. He went from job to job,
after running a laundry in the Olivas quarter of Buenos Aires
that shortly went bankrupt. Through his Nazi connections he
obtained a position with the German banking firm of Fuldner y
Compania, at 374 Avenida Cordoba in Buenos Aires. This firm
had established a subsidiary known as CAPRI— Industrial Plan-
ning and Development Company —to develop hydroelectric
power in the Tucamin region in the outskirts of Buenos Aires,
and Eichman was transferred there. From Austria his wife Vera
and their three sons joined him in 1952; a fourth son was born
in Argentina. A friend of Eichman/Klement who knew his real
identity prodded him to shift to Bolivia and work for the state
security services in that country. Eichmann is said to have re-
sponded, "When I hear those words 'state security services,' my
appetite for killing is whetted all over again." In 1960 he was
captured at dusk outside his modest house in the San Fernando
district of Buenos Aires by the feared Mossad, and transported
on an El Al passenger plane to Tel Aviv, there to stand trial at
last for crimes against humanity. After imposition of the death
penalty, his remains were cremated, with the ashes scattered
over the Mediterranean. He had confided to Israeli interrogators
that he assumed his presence in South America had been leaked,
that he had been betrayed to distract attention from the pur-
suit of higher-ups, and it is likely that he was right, for his
continuing notoriety in the newspapers of the world was dis-
concerting to Nazi leadership in South America. They were
leading a well-ordered life, and wanted to keep it that way.
During the uproar in 1960 and the trial that followed in Tel
Aviv, there was considerable friction between the Jewish and
German communities in Buenos Aires, but it finally tapered
off, with a mutually accepted feeling that it had all been for the
But back in early 1947 a German of immense notoriety and
importance waited his voyage to freedom. Martin Bormann, in
the Dominican monastery of San Domingo, chafed under the
constraint. Finally, the ship arrived to take him to South Amer-
ica, and he made his way at night to the harbor of Vigo. A
rather sizeable freighter had been loaded with produce and
other foodstuffs of Spain and with the most recent contingent
of fleeing SS men. The last aboard was Party Minister Bormann,
who went directly to the modest suite reserved for him. He
watched the hills of Spain recede in the distance, and thought
wistfully that this was the last view he might ever have of the
European continent. Certainly he would not be returning to this
province of Galicia, where many fascists who had fled France
and Belgium now resided in exile, such as Leon Degrelle, once
the leader of the movement "Rex," who dwelled in a house in
the mountains of Asturi, overlooking San Sebastian.
A strange footnote to the true tale of Bormann's stay in the
Dominican monastery of San Domingo is the suspect fire that
destroyed the archives in 1969. Mueller, ever the supercautious
protector, became aware that Israeli agents were backtracking
Bormann's escape route. I have been told they wanted to dis-
cover what Catholic priests and bishops might have aided Bor-
mann in his escape, intending to use this information to
embarrass the Vatican. The only evidence of record that Bor-
mann had been sheltered in this Dominican monastery was the
Book of Visitors he had signed the night he arrived. Twenty-
three years later fire broke out in the very shelves where this
book was kept, and all was burned up.
When the large freighter carrying Bormann and a contingent
of SS officers and soldiers steamed into the harbor of Buenos
Aires in the winter of 1947, the anchor was dropped in the
waters of the south quay near Riachuelo, one of the tributaries
of the La Plata, named by the conquistadores for what it means,
"silver." The ship did not come close to the piers, where enor-
mous cranes and swarming dockworkers unload cargoes, but as
dusk fell a small fleet of boats began ferrying the passengers
and their belongings to shore. At sea, each SS man had been
supplied with new identity cards, courtesy of the skilled en-
gravers of Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, passports bear-
ing appropriate visas, and written instructions as to where each
was to stay once ashore. Some were dispatched to rooming
houses and others to obscure hotels, while still others traveled
by public transportation to inland cities and towns, or even to
adjoining countries. Jobs had been found for all, either in the
companies Bormann had established in 1944 and 1945 or in
older German corporations that had been doing business in
Latin America for a number of years. All those who debarked
from the vessel either had with them or were issued a modest
sum of cash, sufficient to carry them until the first payday. None
of them actually saw Bormann on the ship, save for the captain
and several Nazi VIPs who came aboard the night of arrival.
Their reception was warm and friendly, and the local NSDAP
leaders knew that they were speaking with the official successor
to Adolf Hitler, the Party Minister and Reichsleiter whose or-
ders they would obey implicitly in the years ahead.
Martin Bormann entered a country with a political climate
favorable to him. Argentina had been under the dictatorial gov-
ernance of Juan Peron ever since he and his associates had been
victorious in a historic coup on June 4, 1943; then, in June 1947,
he was voted by an overwhelming majority into power, despite
the intense and overt opposition of the United States. He was
to be driven from the presidency and from Argentina in Sep-
tember 1955, but in the interim years he did more for the ordi-
nary man, the "shirtless ones," than had any leader in Argentine
history. While doing all this good he banked an illicitly derived
fortune in Switzerland, estimated by reliable sources as around
$500 million, of which around $100 million was thanks to the
Bormann organization. He was a charismatic figure, as presi-
dent and in exile in Madrid, and was returned to power in 1973,
a year before his death in 1974. In this country of 22 million,
Italy and Spain have contributed the most immigrants, followed
by Britain, Poland, France, Russia, and Germany. There are
also in Argentina 700,000 Lebanese and 450,000 Jews, but it
was the British who achieved economic dominance, at least un-
til Peron came to power, investing as they did in shipping, bank-
ing, insurance, and the railways. British influence declined under
Peron. He expropriated the British-owned railways, paying £150
million, bought out American telephone interests for $100 mil-
lion, and nationalized the airlines, shipping, and local trans-
portation. As British influence declined, German authority
increased. Peron was for Adolf Hitler all the way, believing until
the last that the Axis powers would win the war. His private
secretary was German, the son of a Nazi, and throughout his
time of power he felt most at ease with Germans. Because of
his admiration of Hitler, he learned German while a young
military attache in Italy: his purpose was to be able to read
Mein Kampf'm the original.
The influx of German industry and investment boosted the
Argentine economy, and the new German money flowing into
the German-controlled banks in Buenos Aires for safekeeping
and profitable investment under the Bormann flight capital
program indicated to Peron that a new prosperity lay ahead for
his country. The arrival of Martin Bormann in person was an
event of significance to him, and in low-key meetings with Hit-
ler's successor both agreed to work for the development of a
new, modern Argentina. Peron was obviously fascinated at
hearing firsthand all about the last days of Adolf Hitler, and he
remarked to a confidant that here was a fellow who could still
do much in the years ahead for German prosperity as he prom-
ised to do for Argentina. Both realized that the capture of
Bormann was a clear and ever present danger, and so Peron
instructed the chief of his secret police to give all possible
cooperation to Heinrich Mueller in his task of protecting the
party minister, a collaboration that continued for years. It be-
came somewhat frayed around the edges after Peron left for
Panama and then exile in Madrid in 1955, but Mueller today
still wields power with the Argentinian secret police in all mat-
ters concerning Germans and the NSDAP in South America.
On June 16, 1948, President Truman became involved in the
hunt for Martin Bormann. Robert H. Jackson, who had once
taken a leave from the Supreme Court to serve as U.S. chief
prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, wrote to the president that
a quiet search should be made by the FBI for Bormann in South
"My suggestion, therefore," he wrote, "is that the FBI be
authorized to pursue thoroughly discreet inquiries of a prelimi-
nary nature in South America. ... I have submitted this sum-
mary to Mr. Hoover and am authorized to say that it meets
with his approval. You may inform him of your wishes directly
or through me, as you prefer."
The presidential authorization was given, and John Edgar
Hoover assigned the investigation to his most experienced and
skillful agent in South America, who proved that he was just
that by eventually obtaining copies of the Martin Bormann file
that were being held under strict secrecy by Argentina's Min-
ister of the Interior in the Central de Intelligencia. When the
file (now in my possession) was received at FBI headquarters,
it revealed that the Reichsleiter had indeed been tracked
for years. One report covered his wherabouts from 1948 to 1961,
in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile. The file revealed that
he had been banking under his own name from his office in
Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that
he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan
Peron, and on August 4, 5, and 14, 1967, had written checks on
demand accounts in First National City Bank (Overseas Divi-
sion) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manu-
facturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank
of Buenos Aires.
The surveillance report of Martin Bormann's movements
stated the following, in brief:
German Nazi politician, born in 1900, in Halberstadt, Magdeburg,
Germany. Titular head of the National Socialist party. The Nurem-
berg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to death, along with
other criminals of the Third Reich. Came to Argentina in a clandes-
tine manner, disguised as a Jesuit priest, arriving from Genoa, Italy,
with false papers, around 1948.
Bormann was seen and identified in the federal capital. (Informa-
tion given by Doctor Pino Frezza, an Italian doctor who met Bor-
mann on an occasion when Bormann accompanied the Fiihrer —
S.I.R. No. 0318.) Bormann made contact with a former German
army officer at the ABC Brewery, at 500 Lavalle Street, in the
federal capital. (S.I.R. 01319. Juan Felisiak.)
Bormann went to Parana, in Entre Rfos province, where he was
once again interviewed by the engineer Juan Felisiak, during a brief
trip Felisiak made to Entre Rfos Province, where Bormann was
concealing himself by mixing with the abundant colony of Germans,
Croatians, and Poles.
The same year, he went to Brazil. Existing versions show that he
situated himself in the impenetrable jungle in Mato Grosso. In his
comings and goings in Argentina, he used various pseudonyms, one
of them being Juan Gomez. Under the cover of this name, in 1948,
Martin Bormann received the bulk of the treasure that had made
up the financial reserve of the Deutsche Bank, whose last owner,
Ludwig Freude, had died of poisoning. Other pseudonyms were
Jose Perez, Eliezer Goldstein, and Bauer. (Report S.I.R. No. [?] 320,
Tadeo Karlikosky.)
Martin Bormann had various children, one of whom, an ordained
Jesuit priest, helped his father in his escape from Germany, even
going so far as to claim that Martin Bormann had died in 1945 — a
lie calculated to interfere with the search for the war criminal.
It is known that even though Martin Bormann divided his per-
manent residence more or less between the states of Mato Grosso
and Santa Catalina in Brazil, he made frequent brief trips to various
localities, such as Paraguay; Valdivia, Chile; and Bariloche and
Asochinga, Argentina. In the last-mentioned place, in the province
of Cordoba, he made contact with the central command of Arana,
an organization founded in a distant prisoner-of-war camp, among
German prisoners, for the purpose of providing aid and protection
to Nazis throughout the world and resurrecting the "ideal" of
national socialism.
1953/54/55 and 56:
In this last year, he was identified by a woman in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
He visited Bariloche once.
Bormann stayed in Brazil and curtailed his travels to Argentina,
because in that year Israeli agents began infiltrating the last-
mentioned country in search of war criminals, who by now had
begun to lose some of the support they once enjoyed.
Bormann is now living on a solitary farm near Curitiba, Brazil.
In this year, using the pseudonym Bauer, he attended the Ali Baba
nightclub in Asuncion, Paraguay, apparently in the company of
He was now lost to sight, disappearing into the area known as
Swiss Chile. More or less bounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Argen-
tine border, and the cities of Valdivia, Chile, and Bariloche, Argen-
He was born in Halberstadt, in the district of Magdeburg, Ger-
many. He was leader of the Nazi party council. The Nuremberg
War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to death.
He had various sons, one of whom, an ordained Jesuit, circulated
the story of Bormann's death in 1945, a lie calculated to put an end
to any search for the criminal.
His birth was registered in the year 1900. He was considered
Adolf Hitler's right-hand man and was mentioned as a possible
successor to Hitler, when the conflict ended.
Like other fugitives, he entered Argentina in 1948, coming from
Genoa on a second-class ticket, with forged Vatican documentation.
(This had all been made possible by an organization called La
Esclusa, which facilitated the exit of various fugitives.)
Between 1943 and 1945, Martin Bormann had maintained con-
tacts with Heinrich Doerge (councilor of the Central Bank of
Argentina), Ricardo Von Leute (Director of the German. Trans-
Atlantic Bank), Ricard Staud, and Ludwig Freude — names assoc-
ciated with the annals of Nazi treasure.
At the end of 1943, Martin Bormann prepared to put into force
Operation Tierra Del Fuego, which involved transporting large
quantities of gold, money, stocks, paintings, and other works of
art to Argentina via submarine. However, owing to the staggering
situation of the German armies, all terrestrial routes were cut off.
Bormann therefore (counting on the collaboration of the Argentine
government) decided that the transfer of this treasure should be
accomplished via night flights from Berlin to Madrid and thence to
Buenos Aires. (Even after the fall of Germany, submarines arrived
at Mar de Plata and the vicinity of Patagonia and unloaded mys-
terious merchandise.)
At one point, Martin Bormann slipped his diary into the pocket of
a cadaver, in an attempt to create the impression that he was
dead. The subterfuge was discovered, however.
In 1948, it was noted that he passed through Buenos Aires. Ac-
cording to reports DAE 356/48 and DAE 481/50, he was observed
in the street, when he ran into Doctor Pino Frezza, who recognized
him, having met him in Germany (to be precise, in Berlin, during
Hitler's visit to a brewery). The person who reported observing this
chance meeting was an engineer, Juan Felisiak. The meeting took
place at 500 Lavalle Street.
Later he went to the city of Parana, where Jan Felisiak saw
him again. In Parana he called himself David. He stayed there
until 1951.
Bormann moved to Santa Catarina, Brazil, where he used the
pseudonym Eliezer Goldstein. Here, he was intensely active co-
ordinating the activities of the German colonists in Paraguay,
Argentina, and Brazil. However, all indications are that his per-
manent residence is at Mato Grosso, where a large number of
fugitives, refugees, and delinquents live. This is where Martin
Bormann maintains contacts with couriers of the well-known organi-
zation called La Arana, which is dedicated to providing help for all
Nazi fugitives. In fact, Bormann is known as the Fiihrer of South
America, since, according to various versions, he made it possible
for the Nazis to salvage a great deal of money, gold, valuable objects,
and works of art, with the result that fugitives who escaped from
the tribunals and prisons of Europe are able to live without major
At the end of 1954, Martin Bormann was seen in Mina Clavera,
Cordoba, in the company of two men with Spanish surnames. He
was calling himself Jose Perez. He arrived at the hotel in Mina
Clavero suffering from stomach problems and requested that the
hotel manager bring him medicine for gastritis. One of his com-
panions, named Jimenez, made a trip to Ri'o Zeballos with the owner
of the hotel. He took certain documents with him, and once there, he
received documents for Martin Bormann-Perez.
The hotel manager overheard some conversations, in which the
names of the cities of Bariloche [Argentina], Valdiva [Chile], and
Sao Paulo [Brazil] were mentioned. Later, when he handed "Perez"
a glass of milk, the hotel manager realized that this was actually
Martin Bormann. The hotel proprietor began to think that these
people must have very important characters backing them, so he
made the circumstance known to an agent of the S.I.R. (Cordoba
sector) and went with the agent to Ri o Zeballos, where Bormann
and his friends were headed.
With the fall of the Peronista government, an evident gathering
of the Nazi element began to descend on Chile, Paraguay, and
Brazil, particularly Brazil. So it was that in 1956 Martin Bormann
was in Sao Paulo, where a large number of addicts of the Nazi
philosophy were gathering, little knowing that they would not find
here the accommodation they had so long enjoyed in Argentina.
In Sao Paulo, Bormann linked up with members of the Odessa
organization, which existed to give aid to former SS soldiers. Odessa
was a branch of La Arana.
Martin Bormann now adopted the name Goldstein. He tried to
hide permanently, since Jewish elements were frequently around,
painstakingly looking for Nazi war criminals who were attempting
to elude justice.
In the streets of Sao Paulo, Martin Bormann was recognized by
a woman who knew him, so he rapidly left the city and the Nazi
group that was developing power in the triangle of Argentina, Para-
guay, and Brazil.
In 1957, he was seen in the city of Bariloche, where again he
was developing and coordinating Nazi activities. He always hid under
a Jewish last name, to escape the attention of the Israeli commandos,
who operated more freely in Argentina now that the Nazis no
longer enjoyed the support they had had during the Peronista era.
From Bariloche, Bormann went to Valdivia, apparently to acquire
a farm or to establish contact with a secret Nazi organization that
operated in the south of Chile.
In 1958, Bormann stayed at his secure residence in Mato Grosso,
but the following year he went to Paraguay, where a former Wer-
macht member observed him in a meeting with Doctor Josef Men-
gele, a Nazi who practiced medicine in Argentina and who, like
Bormann, was sought by the Israeli secret services. This meeting
took place in Hohenau, a town practically founded by German
colonists in this zone.
Bormann and Mengele headed for Asuncion, Paraguay, because
Bormann was ill. His health became worse, and a doctor was called.
Doctor Otto Biss, a resident of Asuncion, examined Bormann and
Mengele. He observed that Bormann had a scar on his forehead
and that, other than a recurrence of his gastritis, he was in good
health. This is how it was established that Bormann was in Paraguay,
well guarded by Colonel Arganas, who controlled all the contraband
operations between Asuncion and Sao Paulo — operations conducted
by former German flyers.
In 1961, Bormann went from Mato Grosso to the city of Iguazu,
staying at the house of a former SS soldier. He stayed scarcely three
days, since he never stayed in one place for long. He didn't trust
anyone and nearly always traveled alone, seldom with a companion.
During the following years, apparently, the trail of Bormann was
lost, even though there was always news of the activities of Doctor
Mengele in Paraguay, where he developed intense activities. The
situation with Bormann was quite different — he could rely on the
enormous amounts of money he had invested in different firms, and
therefore, he didn't have to work and could concentrate his efforts
on staying hidden, protecting himself, and continuing to encourage
the Nazi ideology. All those who had the opportunity to meet him
agree that Bormann was a notably astute man.
It was evident that since the capture of Adolf Eichmann, another
Nazi criminal, the activities of Jewish groups were intensifying.
In 1964, Bormann was again seen, in the area of Villa Ballester,
at a brewery frequently visited by Germans. The informant in this
case was T. Karlokowski, a well-known swindler who sold bogus
gold coins. Karlokowski used to travel among these neighboring
countries, and therefore, he was able to find out that Josef Mengele
was well protected by Colonel Arganas of the Paraguayan army and
that he was involved in selling agricultural machinery.
Karlokowski found out that it had been a long time since Mengele
had seen Bormann. On an unusual occasion, however, the engineer
Juan Felisiak, a friend of Karlokowski, told him that Bormann was
in Villa Ballester. Karlokowski proposed a business deal with
Bormann, since he had plenty of money, but the engineer was not
In that event, they ultimately found themselves at the same
brewery when Goldstein (evidently Bormann) appeared. He was
accompanied by a young blond man, apparently a German. The
salutations were short. Bormann said that on the following day they
were heading south again, to a farm in Patagonia.
Again, Bormann's trail was lost. In 1968 he turned up in the
medical offices of Doctor Francisco Ubistondo, on Arenales and
Pueyrredon Streets. He was suffering with hepatitis-related pain.
When Doctor Urbistondo commented on the German's case with
the informant Zuccarelli, the latter reported it to agent Rodriguez.
Rodriguez showed a photograph of Bormann and Mengele to the
doctor, who identified Bormann as the sick man he had attended in
his consulting office.
But his movements in more detail, as reported to me by trust-
worthy confidants, showed that Martin Bormann remained for
only a short time in Buenos Aires. He moved to a mountain
retreat in the Argentinian Andes, a 5,000-acre cattle and sheep
ranch about 60 miles south of San Carlos de Bariloche, and
lived there until Juan Peron was forced from power in 1955.
At that time Mueller thought it advisable for Bormann to leave
the mountain hideaway, so the party minister was transported
over the Andes to Chile to another remote house for two years.
Throughout this period, Mueller kept receiving information
that Bormann continued to be the object of an international
manhunt. British, American, and West German agents sought
him, but not too hard. The Bormann organization had many
commercial and political links to the capitals of these three
nations, and real clout was available should the chase become
too hot. The CIA could have pulled aside the gray curtain that
obscured Bormann— at any time. But the CIA and Mueller's
crack organization of former SS men found it to their mutual
advantage to cooperate in many situations. There is no morality
in the sense that most of us know it in the strange world of
professional secrecy, and when it was to the advantage of each
to work together they did so. For example, Klaus Altman, the
so-called Hangman of Lyon, France, was recognized in Lima,
Peru, as Klaus Barbie by a Frenchwoman who has made a career
of pursuing Nazis, although she was only five years old at the
time of the occupation when Altman-Barbie was an SS officer.
Altman, upon his return to Bolivia, where he is a Bolivian citi-
zen and director and stockholder of Transmaritime Boliviana,
a shipping company partly owned by the Bolivian government,
admitted that he was Klaus Barbie. But, he said, "I was an
officer in a regular army in a formally declared war." He added
that both American and French authorities had questioned him
after the war, doing nothing to hinder his emigration to Bolivia
in 1950. Yet he became a cause celebre after Mrs. Beate Klars-
feld, an official of the International League Against Anti-Semi-
tism and Racism, announced his identity. Georges Pompidou
of France was then forced to become involved and to take a
stand, offering 14 million to the Bolivian government for the
extradition of Barbie. It was refused. Barbie had participated as
a Gestapo officer in the destruction of the two underground
resistance networks, "Prosper" and "Scientist," in 1943, which
resulted in the death of Jean Moulin, a French resistance hero.
In South America, Altman-Barbie was under the protection of
General Heinrich Mueller, and in certain instances had worked
for the CIA, so his sponsorship was impeccable and incontro-
vertible, and he continues to enjoy immunity from arrest.
Mueller never leaves Latin America, but his agents roam the
Americas and Europe. They provide protection for the NSDAP
leadership in exile who can still manage to travel to Madrid,
Sweden, Switzerland, France, Italy, or North Africa, and they
have been known to take on lucrative secret police assignments.
When Colonel Nasser became president of Egypt, he asked the
CIA for assistance in establishing a similar organization in his
country. The CIA did not wish to become involved, and so
referred him to General Gehlen, then chief of the West Ger-
man federal intelligence organization, which was in fact main-
tained by the CIA. But Gehlen ducked the request, suggesting
that former SS General Otto Skorzeny, son-in-law of Hjalmar
Schacht, one-time Minister of Finance for Hitler, should be
approached. Skorzeny, who made his headquarters in Spain, did
not want the assignment either, for he was doing too well as an
engineer and businessman in Spain, and was also owner of a
large farming establishment outside of Dublin. But, urged by
Schacht, he had Heinrich Mueller in Brazil send him a team of
secret police specialists, who all arrived in Cairo as a German
mission led by Skorzeny, who promptly returned to Spain after
introductions had been made. Mueller's team established such
an effective intelligence service for Nasser, known as the Gen-
eral Intelligence Service, that Colonel Qadhafi of Libya, then
the new revolutionary leader of his country, asked Nasser to
make the German team of advisors available to him also. This
was done, and upon arrival the Germans started with a thor-
ough housecleaning of the Libyan secret police hired by the
previous ruler, King Idris. Two thousand Libyan police were
put in jail and continue to languish there today, and the Ger-
mans rebuilt from scratch. Today Libyan intelligence agents
are stationed in all Libyan African and overseas embassies and
consulates, and they are tough and ruthless., Perhaps as a quid
pro quo to this service to Libya, the Colonel granted the West
German rocket company Ortag rights to a vast test range 600
miles south of Tripoli in 1980. An attitude of benevolence
toward Bormann, the German who created so much commer-
cial activity for them, is held by Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina,
Uruguay, and Paraguay. In the last named country, the son of
a Bavarian cavalry officer, President Stroessner, cooperates with
the United States military authorities and with the CIA, as he
does with Bormann and his representatives. During the Viet-
nam war, President Stroessner permitted the U.S. Army Chemi-
cal Corps to send in teams of 2,500 men and CIA agents to
carry out field tests, in the Mato Grosso jungles of Paraguay,
of chemicals for use in Vietnam. In one instance, several Ameri-
can soldiers became casualties when they were accidentally
sprayed with the gas. They were taken to a Paraguayan military
field hospital; the doctor who treated them was Josef Mengele,
now a Paraguayan citizen and an officer in the Paraguayan Army
Medical Corps. Under Mengele's treatment all soldiers recov-
ered. None, of course, knew the true identity of their medical
benefactor. The Israelis have tried repeatedly to extradite Men-
gele, who was the notorious doctor of Auschwitz concentration
camp. But when President Stroessner is approached through
diplomatic channels for such a purpose, he responds: "Shall I
also expel the 1,500 Jews who have made a good life for them-
selves in Paraguay, and who have contributed so much to our
economic growth?"
Despite the assistance Martin Bormann has received from
various leaders in Latin America since his arrival, including help
from members of U.S. embassies and consulates and several
CIA station chiefs, Heinrich Mueller continues to exercise ex-
treme caution in protecting Bormann. In 1955 and again in
1957, following the transporting of the party minister to new
locations, he leaked the story of Bormann's "death," repeating
the old ploy of providing a body in a grave marked "Martin
Bormann." Each time an exhumation took place it was found
to be the remains of a deceased Indian, although one was that
of a Jewish person, an Israeli agent who had gotten too close to
his target.
In 1957 Mueller established Bormann on a remote plantation
at the southernmost tip of Brazil, at a point that touches Para-
guay, one mile inland from the west bank of the Parana River
and 15 miles north of the Paraguayan border. It was a drab,
depressing plantation area, but a natural fortress, stretching in a
rectangle 40 miles along the Parana River, 100 miles inland
from the sea. To the east it was protected by the river, which
at that point is ten miles wide. To the south it had the im-
penetrable jungle for protection; the all-but-impassable path-
ways one would take to approach the plantation were guarded
by Indians whose role was to alert the SS guards. The settle-
ment was known as Kolonie Waldner, and SS men I have
talked with who were with Bormann then spoke of the heat
and the general lassitude there. Food and other supplies were
brought by river boat, then trucked inland to the colony. Visitors
came and went by Piper Cub, which upon landing would taxi
up to a large hangar and disappear from view. A bowling alley
down one side of the hangar provided about the only recreation,
but the SS men I interviewed said that the best German cook-
ing in the world was provided by former SS mess sergeants, and
that this was an incomparable feature of the dining room. To
quote one: "Still, it was small consolation for being stuck in
such a place. We worked to construct proper housing, but it
was hard to put out of one's mind the memories and thoughts
of Germany and the good days of long ago."
Martin Bormann continued to conduct his complex business
affairs from Kolonie Waldner by remote control. A cadre of
skilled professional business administrators would periodically
return to this dismal, isolated area and make their reports on
investments and on the prosperity and growth of the corpora-
tions they controlled in so many different countries. Bormann
appeared very much the plantation overseer, with boots, white
pants and shirt, and a wide-brimmed panama hat. Such a hat, I
am told, along with being protection from the ubiquitous hot
sun, was also protection from poisonous spiders that dropped
from trees. I asked one of my SS informants why they didn't
use poison gas as the Americans had done in the Mato Grosso
to defoliate the trees and exterminate the spiders. His bitter
reply: "We used up all our poison gas during World War II."
The plantation stay finally ended, and Bormann was moved
again to the high mountains of Argentina that border Chile.
The hue and cry had died down. An occasional journalist would
take up the hunt, but would be tracked by Mueller's men. At
one point in time, NBC News in New York sent a news team
to South America. But NBC News abandoned the principles of
journalism when it made this a combined operation with Israeli
secret agents and a Zionist organization in South America. It
is probably still unaware that Mueller had penetrated the Zion-
ist group, and that every step taken was known to him before-
hand. It was quite impossible —and still is today —to surprise
Mueller and therefore Bormann. They have a fail-safe system of
protection that dates back to World War II when the espionage
agents of Germany, Japan, and Italy were operating effectively
throughout the Western Hemisphere; this is part of the infra-
structure to which they became heir, which serves them today.
The German fifth column in South America was far-reaching
and effective, and when the war ended in Europe agents and
station chiefs were instructed to stay in position and await fur-
ther orders. They were to continue in their commercial careers
as cover for the work they would be called on to perform:
assistance to the 10,000 veterans of the SS who would need
relocation help as they poured into Buenos Aires and fanned out
to various nearby countries, and full cooperation with
Reichsleiter and Party Minister Bormann and the other 50,000
German VIP's of industry and research. All members of the
NSDAP in South America were familiar with the Organization
Book, which they had been receiving from Berlin for some years
as leaders of local chapters of the (overseas) Auslands-
Organization. A basic element in the book dealt with the rela-
tionship of members to the Principles of Obedience:
Through his incorportation in the NSDAP the brother or comrade
(Parteigenosse) promises to maintain an unchangeable fidelity to
Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and unconditional obedience to the leaders
whom he shall designate.
How extensive this Nazi apparatus was during the war years,
and how it was able to guard and assist Martin Bormann after
his arrival in South America in 1947, was spelled out by J. Edgar
Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
In a 1943 report prepared by the U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation, whose wartime responsibility had been extended
to spotting Axis agents and their activities in all Latin American
countries by order of President Roosevelt, the FBI stated:
After the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Axis by various
countries of Latin America, the Axis began to use Argentina as the
base of its espionage and sabotage activities against all American
nations. It had been established that from this base of operations
the Germans have spread the net of their subversive organizations to
at least ten American countries, and that as a result of their work
a large number of American lives, considerable American property,
and the lives and property of the citizens and countries of the united
nations which are engaged in the struggle against the totalitarian
powers have been lost.
Argentina was an ideal base for such espionage and sabotage
tactics against other nations of the Western Hemisphere. The
FBI also reported that "the following are the American repub-
lics and territories directly affected by the activities of the
German espionage ring, directed from Argentina: Brazil, Co-
lombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, the United States of America,
Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela, Aruba and Trinidad."
The German espionage service in South America reported
directly to the German High Command in Berlin, whence they
received their instructions to send all possible information in
the following main categories: ship arrivals and departures;
movements of warships of the United States and England; im-
ports and exports; U.S. armaments and industries; political data;
weather reports; movements of American warplanes being fer-
ried to Africa via Natal; operation of Pan American Airways;
war effort of the United States; Panama Canal; defense meas-
ures in the United States and Latin American countries; sabo-
tage of English ships; and convoys of merchant vessels.
The activities of German, Japanese, and Italian agents op-
erating as separate cells in each country always revolved around
an important clandestine radio station that transmitted their
information in code to receiving stations in Hamburg, Germany.
Japanese data was forwarded to their embassy in Berlin which
then transmitted to Tokyo. Other information was sent by mail,
with messages written in disappearing ink, or reduced to the
size of a microdot on a written page. Nazi Party members and
German commercial companies also served as transmission
agents of espionage reports to the German High Command. By
having agents working in tight groups in each of the countries,
usually unknown to each other, the Germans had the distinct
advantage that when the individuals of one group were identi-
fied by the FBI, or by the national secret police of a Latin
American country, the other groups or cells were not generally
affected, and were able to continue their operations without
interruption. Brazil was at one time the center of Axis espion-
age, but when restrictive measures were taken by the Brazilian
government, Argentina became the predominant center. Easy
access to funds is vital to successful espionage, and when Brazil
began to take countermeasures against this fifth column, the
local field man for the FBI in Rio de Janeiro reported to J.
Edgar Hoover in Washington that on October 3, 1942, the sum
of 638 million pesos had been sent by Axis agents from Brazil,
Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, and Paraguay for deposit in the Banco
de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Germany, of course, had a profound and quite critical inter-
est in the rising war production of the United States. Nazi
agents infiltrated all U.S. plants in which bombers and fighters
were being produced and the information gathered by these
employees was transmitted to Buenos Aires, where it was relayed
to the mammoth wireless receiving station in Hamburg that
pulled in messages from agents throughout the world.
In Buenos Aires, an FBI field agent pinpointed the chief of
the clandestine radio group in that major South American
capital as "Friedrich von Schultz Hausmann, manager of the
firm of Bromberg y Cia., at Bernardo Irigoyen 330."
In 1941 the German espionage service had transferred von
Schultz Hausmann from Chile, where he had been manager of
the Lloyd Norte Aleman in Valparaiso, while serving as head of
German agents there. When he moved to Buenos Aires to
assume a more important position, he informed his Chilean
intimates that they could reach him through post office box
number 386, the one used by Bromberg y Cia. He cautioned
that they must write in secret ink or by cable code to his new
cable address "Alegre." Hausmann's close friend in Argentina
was Walter von Simons, head of the news agency Transocean,
which Dr. Goebbels had used as a conduit to spread his propa-
ganda to the newspapers of South America.
The Nazi Party was effectively represented in all Latin Amer-
ican nations. Mexico, as one example, had its German National
Socialist Labor Party, which controlled the public as well as
the private lives of all Germans living in Mexico. The party
was illegal but active; it had divided the country into seven
districts, each with its own local Gauleiter. While the NSDAP
was outlawed in Mexico, it did have a legal front, the Deutsche
Volksgemeinschaft, with the German ambassador, Baron Rudt
von Collenberg, as honorary president. Thirteen German clubs
of various types were committed to propaganda and espionage,
but the overseeing element of all German activity was the
Gestapo, under the direction of Georg Nicolaus, a dealer in
machinery who took part in the attack on Poland and then
was sent first to Colombia, next to Mexico City. The Japanese
handled the military intelligence chores for the Gestapo in
Mexico because German efforts were directed to the United
States and to the more southerly countries of Latin America.
To accommodate this additional work, Japanese tourists began
arriving in great numbers in Mexico; some were assigned to
other South American countries. In Tampico, Mexico, the prin-
cipal meeting place for German, Japanese, and Italian spies was
in the dental offices of Dr. I. Nishimura.
A sustained effort was made by the Germans to win over local
folk. In Ecuador, for instance, they had two main objectives:
to control the commerce of the country, in association with
their compatriots, the Japanese, and to displace "Yankee and
English imperialism." Observers of the scene reported that they
achieved both, thanks to years of superior, overbearing, haughty
attitudes that characterized the Anglo-American companies in
their relations with the native population. The Germans arrived
as businessmen, explorers, scientific investigators, university pro-
fessors, and journalists. The German pedagogic missions that
came to Ecuador before Nazism, cleared the way for the Third
Reich emissaries. A German school served as the meeting place
of the Ecuadorian intellectuals on Saturday afternoons, attended
by lawyers, writers, and professors. The school's director was
Dr. Max Witt, an Ecuadorian-born son of German parents, and
a fervent Nazi. Dr. Witt was also a professor at the Mejia Na-
tional School and a deputy in the National Congress.
In Colombia, Hans Baumann, a Salesian priest, came to the
attention of the FBI; J. Edgar Hoover passed on information
regarding him to William J. Donovan, head of the OSS.
Hoover reported that Baumann was carrying on activities in
connection with an espionage ring that utilized the facilities of
a clandestine radio station, PYL, in or near Santiago, Chile.
Hoover attached a picture of Baumann and a photostatic copy
of his party book indicating membership in the Auslands-
Ausweis organization. "The information concerning Baumann
has been secured from a confidential, reliable source," Hoover
wrote to Donovan.
Hans Baumann was born in Wiesent, Bavaria, on April 21,
1897, and during World War I served in the army, a com-
panion of the young Adolf Hitler in the trenches. He emigrated
to Colombia in 1932 and became active in education, achieving
the directorship of the Colegio Pedro Justo Berrio of Medellfn.
During a return trip to Germany in 1937 he had lunch with
Hitler and Martin Bormann; back in Colombia he engaged in
NSDAP activities and espionage, and utilized the German firm
of Fritz Fuhrop and Cia., a Nazi company that represented
North German Lloyd, Hamburg- Amerika Lines, and the Nip-
pon Yusen Kaisya Lines. The effectiveness of Baumann's work
in Colombia was attested to by a further confidential field
report to J. Edgar Hoover: "German Nazis have gained the
friendship of many Colombians. It is understood that not only
are these German individuals well liked by the Colombians but
there is considerable sympathy for their cause. The wife of
Schrader, manager of Steinwender Stoffregen Corporation in
Pereira, said she hoped and prayed the Nazis would take over
Colombia and that the United States would be 'sunk in the
seas.' " The Axis population in Colombia at this time totaled
5,844: 4,113 Germans, 1,572 Italians, and 159 Japanese.
In their World War II drive to win the hearts and minds of
Latin Americans, and to gain commercial ascendancy, these
representatives of the Third Reich welcomed everyone to their
ranks, and this included Jews. But the Jewish immigrants who
had come to Colombia to start new lives could not be enlisted
by either Germans or Americans. One FBI report stated, "Be-
cause of interest in their business they can't be won for the
anti-Nazi fight." But there was the mysterious Jewish arms
merchant, Luis Rochschild, who seemed to precede the advance
of the German armies. He left Frankfurt for the Sudetenland
and when German armies arrived went on to Prague, always
wheeling and dealing. In Prague he transferred large sums of
money through Switzerland to New York to Chile. In Santiago
he made a business connection with the German import firm
of Staudt and Company, Inc., and served this firm, which was
on the Anglo-American blacklist, as "front man"; this enabled
him to import textiles under his own name from New York
and to sell the commodities to Staudt and Company. Front
men were a common practice, enabling many German firms to
continue doing business despite Anglo-American disfavor. From
this group of front men, Bormann selected many who would
serve as caretaker administrators of the new companies created
for the flight capital program. In Buenos Aires, many members
of the Jewish community owe their present prosperity to this
predilection of the Bormann organization to use Jewish busi-
nessmen as cloaks for commercial operations.
Hoover sent along an FBI report to William J. Donovan:
A Dr. Bernhard Mendel, an Austrian Jew and a naturalized Colom-
bian and also a very wealthy businessman located at Bogota, has
been engaged in activities apparently directed toward sabotaging
the intelligence efforts of the united nations in Colombia. Accord-
ing to the informant, Dr. Mendel is presently an agent for a German
firm in Colombia and is the consignee of American-made products in
that republic. While Dr. Mendel has on occasions professed to
be an ardent anti-Nazi informant, his professed cooperation in
combatting Nazi activities in Colombia has been of negative value.
In view of the activities of Mendel, detrimental to the interest of
the United States, the suggestion has been advanced that this
individual be listed as an undesirable consignee and representative
of American-made products in Colombia.
The major German firms of South America were invariably
centers for espionage activities. The Bayer Company, a subsidi-
ary of I.G. Farben, whose principal business in Chile was the
sale of chemical products, was placed on the American blacklist
and prevented from doing business with the United States.
However, it prospered elsewhere and meanwhile in June 1942
the FBI station chief in Chile reported to J. Edgar Hoover:
"Werner Siering is the manager and head of the firm in Santi-
ago. Numerous previous reports have been made concerning this
individual, indicating that he is an active Nazi agent in South
America. The principal directors of this firm are of German
nationality and there are also 27 Germans employed in the
office." The report went on to mention other German com-
panies having active participation: Banco Germanico de la
America del Sud, Compania Sud- Americana de Vapores, a
steamship company, Siemans-Schuckert Limitada, Santiago Gas
Company, and "Soquina, which is engaged in the production
of gas from coal."
Argentina by this time was under great pressure from the
United States to break relations with the Axis. Instead, she
proclaimed her neutrality in 1942. However, in January 1944,
Argentina broke off relations with Germany and Japan over the
flagrant espionage that had been taking place within her bor-
ders. Still, this was not a commitment to war and the Peron-
Farrell junta was shocked into action when the United States
and most other countries recalled their ambassadors in the sum-
mer of 1944. Then, three months before the German surrender,
Argentina officially declared war on Germany and Japan on
March 27, 1945, a symbolic gesture only, but it succeeded in
normalizing relations with nations of the Allied world who
returned their ambassadors, except for Russia. The German and
Japanese diplomatic corps had to leave, however. But anticipat-
ing such action as a possibility since 1942, Baron Guenther
Freiherr von Thermann, a former German ambassador, held
meetings on his farm, Isla Verde, in Cordoba province, where
an organization was formed that would represent German inter-
ests. The names of those constituting this group came into the
hands of J. Edgar Hoover, and they show an interesting cross-
section of commerce and banking.
ARMY: Ricardo W. Staudt, former Austrian Consul, especially good
relations with the Argentine army. Wilhelm Krankenhagen,
party member from the firm Bromberg.
NAVY: Rudolf Hepe, harbor superintendent of firm Delfino. Otto
Rusche, the German firm of A.E.G.
HEAVY INDUSTRY: Dr. Arnold Stoop, board of directors of many
German and Argentine firms and farms. Robert Mertig, Bay
rische Motoren Werke, Dr. Carlos G. Linck, I.G. Farben,
Wilhelm Schulenburg, firm of AFATUDOR.
BANKS: P. Peterson, Banco Aleman Transatlantico, R. Leute, mana-
ger, Banco Germanico.
AIR AND GLIDERS: Walter Grotewald, Deutsche Lufthansa (Condor
Line), Joachim Uffiembauemer, firm AFATUDOR, Labor
EX. AND IMPORTATIONS: Dr. C. Ernesto Niebuhr, syndicate of German
firms, specialist in real estate business.
SOCIETY: Theodor von Bernhard, very rich German farmer, Jewish
girl friend in Montevideo, Uruguay, Hanni Eisler, an actress.
Pays to Nazi party 30,000 pesos yearly. Ricardo W. Staudt,
former Austrian Consul. Dr. Edlef E. Hosmann, insurance
company of Hosmann & Cia.
AGRICULTURE: Franz von Bernhard, brother of Theodor von Bern-
hard. Erwin Pallavicini, German descent, in sugar business
SCIENCE: Dr. Wolfgang E. Centner, of the INAG (Siemens electrical
apparatus). Dr. Paul Mehlich, German hospital. Dr. Hanns
Merzbacher, son of old German doctor, Merzbacher, German
ARCHITECTURE: Dr. E. Zeyen, of the FINCA (constructors on
credit). Dr. Engineer Walter Kossman, manager of the
GEOPE, uncle of the former counsellor to the German Em-
bassy. Henn, who is now in Berlin for the German Foreign
One of the most absorbing operations of the early forties was
the clandestine German radio station located in Valparaiso,
Chile. This station transmitted to Germany information from
Axis agents operating in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. The man-
ager of the German firm, Compania Transportes Maritimos,
formerly a branch of the Norddeutscher Lloyd shipping con-
cern, operated this illegal and powerful radio transmitter. He
was Bruno Dittman, and he had succeeded Friedrich von
Schultz Hausmann after he had been transferred to chief of
station in Buenos Aires. Both the FBI and the U.S. Office of
Strategic Services, under the direction of General William J.
Donovan, were concerned about this transmitting facility. The
cipher experts of the OSS were able to intercept the messages,
but it took time for them to break the code. Meanwhile, a
continuous stream of important data from South America and
the United States was being sent to Hamburg, and the precise
location of the transmitter had yet to be determined. With the
permission of the Chilean government, the U.S. Federal Com-
munications Commission sent an electronics expert to Chile to
determine the location of this station, which had become known
as PYL. The communications expert made several tests and
declared the broadcasts were being made from the house of
Guillermo Zeller, at Avenida Alemana, 5508, Cerro Alegre, Val-
paraiso. Zeller, who was the actual transmitter, was an expert
radio technician and was using the most modern transmitting
set devised, with antennas specially adapted for broadcast to
Hamburg. Another PYL went on the air, and the FCC expert
determined that it was located at Antofagasta. Then a third
went into operation from Buenos Aires with equipment supplied
by the Siemens manufacturing organization. This came under
the management of Hausmann in the Argentinian capital; Haus-
mann split his time between his duties at Bromberg y Cia. and
the station. Operating such radio facilities and securing agents
required a considerable amount of money to make everything
mesh. Von Schultz Hausmann, in one message to Germany,
instructed them to transmit funds to the account of O. Osterloh
in the German Bank of Buenos Aires. Money was also paid to
the Japanese diplomat Tadeo Kudo through this account to
accommodate him for the work he was doing for the Germans.
The transmitters located and their messages intercepted, the
OSS was a step forward. But not until the code had been broken
could a deep look into the Nazi espionage system be taken,
serving as a lead to agents in the field. The late Elizabeth
Friedman, wife of Colonel William Friedman, the master cryp-
tographer who broke Japan's Purple Code, was a gifted cipher
expert. She organized the OSS code and cipher operations for
Donovan; to her goes the credit for breaking the German code
used between the PYL stations in South America and Germany.
Once opened up, the messages were found to be a series of
businesslike instructions from a home office to agents. The latter
sent their information and requested instructions on handling
assorted undercover projects. Hamburg was always concerned
that all South American agents could prove legitimate employ-
ment as cover for spy activities, which underlined the value of
German commercial firms in all Latin American countries. One
message follows:
April 17, 1942 Hamburg to Valparaiso
After the sudden arrest of most German agents operating in
Brazil, the intercepts indicated that Germany was very conscious
of the safety of its men, as well as wishing to ensure continuous
radio communications with its agents in Chile, the reason it
opened up a second PYL, operated by "Pedro" in Antofagasta.
This message indicates the concern:
March 26, 1942 Hamburg to Valparaiso
The OSS straightaway learned that Bach was the cover name for
Ludwig von Bohlen, air attache to the German Embassy in
Santiago. Then a new agent, by the name of "Apfel," made his
appearance on the intercepts.
May 7, 1942 Valparaiso to Hamburg
This was of significance to the OSS, because Guard Two was
the sabotage section of the German High Command, and Apfel
was evidently in charge of sabotage along the west coast of
South America.
PYL also handled new mail instructions for letters of deliv-
ery to Berlin:
July 1, 1941 Hamburg to Valparaiso
Identifying an agent in the field from these intercepts was
important to the thrust and parry of this underground war.
Once identified, a German agent could be neutralized. An inter-
cepted message indicated that the Germans had in their employ
an individual by the name of Clarcke, who was to be under the
general supervision of Walter Giese, chief of the Nazi espionage
service in Ecuador. The message stated:
November 6, 1941 Rio de Janeiro to Berlin
Then, unwittingly, this clandestine station in Brazil sent a mes-
sage to Valparaiso for transmission to Hamburg:
November 14, 1941 Valparaiso to Hamburg
Clarcke was positively identified as Federico Clarcke Car, resid-
ing at Huerfanos 2289, Santiago, Chile. Both father and daugh-
ter were picked up.
A profound interest in U.S. aircraft production by Germany
was understandable, and Germany continued to ask the PYL
stations in South America for an updating on production fig-
ures. "To what extent has the construction of the assembly
plants in Kansas and Tulsa progressed? When can the comple-
tion of the first planes by this factory be expected?"
That German agents in South America complied faithfully
with these orders for information by the German High Com-
mand is demonstrated by the typical message quoted here:
January 1, 1942 Valparaiso to Hamburg
While the information was pure gold to Germany, the usual
fate befell many of these hard-to-get messages. All too often,
responsible agencies of the German government ignored their
implications. Albert Speer, minister of armaments and war pro-
duction in the Third Reich, tells of one agonizing scene when
he visited the Junkers aircraft plant in Dessau in 1941 to discuss
production with General Manager Koppenberg. "After the
meeting, Koppenberg led me into a locked room and showed
me a graph comparing American bomber production as forecast
accurately for the next several years with ours. I asked him what
our leaders had to say about these depressing comparative fig-
ures. 'That's just it, they won't believe it,' he said."
With the war years far behind him, Martin Bormann goes on
and on, quietly making history in worldwide financial circles.
He was eighty on June 17, 1980, and his chief of security, Hein-
rich Mueller, was seventy-nine the same year. Bormann today
may be likened to the classic chairman of the board of a vast
international business complex, of an organization holding
greater assets than any private investment house on Wall Street.
Bormann, aged though he is, continues to guide the destiny of
his financial empire. But he is sufficiently prudent and fore-
sighted to realize that the assets he controls must be placed in
younger hands, and today the leadership council of the senior
NSDAP group is reflected in a younger generation, comprising
professional managers, lawyers, and financiers, who are calling
the shots as money and trade are moved among the markets of
the Americas and Europe. Their organization holds the bearer
bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany,
and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries
and chemical companies. They are represented too on the
boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden,
Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as in a myriad of other
countries, including those in their bastion, Latin America. Their
management is of the best and the companies they operate
return a profit to everyone involved, from the West German
government in corporate taxes and increased trade, to the share-
holders of all companies that participated so long ago in Reichs-
leiter Bormann's flight capital program.
Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Ger-
many had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to
survivors of the Holocaust. East Germany ignores any such
liability. From South America, where payment must be made
with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial
contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish busi-
nessmen into a participatory role in the development of many
of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their pros-
perity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound,
they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capi-
tal fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford,
Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years
before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his lev-
erage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the
community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as
always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place
in many other instances across America and demonstrates how
Bormann's people operate in the contemporary commercial
world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are
described in so much "literature." So much emphasis is placed
on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when
Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand
trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German com-
munities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli
authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen
again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations
with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bor-
mann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to
Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann
quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is re-
siding in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most effi-
cient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those
whose prosperity depends on his well-being. Personal invitation
is the only way to reach him.
A revealing insight into this international financial and in-
dustrial network was given me by a member of the Bormann
organization residing in West Germany. Meyer Lansky, he said,
the financial advisor to the Las Vegas-Miami underworld, sent
a message to Bormann through my West German SS contact.
Lansky promised that if he received a piece of Bormann's action
he would keep the Israeli agents off Bormann's back. "I have a
very good relation with the Israeli secret police" was his claim,
although he was to be kicked out of Israel later when his pres-
ence became too noted —and also at the urging of Bormann's
security chief in South America. At the time, Lansky was in the
penthouse suite of Jerusalem's King David Hotel, in which he
owned stock He had fled to Israel to evade a U.S. federal war-
rant for his arrest. He sent his message to Bormann through his
bag man in Switzerland, John Pullman, also wanted in the
United States on a federal warrant. Lansky told Pullman to
make this offer "which he can't refuse." The offer was forwarded
to Buenos Aires, where it was greeted with laugher. When the
laughter died down, it was replaced with action. Meyer Lansky
was evicted from Israel, and was told by Swiss authorities to stay
out of their country, so he flew to South America. There he offered
any president who would give him asylum a cool SI million in
cash. He was turned down everywhere and had to continue his
flight to Miami, where U.S. marshals, alerted, were waiting to
take him into custody.
The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and
substance, and no one can tamper with it. I have been told:
"You cannot push these people; if you do it can be extremely
risky." Knowing their heritage, I take this statement at face
and occupation. The four zones ruled by the Allied powers were
being shaped according to the governmental philosophies of
their victors. The Russians dismantled factories in their zone
and shipped everything moveable to the Motherland. For years
the deadening hand of Soviet occupation lay like a fearsome
doomsday mantle on the German zone it controlled. In the
British, French, and American zones the order to dismantle
was never given, because the French and British and the gov-
ernments of the Low Countries who had been freed by Allied
victory decided they could rebuild new plants more compatible
to their economies of the postwar years. The main thrust of
the Western Allies was to eliminate hard-core Nazi leadership
and get the economy rolling once more.
Russell A. Nixon, former acting director of the Division of
Investigation of Cartels and External Assets in the U.S. military
government in West Germany, spoke of the difficulties in those
days investigating and doing something about the industrial
and financial leaders of the conquered Third Reich. The de-
nazification process was cumbersome and elusive, and captains
of the economy below the level of those who had undergone
the 13 Nuremberg war crimes trials were difficult to pinpoint
as to extent of guilt and involvement, Nixon remarked, "because
they, by chance, held certain high Nazi positions or because
they were in one way or another in a mandatory-arrest category.
It was on a purely hit-or-miss basis; there was no policy with
regard to industrial and financial leaders. When we finished
interrogating a man, we were faced with the problem: What
authority do we have to hold him? By what test do we decide
whether he is in or out? We began to face some criticism
because we were holding Germans in prison without 'specific
charges.'" So, one after another, these men were released de-
spite U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff directive 1067, issued on May
10, 1945, which stated that Nazis and Nazi sympathizers hold-
ing important positions in industry, commerce, finance, and
agriculture should be arrested and held for trial.
The situation was the same when military government inves-
tigators probed into the personnel of major banks. Bankers had
arranged the financing of the war, and through their financial
webs had established and maintained control over the econo-
mies of occupied Europe for the Third Reich. The officers
and board members of the Big Six banks were picked up, but
efforts of the military administration to follow through were
resisted by other Allied departments of the occupation. Russell
Nixon recalled that when he moved to arrest the bankers he
was unable to get the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps to assign
him men to do it. "So we had to deputize our own staff people
to go out and pick them up." But the departmental infighting
didn't stop there. Nixon had trouble getting jail space, and so
"the bankers merely remained under house arrest, in their own
homes." On the part of some of the American generals, "This
was some sort of screwball idea, anyway; another of Colonel
Bernstein's schemes to tear up Germany." Finally, the key
bankers did go to prison for a time, but only to be interrogated
about their financial activities in the war, including: "What
happened to the money and other liquid assets you sent out of
Germany after August 10, 1944, when Martin Bormann
inaugurated his flight capital program?"
Not in question was such treasure as was discovered by the
U.S. Third Army in a salt mine near Merkers in April 1945. A
preliminary inventory of gold bullion, currency, and miscellane-
ous property placed the value of the find at $515,825,802, and
as Lieutenant General Walter Bedell Smith, chief of staff of the
U.S. Army at SHAEF, stated: "The total figure arrived at was
made only from information on the Reichsbank tags attached to
the sealed bags, boxes and parcels." In his letter dated 20 April
1945, to the Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee, General
Smith asked the Treasury Department to send expert weighers
of gold bars with their equipment. The final inventory was
carried out in the vaults of the Reichsbank at Frankfurt, where
the treasure had been moved. General Smith also said it obvi-
ously had belonged to the SS or the Gestapo. "Evidence indicates
that part of the treasure represents loot taken from individuals
who have been murdered, as it includes thousands of gold and
silver dental crowns, bridges and plates and some personal arti-
cles. It may, therefore, constitute items of evidence, and should
be considered in that light. It is believed that agencies engaged
in the determination of evidence for the prosecution of war
criminals should be informed, and at the proper time should be
permitted to inspect and investigate this part of the property."
American and British treasury agents went to Frankfurt, per-
formed their assessments, and the decision was ultimately made
to put all the gold into an Allied "gold pot" for sharing as repa-
rations, while the currencies (French francs, Belgian francs,
Norwegian kroner, Czech kroner, Croatian kuna, Italian lira,
Hungarian pengoes) were returned to the central banks of these
countries. Parcels containing the sad reminders of concentration
camp victims were held for agencies concerned with war crimes.
But scant useful information was obtained from the leading
bankers and industrialists held for interrogation. To be sure, all
had approved and complied with Bormann's program of flight
capital to neutral safe havens in 1944; they had faith that
the Fatherland, or at least those zones supervised by Britain,
France, and the United States, would rise from the ashes of
defeat. They knew too that the money, patents, and new manu-
facturing processes, along with scientists and administrators
sequestered beyond reach of the Allies, would also be a
necessary component in the resurgence of Germany. But they
sidestepped acknowledging that billions had been sent from
their country in the final nine months of the war, and that cor-
porations outside the boundaries of Germany would be gen-
erating further money in world markets during the years to
come. Treasury officials in Washington, as in London, knew
what was transpiring; the teams they sent into the field uncov-
ered enough evidence to prove a definite pattern. As for the
news media, it did not seem important, although long-term it
was really the biggest of the postwar stories. Yet so quietly was
it handled by the Germans and so diffident was the reaction by
the Allies, that few ripples rose to the surface, and investigators
of the U.S. Treasury Department were taken off the case.
Allied correspondents were then more interested in the prog-
ress of the denazification program being carried out in the U.S.
and British zones of occupation. The Allied administrators had
removed 25,000 Nazis from banking and finance in the U.S.
zone, but later found to their dismay that the individuals they
were denazifying out of finance were going into related fields, a
holding operation of sorts, until such time as they could move
back into their old slots of influence and power — an identical
process to that taking place in Japan. American and British
newspapers played up the fact that 200,000 Nazis in the Ameri-
can zone had been removed from industry and government by
1946, which impressed readers in the United States and the
United Kingdom, until later it came out that this had barely
made a dent in the 2 1 /2 million Nazi Party members of the U.S.
zone. Then, when Britain and America found themselves in-
volved in a hapless cold war with former ally Russia, West Ger-
man support was courted and welcomed, and the majority of
those formerly declared Nazis quietly folded themselves back
into industry, banking, and government. Forgotten was General
George Marshall's clarion declaration of March 1945, when he
listed 1,800 industrialists and bankers as "leaders who have
thrived under National Socialism, welcomed it in the beginning,
aided the Nazis to obtain power, supported them in office,
shared in the spoils of expropriation and conquest, or otherwise
benefited in their careers or fortunes under the Nazis."
Realism superseded idealism when it was officially acknowl-
edged by top occupation officers that permanent removal of
such leadership from the West German scene would deal a
devastating blow to German rehabilitation. Historically, men of
talent and drive have a way of rising again to the surface follow-
ing reverses, and this was the case in West Germany. Under
the Marshall Plan, the money that was pumped into the econ-
omy arrived at the right time, enabling plant management to
rebuild the factories that would provide jobs and employment.
None of it went for luxury items, as in Britain, to compensate
a people who had been deprived of many items in five years of
war. The people labored mightily and practiced thrift. Private
investment money began to flow back from the banks of
Switzerland, as bankers there recommended such investments
to their customers, as well as to their own bank investment com-
mittees. Later, other money, which had found its way to the
"neutrals" under the Bormann program, began to flow slowly
from these safe havens to Germany, although the reverse flow
didn't accelerate until the occupation ended and the destiny
of the new Federal Republic of Germany was in German hands.
Until that time the West German economy moved forward
under the policy pronounced by Federal Chancellor Adenauer,
the policy of a free economy: the greatest possible liberalization
of the market. It had led to impressive increases in production
and under Adenauer's successor, Ludwig Erhard, the free market
economy was christened the "economic miracle." It was also
made possible by a new labor supply, the influx of millions of
refugees driven out of Eastern European countries by Soviet
rule. There were 8 million expellees and 2 million refugees who
arrived in industrialized West Germany between 1945 and 1961.
They were integrated rapidly, making a real contribution to the
growth of the Federal Republic by their desire to work hard
and build a new life for themselves.
Currency reforms to halt inflation, the free market economy,
and the hard work of the populace changed the economic cli-
mate of the new Federal Republic; money was worth something
again and the supply of needed goods increased. Prices climbed,
but they were slowly stabilized by an ever watchful government.
By means of tax reductions and special privileges for investors,
employers were encouraged to adopt policies of expansion. By
mid-1951, 1936 levels of production were reached. West Ger-
many was now turning out industrial products that were in great
demand everywhere: machine equipment, electrical goods, autos,
trucks, chemical products, steel, and electronic units. The indus-
trial center of Germany expanded from the Ruhr to complexes
in the Rhine/Main area and around the larger cities, like
Stuttgart, Munich, Hanover, and Hamburg.
A substantial infusion of money into this new Federal Repub-
lic economy resulted from the Korean War in 1950. The United
States was not geared to supplying all its needs for armies in
Korea, so the Pentagon placed huge orders in West Germany
and in Japan; from that point on, both nations winged into an
era of booming good times.
Daimler-Benz A.G. of Stuttgart expanded its output of autos
and trucks, experiencing no difficulty in switching from Wehr-
macht staff cars and tanks to Mercedes-Benz cars for the luxury-
inclined of the world, and diesel-powered small cars that
dominated taxi fleets from Cairo to Cape Town. A newly insti-
tuted bus line using Mercedes-Benz vehicles from Lagos to cen-
tral Nigeria featured hi-fis and stewardesses bearing food, drink,
and pillows; this prompted one delighted Nigerian to remark,
"They certainly know how to make a customer feel wanted."
Ferdinand Porsche, who had developed the Tiger tank, which
was better than anything the Allies had during most of the
war, put Volkswagenwerk back on its feet by redesigning his own
Volkswagen as a postwar family car. He later set up his own
company as a subsidiary of Volkswagenwerk and began produc-
ing the sporty and fast Porsche. Willy Messerschmitt, who had
turned out the best fighter plane of the war, became vice chair-
man, a director and major shareholder of two peacetime Messer-
schmitt aircraft companies in Augsburg and Munich, and twelve
subsidiary firms in France, Holland, South America, and the
United States. During the 1960s, when the new Luftwaffe was
being trained at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, the historian
of this operation, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Barney Old-
field, now of Litton Industries, wrote that West Germany had
paid $250 million for the U.S. jet fighters in which they trained,
underwriting an annual payroll at Luke of $8 million. Willy
Messerschmitt was invited to be guest speaker at one graduation;
he flew his own jet to Luke Air Force Base from his own airfield
in Augsburg. As he mounted the podium to speak, the 95 musi-
cians of a German band struck up "Alte Kameraden" (Old
Comrades). He died, esteemed, in Munich in 1978.
As the big industrialists, who had been convicted at Nurem-
berg for helping to create the German war machine, began
emerging from prison in the 1950s, they too went back to work.
Friedrich Flick, a farmer's son who became one of Hitler's
biggest industrial supporters and had been a Reichsmark billion-
aire during the Third Reich, emerged from prison determined
to pull together the shattered pieces of his coal and steel empire.
As he left prison, reporters asked him, what he planned to do.
"Make steel," was his reply. Oddly, the Allied decartelization
policy of separating the giant industries contributed to his re-
surgence. He was forced to sell his 60 percent holdings in one of
the Ruhr's biggest coal combines. Unable to find a buyer in
West Germany, he turned to his French associates of the pre-
war and occupation years and sold his stock to the large De-
Wendel steel concern in France, which paid him $26 million in
cash and $19 million in blocked funds, which could only be
reinvested in France or in other areas linked to the French
economy. This forced him to invest the French funds outside
of Germany, and he started buying industrial bargains abroad,
from Belgium to Brazil.
In 1955 Flick became the first German in the postwar period
to buy openly into the French steel industry, purchasing a 25 per-
cent controlling interest in Chatillon-Neuves-Maisons steelworks,
one of France's Big Five steelmakers. The following year he engi-
neered a deal that gave him a significant stake in Belgian
industry, buying the largest single block of shares of the Hainaut-
Sambre steel combine at a cost of $5.5 million. But one of his
most important holdings was a 40 percent interest in Daimler-
Benz A.G. Through a holding company, he also operated a
complex of companies making steel, locomotives and industrial
machinery, paper, chemicals, explosives, and synthetic fibers. He
died in 1972 at the age of eighty-nine, again a billionaire and
again one of the most powerful men in Germany.
But as tycoons retired or died off change came to big industry.
The clans like Krupp, Thyssen, and Henschel that had domi-
nated West German commerce from their headquarters in
Diisseldorf and the nearby Ruhr coal and steel basin, are no
longer active business managers. The last Krupp heir, Arndt von
Bohlen and Halbach, was dispensed with in 1967 with a $800,-
000 pension to enjoy life as an international playboy. Heinrich
Thyssen-Bornemisza runs his private Dutch-based investment
group from Lugano, Switzerland, and his cousin, Count Fed-
erico Zichy-Thyssen, grandson of old Fritz Thyssen, exercises
control over Thyssen A.G. from his base in Buenos Aires. Krupp,
Thyssen, and similar giant firms are today run by professional
managers with boards of directors strong in representation on
the major banks. The Krupp Company, formerly Germany's
most powerful industrial enterprise, now occupies tenth place
on the list of West German corporations, but it is a healthy
tenth, having reorganized in the early 1970s, eliminating such
unprofitable operations as truck manufacturing, a hotel, and a
department store in Essen. It is aggressive in Eastern Europe,
Russia, and the Middle East. Krupp and the French concern of
Les Forges de Strasbourg, a metal construction group, set up
a jointly owned subsidiary to produce and market power dam,
bridge, and steel structure equipment in the French-speaking
African countries where the French firm has long-standing con-
tacts. This merger emphasizes the close ties between the two
companies before and during World War II.
Krupp also has plans for expansion in the U.S. market, through
its U.S. subsidiary, Krupp International, Inc., of Harrison, New
York, a manufacturer of industrial equipment and systems.
German-born Helmut L. Schwarz, who became a naturalized
U.S. citizen in 1970, states: "We feel that this country will
adopt an energy policy which will make more use of domestic
resources — and we see a significant market in that area in which
we have a lot to contribute."
Inga Quandt, who as a widow is the surviving beneficiary and
the inheritor of an industrial fortune but has little interest in
or inclination toward business management, sold a 14 percent
share in Daimler-Benz to the government of Kuwait for $400
However, the Friedrich Flick Group of Diisseldorf does not
represent absentee management. It is very much part of the
global multinational scene; before he died Friedrich Flick, still
referred to in Diisseldorf as "der alte Herr" (the old gentleman)
took steps to insure continued active and family ownership
after his death. He and his wife Marie, who died in 1963, had
three sons: Otto-Ernst, born in 1916; Rudolf, born in 1919; and
Friedrich Karl, born in 1927. The middle son was killed in action
on the Russian front in World War II. The other two entered
business: Otto-Ernst in 1953, Friedrich Karl in 1957. Around
1960 there was a sharp break between father and eldest son,
which became permanent when Otto-Ernst took his father to
court to gain control of his inheritance. After several years of
litigation, Otto-Ernst took a large cash settlement and severed
all connections with the company, living quietly in Diisseldorf
until his death in 1974.
Despite this family altercation, Friedrich Flick wanted to
assure a role in the company for Otto-Ernst's three children,
and especially for his two grandsons, Gert-Rudolf and Friedrich
Christian. He arranged his bequests so that the two and their
sister became owners of some 30 percent of the shares. He also
specified that the two grandsons could become full partners
upon reaching the age of twenty-eight.
From the time of the contretemps with Otto-Ernst, it was
apparent that Friedrich Karl Flick was heir apparent. He became
a full partner in 1961, the third member of a business triumvi-
rate that included his father and Konrad Kaletsch, his father's
cousin. Flick, Senior, preparing for the succession, enlarged the
number of partners to six in 1965, bringing in two men of
Kaletsch's generation, plus his son's friends, Eberhard von
Brauchitsch, Gunter Max Paefgen, and Harms Arnt Vogels. Von
Brauchitsch is a Prussian aristocrat, nephew of the famous field
marshal of World War II; Paefgen is a convivial, extroverted
Rhinelander; Vogels, a sharp-minded and sharp-tongued Ber-
Remarking on the family ownership of the Friedrich Flick
Industrial Holding Company, Friedrich Karl commented in
Diisseldorf: "My shares will pass to my children, so the family
character of the company will be preserved. As most of the
shares are already held by family foundations, arrangements
exist to assure continuity of management if anything should
happen to me. But I intend to go on working as long as I can.
When I am no longer able, then we will see what is to be
done." There are no plans for any public sale of shares. "Un-
doubtedly the general climate is becoming less favorable to
family companies, but there is no reason for us to change things
yet. We don't need the money."
The Friedrich Flick Group enjoys about $3.2 billion in annual
sales, largely realized from chemical, machinery, and paper ac-
tivities. In 1978 it made a concerted drive to expand its invest-
ments in various United States corporations. It was able to do
this by selling 29 percent of the 40 percent ownership in
Daimler-Benz to Deutsche Bank for $888 million, which the
bank then floated off to preferred investors in West Germany and
South America. With this, added to another 200 million D-
marks realized from the sale of some smaller properties, it
bought for S400 million a 29.6 percent interest in W.R. Grace &
Co., a chemical giant and diversified multinational that earned
$222.6 million on sales of S5.27 billion in 1979. W.R. Grace &
Co. is described as having "recession-restraint" characteristics,
which appeals to the Germans. Flick, with its capital gains
from these sales of properties in West Germany, was able to
take advantage of the West German government's proffered
capital gains bonanza that offered up to $500 million in tax
benefits to industrial corporations that would invest up to $1
billion in the United States by December 30, 1978, in projects
deemed strengthening to the German economy or capable of
fostering international trade.
Flick likewise paid $100 million for a 34.5 percent interest in
U.S. Filter Corporation, a high-technology company specializing
in chemicals, pollution control equipment, and engineering ser-
vices. The buy-in to U.S. Filter was suggested to Flick by a New
York investment bank, Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder. An interest-
ing footnote is that the S. Bleichroeder segment of the firm was
founded in Germany in 1803, and later served as Bismarck's
banker. By the 1930s there were no Bleichroeders remaining in
the firm. Driven out of Germany by Hitler, it got together with
another old German-Jewish bank, Gebriider Arnhold, founded
in 1864, and set up offices in London and New York.
But while Friedrich Karl Flick is today definitely the man
topping the Flick pyramid in Diisseldorf, which city he insists
will continue to be "my home and that of my company," the
strength behind him and his administration of assets, assembled
by his father the patriarch, is a strong professional management
team that works in the background. Flick, Senior, had the same
approach to family strength as did the elder Fritz Thyssen in
the last years of his life, when he established a structure of
immense managerial power that would aid his grandsons in
Buenos Aires in producing perpetual profits for family members
in Buenos Aires and Europe. In the shadows, of course, are the
bearer-bond holders of both holding companies representing the
Bormann organization, who are business realists and techni-
cians of the first order. Before the restructuring of Friedrich
Flick Industrial Holding Company of Diisseldorf and its subse-
quent investments in W.R. Grace & Co., and in U.S. Filter
Corporation, it was felt by South American bearer-bond share-
holders and Deutsche Bank that promising opportunities were
being missed and that growth had flattened out. But today it's
a resurgence for the Flick Group, and Friedrich Flick again
presides over a balance sheet that is generally rock solid.
Peter W. Grace, heir to the company he assumed control of
in 1945 at age thirty-two when his father had a stroke, was de-
lighted with the fiscal strengthening of the company that his
grandfather founded. He has observed that he knew the late
Friedrich Flick, who was sentenced to a term of seven years in
prison, having been convicted of exploitation of slave labor
during World War II. A spokesman for Grace said in Decem-
ber 1978: "Peter Grace knew the late Flick well. . . . They were
friendly, and he respected him very much."
In these times it is of advantage to the Flick Group to buy
extensively into W.R. Grace & Co. Not only is Grace America's
fifty-first largest corporation, with annual sales of over $5 billion,
but its corporate structure and output along the west coast of
South America are strong. The founder, William R. Grace, was
an extraordinary immigrant boy from Ireland who worked him-
self into becoming a prosperous guano merchant, married the
daughter of a United States ship captain, and thereby became
an American citizen. By 1935 his company had extended over
western South America, and was in control of 43 different com-
panies, including sugar mills and five-eighths of the total cotton
output of Peru. Old William R. capped his amazing career by
twice being elected mayor of New York City, in the last cen-
tury. Grandson Peter W., reared as he was in both Peru and
New York, has always had an affinity for the family Flick as
well as for the German community of Peru, small in number
but dominant in the industrial and financial structures of this
nation. Peru has long been a province of foreign capital, repre-
sented chiefly by the International Petroleum Company, Cerro,
Grace (of course), and various Swiss electrical interests. Al-
though the army runs the country, it is a small pool of the edu-
cated and advantaged class, criss crossed by family relationships,
that dominates the economy. So it was altogether natural that
Peter Grace and Friedrich Karl Flick should arrive at a business
understanding in the domain of interlocking multinationals,
and that they should decide it was to their mutual interest to
join forces.
Thyssen A.G., West Germany's most important steel corpor-
ation, employs 142,506 people, turns out 11.7 million tons of
steel each year, and boasts annual sales amounting to 21 billion
deutschmarks. Were Fritz Thyssen alive today, he would take
pride in the fact that his shrewd maneuvers during and after
World War II, to retrieve his steel and coal properties in Ger-
many, as well as his out-of-the-country assets, had been a stun-
ning success.
In Buenos Aires on January 5, 1950, while visiting his daugh-
ter Countess Zichy, he stated to the Associated Press that he had
paid "a stiff price for his earlier friendship with the Nazis, for
he had lost all his property and had been interned for four
years in a concentration camp." He said that he intended to
settle in Belgium, where he hoped to live out his days as a
"stateless person."
Residence in Belgium was never to be, for he died in Buenos
Aires on February 8, 1951. Nazi authorities had seized his
Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G., now Thyssen A.G., Germany's
largest steel and coal combine at that time, stripping him of his
German nationality, subsequent to his flight to Switzerland on
September 2, 1939, with his wife, daughter, son-in-law, and
grandson. In a signed deposition in the Office of the Director
of Intelligence, U.S. Group Control Council, on September 4,
1945, he stated that he had been forced to leave Germany be-
cause he had opposed the war and objected to the treatment of
Catholics and Jews and to such Nazis as Goebbels, Himmler,
Rosenberg, and Ley. He also felt that Goering had coveted his
successful steel combine.
Yet in a document from the U.S. Financial Intelligence
Group, dated 30 April 1948, Berlin, it was concluded that among
the German industrialists Fritz Thyssen was a main promoter
of the National Socialist doctrine, both before and after Hitler's
seizure of power. As chairman of Vereinigte Stahlwerke, he
played a decisive role in the Fuehrer's rise through his generous
contributions to the party, and by pressuring fellow industrialists
to support Adolf Hitler. Fritz Thyssen started to be conspicu-
ous in German public life when he led the Ruhr coal and iron
producers in their refusal to operate the mines during the French
occupation of that area following World War I. Like Hitler and
so many others, he despised the Treaty of Versailles as a "pact
of shame," to be thrown aside if Germany were again to have
Thyssen's 'support of Hitler commenced just after the period
of the Ruhr occupation. In 1923 he had contributed RM
200,000 to the fledgling Nazi Party, through General Luden-
dorff. Several years later Thyssen again came into contact with
Hitler via their common opposition to the Young Plan of rep-
arations. According to statements made by Thyssen to Allied
investigators in 1945: "I do not know anyone among the indus-
trialists who was supporting the party financially in 1928; I was
then its principal supporter."
In 1930 or 1931 he had arranged for a credit from the Dutch
Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, Amsterdam, to accrue to the
Nazis, amounting to RM 250,000 to 300,000 of which he repaid
RM 200,000 to 280,000 out of his own pocket. In arranging this
loan Thyssen dealt directly with Rudolf Hess. The money was
spent for the so-called Brown House in Munich, which later
became headquarters of the National Socialist Party.
"The next sum I paid in favor of the Nazi Party," Thyssen
continued, "was 150,000 marks, which I paid personally to
Hermann Goering in 1932." After Hitler's rise to power, his
steel combine contributed to the party a fixed sum for each ton
of steel produced. In addition, Thyssen made substantial per-
sonal contributions to the Nazis at regular intervals.
After the financial crash of 1931, Thyssen openly embraced
National Socialism. He joined the party in 1933; his member-
ship number was 2917299. During the following two years he
dedicated his resources and influence to aiding Hitler, organiz-
ing meetings and raising funds from his industrialist friends. As
a reward, he was showered with political and economic favors.
He was one of five state counselors with a seat on the Economic
Council whom Hitler appointed to that esteemed position for
life. He was a National Socialist member of the Reichstag from
1932 until the outbreak of the war, and a member of the Insti-
tute for Social Order. He was also appointed by the Reich min-
ister of economics "Leader of the War Economy" in the iron-
producing industry. As for his personal opinion of Adolf Hitler,
on July 13, 1945, he stated: "After all, I don't think he did so
many bad things. I don't think that in the beginning he only
told lies; but the influence of the Party and his surroundings
was very bad."
In 1936 disagreements began to appear between him and
Hitler over certain Nazi policies and practices. Thyssen did not
resign any of his public offices, however, until 1939, when he
departed Germany for Switzerland. From there he moved with
his family to France in 1940, collaborating on a book titled
/ Paid Hitler, which was to be published in New York City in
1941. Later he denied having anything to do with the book,
but his handwritten corrections on the manuscript, written and
approved on the letterhead of the Hotel de Paris in Monte
Carlo, addressed to Emery Reves, on April 27, 1940, justify the
affidavit made in 1945 by Reves that publication was with
Thyssen's knowledge and blessing.
Most significant in Thyssen's deposition of 1945 was the
following: "Before I left Germany, I kept my bank accounts
with the Deutsche Bank in Diisseldorf and the same bank in
Berlin, but the accounts were not large, for I had no confidence
in German money. So much money was constantly being spent
without being covered that I feared another inflation."
Anticipating a weakening currency and inflation, Fritz Thys-
sen had for years been inconspicuously shifting funds and other
assets to other countries, and placing them in corporations and
banks he controlled. He swore to Allied financial investigators:
"I have no bank accounts in other countries, and no safe de-
In 1934 he had traveled to Argentina, and upon his return
to the Third Reich reported to Hitler that the president of
Argentina had proposed that Germany would get extra orders
for its industry if Argentina could sell a considerable quantity of
meat to Germany. Hitler was favorably inclined but the German
farmers objected, fearing that this would lower the price of good
German beef, so the overture was dropped. However, the central
reason for this trip was Thyssen's acquiring of South American
properties and investments.
Investigation by the American Embassy in Buenos Aires pro-
duced the following report, of April 30, 1948:
The holdings of Fritz Thyssen in Argentina may be of interest. The
local firm, Thyssen-Lametal Compania Industrial y Mercentil Thys-
sen Limitada, formerly importer and manufacturer of rolling mill
equipment, rails and structural steel, has a paid-in capital of
5,000,000 pesos, and along with its subsidiaries, namely, "Tungar"
S.A., Crefin S.A., Creditos y Financiasciones, T.A.E.M., Speratti
Romanelli and Carbonera Buenos Aires S A., is considered to have
assets of approximately 20,000,000 pesos. This firm is controlled by
Stahlunion of Diisseldorf, through the Dutch holding company
Cehandro of Rotterdam. Information indicates that Cehandro is
capitalized at 1,000,000 Reichsmarks, of which Thyssen is alleged to
hold the controlling interest.
Files of the local company seized by the junta (alien property
custodian) at the time of intervention indicated that the actual
shares were held in the name of Theo Urlich, a German of Rotter-
The only other property in Argentina in which Fritz Thyssen
may be interested are two estancias (ranches), Don Roberto and
Don Federico, the values of which are not known and which are
alleged to belong to Calamine S.A., a Thyssen holding company.
So we see that Fritz Thyssen had become a one-man, pioneer,
flight capital entrepreneur before Martin Bormann instituted
his massive thrust to move German assets beyond seizure of the
Allied nations in 1944-45. And because he was the first to under-
take such a movement without benefit of official certification
from the Reichsbank and from the economic policy of leader-
ship of the Third Reich, he was labeled a traitor for contraven-
ing the currency policies of the Nazi state, which were voided
by Reichsleiter Bormann in the national interest on the fateful
date of August 10, 1944.
An OSS confidential report distributed in London and Wash-
ington disclosed not only that Thyssen had established a secret
account in a Liechtenstein bank, but that he owned the bank
Thyssen controlled the family Pelzer Endowment Fund in
Switzerland, originally established with substantial funds by his
mother under her maiden name, Pelzer. The fund also had
assets in Holland and Belgium. The business generated by this
fund and by other Thyssen holding companies was important
financially to Bank voor Handel and Rotterdamsche Trustees'
Kantoor, due to the great amounts of money that Thyssen was
siphoning from companies on two continents into safe havens.
In 1937 he moved 1 million Swiss francs to his daughter's ac-
count in his Uebersee (overseas) Trust in Liechtenstein. He
shifted 300 kilos of gold from the Pelzer fund to his safe deposit
vault in a private bank in London, with the knowledge and
approval of the Bank of England. He purchased stocks in the
following Spanish, Dutch, and American corporations, accord-
ing to an Allied investigative report of 1949 in Stuttgart and
transmitted to headquarters of the investigative branch at Diissel-
15,000 shares series E Compania Hispano-Americana de Electridad-
83,000 shares Kon. Nederl. Petroleum Maatschappij
17,000 4% Atchison Topeka 1995
10,000 4% Central Pacific 1949
7,000 3% Kansas City Southern 1950
7,000 4% Norfolk & Western 1996
50,000 4% Southern Pacific 1955
To understand the personal financial activities of Fritz Thys-
sen, one must know the genesis of his fortune and the ramifica-
tions of his family. The founder of the fortune was old August
Thyssen, Senior, who died in 1926. He had been divorced in the
1880s, his wife agreeing to accept an annual income. Her share
of the family fortune was then transferred to the four children,
August, Junior, Heinrich, Fritz, and Hedwig.
August, Jr., died in the 1930s, with no interest in either the
German or the foreign holdings of the family, other than his
inherited income. Hedwig married a Baron Berg and took her
inheritance in cash, likewise disdaining family business affairs.
Fritz and brother Heinrich, who became Baron Heinrich
Thyssen-Bornemisza, inherited the foreign and German partici-
pations held by August, Senior. Hans and Julius Thyssen were
nephews of the old man, minor figures in the Thyssen opera-
tions. Neither was actively engaged in the business; Fritz ad-
ministered their participations.
Thus, the two principal figures of the Thyssen fortune
throughout the years preceding and during the Third Reich
were Fritz and Heinrich. Neither liked the other, so they agreed
to divide their inheritance into two separate spheres of interest,
cooperating only when it was necessary. Fritz's circle of interest
became the German holdings, Thyssen Gewerkschaft A.G.,
Thyssen Co. A.G., Pelzer Stiftung (the endowment fund), and
Faminta A.G. Heinrich devoted himself largely to holdings
outside of Germany, Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, Rotter-
damsche Trustees' Kantoor, N.V. Handels-en-Transport Maat-
schappij "Vulcan," Rotterdam, Press and Walzwerk A.G.,
August Thyssen Bank.
Heinrich Thyssen became Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Borne-
misza when he married into Hungarian nobility. In this way he
had acquired Hungarian nationality, which gave him dual na-
tionality. He also changed his residence to Switzerland when
German pressures became too alarming, and in time acquired
Swiss nationality.
Despite the separation of interests and affection, Fritz always
retained stock interests in Heinrich's banks and assorted com-
With such an international background in trade and finance,
it was natural for Fritz Thyssen to view the tax and other re-
strictions of the Third Reich as burdensome, to be circum-
vented. According to an investigative study of his fiscal
activities of the thirties by British financial experts, signed by
H.R. Priestly in Diisseldorf on September 3, 1949, Thyssen's
first step in a long dance of tax and currency frauds began when
he disposed of his shares in the Dutch Hollandische-Ameri-
kanische Investment Corporation. On his instructions Dutch
accountants valued the sale at RM 1,250,492.12, and this was
transferred to Germany. But the true value amounted to 21
million Dutch guilders, and most of this remained in Holland
to be credited to the family Pelzer Endowment Fund by the
Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V., Rotterdam, the bank
founded in 1916 by August, Senior.
It came later to the attention of a pair of German tax officials
named Brill and Jansen that Fritz Thyssen and the two Thyssen
nephews, Hans and Julius, owed RM 40 million to the German
government in back taxes. Payment of these delinquent taxes
was not pursued because by this time "the entire assets in Ger-
many of Fritz Thyssen had been declared confiscated by the
The relinquished property consisted of relatively small bank
accounts in Deutsche Bank, an estate in Bavaria near Straubing,
an estate in Mechlenberg, the house in which he lived near
Muelheim, and the crowning jewel of his assets, the steel com-
bine. As Thyssen stated in 1945:
"My chief property was my participation in the Thyssen com-
pany in Muelheim. Formerly this company owned the works in
Muelheim, but these went over to the Vereinigte Stahlwerke,
and my company became merely a holding company, without
works. Of this company I held 60 percent; the other forty per-
cent belonged to my cousins Hans and Julius."
Thyssen added: "My 60 percent was confiscated on behalf of
the Prussian government. Under the law originally proclaimed
after the burning of the Reichstag, and directed then against
communists, my nationality was taken away by the German
government and my property confiscated. Under the law, it
should have gone to the German state, but Goering, as Prime
Minister of Prussia, was eager for it-not only for the property,
but for my little art collection, and I believe this was the reason
it was confiscated by the Prussian state."
Goering did not keep the securities; he had the art collection.
Thyssen's securities were distributed to various individuals, but
the majority shares were held by the Prussian state. However,
the Thyssen holding company and the mills of Vereinigte
Stahlwerke were blended into a vast combine, and the produc-
tion of steel continued to roll under private management, al-
though the government laid down the directives.
The knowledge that government administrators now pos-
sessed of Fritz Thyssen's foreign properties and his activities in
camouflaging these assets came to the attention of Bormann,
who had succeeded Rudolf Hess. It was October 1941, and
Bormann had approved the policy of providing assistance to a
few large industrial firms so that they might divert discovery of
their overseas assets. The decision was a prelude to the all-
encompassing Bormann program of 1944 to establish 750 new
firms as safe havens for fleeing German capital. An example of
how this camouflage action was initially planned and carried out
is revealed by documents found in the files of the Foreign
Exchange Department at Diisseldorf by the Joint Special Finan-
cial Detachment, U.S. Group Control Council, Control Com-
mission for Germany (British Element), Diisseldorf, August
31, 1945.
In 1941, political developments in South America prompted the
Vereinigte Stahlwerke to camouflage its Brazilian subsidiary com-
pany, Stahlunion Rio. A deal was worked out between the Vereinigte
Stahlwerke, the Reich Ministry of Domestic Economy, the Foreign
Exchange Department of Diisseldorf, and the German Embassy in
Rio, in order to protect the capital, a large accumulation of profits
and reserves, and merchandise of the Stahlunion Rio amounting
to more than 20 million Milreis. On 23.10.41 the Reich Ministry
of Domestic Economy and on 25.10.41 the Foreign Exchange De-
partment Diisseldorf approved and authorized the planned trans-
actions. Stahlunion Rio was immediately instructed to carry out
independently all camouflage transactions. Mail or cable could no
longer be considered safe communication.
The basic instructions to Stahlunion were as follows:
1. Cash on hand was to be used for the purchase of securities of
German companies and other European companies in countries
under German influence. These securities were to be deposited in
bank-safes in the name of reliable foreigners or burnt by the German
embassy in Ro. In the latter case a list was to be kept and properly
safeguarded. This would later permit a reissue of securities.
2. All merchandise on hand was to be mortgaged and the proceeds
were to be camouflaged as outlined in paragraph 1. Merchandise
was also to be disposed of by sale at very low prices to reliable
customers and agents who were to sell them for current prices and
keep the profits in trust for Stahlunion Ltda.
3. Part of the funds was to be used for investments in Brazilian
firms or purchase of factories in order to retain and employ the
workers and the sales staff.
Sufficient quantities of the desired securities were not available
on the Brazilian Stock Exchange. This fact caused a change in plans
as follows:
1. Brazilian securities, which were prevalent, were to be purchased
and deposited in bank-safes. Stahlunion Rio was to keep the keys.
2. If seizure or blocking of the safes appeared imminent, securities
in the safes were to be removed and substituted by worthless objects.
3. Before communications were broken off, the loan of limited
amounts to confidential persons was suggested as an additional
camouflage measure. Siemens Electro Company Rio was mentioned
in this connection.
4. A certain Mr. H and his relatives were to be used as trustees for
many camouflage transactions. His full name is never mentioned in
the records. [However, it was later stated that "Mr. H. was Dr.
Heida of Rotterdam, a Fritz Thyssen proxy and collaborator who
played an important role in Thyssen's foreign transactions," accord-
ing to a statement on September 3, 1949, by H.R. Priestly, a financial
investigator in the Control Commission for German-British Element
at Diisseldorf]
Supporting documents for this report are in possession of the
Devisenstelle Team, Diisseldorf.
H.B. Resnik
Although the above report refers to Brazil it is to be expected that
similar instructions were given for the Argentine.
Following these camouflage directives, Vereinigte Stahlwerke
A.G. established these subsidiaries:
1. Cia. de Mineracao de Ferro e Carvao, Rio
2. Cia. Siderurgica Brasileira S.A., Rio
3. Syndicate Mineire e Metallurgiee de Brasil, Ltda., Rio
4. Soc. de Mineracao Catharinense, Blumenau
Stahlunion Export A.G., Diisseldorf, the export arm of Ver-
einigte Stahlwerke, A.G., paid Kurt von Dellinghausen, a Ger-
man mining engineer employed by Vereinigte Stahlwerke to
represent their interests in Brazil, and Dr. Salvatore Pinto,
Junior; they had a hand in every subsidiary in Brazil.
Pinto's chief interest, however, was the Companhia de
Mineracao de Ferro e Carvao S.A., of which he was co-manager
with Dellinghausen and nominally majority shareholder. Both
served as proxies for Fritz Thyssen and were the conduits for
vast sums of money to the Thyssen interests in Buenos Aires.
Stahlunion Ltda., Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G.'s chief subsidi-
ary in Brazil, was vested by Brazilian authorities in 1942 before
the Germans could transfer all shares to nominal Brazilian
These lessons were observed by Reichsleiter Martin Bormann
when he received confidential reports on the Brazilian camou-
flage operations from the German Ministry of Economics in
Berlin. He determined that when he set up his safe haven flight
capital program, he would not duplicate the mistakes of 1941
made by the Ministry of Economics.
In Lugano, Switzerland, meanwhile, Fritz Thyssen was ex-
amining his options. There was no future for him in Germany
while the war continued, although he had his clandestine ar-
rangements. The German underground leaders had talked to
him about participation, but although he sympathized he knew
their cause would fail. The Nazis had the country by the throat,
and would relinquish power only by defeat on the battlefield;
such reverses would be a long time coming. In Lugano he had
talked on several occasions with Hans Bernd Gisevius, who
worked for Hjalmar Schacht, head of the Reichsbank. Gisevius
was shortly to leave Schacht and become number one man to
Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr and a silent force in the
Schwarze Kapelle, the underground movement that aspired to
capture Hitler or to assassinate him, and then to substitute a
government that would sue for peace. Failing to enlist Thyssen,
Gisevius became Allen Dulles's pipeline to Admiral Canaris,
who had arrived in Berne in 1942 as chief of station for the
OSS and President Roosevelt's personal representative for clan-
destine operations in Switzerland and on the European conti-
nent. Gisevius had a good run as a Dulles agent until uncovered
by the Gestapo and obliged to flee to Berne in 1943. After six
weeks in hiding, he crossed the Swiss border with false Gestapo
Thyssen thought about England. His prewar connections gave
him entry into the highest circles. This included Winston Chur-
chill himself All of them knew they wouldn't last a week were
Germany to overrun the tight little island, whether by war or by
treaty, which is why Churchill underplayed the arrival of Rudolf
Hess in 1941 as an emissary of peace. Thyssen had handsome
bank deposits in London, including the 300 kilos of gold be-
longing to the family Pelzer Endowment Fund. There was also
his steel subsidiary in Wales, under the direction of Sir William
First. Although his British funds were blocked, the knowledge
that they were there was comforting. In his deposition of 1945
to Allied investigators, Thyssen told of the visit paid to him in
Lugano in March 1940 by Sir William First, who said the Bank
of England and the British government wanted him to sur-
render the gold in exchange for an equivalent amount in pounds
sterling credit. Thyssen agreed to the exchange, after obtaining
permission from his eighty- five-year-old mother in Brussels, who
had founded the endowment.
Thyssen had good relations with top American government
and industrial leaders too; in 1940, when he went to Paris,
American Ambassador Drexel Biddle provided the Thyssens
with U.S. passports for a proposed journey to Argentina via
Spain. In Paris Mrs. Thyssen became ill and could not travel
for a time. The Thyssens soon proceeded to Cannes. By May
1940, the Germans had overrun France and they were turned
over to the Gestapo. Goering explained to Thyssen later, "The
French did not want to have you in France and gave you over
to the Gestapo."
In the light of this event, Fritz Thyssen was fortunate to have
had a long-time relationship with Martin Bormann, beginning
in 1923.
French troops had moved into the Ruhr in that year to grab
steel mills and coal mines as reparations, and to destroy the
industrial capabilities of Germany. The move was contrary to
the wishes of the United States and Britain, which did little
more than wring their hands and file diplomatic objections.
Fritz Thyssen had organized the Ruhr industrialists into a re-
sistance force, which refused to make steel or dig coal for the
Bormann, then the youthful district leader of the Mecklen-
berg Freikorps Rossbach, a paramilitary organization established
to disrupt French military movement in the Ruhr, had carried
out a series of daring sabotage exercises by night, while working
as an estate manager by day. Hardly more than a boy, he came
to the attention of Fritz Thyssen. The two-tiered resistance —
Freikorps and corporate — was financed by the industrialists. At
a time of raging inflation throughout Germany, the Reichsmark
had little value. But Thyssen and his peers in the Ruhr had
printed scrip to finance the resistance through workers' wages.
The relationship between Thyssen and Bormann was limited,
but when Bormann was released from Leipzig prison after serv-
ing a one-year sentence for political assassination of a traitor
friendly to France, both became imbued with the doctrines of
Adolf Hitler. The Freikorps Rossbach, unlike Thyssen, believed
in direct action in the field, not social ostracization. Hitler and
the new National Socialist German Workers Party drove at
combating communism and bringing financial stability to Ger-
many. Martin Bormann joined the NSDAP at this juncture,
but not until January 5, 1933, did Thyssen officially join the
Nazi Party. The German resistance in the Ruhr succeeded.
As Thyssen and Bormann made their ways into positions of
power within the National Socialist Party, Allen W. Dulles
observed from the wings. During World War I he had been an
espionage agent serving the United States in Switzerland against
the German and Austro-Hungarian empires. Between the wars,
in the twenties and thirties, he socialized with the elite of Ger-
man industry and banking, traveling on international corporate
law business for the New York firm of Sullivan and Cromwell,
which served German- American business accounts. He grew
friendly with Fritz Thyssen, but knew Bormann only casually.
The ruler-to-be of Germany's economy was climbing quietly,
managing the finances of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Yet
Dulles caught on that, as Hitler was voted into office, Bormann
was the one to watch. It is axiomatic that you keep an eye on
the number two man-the man who does the work. At a Berlin
reception attended by Hitler, Thyssen, and Bormann, Dulles
left Thyssen's side to seek out the diligent and inconspicuous
Bormann, chatting with him about the future of Germany and
Anglo-German-American rapprochement. Bormann ventured,
according to a conversation I had with Dulles in 1969, "There
is room for the three nations in the world today without war,
but the Third Reich must not be checked in its drive for eco-
nomic and diplomatic parity. I favor alliance with England and
Poland and a particularly close relationship with America, as
does the Fuehrer." Dulles remarked that Bormann was not the
grubby, uncivilized man he had been led to expect. "He was
soft-spoken and direct, but while he talked to you his eyes con-
tinued to keep watch on Hitler and those surrounding him. I
felt he was a man of strength who might one day best his more
colorful rivals in the Nazi hierarchy."
The Thyssens were transferred to Germany on December 2,
1940, and passed two and a half years in a lunatic asylum near
Berlin, on the assumption that Thyssen was mad because he
had voted against the war. Treatment in the asylum was good,
with distinguished prisoners such as the Archduke of Austria
paying for their maintenance. Hermann Goering arrived one
day to interrogate Thyssen, probing about his assets and testing
to see if the industrialist had changed his mind about the war.
Goering learned nothing about Thyssen's foreign assets, and was
told that he and Hitler were on the wrong course. Goering
remarked that they would be invading Russia the following year.
Gestapo examinations were intense and lasted for many weeks,
always breaking off at the end of a regular work day. Thyssen
said, "My life was never threatened by the Gestapo. I was not
submitted to physical torture. One of my interrogators . . .
offered his hand, but I refused it. He was quite angry, but did
not hit me.
"Another gentleman who questioned me, Abendroth, was
very polite, probably because he thought I had helped another
gentleman of the same name in Switzerland. The latter's wife
was of Jewish origin."
Fritz Thyssen's episodes with the Gestapo never took a nasty
turn because Bormann had instructed SS General Mueller to
handle Thyssen with care. Bormann was Thyssen's protector
for old times' sake, and he admired the man who had given so
much aid to the party when it sorely needed it. Also, Bormann
felt Thyssen was his ace in the hole if he ever needed a personal
pipeline to Allen W. Dulles. Dachau and Buchenwald both
received Thyssen, but in both instances Bormann had the Thys-
sens quartered in a house outside the main concentration camp
areas. Then, when the Third Reich was reeling from the on-
slaught of Allied forces, he had them moved south to the Tirol,
where they would be set free by advancing American troops. It
was the best Bormann could do; he could not free Thyssen, for
he was outranked by Goering and Himmler, and Hitler would
have been affronted at the release of the man who had disdained
him in the late thirties. "Not only did he write insulting letters
to me questioning my decisions but he openly consorted with
Jews in Dusseldorf," Hitler had complained to Bormann. In
1936, 1937, and 1938 Thyssen had the leading Jewish bankers
of Dusseldorf join him each week for luncheon. It rankled the
Fuehrer that the meetings were held in the same club where
he had been Thyssen's guest speaker in 1932, the occasion that
had brought him the support of the Ruhr industrialists. As
Thyssen told it:
It is a very funny thing about Hitler's influence at such meetings.
I don't actually remember but it is possible that at the close of the
speech I cried out "Heil Hitler!" as I have been reported in the
New York Times to have done; I think the "Heil Hitler!" salute
was used at that time. It was a very successful speech; he persuaded
them that he had a lot to offer Germany, that he had a good
program for Germany.
He declared that he favored:
1. Restoration of the Hohenzollern in the form of a moderate king-
dom like England;
2. Alliance with England;
3. Alliance with Poland.
All this was very reasonable and I believed him. My faith in his
words was strengthened by his promise to establish a social order
according to the plan of Dr. Klein (of I.G. Farben) and myself, a
plan which should realize the ideas of Pope Leo XIII as expressed
in the famous encyclical "Rerum novarum." When Hitler had
formed his new government everything seemed to be all right. He
made an alliance with Poland, he concluded the fleet arrangement
with England, he arranged the Concordat with the Pope, he made
nonaggression pacts with different countries, and he declared that
in the future he would live in peace with France.
But after the burning of the Reichstag Hitler showed more and
more of his real face. He began to act against the constitution by
dissolving all parties with the exception of his own, he allowed
Rosenberg's propaganda against the Catholic Church, he broke
the Concordat, and the persecution of the Jews got more and
more intense.
In 1936 Thyssen concluded that his influence with Hitler had
come to an end. He began to utilize his foreign subsidiaries as
collection points for money that never even entered Germany,
and within the Third Reich he stonewalled the tax collectors
by keeping two sets of books. When the German army took
over Holland, suspicious German tax officials searched for
records of the Pelzer Endowment Fund in Rotterdam, but the
records and files had been destroyed. Under examination by the
Gestapo in 1940, Thyssen was vague in his recollections of for-
eign assets. The Gestapo held Thyssen for four and a half
years. Following his release by American troops in the Tirol,
he was equally vague when it came to pinpointing the locations
and extent of his funds. Allied examinations stretched from
1945 to 1949, a period when Thyssen was fighting for return
of his German holdings, as well as those in Holland and Bel-
gium. As late as September 3, 1949, a British government
financial investigator complained:
Thyssen continuously evades ... or else gives contradictory re -
plies. ... he seemed to be perfectly in the picture on matters
relating to the foundation of the Overseas Trust Company, and the
transfer of assets from the Pelzer endowment into that company,
being well aware of the fact that assets belonging to his daughter
were in question. . . . He refused to give any further information
under the flimsy pretext that these were matters which concerned
his daughter.
Fritz Thyssen knew by 1949 that he was just about home
free. Being stripped of his German nationality by the Third
Reich was a plus in the postwar years, when Allied occupation
forces were trying to determine the true ownership of securities
and other assets that had been seized by the Nazis. He put in
claims for all he had owned in Germany, Holland, England,
Belgium, Argentina, and the United States, using the fact of
being a "stateless person" as sufficient reason for return of the
confiscated property. In time, it all flowed back to him.
With everything again in his hands, Fritz Thyssen departed
Europe in January 1950. First, he paid a visit to Thyssen A.G.,
which had undergone a rebirth since the bombings of World
War II, when it was 90 percent demolished. But under the
management of Dr. Hans-Gunther Sohl, today chairman of the
Advisory Board and chief executive of Thyssen A.G., the mills
were again producing at capacity. En route to South America,
Thyssen stopped off in London to check his British holdings
and bank statements. He then proceeded to Buenos Aires.
During the final year of his life, in Argentina, dividing his
time between the villa in Buenos Aires and the ranches, one in
Argentina, the other in Paraguay, Fritz Thyssen completed
establishing the control that would assure everlasting family
prosperity through Thyssen A.G. Elder grandson Count Federico
Zichy-Thyssen of Buenos Aires was placed on the board of
this German steel trust. When the count votes at board meetings
in Diisseldorf three or four times a year, he votes for the entire
Thyssen family of South America and Europe.
Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen, who has a younger brother
Count Claudio Zichy-Thyssen, represents the largest single
shareholding group, with 25 percent of the stock of Thyssen A.G.
The remainder of the stock is diffused into Deutsche Bank in
Frankfurt and Buenos Aires, which holds shares for many indi-
viduals on both continents, including those representing the
Bormann group.
Countess Zichy resides permanently in West Germany. Her
Hungarian husband had supervised the turning of thousands of
ranchland acres into productive farm and cattle land, following
their flight from Europe in 1940. These ranches in Argentina
and Paraguay and the villa in Buenos Aires are occupied by her
two sons and their families, who, it is said, "represent the old
wealth of Buenos Aires."
Fritz would have liked that.
But if the heirs of the old German elite are moving away
from industry, the opposite is the case with the hard-driving
professionals who manage the destinies of the giant firms that
continue to bring prestige and profit to the Federal Republic,
who are the engineers of the German economic leadership.
I.G. Farben, the Third Reich's most substantial foreign in-
come producer, was back in business 60 days after the war in
Europe ended. But in 1947 the U.S. Military Government an-
nounced that I.G. would be dissolved into 47 smaller corpora-
tions. Then American and British foreign policy took a different
turn: the cold war was on and both Washington and London
wanted to halt any Farben breakup. By 1950 emphasis was on
a strong West Germany and industrial recovery, and it was
finally decided that the I.G. plants should be reorganized into
three companies: BASF (Badische Anilin and Soda-Fabrik),
Bayer (Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer &Co.), and
Hoechst (Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius and Bruening). Four
smaller concerns under the Farben mantle — Agfa, Cassella,
Kalle, and Huels — were also in contention. Under pressure from
Washington and London, and from the shareholders of the old
Farben stockholders protective committee, who lobbied for their
interests in Bonn, the Allied High Commission agreed to a plan
of 159 I.G. plants' being formed into the Big Three (BASF,
Bayer, and Hoechst). Agfa also went into the Bayer structure
and Cassella and Huels went their way as independents. In
October 1954, treaties were signed in Paris ending the occupa-
tion of West Germany. In 1955, when the Federal Republic of
Germany became a sovereign government, the shareholders of
the new companies held their first annual meeting. Most were
former I.G. stockholders, and one of the first motions passed
was to change the Allied bylaws, mandating changing from
open stock ownership back to the secrecy of bearer shares. There
was relief in Switzerland and in South America, where financial
secrecy is a way of life; it is quite necessary to the continuation
of the Bormann organization.
The Big Three are today the largest chemical companies in
the world. Each is now larger than I.G. itself in its heyday, and
the growth potential seems unlimited. The chairman of Bayer
A.G. has set a goal of $1 billion in the U.S. market for Bayer
A.G.'s subsidiary in America, Mobay Chemical Company. The
Allied Liquidation Commission had separated the big banks
from their branches. But when occupation ended the banks
coalesced again and Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and
Dresdner Bank continue their leadership.
The German business blitzkrieg in the United States is due
to the patient professionalism of German managers backed up
by heavy spending on market research. William Watson, a U.S.
acquisition man for German firms in America, observed, "In
many cases there's a very seductive natural v fit' where a German
buyer can marry a U.S. firm's selling skills and strong market
base with its own financial strength and often superior tech-
nology and wider product range."
Mr. Watson described the circumstances of one such bargain-
ing session. The German firm of Boehringer Mannheim wanted
five U.S. firms that were marketing in its U.S. drug-product
area, all controlled by Bio-Dynamics. At one point the six
motels surrounding the Bio-Dynamics head office near Indian-
apolis airport were each a headquarters for competitive teams
angling for the prize, Bio-Dynamics. "Not only did the German
team camp on the spot for the three-week siege, it was led by
the president of Boehringer, Kurt Englehorn." Recalls Watson:
"I never saw a more tenacious group. They beat out the others
with thoroughness and staying power."
West German firms such as these are today generally model
multinationals, having come a long way toward their goal of
understanding people generally, and Americans in particular.
Still, the new Farben image is best observed on the French-
German border at Strasbourg. On any working day you can
stand on the river frontier where a bridge straddles the Rhine —
a traditional invasion route of three wars — and watch 10,000
Alsatians streaming across the border from France to their jobs
in the German chemical plant of Badische Aniline and Soda-
Fabrick, the giant electrical firms of Siemens and Bosche, and
Dow Chemical. The Alsatians say working conditions and pay
are better than in France.
According to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, West Germany
is to become increasingly an "exporter of patents, process, tech-
nology, and blueprints." Companies like Volkswagen brought
the Federal Republic through the sixties in good shape, but now
nearly all German industrial authorities agree that the future
belongs to manufacturers of sophisticated equipment like that
turned out by such firms as Siemens. Siemens A.G. of Munich
keeps 30,000 engineers and technicians busy at four research
centers. The company registers 20,000 patents a year and mar-
kets 100,000 individual products in almost every sector of elec-
trical engineering, accounting for $16 billion in worldwide sales
annually. It continues strong in South America, and has current
contracts ranging from the $1.1 billion addition to Argentina's
Atucha nuclear power complex to a $41.5 million telecom-
munications installation in Paraguay for their good friend Presi-
dent Stroessner. They expect sales in the United States to
average $500 million annually, but, above all, the United States
offers Siemens a hunting ground for the small electronics com-
panies that it has been buying up, such as the Microwave Semi-
conductor Corporation in New Jersey, or Aerotron, Inc., a North
Carolina manufacturer of radio and telephone equipment.
The Federal Republic has become Russia's biggest trading
partner. In 1977 the two countries exchanged about $5 billion
worth of goods, as U.S. -Soviet trade dropped 28 percent to
about $1.75 billion. The West Germans are currently building
a gigantic multibillion-dollar steel plant and refining complex at
Kursk, site of the greatest tank battle in history, waged by the
Panzer divisions of the Wehrmacht and Soviet armored divi-
sions in 1943. The Germans have also gained contracts from
Russia by paying for the use of licensed patent processes owned
by American firms. The firm of A.E.G.-Telefunken, by using
licenses from General Electric, won a $732 million contract for
gas turbine pumps for the "Friendship" gas pipeline from west-
ern Siberia to the West German border in 1976. The 25-year
trade pact signed by the Federal Republic of Germany and the
Soviet Union in 1978 was hailed as a new breakthrough. But the
Germans were not so sanguine. Otto Wolff von Amerongen,
head of West Germany's industry and trade association, dis-
counted the importance of the agreement:
"It is not a historic accord. It gives German industrialists the
chance to plan better and the possibility to accelerate ex-
He meant that each future industrial contract would be care-
fully scrutinized by the Germans. If previous loans made to the
Russians are not in the correct repayment stream, there will be
no substitution of sheep and plum jelly for cash in return for
German machinery and steel pipes.
The intensity and drive of German businessmen has also
produced a feeling of rejection among the young of West Ger-
many, who can't quite figure out why so much energy is being
expended on making money. This attitude in turn puzzles their
parents, who feel the affluent young have been pampered and
do not appreciate the monumental struggle of the past thirty
or so years to build a thriving nation out of rubble.
The older Germans also wonder why these young people,
student activists and even terrorist sympathizers, should be dis-
satisfied. Dr. Michael Haltzel, an American who has worked in
West Berlin for several years, questioned whether a nation could
in the long run sustain itself with a philosophy so prosaic as
"enrich yourself."
The Germans of the present decade are handling their rela-
tions with the United States public and the Congress with the
greatest of skill. Even BASF of Frankfurt has received American
awards for imaginative work in improving relations between its
American plants and the neighboring communities. By the 1970s
the West Germans had concluded that influencing U.S. public
opinion is better accomplished with a skillful touch than with a
meat cleaver, which had characterized their efforts during the
two world wars. An example of such skill was the staged news
event of June 5, 1972, when Willy Brandt announced at Harvard
University that the Federal Republic of Germany would donate
150 million marks ($47 million) to establish a foundation in
honor of the Marshall Plan — a statesmanlike approach to the
recovery of former enemies, and to the recovery generally of
Western Europe. Brandt stated that the money would arrive in
equal installments for the next fifteen years, for the establish-
ment and operation in the United States of an independent
American-run educational foundation specializing in solutions
to European problems, to be known as the "German Marshall
Fund of the United States — A Memorial to the Marshall Plan."
The overriding function of this German George C. Marshall
Research Foundation is public relations, to cosmeticize the
German industrialists and bankers whose corporations had
worked so successfully for the Third Reich. In October 1978 the
Marshall Foundation was utilized as a platform for Dr. Hermann
J. Abs, now honorary president of Deutsche Bank A.G., as he
addressed a meeting of businessmen and bankers and members
of the Foreign Policy Association in New York City on the
"Problems and Prospects of American-German Economic Co-
operation." This luncheon meeting was chaired by his old friend,
John J. McCloy, Wall Street banker and lawyer, who had
worked closely with Dr. Abs when McCloy served as U.S. High
Commissioner for Germany during those postwar reconstruction
years. At that time, Hermann Abs, as chief executive of Deutsche
Bank, was also directing the spending of America's Marshall
Plan money in West Germany as the chairman of the Recon-
struction Loan Corporation of the Federal Republic of Ger-
With them on the dais were Henry H. Fowler, Wall Street
investment banker and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury;
Henry Cabot Lodge, former U.S. ambassador to the Federal
Republic of Germany; George C. McGhee, another former
American ambassador to West Germany, also a trustee of the
Marshall Foundation and a member of various private and gov-
ernment advisory groups. These, along with the others on the
dais and in the audience, represent firms and banks that are
among the most prestigious in the United States and through-
out the world; all benefited from the rebirth and rebounding
prosperity of the new Federal Republic of Germany. Knowingly
or not, these figures and their corporations are indebted to the
man who was not there, the financial and administrative genius
who set the foundation for the postwar recovery of West Ger-
many, Martin Bormann.
This stroking of American public opinion by German inter-
ests, as by those of Japan, is calculated to open further the
American market. The United States remains the richest and
the most profitable market on the face of the earth, and these
businessmen and bankers know that they either buy their way
in or negotiate their way in. They know that if they are going
to succeed as world companies they must have a generous slice
of the U.S. market, and today this can be accomplished only
through ties, treaties, and agreements, no longer entirely through
retained earnings and bank lines of credit.
A pair of living representatives of separate branches of the
Thyssen family learned such facts of corporate life at an early
age. Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen acquired his knowledge
from grandfather Fritz Thyssen; his cousin Baron Hans Heinrich
Thyssen-Bornemisza acquired similar corporate wisdom from
his father, old Fritz's brother, Heinrich Thyssen. The latter
became Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and took up resi-
dence in Lugano, Switzerland, gaining Swiss citizenship. As
Count Zichy represents the largest shareholder group in Thyssen
A.G. from his home in Buenos Aires, the young baron directs
his interest from his Villa Favorita in Lugano.
One such holding in the United States is Indian Head, Inc.,
with American corporate headquarters at 1200 Avenue of the
Americas, New York City. Thyssen Inc. has its U.S. offices
farther down this avenue at number 1114, in the W.R. Grace &
Co. building. Indian Head is a wide-ranging manufacturing
conglomerate, with 42 plants in the United States and 10,400
employees. It enjoys annual net sales of close to $604 million.
For an industrial corporation of such size it has a remarkably
low profile. It distributes no annual report — "We are a privately
held corporation." Like Thyssen Inc., in the United States, it
has no background ownership file with the SEC because it has
never had to go public. When Thyssen bought Budd Manufac-
turing for S275 million, it was in cash, and therefore there was
no requirement for corporate disclosures to the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
Still, good will is cherished, and German industrialists and
bankers continue to strive to project a friendly German image
in the United States. One noteworthy announcement, made
from Washington, D.C., in March 1979 was that 57 priceless
Old Master paintings from the collection of Baron Thyssen-
Bornemisza would be taken on a tour of the United States in
1979 and 1980. This collection of great masterworks is said to
be — except for the Royal Collection of the queen of England —
the greatest private art collection now in existence. This public
traveling exhibit constituted a major achievement as a public
relations ploy. Ever cautious, however, no German firm under-
wrote the tour; Indian Head was kept out of the picture. In-
stead, a major U.S. corporation was chosen to underwrite the
masterworks tour. United Technologies of Hartford, Connecti-
cut (152,000 employees, 200 plants, and a worldwide marketing
operation in power, flight systems, industrial products and ser-
vices), agreed to underwrite the cost of the venture as a favor
to its German friend in Lugano, Switzerland. The project was
initiated from Lugano; the baron, after consulting with his
corporate image advisors, agreed to United Technologies rather
than Indian Head with its hidden shareholders. The foundation
that made all arrangements was another privately endowed,
nonprofit organization, International Exhibition Foundation. It
made the approach to United Technologies and also brought
aboard the prestigious Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the
Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities.
When the baron came to Washington for the official press
preview of the tour he arrived, trim and bouncy, and at fifty-
eight years of age, fit, fluent in French, Italian, English, and
German. He expressed delight with American cooperation. A
speaker at the Washington press ceremonies was Hubert Faure,
president and chief executive of United Technologies Otis
Group and a director of UT. He spoke warmly of his long-time
friendship with Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza.
It was a job well done. Old August Thyssen, Senior, who had
founded the family fortune, would have given good marks to his
descendant for perspicacity in a country where good will and
image mean so much.
Following the two world wars, the Germans have always
launched drives for the return of their "vested enemy assets."
After World War I, German industrialists began an organized
One example was Textile Mills Securities Corporation, an
American holding company engaged in trading in securities as
agent for foreign companies. The German group contracted
with Textile Mills to "represent them in the United States with
the object of presenting their cause to Congress," and to obtain
legislation for the return of their assets from the Alien Property
Custodian. The German assets in this situation involved $60
million. The fee promised for the return of their properties was
10 percent, or $6 million. The retainer contract was conditioned
upon the ability of Textile Mills to get the legislation pushed
through before the adjournment of the 70th Congress.
The first step taken by Textile Mills was to employ the Ivy
Lee public relations firm to generate propaganda involving "the
sanctity of private property." The Ivy Lee firm went to work.
Its expertise in remolding public opinion was unquestioned,
and among its clients was John D. Rockefeller I. The firm pre-
pared speeches favorable to the German cause for delivery by
prominent American public figures, and flooded U.S. newspapers
with comment and stories urging the return of seized German
assets. It was a smooth campaign directed equally at the influen-
tials of Washington and New York and at grass-roots America.
Meanwhile, Textile Mills hired two Washington-smart lawyers,
Warren F. Martin, former special assistant to the attorney gen-
eral, and J. Reuben Clark, former solicitor in the State Depart-
ment. These men advised on the preparation of two supportive
brochures: Status of Enemy Property: Interpretations of Trea-
ties and Constitutions; and American Policy Relative to Alien
Enemy Property. Textile Mills employed F.W. Mondell, attor-
ney and former representative in Congress, to make proposals
to congressmen to promote speedy passage of the wanted legisla-
tion; he appeared before congressional committees, flanked by
Ivy Lee men and other specialists. This aggressive approach,
along with wining and dining and bribery, eventually tripped
up Textile Mills. The outcome was a sordid tax case, which
turned up in law books under the title, Commissioner of Inter-
nal Revenue v. Textile Mills Securities Corporation, with the
latter losing, its appeal denied by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Another noted case was that of the German Corporation,
Metallbank, seeking the return of $6.5 million held by the
Alien Properly Custodian. This time the Germans went straight
to the heart of a decision; they arranged an attempt to bribe
the attorney general of the United States, Harry M. Daugherty,
along with Thomas W. Miller, then Alien Properly Custodian.
It worked, and in September of 1921 Custodian Miller took
two checks drawn on the U.S. Treasury in the sum of $6,453,-
979.97 to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New York City, returning
these assets to the Germans of Metallbank. Later, a German
representing Metallbank made delivery to an individual repre-
senting the attorney general and the alien properly custodian
of $391,000 in U.S. Liberty Bonds. Word got out, and brought
about the criminal indictment in the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New York, on May 7, 1926, of Daugh-
erty and Miller. The custodian was sentenced to 18 months in
Atlanta prison; the case against the attorney general ended in a
hung jury.
There were other cases, but those that succeeded for the Ger-
mans were situations in which the German owners of companies
in the United States changed the names or juggled the stock
and started new companies with assets of the previous firms.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, West German industrialists
and bankers in the Third Reich conducted campaigns resem-
bling those of the 1920s for the return of German assets. Some
properties were sold off by the U.S. attorney general to the
highest private bidder, among them General Aniline, an Inter-
handel I.G. Farben holding company mentioned earlier, while
others found their way back to full German ownership, in one
fiscal fashion or another. In a few instances, American indi-
viduals became touched with corruption that reached even into
the U.S. Congress. A distinguished U.S. senator was investigated
and rebuked for his impropriety of conduct by a Senate com-
mittee of his peers, the beginning of the end for Senator Thomas
T. Dodd. He had had a close and peculiar relationship with
Julius Klein, who had been retained by German interests to
polish up their image in the United States. Julius Klein & Associ-
ates, a Chicago-based public relations firm, was handsomely
paid, for Ruhr industrialists calculated that having a Jew front-
ing for them in the United States would be good business.
During June and July of 1966 Klein occupied the attention
of a Senate Committee on Ethics, which was looking into the
foreign agent activities of Mr. Klein. He had been lobbyist,
political public relations counsel, and foreign agent for the
Society for German- American Cooperation, an umbrella for
such firms as Mannesman A.G. of Diisseldorf, Rheinmetall of
Diisseldorf, Flick A.G. of Diisseldorf, Daimler-Benz of Stuttgart,
Der Spiegel magazine of West Germany, the State of Hesse in
Frankfurt, and Bayer Aspirin and Pharmaceuticals. When Chair-
man Fulbright opened hearings in the Senate on May 14, 1963,
Julius Klein was hesitant in identifying his German principals:
The CHAIRMAN: On April 6, 1960, you filed the first registration
for a committee representing German industrialists and civic leaders,
is that correct?
Julius Klein: Yes, Mr. Chairman. The committee doesn't like to
have their name in newspapers or registered and so on and so forth,
therefore, they call it a group. Every time when I came to Germany,
three or four times a year, they had a group together, about 150 or
200, that I addressed. They agreed that they would permit me to
file the name of the board, which I did. But the Frankfurter Bank
was the principal, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN: Was the bank employing you or was the bank
merely the conduit for payment?
JULIUS Klein: No, the bank was the agent for this group, Mr.
Chairman. As a matter of fact, the head of the bank was the chair-
man of the group, and he was the toastmaster at every dinner that
I appeared at, at Frankfurt.
The CHAIRMAN: It doesn't help me yet as to who your principal
is. Will you please try to clarify in my mind and the committee
record as to whom you represent?
JULIUS KLEIN: Well, Mr. Chairman, I represent a society in Ger-
many for the purpose of promoting good relations between the
United States and Germany. These are my principles and to the best
of my knowledge I translated into English the name of that society
(Foerderkreis fur Deutsch-Amerikanische Zusammenarbeit, the So-
ciety for the Promotion of German-American Cooperation). That
society does not alone promote the good will between Germany and
the United States but with all Latin American countries, so I am
only a little part of the activities for their group.
The CHAIRMAN: The law is quite clear that you should identify
your principals. You don't question that, do you? Now to state that
you represent a good will society or friendship society without
stating any of the people — .
Julius Klein: I have the list here.
The CHAIRMAN: State who the members of the society were.
JULIUS KLEIN: The General Secretary is a distinguished counsel — .
The CHAIRMAN: Were these the officers in 1960 when you filed?
Do they control the society?
Julius Klein: Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN: Who are they? Put their names on record.
JULIUS KLEIN: Dr. Gerhard Hempel, former mayor of Weimar,
now the General Secretary of the group — .
The CHAIRMAN: Is he the man with whom you negotiated the
Julius Klein: Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN: Did you file his name when you negotiated,
when you filed in 1960?
JULIUS Klein: No, in 1960 I negotiated with Dr. Janssen, the
president of the Frankfurter Bank, and that is the way I registered.
The CHAIRMAN: Why didn't you file the names so we could
identify your principals? This is a major point I would like to make.
I just wondered why you didn't do this? You identified Mr. Hempel.
Was there anyone else?
Julius Klein: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: Who are they?
JULIUS Klein: Dr. Walter Leiske, former mayor of Frankfurt.
The Chairman: What is he now?
JULIUS KLEIN: He is a distinguished consultant on economics, he
is an economist.
The Chairman: Consultant to whom?
JULIUS KLEIN: To industries in Germany.
The Chairman: Who else?
JULIUS KLEIN: Mr. Udo Boeszoermany, banker from Stuttgart,
and Dr. Paul Schroeder, another banker from Stuttgart. They con-
stitute the executive committee for the board of directors.
The CHAIRMAN: How do they procure their funds?
JULIUS Klein: Well, Mr. Chairman, that should be addressed to
the group. All I am interested in is to get paid. Where they get the
money from and how is their business.
The CHAIRMAN: You are not interested in who pays you?
JULIUS KLEIN: I don't care where the money comes from, as long
as it doesn't come from Nazis or Communists.
The CHAIRMAN: If you don't know, how do you know it does not
come from Communists or Nazis? Can you give the committee any
ideas on what basis they paid you? Do they pay you any specific
amount or must you accept whatever they choose to send you?
JULIUS KLEIN: Oh, no, Mr. Chairman. I have an arrangement
which was originally made with the Frankfurter Bank when they
were acting for this group, that I would get between $125,000 and
$150,000 a year.
The CHAIRMAN: It is this committee's business as to who your
client is, and I am not satisfied that you have disclosed your
The interrogation of Julius Klein before the Senate com-
mittee continued, still without full disclosure of the key prin-
cipals of his society client; although it developed that Dr. Paul
Krebs, a director of Deutsche Bank, had also paid Klein between
$75,000 and $100,000 a year— "I've forgotten the amount, Mr.
Chairman" — on behalf of the Society for the Protection of For-
eign Investments. Early on, long before his appearance before
the Fulbright committee, Klein had been effective, and word
was passed to other German firms that Daimler-Benz A.G. had
signed a contract with Klein under the terms of which he was
"to supply Daimler-Benz with situation reports on political,
economic, technical, personnel, or general and other conditions
that might be of interest to the business development of D-B
A.G. in the United States of America."
Another area of German foreign agent activity was revealed
when Klein testified that prior to his German society, govern-
ment, and industrial accounts, he had represented for one year
the Republic of Panama for $40,000; this was followed by a
contract with an organization that Klein described as being
"formed by Lord Shawcross of England and Mr. Hermann Abs
of Germany to bring about a Magna Carta for the protection of
foreign investments of World War II." Lord Shawcross, a
distinguished barrister and financier in the City of London and
a board member of many international firms, had also been
chief prosecutor for the United Kingdom before the Interna-
tional Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. Here he also renewed
his prewar, wartime, and postwar relations with Hermann Josef
Abs, then and now doyen chief of Deutsche Bank and a direc-
tor of Daimler-Benz and Siemens.
The full scope of Julius Klein's political lobbying on behalf
of his foreign clients did not surface until two other Senate
committees held hearings. One was the Subcommittee of the
Committee on the judiciary of the U.S. Senate in the 85th
Congress, and the other consisted of hearings before the Select
Committee on Standards and Conduct of the U.S. Senate, in
1966, relating to Senator Thomas J. Dodd and his relationship
with Julius Klein.
At the select committee hearings, Senator George Smathers
of Florida made this statement: "It is my understanding that
Dr. Hermann J. Abs, former director of I.G. Farben and a
prominent financial figure during the Hitler regime, is the com-
mon denominator of this group seeking return of vested enemy
properties of World War II."
Senator Smathers also pointed out that the foreign agents'
registration statement for this project was signed by "the Wash-
ington law firm of Ginsburg, Leventhal, & Brown, the Washing-
ton law firm of Boykin &De Francis, and the public relations
firm of Julius Klein & Associates." Those who signed for "The
Society for the Promotion of the Protection of Foreign Invest-
ments" were Dr. Paul Krebs, a Deutsche Bank director, and
Hermann J. Abs, president of the board of directors of the
These hearings were being widely reported in German news-
papers and on television and radio, and Julius Klein suffered a
falling away of his German clients discomforted by the unwel-
come publicity. He turned to his friends in the Senate for help;
his friends included Senator Dodd, the late Senators Hubert
Humphrey and Everett Dirksen, Senator Jacob Javits, the late
Senator Kenneth Keating, and Senator Mundt. Klein virtually
demanded of Senator Dodd that he make a special trip to Bonn
and speak with Chancellor Adenauer and others to persuade
them that he, Klein, was highly regarded by senators on both
sides of the aisle, and that his Germans should not fear to con-
tinue doing business with him.
So Senator Dodd traveled to Germany on behalf of Julius
Klein; who had contributed so much money to his campaigns
and to his personal life style. His meeting in Bonn with Chan-
cellor Adenauer was arranged by Dr. Ludger Westrick, state
secretary in the Office of the Federal Chancellor, likewise a
director of the Society for German-American Cooperation. On
his return to Washington Senator Dodd sent a fulsome letter
of praise, written by Klein, to Ludger Westrick, who had been
promoted to minister. One phrase therein, "I know of your
splendid record," was not without unintended irony. For West-
rick had another type of record, which had been concealed but
which was known to the OSS. He was a classified "Wehrwirts-
chaftsfuehrer," a leader associated with notorious Nazi enter-
prises, and he had also been a district economic advisor to
Reichsleiter Martin Bormann.
The Senate committee found Senator Dodd's relationship
with Julius Klein indiscreet, one that went beyond the proper
role of a United States senator. But because of an inability to
identify and question Klein's German clients, they declined to
pass a formal motion of censure on Dodd's relationship with
him. However, as the Klein association was only one of many
indiscretions of Senator Dodd that the committee had under
investigation, this Senate committee on ethics later censored
Dodd for diverting to his use more than $100,000 in campaign
The importance of the Klein affair, hardly earth-shaking in
retrospect, is the clear picture it presented to the American
public as to how press agents and lobbyists for foreign interests
work themselves into the mainstream of United States political
power and contort legislative processes to the gain of their
clients. Today there are 647 registered and active Americans so
occupied, and this figure does not include the many thousands
of foreign nationals residing in the United States and spending
all their time promoting their own national interests; Koreagate
is but one example.
While not really illegal, it was Julius Klein's boldness of
manner in suborning an elected member of the United States
Senate to his own ends that projected him onto the front pages
and frightened off his West German clients, who preferred, as
always, to hide their movements, and to act with circumspec-
tion and secrecy. One of the first to leave the Klein client list-
ing was Friedrich Flick of Diisseldorf, the tycoon who had also
been an ardent contributor to Himmler's Third Reich club
known as "Friends of the Reichsfuehrer-SS." The characteristic
secrecy surrounding the actions of German industrialists and
bankers during the final nine months of the war, when Bor-
mann's flight capital program held their complete attention,
was also carried over into the postwar years when they began
pulling back the skeins of economic wealth and power that
stretched out to neutral nations of the world and to formerly
occupied lands.
There was a suggestion of this in France. Flora Lewis, writing
from Paris in the New York Times of August 28, 1972, told of
her conversation with a French publisher:
"It would not be possible to trace ownership of corporations and
the power structure as in the United States. 'They' would not
permit it. 'They' would find a way to hound and torture anyone
who tried," commented the publisher.
"They" seem to be a fairly small group of people who know
each other, but many are not at all known to the public. "They"
move in and out of government jobs, but public service apparently
serves to win private promotion rather than the other way around.
The Government "control" that practically everyone mentions
cannot be traced through stock holdings, regulatory agencies, public
decisions. It seems to function through a maze of personal contacts
and tacit understandings.
The understandings arrived at in the power structure of France
reach back to prewar days, were continued during the occupa-
tion, and have carried over to the present time. Lewis, in her
report from Paris, commented further: "This hidden control of
government and corporations has produced a general unease in
Along with the unease, the fact that France has lingering and
serious social and political ailments is a residue of World War
II and of an economic occupation that was never really termi-
nated with the withdrawal of German troops beyond the Rhine.
It was this special economic relationship between German and
French industrialists that made it possible for Friedrich Flick
to arrange with the De-Wendel steel firm in France for purchase
of his shares in his Ruhr coal combine for $45 million, which
was to start him once more on the road back to wealth and
power, after years in prison following his conviction at Nurem-
West Germany's economic power structure is fueled by a
two-tier system: the corporations and individuals who publicly
represent the products that are common household names
around the world, and the secretive groups operating in the
background as holding companies and who pull the threads of
power in overseas corporations established during the Bormann
tenure in the Third Reich. As explained to me, "These threads
are like the strands of a spider's web and no one knows where
they lead-except the inner circle of the Bormann organization
in South America."
That there is a Bormann organization is unquestionably true.
I know from personal experience. During years of research for
this book, I have become aware of Heinrich Mueller and his
security force, which provides protection for the leadership in
Latin America and wherever else they may travel to Europe and
to the United States to check on investments and profits.
Through intermediaries, I have attempted unceasingly to pene-
trate to the central core of the organization in South America,
but have been denied access. At the last meeting that I know
about, it was voted: "Herr Manning's writing would focus un-
due attention on our activities and his request must once again
be denied." The elderly leaders, including Reichsminister Bor-
mann, who is now eighty, wanted me on the scene to write of
their side of the story, above all his story, of one of the most
amazing and successful financial and industrial cloaking actions
in history, of which he is justifiably proud.
I had sent word to Bormann that the true story, his firsthand
account, should become a matter of historical record, and
stated that I would be agreeable to writing it if I could tell his
true story, warts and all. Back came the word: "You are a free
world journalist, and can write as you think best. We, too, are
interested only in truth." They agreed to my request to bring
along a three-man camera crew from CBS News to film my con-
versations with Martin Bormann, and even approved my wish
for at least a personal thumbprint of the former Reichsleiter
and party minister, which would be positive proof of his identity.
At the organization's request, I sent the background, names,
photos, and credentials of the particular CBS cameramen:
Lawrence Walter Pierce, Richard Henry Perez, and Oden Lester
Kitzmiller, an award-winning camera crew (which got the ex-
clusive film coverage of the attempted assassination of Governor
George Wallace when he was running for president).
I am sorry to say that the younger leaders, the ones now in
virtual command, voted "No." They did agree, however, that
232 historical documents from World War II, which Bormann
had had shipped out of Berlin in the waning days of the war,
and which are stored in his archives in South America, could be
sent to me anonymously, to be published. They said their
lengthy investigation of me had produced confidence that I was
an objective journalist, as well as a brave one, for their probing
stretched back to World War II days, and up to the present.
Heinrich Mueller, now seventy-nine years old, who also serves
as keeper of these archives as well as chief of all security for the
NSDAP, rejected this decision; when the courier reached the
Buenos Aires international airport bearing these documents for
me he was relieved of them by the Argentine secret police acting
under an initiative from Mueller.
As Mueller had explained previously, he had nothing against
me personally; I had been cleared of any "strange connections"
by his agents in New York City, whose surveillance efforts were
supplemented by the old pros of the Gestapo up from South
America to assist in watching me. This continued intermittently
for years, and efforts were stepped up in response to the intensity
of my investigations. The statement I had originally made to
their representatives in West Germany, that I was only a dili-
gent journalist trying to dig out an important story, finally
proved satisfactory to them. I observed that Mueller hadn't lost
his touch in the field of surveillance, judging by the quality,
skill, and number of men and women who tracked me, at what
must have been enormous cost, wherever I went in New York
City, Washington, and overseas. In rejecting my request for a
meeting with Bormann, and in intercepting the documents,
Mueller sent word that other factors outweighed any consid-
eration for me: the KGB, the CIA, and President Stroessner of
Paraguay, "who just does not like inquiring reporters." I then
got the information from West Germany that Israeli agents
had somehow learned of my project, and they were also follow-
ing me. I asked one of the SS men if the Israeli exterior secret
service, the Mossad, was good. His reply: "Yes, but they learned
everything from us."
So this is a facet of the secret world surrounding Reichs-
minister Bormann in South America today. Many of his asso-
ciates can travel back home under other names and false
passports, and they do. General Hermann Buch, adjutant to
Heinrich Himmler during World War II and Bormann's
brother-in-law, was invited to address the "Old Comrades" of
Das Reich Division at their annual reunion. He made his way
from Buenos Aires to Rosenheim in West Germany, where he
spoke, recalling the old glory days for them all. But Reichsmin-
ister Bormann must ever remain in exile, although those who
represent him bring credit to his organization and to the new
Germany of today. Among the distinguished industrialists and
financiers of the Society for the Promotion of German- Ameri-
can Cooperation (including Latin America) who gathered three
or four times a year in Frankfurt to listen to Julius Klein tell
them what he was doing to promote their cause in the United
States, were many representatives of the Bormann organization,
links in the chain between German South America and the elite
industrial power structure of West Germany. Even General
Gehlen, when he was chief of the Federal Republic's intelli-
gence service, sent his agents to confer with General Heinrich
Mueller in South America. One West German business leader
dear to the hearts of the Bormann group was Hanns-Martin
Schleyer, a victim of abduction and murder by terrorists in 1977.
He had been president of the West German employers and
industry federation, and German newsmen called him "the top
boss in the country." Schleyer, a brilliant administrator and a
graduate in law from Heidelberg and Innsbruck, had joined the
Nazi Party and the SS; in 1943, at the age of twenty-eight he
became the administrative chief at headquarters of the industrial
federation in Nazi-occupied Prague, charged with making the
Czech economy productive for the Third Reich. After the war,
he became an economic administrator, headed the foreign trade
department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Baden-Baden, and in 1951 joined the Daimler-Benz Company.
Helped along by the support of Friedrich Flick and the shadowy
men in South America, he became a member of the board o f
directors and handled labor relations and personnel. With
Daimler-Benz as his managerial base, he became influential
in the metal industry, and during a bitter labor dispute was
instrumental in the lockout of 300,000 workers.
As West Germany entered a period of attack by terrorists,
Hanns-Martin Schleyer held no illusion that he might not be a
target. He is reported to have written a memorandum months
before his death, that were he captured by terrorists he would
refuse to be traded for jailed extremists. When captured, the
terrorists attempted just that, to exchange him for the release of
eleven imprisoned comrades. There was no deal, and Schleyer,
sixty-two, was found dead.
The German-South American group also had direct access
to the Nixon White House through their representatives in
Washington, and were proud of the fact that Bebe Rebozo was
President Nixon's closest friend. For, knowingly or unknow-
ingly, Rebozo processed millions of their dollars through his
Florida bank as part of normal commercial operations. They
were also amused, perhaps flattered, that H.B. Haldeman, Nix-
on's chief of staff, liked to refer to himself as the Martin Bor-
mann of the White House.
It amuses them too that the penetration of the American
market is referred to as a German invasion, a blitzkrieg, so to
speak — the term invented by the Nazis when they went to war
in 1939. When Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a former artillery
officer on the Russian front, told U.S. Treasury Secretary W.
Michael Blumenthal in 1978 that the United States should do
more to put its economic affairs in order, they concurred with
the advice, thinking it quite appropriate, as well as indicating
the status enjoyed today by the Federal Republic of Germany.
It views the establishment of factories in the United States as
a welcome portent of German- American equality. The residents
of New Stanton, Pennsylvania, are not so sure; they have wel-
comed Volkswagen A.G. and the assembly lines that will pro-
duce 200,000 Rabbits annually, yet their emotions are mixed.
The mayor of New Stanton speaks of jobs and money being
pumped into the local economy. Still, many say, "We know this
is progress of sorts, but we also see coming traffic, pollution, and
other problems. If we wanted to live in Detroit, we would have
moved there."
Like the Japanese, the Germans appear to be exporting many
of their polluting industries to the detriment of the environ-
ment wherever they go. Concerned that host countries will be
forced to institute protectionist measures against them, the
Japanese are keeping a low profile, as do German entrepreneurs
of the Rhineland, while they grope for the winning friendship
formula to install them in the good graces of Americans.
Americans today, particularly those old enough to have par-
ticipated in World War II, may ponder at times as to who
really won this struggle that cost so dearly. The entire world
and the Federal Republic of Germany, to say nothing of Japan,
have come a long way since the German surrender at Rheims
and the Japanese capitulation aboard the U.S.S. Missouri.
The memory of those days continues clear and present in
today's Federal Republic of Germany. There are political divi-
sions in the new republic, but there is a common unity over the
question of the Third Reich and the crimes of Nazism: The
German people and their leaders want to put away the past,
"the darkest chapter of German history," as former Chancellor
Willy Brandt declares, and move forward in a spirit of common
reconciliation. Mr. Brandt told the editors of Der Spiegel, the
West German newsweekly, at the occasion of an editorial round-
table in June 1978, that "our people, of which millions became
Nazis, cannot live with a wound remaining open ... it is not
right that a people should be continuously burdened by some-
thing in which they became entangled ... we must be aware of
the differences among guilt and error and idealism that has
become misused." He also remarked that "half of the people
of Germany today were born after the war and they need not
be concerned about the Nazi era. But the great majority of our
people wish to put an end to the nonsensical theme of collec -
tive guilt; an ending of the matter can, in my opinion, be done
only on a morally unobjectionable ground, namely to hide noth-
ing that happened, but also not be like the Pharisees, an
ancient and notably self-righteous Jewish sect, which empha-
sized strict interpretation and observance of doctrines and reli-
gious practices."
While Mr. Brandt urges "Let's forget the whole thing,"
mindful that the free world cannot exist divided against itself,
the former German chancellor is fighting an uphill battle. Jews
the world over are determined that their persecution by the
Nazis will not be forgotten, and in Washington, D.C., the
powerful Jewish lobby pushed through the House a $2 million
appropriation for a Nazi Crime Litigation Unit to investigate
even at this late date 147 alleged Nazis, most of them non-
Germans but East Europeans who had aligned themselves with
the SS, who have lived in the United States for over twenty
years. The work of this congressional investigative unit will go
right on making occasional headlines, although not with the
impact of the Holocaust book and TV series of 1978, which had
been carefully timed as a Zionist reminder to the supportive
American Congress of Jewish suffering, and thus a reiteration
that Israel should be neither downgraded nor abandoned during
an era critical in Middle East history.
Further, the sometime headlined surfacing of Nazi concen-
tration camp commanders such as Gustav Franz Wagner, who
had been residing modestly for thirty-three years in Brazil, makes
the Brandt spirit of reconciliation and amnesty more arduous.
But inasmuch as it was Mr. Brandt and his government that
provided Martin Bormann with what amounted to a "passport
to freedom" in 1973 by stating that the former Hitler aide had
perished in Berlin in 1945, it may be possible to achieve the
philosophical unification he seeks for West Germany.
While Germany's bankers were collectively responsible for t he
financing of Hitler's war effort, the dean of them all is Hermann
Josef Abs. Money was his life, and his astuteness in banking and
international financial manipulations enabled Deutsche Bank to
serve as leader in fueling the ambitions and accomplishments of
Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann. His dominance was retained
when the Federal Republic of Germany picked itself up from
the ashes; he was still there as chairman of Deutsche Bank, direc-
tor of I.G. Farben, and of such others as Daimler-Benz and the
giant electrical conglomerate, Siemens. Abs became a financial
advisor to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer,
and was a welcome visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr.
Adenauer's successors, Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George
Kiesinger. However, relations with Kiesinger chilled when in
May 1969 he advised against revaluation of the West German
mark. Kiesinger thought this advice was responsible for his
election defeat that year; but, more likely, it was his revealed
Nazi background that did him in.
Although top bankers of the world, even such as Abs, make
their mistakes like everyone else, they operate in such insulated
and rarefied milieus, that misjudgments are covered up. This
was the case when Abs led the drive in the United States in the
1960s to free German assets seized in World War II by retain-
ing a Chicago press agent and lobbyist with close ties to mem-
bers of Congress.
Several of the new generation of West German bankers main-
tain that Abs, now eighty- two years old and retired, has outlived
his usefulness, although he is still respected for his past accom-
plishments. One hip young German banker remarked, "He re-
minds me of a perfume bottle that is empty yet still smells
good." He added, "Politically speaking, bankers in Germany
have been devalued."
Yet Dr. Abs can never be devalued. In June of 1978 this
adroit financier, considered by the majority of Germans to be a
patriot, pulled off a coup noted around the world. Painstakingly
and in secret, he headed up a West German consortium that
snatched from the hands of speculators of other nations nearly
$20 million of German art treasures to be returned to museums
in the Fatherland; the achievement took place at Sotheby Park
Bernet's London auction gallery. This fabulous collection had
been the property of Baron Robert von Hirsch, a German-reared
Jew who had fled with his treasures to Switzerland in the 1930s
when the political situation was growing ominous. He died in
Basel in 1977, aged ninety- four, and in his will ordered that the
works of art be sold at public auction. Since the collection was
of immense importance to German museums and to all cultur-
ally and historically inclined Germans, federal, state, and art
authorities turned to Hermann Abs for guidance in retrieving it
all. It was he who planned the strategy and coordinated the
winning bids. For his assault on Sotheby's he assembled a net-
work of art dealers in several nations, according to Rudi Walther,
a member of the Bundestag and of Abs's team. Most thorough,
the German banker even calculated and prepared a set of spe-
cial signals to cue his team of international buyers. "He put differ-
ent strawmen to bid for each item on our list. Then he showed
them how to bid with the usual signals to prevent anyone from
catching on, you know, stamping his foot, twitching his eye,
raising a finger, and so on," Walther commented.
Of the $20 million made available to Mr. Abs by West Ger-
man federal, state, and museum authorities, the Abs bidders
dispensed more than $19 million to bring back home these
priceless works of early and later German masters. Interior Min-
ister Gerhart Baum declared: "The preservation of these pre-
cious art works for German culture is a good example of
successful cooperation involving private donors, art experts, and
federal and state governments." In addition, it was agreed
among West German art professionals that recouping the von
Hirsch collection was, to quote one of them, "the last oppor-
tunity to preserve art objects of a unique quality for German
Today in Frankfurt, the many friends of Hermann Josef Abs
agree that he has not lost his touch.
Nor has Deutsche Bank, the largest in Europe and third
largest in the world, lost its touch for international investments
on behalf of its clients residing in West Germany and South
America. It has bought two skyscrapers in Houston, Texas, the
Pennzoil and the Shell buildings. As Vice President Ferdinand
Krier of Deutsche Bank remarked, "Our clients believe American
real estate is an attractive proposition at this time. Our goal is
to offer interesting opportunities to our clients."
One of the more stupendous investment opportunities cur-
rently interesting this West German bank is the purchase of the
massive World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
The economic unification of West Germany is complete, and
if there is any doubt in Europe who in the long run won the
peace there is none whatsoever among the former German
leaders dwelling in South America. It is a good bet that if
Hermann Schmitz were alive today he would bear witness as to
who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the
resurgence of I.G Farben, albeit in altered corporate forms, a
money machine that continues to generate profits for all the old
I.G. shareholders and enormous international power for the
German cadre directing the workings of the successor firms. To
all appearances he died in relatively reduced circumstances, in
1960, at the age of seventy-nine, though immensely wealthy
during his lifetime. Any information about his fortune seemingly
vanished with his death; but those who knew him believe it still
exists. He was the master manipulator, the corporate and finan-
cial wizard, the magician, who could make money appear and
disappear, and reappear again. His whole existence was legerde-
main, played out on the gameboard of I.G. Farben and his
beloved Germany. The son of poor parents, born in Essen in
1881, a loner who made it to the top through ability, diligence,
hard work, and singleness of purpose, he resembled Martin
Bormann, who likewise had more than just a feel for mathe-
matics but never went beyond high school, and had to make it
on his own. Their association was close and trusting over the
years, and it is the considered opinion of those in their circle
that the wealth possessed by Hermann Schmitz was shifted to
Switzerland and South America, and placed in trust with Bor-
mann, the legal heir to Hitler.
Schmitz's wealth — largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted
to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New
Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), General Mo-
tors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and the 700
secret companies controlled in his time by I.G., as well as shares
in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during
the last year of World War II — has increased in all segments of
the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in,
South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust
along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they
control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Father-
It is true that the resurgence of West Germany was due to
hard work by its people, assistance from the Marshall Plan, an
infusion of buying orders from the United States military estab-
lishment during the Korean War, and a fair and free commer-
cial enterprise system that enabled business and industry to
wheel and deal in world markets and come up with profits and
favorable trade balances for the new federal republic. The new
Deutschmark has grown to high status as the envy of other
currencies and the equal of the coveted Swiss franc. Allowing
business to have its head was, to go back, the formula adopted
by Hitler during the 1930s; he harnessed the people instead of
nationalizing industry and emphasized that German wealth for
one and all depended on German production.
But it is just as true that the river of wealth back into West
Germany from assets sequestered by Martin Bormann and the
corporations that participated in his brilliantly conceived pro-
gram of flight capital was a major factor in the recovery of the
nation — and the best-kept secret in all German history. The
return of capital began slowly. As factories were rebuilt and
revved up for production, money from Swiss banks representing
their secret accounts flowed into the Rhineland. It was termed
investment money, and the first corporations to enjoy its impact
were those with demand products: automobiles, steel, and
chemicals. Ferdinand Porsche, who designed the famed "Tiger"
tank, redesigned Hitler's "people's car," the Volkswagen, and
a new factory was erected to turn it out. Daimler-Benz shortly
had its Mercedes cars and trucks rolling from the assembly
lines, and as the giant industrial complexes geared once again
for full production and business, the smokestacks of Essen told
a story of full employment and the eagerness of workers and
managerial staffs to get on with the job of climbing up from
zero to total output. The Swiss bankers themselves, watching
the funds they were directed to invest in these German indus-
tries, also invested their own funds and those of their German,
British, French, Belgian, Swiss, and American clients. One
American occupation officer was advised by his Swiss banker to
invest his modest army salary in West German automotive firms.
"I gave him carte blanche with my account," said the officer,
"and months later on a visit to Zurich I discovered my few
thousand dollars had escalated to $250,000, and was still ap-
preciating." Regrettably, a problem soon arose: following his
discharge from the army and his return to the United States he
couldn't declare his secret account, because he had consistently
failed to include it on his U.S. tax returns. A pillar of his com-
munity, he had to go abroad to spend these gains.
Money continued to trickle into West German firms from
the private investment sector during the late forties, but not
until May 5, 1955, when the Federal Republic of Germany be-
came a sovereign government and the Allied occupation forces
had left, did the enormous sums shifted from the Third Reich
away from threatened Allied seizure become available to those
groups in West Germany that had participated in Martin Bor-
mann's program of flight capital.
Some idea of the liquid assets that had arrived in bulk in
South America during those chancy years was given me by an
SS friend of Bormann who had worked closely with him. On
one day alone, he recalled, while he was standing alongside
Bormann and Mueller and others, he helped unload and list
the contents of one courier pouch. He recorded in excess of
$4.5 million in assorted currencies, diamonds, stocks, and bearer
bonds representing blue chip corporations in Germany, Switzer-
land, Spain, and the United States.
His statement is believable when you consider the discipline
and resourcefulness of a smart group determined to move assets
from one country to another. It can be done even nowadays, as
was illustrated during February 1979, when 25,000 Teheran
Jews fled the Iranian capital with their own flight capital pro-
gram. Those 10,000 who flew directly to Israel arrived at Lod
Airport with treasure that strained the counting capabilities of
Jerusalem banks as Jewish owners disgorged their liquid wealth.
One Jerusalem bank manager reported a record one-day deposit
of $72 million in thousand-dollar bills, and one Persian rug was
declared to be worth $30 million when it was unrolled, revealing
diamonds and gold stitched into the fabric.
By 1956 the three major multinationals (Hoechst, BASF, and
Bayer) reshaped from the 159 companies within Germany that
had comprised I.G. Farben were generating record profits for
the original 450 major Farben stockholders, who had organized
themselves into the I.G. Farben Stockholders Protective Com-
mittee in Bonn. The Big Three went on expanding, tripling
capitalization in 1956 from investment funds that poured in
from the interlocking companies established in safe haven
countries by Martin Bormann and Hermann Schmitz. There
was a return, more vigorous than ever, of the huge, monolithic
industrial multinationals that dominated the German economy
before and during World War II.
Each of these three spinoffs from I.G. Farben today does
more business individually than did Farben at its zenith, when
its corporate structure covered 93 countries. BASF and Bayer
individually boast worldwide sales of nearly $10 billion annually,
while Hoechst, now the world's largest chemical company,
generated $16.01 billion in worldwide sales in 1980. Each does
more business than E.I. du Pont de Nemours, with sales of
$9.4 billion. The United States is, of course, the major market,
one into which these German corporations continue to pour
investment money for both new capital construction and cor-
porate takeovers. BASF and Hoechst have each invested in
excess of $1 billion in such expansions, and chief executive
Herbert Grunewald of Bayer A.G. has said that they plan a
$ 1 billion expansion in the United States within five to ten
years. In Europe, Bayer A.G. is parent of some 380 subsidiary
operations. In the United States, it controls Mobay Chemical,
whose annual sales in 1978 of $779.5 million make it the Bayer
group's most formidable foreign subsidiary. Miles Laboratories
(maker of Alka- Seltzer), Chemagro, Rhinechem, Cutter Labora-
tories, and Harmon Colors are additional Bayer A.G. interests
in this country that Grunewald says he plans to double as part
of his American expansion program.
Together, these three multinationals assure permanent pros-
perity for the original 450 Farben stockholders, their banks, and
the shadowy shareholders of the Bormann organization in South
America who guard and vote the Herman Schmitz trust fund
through intermediaries at the annual meetings of BASF, Bayer,
and Hoechst.
At the most recent annual meetings of these three chemical
giants, West German banks, while not holding substantial direct
investments in these companies, voted proxies on behalf of
more than 80 percent of the shares. Direct industrial holdings
have long been accepted in West Germany as normal bank-
industry ties. While the exact extent and size of a bank's hold-
ings are a closely guarded secret, Hermann Beyer- Fehling of the
Bonn Finance Ministry characterizes the banks as "the largest
power with the most impenetrable connections," which is one
reason the Bormann organization continues to grow in stature
and strength.
As German corporations have moved into the U.S. market,
German banks have not been far behind, and in 1979 Deutsche
Bank, the largest non- American bank in the world, opened its
doors in New York City, and will be a formidable competitor to
American banks. A prime objective will be to service the needs
of the growing number of subsidiaries of German and other
European companies in the United States. But Deutsche Bank,
which will not seek consumer deposits, intends to compete with
America's largest banks for the entire range of corporate busi-
ness, from handling companies' daily cash accounts and short-
term borrowings to piecing together intricate multicurrency
credits and, through a subsidiary, even underwriting corporate
securities offerings. There is no doubt that the Deutsche Bank,
with S79.9 billion in assets and more than 1,100 branches in
Germany and elsewhere in the world, including fiscal strong-
holds throughout South America, will be able to compete suc-
cessfully in the U.S. financial market.
As for Martin Bormann, this now elderly recluse is ever a
keen watcher and manipulator in the silent, gigantic struggles
among worldwide industrial and financial powers. Atop an orga-
nizational pyramid that dominates the industry of West Ger-
many through banks, voting rights enjoyed by majority
shareholders in significant cartels, and the professional input of
a relatively young leadership group of lawyers, investment spe-
cialists, bankers, and industrialists, he is satisfied that he
achieved his aim of helping the Fatherland back on its feet. To
ensure continuity of purpose and direction, a close watch is
maintained on the profit statements and management reports
of corporations under its control elsewhere. This leadership
group of twenty, which is in fact a board of directors, is chaired
by Bormann, but power has shifted to the younger men who
will carry on the initiative that grew from that historic meeting
in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. Old Heinrich Mueller, chief
of security for the NSDAP in South America, is the most feared
of all, having the power of life and death over those deemed
not to be acting in the best interests of the organization.
Some still envision a Fourth Reich. This is but the dream
talk of aging adventurers who will soon pass from the mortal
scene. What will not pass is the economic influences of the
Bormann organization, whose commercial directives are obeyed
almost without question by the highest echelons of West Ger-
man finance and industry. "All orders come from the share-
holders in South America," I have been told by a spokesman
for Martin Bormann.
And, today, how fares Martin Bormann? After a unique life-
time of struggle to the very top, then the years of hiding and
being declared officially dead by the Federal Republic of Ger-
many to absolve them from conducting a manhunt they have
never been impelled to make, Adolf Hitler's heir lives a, life of
ease. He resides in a luxurious estate on an Argentine estancia
— a ranch, so to speak — in the province of Buenos Aires. Seven-
teen percent of all land in this "Queen Province" belongs to 82
family groups, 17 cattle and crop-raising companies, and 20
smaller owners. One ranch comprises 260,000 acres, and a
medium-sized spread is 120,000 acres. Aside from sheep, cattle,
horses, and grain, and the peons who work the land, these
estancias have their own railway stations, churches, hospitals,
telephone and telegraph exchanges, and shops for a handful of
people. The economic power of these propertied families is of
course vast in their own milieu, but it is augmented in the capi-
tal city of Buenos Aires. There the senior family member speaks
for the rest in dealings with banks, investments, and industry,
in Argentina as elsewhere, such as West Germany and the
United States.
To many of these family corporations the acknowledged
benefactor is Martin Bormann, who brought a surge of new
industry to Argentina in the late 1940s, making it possible for
them to broaden and amplify their income base by linking them
into banks, insurance holding companies, and the many indus-
trial firms established by the newly arrived Germans with the
vast sums he sent to Buenos Aires for safe haven.
Bormann is as protected from seizure as the money and in-
vestments he guards, for those he has benefited are grateful.
Simon Wiesenthal, the famed hunter of Nazis, found this out
when traveling to Buenos Aires in search of Bormann. He was
told in no uncertain terms by the Jewish leadership there to
cease stirring up trouble, and to leave the country, which he
did. On a directive from Bormann, Jewish and gentile bankers
and businessmen alike are represented in the management of
German- Argentinian firms, as well as in other West German
corporations in Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, and
Mexico. For these reasons, and because he was not personally
involved in the Holocaust, the Israeli intelligence service no
longer has an interest in the capture of Martin Bormann, who
they too know is alive and well in South America. Mengele, the
infamous doctor of Auschwitz, is another matter. If they could
reach into Paraguay and spirit him away without causing inter-
national political and commercial repercussions, they would do
At eighty, Bormann is preoccupied with writing his memoirs.
Not being a man of intellectual depths, however, he tires quickly
of this self-appointed task. He knows that within himself he has
a revealing and historically important story to tell, but he simply
cannot get all the right words out. He writes with pencil, and his
writing is quickly typed into manuscript form by an elderly
female secretary. Nothing is ever completed, but the pages
pile up, and he knows words are his limitation.
If he were working on action-packed directives, as he did
during the years of the Third Reich, or checking the bottom line
of balance sheets to learn the profits and losses of the 750 cor-
porations he established in his flight- capital program, he would
be the effective man of action, a man in his right milieu.
His thoughts of the past and present are coherent. He speaks
of Albert Speer with disdain, saying that this "technocrat which
we [Hitler and Bormann] made is a traitor to the party. His
memoirs twisted the history of those days out of all proportion."
As for Adolf Eichmann, he tells his intimates, "I told him to
leave Buenos Aires and establish himself somewhere in the
interior. He was always a magnet for Jewish kidnappers seeking
symbolic retribution."
The nearest he ever got to one of Himmler's concentration
camps was the set of photographs (blown up to eleven-by-
fourteen inches) presented to him and the Fuehrer by Reinhard
Heydrich some months after he had opened the first concentra-
tion camp on orders from Goering and Himmler. The sight of
the dead and near-dead rocked Hitler, and the Reichsleiter had
to lead him away from the conference room. Heydrich, a real
butcher who reveled in his task, was never invited to the
Fuehrer's headquarters again. Bormann remembers this incident
clearly but seldom speaks of it. He wants to include in his mem-
oirs something on why the Jews were treated the way they were,
but somehow the words won't come. Perhaps it has to do with
the psychological barrier that surrounded the Fuehrer's head-
quarters in those days. Some knew what was happening; others
made it a point never to inquire. Even Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel, during the collapse of Warsaw, turned a blind eye to
the deportation of Polish Jews whose fate, once deported, did
not occur to him, and he was soon lost in the frenzy of pre-
paring to attack France and the lowlands at the head of his own
Panzer division. Bormann also had his ever-expanding role to
play and he found it convenient to know that the matter was
a "Himmler problem."
Yet the emotional scars are there, the bad memories mixed
with the good. His vast living room on his Argentinian-pampas
ranch is decorated with good mementos of those days: the
Rembrandts and Diirers and other fine paintings that he had
purchased or acquired as gifts over the years for Adolf Hitler.
In his will, dictated and signed on April 29, 1945, in the Fuehrer-
bunker in Berlin, Hitler instructed Reichsleiter Bormann to
keep custody of the paintings, although he expressed the wish
that they be placed in an art gallery in his native town of Linz.
Realizing that this was not practical long before these last days
of Hitler, Bormann had had the Hitler art collection crated
and shipped to South America. Bormann knew that otherwise
they would be seized by the Allies, and he regarded the paintings
as among the treasures of the Third Reich that should likewise
find a safe haven, along with the other forms of wealth he had
been responsible for as party treasurer.
The ruthlessness that characterized Martin Bormann when
he served Hitler and the Third Reich as Reichsleiter did not
disappear when he made it to South America. Everyone wanted
in on the wealth, but he sat on it like the chairman of a bank.
"It belongs to the party, and I am the party treasurer," he would
say, and unless sums requested contributed to the growth of
corporate entities that his organization controlled, the money
would remain in the banks. He wanted no layabouts, and the
news soon spread that he was a tight-fisted leader.
One of the few Nazis in exile who never looked to Bormann
for money was Dr. Mengele, of Auschwitz notoriety. He was
independently wealthy from his family-owned tractor business
in Germany, which had a related assembly plant in Argentina,
and this provided all the means a man in hiding would ever
need, especially in Paraguay.
Bormann can still be a man of towering rages, and when this
happens his associates walk quietly until the mood subsides.
Some Nazi-army veterans in West Germany are occasionally
beguiled by tales of wealth to be had in South America. A story
involving ninety-five tons of gold, supposedly controlled by an
Adolf Hundhammer in Bolivia, became part of the journalistic
legends of 1966. It was read with interest by an officer of the
Gehlen espionage security forces, who then had himself assigned
to South America on a temporary basis. He met with General
Mueller but not Bormann, then went in quiet search of this gold
treasure. Bormann heard about it from Mueller, exploded, then
issued an order for termination. The officer was never seen
again. As Bormann reasoned, if the Gehlen agent failed to find
the gold, he would begin ferreting elsewhere, and who knew
what that could lead to.
Martin Bormann speaks wistfully of returning one day to
the Federal Republic, but realist that he is, he accepts that this
can never be. He did return to Europe in secret for a brief
period in 1948, proceeding first to Spain, then to Switzerland,
where he attended to some of his numbered secret accounts in
Swiss banks. He traveled as Monsignore Augustin von der Lange-
Lanbach, on a forged Vatican passport. Once his new banking
arrangements had been concluded, he visited the grave of his
wife in the monastery of Merano in northern Italy, then re-
turned to Buenos Aires.
He enjoys small intimate parties these days in his well-guarded
pampas home and discussions with his old comrades about the
war, which was lost by such a narrow margin. Winston Chur-
chill's great qualm in 1944 was that Hitler would suddenly
withdraw into Germany all along the perimeters of his defense.
The result might have been a fortress Germany, marking time
for an expanded arsenal of new and terrible weapons to appear,
which would have turned the tide finally for Hitler. Bormann
refers to this today, emphasizing that it was fatally unfortunate
that the Fuehrer did not follow this specific advice of his Gen-
eral Staff. In fact, when Hitler refused, and his forces suffered
twin defeats in the Falaise Gap of Normandy and at Kursk in
the Ukraine, Bormann knew the war was lost, and took the
steps he did, ultimately, to assure an economically resurgent
As the Fuehrer in exile guards the party treasury, and keeps a
close eye on the investments and corporations controlled
through stock ownership by the organization, the leadership in
position today remains relatively young and viable. It is run as
a tight operation insofar as expenses are concerned, and the
team of accountants and business representatives who travel
twice yearly to Europe to check things out must detail all ex-
penses in the manner of normal corporate procedures anywhere.
This team of traveling auditors is accompanied by a covey of
protective security guards provided by SS General Mueller, who
enjoys to this day the title of Reich minister of the interior in
exile. His teams range far afield, even to the United States, when
bottom lines are to be checked out and on-site investments
evaluated. It is said that General Mueller is utterly paranoid
about his possible capture, which is not quite true. As a former
inspector of detectives in Munich who became an old Gestapo
hand when selected for the job by Heydrich, he learned total
caution early, and that is the principle by which he lives today.
As security chief for the Nazi organization in South America
and Europe, General Mueller keeps a close eye on the leader-
ship and on those he feels might threaten them. Israeli agents
who move too closely to these centers of power are eliminated.
One such termination was Fritz Bauer, formerly attorney gen-
eral for the State of Hesse in Frankfurt, a survivor of Auschwitz
and the man who tipped off the Israeli Mossad about the pres-
ence of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, was killed on orders
of General Mueller. His body was found in his bathtub and
listed as "death by heart attack" by the Frankfurt police. The
real cause: cyanide spray that induces heart stoppage without
detection; the same modus operandi that Mueller used to kill
the Bormann stand-ins who were placed in the Berlin freight
yards in late April 1945. Mueller's ruthlessness even today is
what deters Artur Axmann from altering his testimony that he
saw Bormann lying dead on the roadway the night of their
escape from the Fuehrerbunker, May 1-2, 1945. This story had
been composed by Mueller. To this day, Axmann, the only
so-called living witness to the "death" of Bormann in Berlin,
knows his life is in jeopardy if he reverses himself. General
Mueller is thorough and has a long memory, and for a Nazi
such as Axmann to go against Mueller's original directive would
make him a traitor; retribution would surely follow. When I
questioned one SS man who had once worked closely with
Bormann in South America about the Axmann testimony, he
said, "Axmann knows Bormann is in South America. I don't
know why he persists in lying about the fact." He thought a
moment, then went on, "But perhaps he wants to go on living,
which is reason enough."
When these old comrades meet in business and social ses-
sions, they express the hope that one day they can return to the
Fatherland. Bormann the supreme realist knows in his heart
that this can never be. His social gatherings involve interesting
people, including the Jewish business leaders who have served
him well, and who in turn are comfortable indeed. As one Nazi
expressed it in a fit of pique, "Bormann would rather be with
rich Jews than poor Nazis."
Count Zichy-Thyssen, grandson of old Fritz Thyssen, is
looked upon with affection by Martin Bormann, who visits the
Zichy-Thyssens upon occasion. Bormann's eldest daughter is said
to be almost a permanent guest at the Thyssen ranches. As with
the eldest brother, Adolf Martin, the former Jesuit priest, Mar-
tin Bormann strongly wanted at least these first of his children
with him in South America. Adolf, accompanied by his wife,
visits his father from time to time. Daughter "Neumi" never
married and devotes herself to her father in his declining years.
Along with the good life, there is no lessening of safeguards.
They have been on the run for so many years that it is part of
their intrinsic survival pattern to question all strangers and any
overtures. Even the Zichy-Thyssens, who in no way participated
in the rise and fall of the Third Reich as did grandfather Fritz,
evidence anxiety when approached by me with courteous ques-
tions regarding the history of their family and further details
about the life and career of Fritz Thyssen.
Helmut Schmidt, as chancellor, has stated: "It will take fifty
years to forget the Nazi past." The Nazi issue indeed rises
periodically even nowadays, yet there is every indication of a
growing tolerance of the several million who joined the party
before and during World War II but who did not participate
in the excesses of the SS and the concentration camps. In May
1979, Karl Carstens was elected president of the Federal Repub-
lic of Germany; this choice of the electorate followed election
of the previous president, Walter Scheel; both were former
Pervasive unease remains a characteristic of the nation, de-
spite the stunning material achievements and its enviably solid
economy. Perhaps this insecurity has its roots in memories of
two sweeping defeats in this century, as well as the strain of
having to live with the secrets of the Martin Bormann program
for more than four decades, the secrets that enabled the West
German leadership to stage one of history's most resounding
comebacks in the arena of international commerce.
Martin Bormann knows this to be so, and confides to his inti-
mates that while he can never return to Germany, his lines of
communication remain ever open.. This man, who legally suc-
ceeded Hitler and therefore is the leader of over several million
NSDAP members in South America and Germany, demon-
strated the ultimate in clout in 1971, when he summoned the
president of the Federal Republic of Germany, then Walter
Scheel, and the latter's wife Mildred, to Bolivia, whence they
quickly returned to Europe with a newly adopted one-year-old
boy who bore the first name Simon-Martin. The child, now
eleven years of age, is being reared and educated in one of
Germany's most influential families. The belief is, of course, that
he is a son of Martin Bormann, who insisted that this child of
his old age be brought up as an upper-class German in his
Fatherland and receive appropriate advantages befitting a son
of the leading Nazi.
Is Martin Bormann proud of his achievement? Indeed he is.
A man of many moods, which can be traced to an exile of
thirty-five years from his homeland, and suffering the physical
vagaries that go with a robust but eighty-year-old body, he turns
cheerful when commenting on the economic leadership of the
Federal Republic of Germany. He didn't do it all, he admits, but
the economic bastions of power that he established in the neu-
tral nations of the world in 1944 were the bedrock enabling the
West German government to rise from defeat, once they had
again become masters of their destiny after the Treaty of Paris
in 1954.
The Bormann organization continues to wield enormous eco-
nomic influence. Wealth continues to flow into the treasuries
of its corporate entities in South America, the United States,
and Europe. Vastly diversified, it is said to be the largest land-
owner in South America and through stockholdings controls
German heavy industry and the trust established by the late
Hermann Schmitz, former president of I.G. Farben, who held
as much stock in Standard Oil of New Jersey as did the Rocke-
In 1980 Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said West Germany was
the greatest commercial and financial power in the world today
after the United States. He declared that West Germany's eco-
nomic strength was its essential international lever. "For some
years now our economic policy had been simultaneously our
foreign policy."
This theme delights Bormann as he talks with intimates in
the well-guarded privacy of his pampas ranch house. A former
CIA contract pilot, who once flew the run into Paraguay and
Argentina to the Bormann ranch, described the estate as remote,
"worth your life unless you entered their air space with the
right identification codes." Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen,
grandson of old Fritz Thyssen, Claudio Zichy-Thyssen, and
their families are intimate friends of Bormann. Because of this
friendship, Martin Bormann has three sanctuaries: his own
pampas spread in Argentina and the Thyssen ranches in Argen-
tina and Paraguay.
His eldest daughter caters to his wishes and sees to his com-
fort. "Neumi" possesses a collection of diaries and photographs
from her childhood to the present. One picture, taken when she
was two years old in Germany, is today simply captioned,
"Daddy trimming the Christmas tree, 1942."
Always behind her is the guiding hand of General Heinrich
Mueller, the gray eminence of security for the NSDAP and its
leader in exile. For Neumi is officially listed as dead, a device
that has been utilized six times by Mueller on behalf of Bor-
mann, according to the Israeli Mossad.
In a lifetime of struggle, vast power, and escape, Martin
Bormann in his last years can point to one unchallengeable
accomplishment: with the war lost, the goal he envisioned on
August 10, 1944, a postwar commercial campaign aimed at
bringing Germany back to the forefront of world economic
leadership, is won.
Abs, Hermann Josef, 67, 69, 72,
74, 86, 87, 261, 269, 277-79
Adenauer, Konrad, 13, 115,
235, 269, 277
Adolf Hitler Endowment Fund
of German Industry, 43-44
Albensleben, Hans Rodo von, 41,
Altaian, Klaus (Barbie, Klaus),
Ardennes, 131
Argentinian Secret Police, 205-
Arnold, Elting, 149
Arnold, General Henry H.
("Hap"), 107
A.T.&T., 76
Auslands-Organisation, 51-53
Avieny, Wihelm, 68
Axmann, Artur, 177, 289, 290
Badoglio, Field Marshal Pietro,
BASF (Badische Anilin und
Soda-Fabrik), 282, 283
Bauer, Fritz, 289
Baumann, Hans, 219
Bayer, Friedrich, &Co., 58, 83,
148, 161, 220, 251, 283
Beaverbrook, Lord, 103, 115
Bell Laboratories, 76
Below, Nicholaus von, 169
Ben-Gurion, David, 195
Bergold, Friedrich, 15
Bernadotte, Count, 168
Besymenski, L., 13
Bigart, Homer, 110
Big Three, 258
Blaschke, Hugo, 16, 182
Blumenthal, Michael W., 275
Blye, P. W., 76
Boernicke, Helmut, 67
Bohle, Ernst Wilhelm, 51, 53
Bohlen, Krupp von, 42
Bolat, Gerhard, 12
Bormann, Adolf Martin, 18, 290
Bormann, Albert, 15, 39
Bormann, Gerda, 18, 40, 45, 288
Bormann, Neumi, 290, 292
Bosse, Dr., 26, 27
Boussac, Marcel, 31
Bracken, Brendan, 48, 49
Brandt, Willy, 15, 261, 276, 277
Braun, Eva, 16, 44, 45, 162, 169,
171, 172, 175
Brombacher, Hermann, 81, 82
Brooke, Alan, 95
Brown, Anthony Cave, 108, 109
Bruce, David, 92
Buch, Hermann, 274
Buch, Walter, 40, 45
Buna Process, 55, 153
Buschwerke, 25
Bussing, 25
Butting (Auslands-Organisation
leader), 52
Cadogan, Alec, 94
Carroll Gibbons Orchestra, 101
Canaris, Wilhelm, 76, 84, 251
Carstens, Karl, 291
Casablanca Conference, 107
CBS News, 19, 272, 273
Charlotte, Grand Duchess of
Luxembourg, 154-55
Chase Bank, 71, 72, 139, 205
Chemie, I. G, 117, 119, 159
Churchill, Clementine, 49, 50,
Churchill, Diana, 49, 50
Churchill, Mary, 49, 50
Churchill, Sarah, 49, 50
Churchill, Winston, 12, 47, 48,
50, 63, 76, 82, 83, 90, 92-95,
99, 105-06, 109, 112, 116, 165,
166, 191,251
CIA, 13, 16,211-13,273
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 149
Clay, Lucius D., 180
Commerzbank, 33,43, 53,
67, 70, 78, 80, 135, 258
Cronkite, Walter, 101, 110
Dahl, Hauptman, 142, 143
Daily Express (London), 17
Daniels, Ray, 101
De Gaulle, Charles, 63, 71, 103,
De Guingand, Francis, 108, 109
De Loes, Charles, 160
De Fortes, Helen, 99
Degrelle, Leon, 202
Denton, Scott, 110
Deutsche Hilfsverein, 198, 199
Deutsche Sudamerikanische
Bank, 58, 59, 137
Deutsche Bank, 3, 43, 53, 59,
65-70, 72-75, 78, 79, 83, 84,
118, 135, 137-39,155, 160, 161,
205, 239, 244, 258, 277, 279,
Dieppe, 95
Dirksen, Everett, 269
Dodd, Thomas J., 265, 269, 270
Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl,
14, 104-07, 167, 168, 170-73,
179, 183-85
Donovan, William J., 91, 92, 146,
Dornier, 67
Dresdnerbank, 33, 43, 53, 54, 58,
67-70, 78, 79, 83, 155, 137, 155,
Dulles, Allen W., 91, 92, 251,
253, 254
Eaker, General Ira, 107, 109, 110
Echtman, Fritz, 16, 182
Eden, Anthony, 47,82,83
Eichmann, Adolf, 14, 200, 201,
210, 227, 286, 289
Eisenhower, DwightD., 115,
165-67, 183, 184
El Fenix Sudamericano Cia., 149
Ellis, Charles Howard, 76, 77
Erhard, Ludwig, 235, 277
Fainsode, Merle, 14
Farben, I.G, 28, 32, 33, 42, 44,
54-59, 67, 69, 81, 83-85, 114,
117, 118, 132, 134, 147, 148,
153, 156-58, 160, 220, 257,
277, 280, 282-83
Federal Communications Com-
mission, 223
Felisiak, Juan, 206, 208, 210
Fest, Joseph C, 46
First, William, 251,252
Fischbock, Hans, 75
Rick Friedrich, 153, 236-39, 241,
Ford Motor Company, 85, 86
Four-Year Plan (German), 75,
Franco, Francisco, 84
Frank, Hans, 189
Franke, Christian, 68
Frankfurter, Felix, 93
Friedeburg, Admiral von, 183-84
Friedman, Elizabeth, 223
Friedman, William, 223
Freudenberg, Richard, 157
Frezza, Pino, 205, 208
Frick, Wilhelm, 189
Funk, Walther, 44, 69
Gauff, Horst, 17
Gehlen, Reinhard, 13, 180, 212,
Geisler, Paul, 170
General Aniline &Film, 159, 160,
General Motors, 66
George VI, King of England, 48
German-American Bund, 53
German Marshall Fund, 261
Giese, Walter, 225
Gisevius, Hans Bernd, 251
Gissling, Dr., 53
Goebbels, Joseph, 29, 44-46, 51,
145, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172,
218, 242
Goering, Hermann, 29, 42, 44-
46, 144, 145, 159, 167, 168, 170,
Grace, Peter W, 241
Grace, W. R & Co., 240, 241
Greim, Rittervon, 171-72
Greutert, Edouard, 115-18
Guderian, Heinz, 140, 149
Hamburg-Amerika Line, 25, 43,
79, 133
Hamilton, Duke of, 47-48
Hanke, Karl, 170
Hess, Rudolf, 43, 45, 47-49, 51,
90, 92, 243, 251
Heusemann, Kaete, 182
Heuser, Karl Heinz, 68
Heydrich, Reinhard, 46, 89, 91,
159, 167, 170, 180, 191, 200,
Hill, Gladwin, 110
Himmler, Heinrich, 29, 43-45,
63, 64, 87, 88, 90-92, 153, 159,
166-69, 175, 191, 254, 272, 274,
Hindenburg, Paul von, 42
Hirohito, Emperor, 120-28
Hiroshima, 126
Hirschweh, Peter Edel, 181
Hitler, Adolf, 28, 29, 37-39, 42-
47, 51, 56, 57, 73, 77, 84, 85,
87, 92, 93, 102-04, 113, 117,
125, 126, 131, 140, 166-74, 182,
191, 198, 204, 259, 254, 286,
Hoechst (Farbwerke vorm. Meis-
ter Lucius und Bruening), 257
Hofer, Andreas, 145
Hoffmann, Heinrich, 44
Hoover, J. Edgar, 204, 205, 215-
17, 219-21
Hopkins, Harry, 93
Humphrey, Hubert H., 269
Huncke, Heinrich, 68
Hundhammer, Adolf, 288
Ilgner, Max, 54, 57, 120, 158
Interhandel, 159, 160
Irving Trust Co., 139
Jackson, Robert H., 204
Jander, Walter, 68
Javits, Jacob, 269
Jodl, General Alfred, 183-85, 190
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 141, 144,
Keating, Kenneth, 269
Kehrl, Hans, 73
Keitel, Wilhelm, 47, 172, 189
Kennedy, Robert F., 161
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert,
KGB, 13, 273
Kido,, Koichi, 121-28
Kiesinger, Kurt George, 277-78
Kirdorf, Emil, 41
Kitzmiller, Oden Lester, 273
Klarsfeld, Beate, 211
Klein, Julius, 265-70, 274
Koenigs, Gustav, 79
Kollek, Teddy, 195
Kolonie Waldner, 214
Kriendler, Mac, 110
Krupp, 25, 58, 81, 83, 132, 237
Lazard Freres, 72
LeLong, Lucien, 31
Levitt, William, 195
Lewis, Flora, 271
Ley, Robert, 46, 189
Link, Edwin, 143, 144
Lukacs, John, 52, 100
Lusitania, 115, 116
MacArthur, Douglas, 124, 12
Mandl, Fritz, 148
"Magic" (U.S. code breaker),
122, 126
Maier, Julius, 68
Manufacturers Hanover Trust,
139, 205
Marshall, General George C.,
166, 234
Marshall Plan, 19, 147
Martin Bormann Nazi Party
Committee on Banking, 67-68
Marty, Georg Wilhelm, 58, 59
Mathes, Robert C, 76
Mendel, Bernhard, 220
Mengele, Josef, 207, 209, 210,
213, 286, 288
Menzies, Stewart Graham, 76,
Merkers "Trove," 232
Messerschmidt, Willy, 25, 236
Middleton, Drew, 101
Miedel, Alois, 144, 145
Mitsui, 28
Model, Field Marshal, 158
Moffet, Jay Pierrepont, 93
Morgan Guaranty Trust, 71, 72,
Morgenthau, Henry, 93, 149
Mossad, 177, 180, 183, 209
Mueller, Heinrich, 11, 17, 76, 77,
87-90, 92, 140, 141, 175-77,
179, 180-83, 185, 192, 193,
196-200, 202, 211-13, 215, 254,
272-74, 282, 284, 288-90, 292
Mundt, Karl, 269
Munich Reinsurance Co., 80, 149
Murrow, Edward R, 18, 101, 102
Mussolini, Benito, 63, 149, 172
Nagasaki, 126
Nasser, Colonel, 212
National City Bank 139, 159, 205
NBC News, 215
Neuhausler, Johannes, 15
Nixon, Richard M., 174, 275
Nixon, Russell A., 156, 231, 232
Norden bombsight, 107, 108
Norddeutscher Lloyd, 43
Nuremberg Trials, 12, 15, 58, 72,
127, 190-92, 200, 205
ODESSA, 193-96, 198, 209
Ohnsorge, Dr., 77
O.I W. (German High Com-
mand), 81
O.K.W., 84
Oldfield, Barney, 236
Operation Bear, 91, 93
Operation Overlord, 94
Oshima, Hiroshi, 121
Osram, 134
OSS, 91, 92, 126, 146, 219, 220,
222, 223, 245
Pannwitz, Heinz, 89, 90
Papen, Franz von, 42
Patton, General George S., 115,
157, 165, 166
Pauley, Edwin W., 123
Paznanska, Sophie, 89
Pearl Harbor, 71, 94, 125
Pehlejohn, 150, 151, 153
Perez, Richard Henry, 273
Peron, Juan, 203-05, 211, 221
Philby, Kim, 91
Phillips of Eindhoven, 75, 77
Pierce, Lawrence Walter, 275
Pompidou, Georges, 104, 211
Porsche, Ferdinand, 236, 281
Post, Robert, 110, 111
Potter, Ralph K, 76
Pyle, Ernie, 101
Qadhafi, Colonel, 212
Rafelsberger, Walter, 68
Rebozo, Bebe, 275
Red Orchestra, 91
Reitsch, Hanna, 171, 172
Resistance (French and Belgian),
Reston, Scotty, 101
Reves, Emery, 244
Reynaud, Paul, 99
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 87, 91,
137, 145, 173, 189
Richter, Wolfgang, 68
Rochling, Hermann, 28, 134
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin,
173, 174, 287
Rooney, Andy, 110
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 50, 63, 71,
76, 82, 93, 94, 109, 166, 170, 216
Roper, H. Trevor, 12, 14, 16, 38,
Rossbach, Gerhard (Freikorps),
40, 252, 253
Rothschild Freres, 68, 72, 104,
144, 154
Sachsenhausen, 17
Schacht, Hj aimer, 212, 251
Schaefer, Alfred, 160
Scheel, Walter and Mildred, 291
Scheid, Dr., 23-26
Schellenberg, Walter, 39, 87, 167
Schieber, Walter, 68
Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, 274, 275
Schmidt, Helmut 259, 275 290,
Schmidt, OMS, 146, 148-54
Schmitz, Hermann, 42, 66, 67,
113-18, 120, 122, 132, 135,
157-59, 161, 279, 280, 282, 292
Schnitzler, Georg von, 28-29, 42
Schroeder, Kurt von, 42, 44, 69,
Seyss-Inquart, Arturvon, 173, 190
Shawcross, Lord, 72
Siemens, 44, 66, 82, 85, 134, 148,
156, 259, 277
Simpson, Colin, 116
Skorzeny, Otto, 63, 212
Smith, Walter Bedell, 184, 232,
Sognnaes, ReidarF., 16
Sohl, Hans-Gunther, 256
Spaatz, Carl A., 107, 112
Speer, Albert, 28, 38, 41, 45, 56,
64, 113, 168, 226, 286
Standard Oil, 28, 159
Stars & Stripes, 196
Stalin, Josef, 46, 49, 63, 82, 88,
91-94, 166
Stephenson, William, 76, 77
Stroessner, President, 215, 273
Strossner, Dr., 25
Stumpfegger, Ludwig, 16, 176
Sturzenegger, Hans, & Co., 118,
135, 160
Sullivan and Cromwell (law firm),
Summersby, Kay, 184
Taft, Robert A, 190
Taylor, Telford, 190
Tefs, Rudolf, 53
Teheran Conference, 93, 95
Textile Mills Securities, 264
Thyssen, August, 246, 247, 263,
Thyssen, Fritz, 41, 148, 156, 160,
161, 237, 242-48, 250-57, 262,
263, 290, 292
Thyssen-Bomernisza, Heinrich,
237, 262, 263
Tojo, Hideki, 125
Trevenfels, Hermann von, 40
Trepper, Leopold, 88-90
Truman, Harry S., 123, 194, 204
Truscott, Lucian K., Jr., 115
Ulbricht, Walter, 178
"Ultra" (code breaker system),
105, 106
U-20, 116
Unione Corse, 143
U.S. -Japan Foundation, 262
Versailles, Treaty of, 24
Vetterlein, Herr, 77
Vereignigte Glanzstoff, 73, 74
Vereinigte Stahlwerke, 59, 79,
132, 249, 250
Vlissinger, Fentner van, 73-74
Volkswagen, 25, 236, 259, 275,
Wade, William, 110
Wagner, Walter, 171
Wallenburg, Jacob, 133, 151
Wallenburg, Marcus, 133, 151
Wallenburg, Raoul, 151
Wendland, Hans, 145
Wenzel, Johann, 89
Westrick, Ludger, 270
Wiitney, Jock, 110
Wiedemann, 53
Wiesenthal, Simon, 14, 16, 17,
Winterhilfe, 44, 59
Wolff, Karl, 44
Woollcott, Alexander, 102
Worms &Cie., 71, 140
'Writing 69th," 110
X System, 76
Yalta Conference, 166
Yamamoto, Admiral, 125
Yokohama Specie Bank, 122
Zichy-Thyssen, Claudio, 257, 292
Zichy-Thyssen, Federico, 237, 242,
257, 262, 290, 292
Zhukov, Marshal Georgi, 167
Zichy, Countess, 246, 257